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© 2014, 2015 The Divine Black Flame of Satan

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The publisher, author as well as anyone
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The Book of the
Divine Black
Flame of Satan
Vrykolakas Oriax, Magus V°
“Lucifer is inside me and do you know
what he says? He says I am the Son of
Man, and more, the Son of God, and
more, God” - from the film The Last
Temptation of Christ
Parts 1 & 2: A Testament of Satanic


CHAPTER I: Defining Satanism

CHAPTER II: The Sigil of Baphomet

CHAPTER III: Satan-Lucifer

CHAPTER IV: "Reality"

CHAPTER V: The Presence of Satan

CHAPTER VI: Regarding Devil-Worship

CHAPTER VII: On Animal Sacrifice

CHAPTER VIII: The Luciferian Gene

CHAPTER IX: Astral Projection

CHAPTER X: Dedication to Satan

CHAPTER XI: Communion with the
Prince of Darkness

CHAPTER XII: Satanic Hierarchy

CHAPTER XIII: The Problem of Atheism

CHAPTER XIV: Words of Wisdom

CHAPTER XV: The Old Ways

CHAPTER XVI: Affiliation with Our


CHAPTER XVII: Welcoming Satan as the

Divine Black Flame

CHAPTER XVIII: The Nature of Black

Part 3: Satanic Vampyrism

CHAPTER I: Destroying Popular


CHAPTER II: The Philosophy of


CHAPTER III: The Practice of Vampyrism

CHAPTER IV: The Nameless Ones –

Vampyric Spirits

Part 4: Direct Communion with the



THE DOCUMENT: Direct Communion

with the One
Part 5: Swords of Death

CHAPTER I: Regarding the Release of

Life-force in Ritual

CHAPTER II: An Essence of Satan


CHAPTER III: Infernal Meditation

CHAPTER IV: Spell of Destruction

CHAPTER V: Chaos Infinite

Part 1: A Testament of Satanic


"I have discovered Satan as a very real

metaphysical conscious Presence and Force. I do
not expect anyone else to automatically
understand or even comprehend this as of yet,
simply because they may lack that experience or
evidence themselves. Even from a completely
rational perspective, I can no longer accept
"Atheism" as a realistic worldview or possibility,
and have found that explanation of reality to be
in error. I have now fully embarked upon the
Path of Spiritual Lawlessness. I adhere to no
dogma or creed that is against My own Will -
which is manifested by the Most High – the
embodiment of Lucifer. The Isolation from the
profane world, its sheep and all of their dogmatic
manifestations, and "Do What Thou Wilt" shall
now be my only code of true Satanic Freedom."
Ave Satanas!
So it is done.
Vrykolakas Oriax, Magus V°
CHAPTER I: Defining Satanism

For centuries, Satanism has been defined, re-

defined and re-packaged many times. Before
mid-1900 C.E., Satanism was always viewed as
a theistic practice, with the belief in a literal
Devil, demons, black magic, witchcraft,
conjurings and all of the things that naturally
come to mind when someone hears the term
"Satanism". When Anton Szandor LaVey
created The Church of Satan in 1966, things
began to change. A newer, philosophical
perspective of Satanism was born. The Satanic
Bible released in 1969 and written by Anton
Szandor LaVey, not only laid down a practical
philosophy in the first half of the book, but left
the second part of it open to the theory and
practice of Lesser (manipulative) and Greater
(ceremonial) Magic. For the first 14 years or so
of the Church of Satan's existence, it continued
in a more honest Satanic fashion.
Around 1975, a Magister Templi IV° in the
Church of Satan known as Michael A. Aquino
started to notice some major contradictions and
fallacies within the overall view of the Church of
Satan. They became more and more a group of
people who claimed to not view Satan as a literal
entity that existed in reality, but rather as a
symbol to be used during Greater Magic Ritual
as a point of focus. The Church of Satan from
that point on claimed themselves as "atheists"
(publicly at least) and viewed Magic as nothing
more than mere psychodrama in order to vent
one's personal frustrations. Michael A. Aquino
felt betrayed by this change of policy, and left to
form his own organization known as the Temple
of Set, which was based around an Ancient
Egyptian Deity of the same name - Set.

