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Kingfisher airlines will not buy liquor tycoon of India Vijay Mallya had a growing share in aviation

industry with wide number of destinations and awards. It adopted innovative ideas to attract its
customers. It Achieved remarkable success by offering a comfortable flying experience to its
passengers. Its main was customer satisfaction.

The company has been posting deficits since the company started flights in 2005. In 2007 the
company acquired Air Deccan, which was moreover like adding fuel to the fire. It was assumed that
Vijay Mallya and his staff managed to fail to pursue the airlines with diligence and that it was this
transaction that brought down his reign. The purchase of Air Deccan and the actions that followed
gave the company a loss of above 10 billion (US$ 140 million) for 3 successive years.

In Indian aviation sector kingfisher airline had a short life span but had a long-lasting impression. In
the year 2005 the company introduced four new airbuses to start its commercial operations. The
airbuses flew between Delhi and Mumbai. In the year 2011 the airlines company experienced
monetary crisis. Considering the brand reputation of the company many private and public sector
banks provided loans to which Vijay Mallya was unable to recover. The private sector banks could
recover his loan, but the public sector banks could not.

In this report we have tried to analyze the rise and fall of the kingfisher and have attempted to
emphasize the reasons for fall and rise, in connection with its strengths and weaknesses.

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