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College of Teacher Education

Subject Code: AS4 ECE 3

Subject Description: Health, Nutrition, and Safety
Time: 4:00-5:30PM
Day: Monday/Thursday
Course Instructor: ELVIN A. DIANTAN, MAED- ECE

Indoor Environment: Designing and Organizing

Directions: Watch the 22- minute classroom demo teaching of Teacher Rose
Ann and answer the following questions.

1. How did the teacher start the class?

 The teacher starts the class by greeting the pupils and asking if
they are ready for the class, after that the teacher asked the
pupils to make a big circle for exercising. They Dance and also,
they sang the song about “Maaraw ba o Maulan”.
2. What preliminary activities did the teacher use in her
 The Preliminary Activities that the teacher used in her teaching
were Connect the Dot in this activity the pupil will find the
Mommy animal and connect it to baby animal, Next Activity was
Puzzle of the different Animals, and Land and water activity in
this activity they will identify if the animals live in water or in
land. Lastly, a card with letters, the pupil will try to separate
which is the baby letter (small letter) and which is the Mommy
letter (Big letter) and they will put a clip on it after identifying
which are the baby letter.
3. How was the transition of activities of the teacher from one
part of her lesson to another?
 The transition of activities from one part of her lesson to another
was smooth because after Learning about Animals, kinds of
animals, and doing activities the teacher has a chart that
indicates of her lesson, it was arranged step by step so, when
she asked one of her pupils to point out what is their next going
to do. The pupil points the chart that indicates of Recess time.
So, they Pray and eat their baon or Lunch. After that the next
lesson based on their chart was Story telling.
4. What have you observed with the arrangement of furniture
inside the classroom?
 I Observed that the furniture was well arrange and organize. The
TV is in the Center of the Blackboard which means all of the
students can watch or can see what is being shown on TV. Also,
the Curtain of the classroom was light color and it’s good for the
eye of the students.
5. Were the children comfortable with their seating
arrangements? What made you say so?
 I think the seating arrangements was a bit uncomfortable for
children especially in the middle, because as we can see in the
video it’s like crowded for pupils. If they put their bag beside
them the other children cannot pass through, they cannot move
easily. The boys in the middle will get a hard time to turn their
chair just to write and turn again to listen to their teacher.
6. How did the teacher design and organize the materials for
independence, easy use and learning?
 I saw the design of the materials in her classroom and it’s nice
that children can easily access the material, at the back of the
classroom I saw that the teacher put a label of Materials for her
pupils, there’s a blue containers, Red Containers, and Green
Containers and I think the materials was segregate and separate
by the color of the container. So, it was well organized how the
teacher design the materials for children they can get it on their
own, no need to as for help because it is open and accessible for
7. Are the indoor environments engaging and well- organized
for kindergarten?
 Yes, the indoor environment for kindergarten was engaging and
well-organized, they can see designs of heart, a chart that has
animals printed on it, the alphabet was paste on the wall, and
well-organized materials for easy access, her classroom is safe
and secure it’s an area where all learning experiences take place.
We know kindergarten are vulnerable so, we need a classroom
that are safe for children and make them feel that they are
belong in the class. As we can see in the video her classroom is
good for children or kindergarten.
8. How did the teacher come up with spaces for group
activities, storage and display?
 For group activities the Table and chair were move to have a
bigger place for everyone, the storage is good for kindergarten
because it is not messy, like I said earlier it is well-organized.
While the display of her classroom was quite good because I can
see educational display like charts, books, Alphabets, the
mission and vision were paste on the wall. The furniture was in
the rights place, there’s no hazardous for children in
9. Did the teacher incorporate provocation in designing her
 Yes, the design of her classroom can provoke the interest, ideas,
gain knowledge, and it encourage children to think
independently. Every corner of the classroom has design of
educational materials or charts, pictures that can help children to
10.If you were the teacher, what will you do to further improve
the classroom?
 If I were the teacher, I will re-arrange the seating arrangement
because I really disagree on how the teacher design her table
and chairs. I will give more space for my pupils, so, that it’s not
crowded for them, if I give them more space, they can easily
move their body and decreased heat. Because we know children
sweat quickly, therefore it’s a good idea to give them
comfortable seating arrangement.

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