The main problem and contradiction with the

Church of Satan metaphysics lies in this : while
some view their Magical efforts as simply
psychological release, others noticed actual
tangible results from their practices. If they have
now denied Satan as being anything real, where
do these Magical "results" come from? And
further - why continue to utilize the term
"Satanist" to describe yourself when you no
longer acknowledge Satan as something in
actual existence? Some argue that they "believe
it in the ritual chamber, and dis-believe it outside
the ritual chamber". This is not a clear
metaphysical view, but one born out of
confusion and contradiction. "You cannot have
your cake and eat it too!"

Either the Prince of Darkness is real or he isn't.

You are either Theistic or you are an Atheist.
You cannot be both at the same time! There is no
middle-ground on this. To say otherwise is the
most obvious of hypocrisy - and further - if you
somehow do view Magic as something real and
tangible, why throw out the baby with the
bathwater? Where is this Source of Magic then
coming from? If your answer is that it simply
comes from your physical brain, then you are in
error. The brain is a physical construct that lies
within the skull of the human being. There is
something else that exists that is causing Magic
to produce things in actuality. Do I really need to
be so obvious as to provide that answer for you,
dear Satanist?

Within The Divine Black Flame of Satan, as an

organization, we do not uphold such
contradicting and self-deceptive philosophies. If
Magic works, it works, and there is no rational
reason to try to prove to yourself it doesn't
(especially after you have already acknowledged
that it does work) - that is - unless you take
enjoyment in lying to yourself.

We also do not feel the need to hide in the

shadows of the public, fearing discrimination of
our belief in an actual Satan. What type of
"Satanist" must hide his true beliefs among
friends and especially other Satanists? This does
not mean that we must not sometimes lie or twist
the truth in the face of certain people (such as
family, professional relationships etc.) if it will
harm us in some manner – to do otherwise
would simply be self-defeating. However,
Satanism as a religion need not lie to its own
followers nor should they lie to themselves.

So here is Our definition of Satanism, as We

view it, from reality as it is :

Satan, the Prince of Darkness, is a real, existing

Entity and the only people that truly deserve the
title of Satanist are those that acknowledge this
fact! We fully believe in and acknowledge Satan
as the True God of this World and Black Magic
is our direct line of Communion with that Entity.

It is time to strip away your blind-folds of deceit

and step into the Gates of Hell, the Kingdom of
Darkness and Shadows, and discover what IS!

"Once you cross the Abyss there is no turning

CHAPTER II: The Sigil of Baphomet

This is the description of the Sigil of Baphomet

in its "pure" form, which originally contained the
names "Samael and Lilith" within the Sigil,
which is the symbol we use for this organization.
I will not go into the more obscure details of the
use of it in the Knight's Templar, only from the
practical use of it in Satanism.

Each point of the pentacle represents an element

(Earth, Air, Fire, Water) with the fifth being
"Spirit". The pentacle facing up turns the head of
Man's consciousness (spirit) to God. Turned
upside down it turns it to Satan - the "Prince of
this World". This creates the shape of the Goat
identified with Satan. The top two points
creating the horns of the Devil with the bottom
three points together representing the denial of
the Holy Trinity. Samael and Lilith are the
masculine/feminine aspects of Satan; with
Leviathan (written in Hebrew encircled around
the Sigil) representing the Deeper Subconscious.
It must be noted however that the many "names"
of Satan are simply different aspects of Satan
himself, and not to be seen as "separate" or
"distinct" entities. The Prince of Darkness is
multi-faced and takes many forms.
CHAPTER III: Satan-Lucifer

I define Satan-Lucifer, which is the The

Adversary, as the Source of Consciousness that
exists beyond space-time, and is the Prince of
this World. The Darkness is the representation of
Satan, and the Light is the representation of
Lucifer - yet they are One. Thus, only through
Darkness itself, do we obtain true enlightenment.

Our own self-consciousness and self-awareness

is a way of the universe becoming aware of itself
and we are all connected through that same
Source, yet are perceiving it through subjective
experience. Most human beings are unaware of
this reality, and thus remain in a state of
confusion and lack the conscious link to this
Source that is required for Dark Gnosis to take
place. They are either closed off to the
possibility of something existing beyond the
material/physical due to mental blocks, lack
personal experience or evidence in such, or have
fallen prey to false ideologies and the lies in
faiths such as Judeo-Christianity.

