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Number : 19.2310 0292
Title : Pedagogic Competence of Islamic Religious Education Teachers
In Applying Varied Learning Methods at State Junior High
Schools in Sibolga City
Year : 2021

The process of learning Islamic religious education carried out during the
COVID-19 pandemic caused many problems. It is expected that Islamic religious
education teachers have pedagogic competence. Islamic religious education
teachers must be able to apply a variety of learning methods, even though it is a
distance learning process. The pedagogic competence of Islamic religious
education teachers in applying various learning methods as the focus of the
problem in this research which was conducted at SMP Negeri Se-Sibolga City.
Based on the background of the problem above, the purpose of this study
is to determine the pedagogic competence of Islamic religious education teachers
in applying various learning methods, learning methods that are often applied by
Islamic religious education teachers, and the supporting and inhibiting factors
faced by Islamic religious education teachers. in applying various learning
methods at State Junior High Schools in Sibolga City.
Data collection in this researcher uses a qualitative approach with
descriptive methods. Sources of data in this study are primary and secondary data
sources. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and
documentation. Analysis of the data used with qualitative descriptive analysis.
Based on the research findings, it can be stated that the pedagogic
competence of Islamic religious education teachers in applying various learning
methods in SMP Negeri Sibolga begins with making learning plans at the
beginning of the learning year, carrying out learning using class rooms,
WhatsApp, google forms, messengers and evaluation of learning outcomes is
carried out every meeting with three aspects that are assessed as affective,
cognitive and skills. The methods that are often applied by Islamic religious
education teachers are the lecture method, question and answer using the Google
Meet or Google Classroom application, and the assignment method using the
WhatsApp application, Google forms, and the Practice Method via video
messenger. Supporting factors are the ability of teachers and students to use
learning media and the availability of teaching media tools for teachers and
students and the availability of packages from the Ministry of Education and
Culture and from schools. Inhibiting factors are signals that are not evenly
distributed, the availability of student learning media tools, responses from
students who are not good (less interest in learning).


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