This personal transcendence of space-time and

experience of The Adversary can only be
achieved by personal commitment, through the
practice of Black Magic in Communion with
Satan himself. The true meaning of Occult is
"hidden", thus the revealing of the Satanic God
also remains hidden to those who do not make
the effort to experience it themselves. This path
is not for everyone, and the majority of humanity
may see but a glimpse of the larger reality as it

Satanism is rather liberating to me personally,

but I am of the Darker Vibration, thus I accept
the reality of the universe as it is : love and hate,
peace and war, pleasure and pain, spiritual and
carnal etc. Lucifer as the Light-Bringer is the
Bringer of Knowledge of both Dark and Light,
thus I deny Dualism and see the opposites as
aspects of a unified reality (such as in the yin-
yang symbol), beyond good and evil.

Duality is an illusion. There is ONE Source (The

Prince of Darkness), thus I do not believe in the
traditional "Abrahamic God".

Many people wonder how you can believe in

Satan but not God and that answer lies in what I
just described - beyond good and evil.

"How can you call yourself a Satanist? Isn't

Satan a creation of Judeo-Christianity?"

No, that is an incorrect assumption. Satan in

Hebrew literally translates to "adversary" or
"one who opposes" thus Satan is the ENEMY of
Judeo-Christianity. However, the Prince of
Darkness is actually pre-Christian and shows up
in every culture, religion and mythology
throughout human history. Judeo-Christianity
did not invent this. The roots of The Adversary
lie in Ancient Babylonian, Sumerian, Vedic,
Persian and Egyptian religions. The most
Ancient forms of the Adversary being the
Babylonian Tiamat, the Great Chaos Dragon,
and Set, the Egyptian God of Darkness, the
Desert, Storms and Chaos. Set was also known
as Seth and Set-hen. Ahriman is another form of
the Adversary from Ancient Middle Persia.

There are many records of devil-worship sects

and cults from B.C.E. that date back much
further than Judaism. So the "lie" that Satanism
is a creation of Judeo-Christianity is shattered by
these such records.

Satan is, was, and forever shall be.

CHAPTER IV: "Reality"

Since objective reality is merely signals sent to

our brain from our senses, objective reality is
only experienced through subjective
consciousness and the world only appears to us
how it is perceived, not how the world actually
is. For example, the human brain cannot tell the
difference between a dream (when we are in it)
from waking reality. It is actually quite highly
possible that we exist in a virtual reality world
created by Consciousness itself, somewhat
similar to the film, "The Matrix".

"Some rules can be bent. Others can be broken."

Isn't this quite obvious why Black Magic does

indeed work? With that Source of Consciousness
being none other than The Prince of Darkness
Classical materialist physics is dead, it was
actually disproven over a century ago with the
discovery and evolving theory of quantum
mechanics. Those who cling to outdated
scientific models are simply fooling themselves,
but never mistake any scientific model for the
truth itself, as these models themselves will
continue to evolve over time.
CHAPTER V: The Presence of Satan

The Devil can and will at times manifest

Himself while hiding in plain sight. The Prince
of Darkness is an objective reality and does not
require your belief in Him in order to exist
independently. He does, however, require your
personal effort in Black Magic in order to
experience and acknowledge Him. He can often
disguise Himself as any God, person or even
object of His choosing. He exists beyond space-
time, thus is not limited to such things as
physical or material laws.

Atheists and "skeptics" will argue this :

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary
evidence! Prove it! Where is your evidence?"

My answer to that question is that the evidence

is also hiding in plain sight. If you find yourself
standing in the ritual chamber and do not feel or
sense Satan's presence, the problem is an error in
your perception and you are having what is
scientifically called a "negative hallucination".
This is not merely a statement of faith or belief,
but of personal experience and knowledge.

Those who know, KNOW. Those who

automatically disbelieve this or anything else
paranormal/supernatural such as Black Magic is
because they "have faith" in absolute atheistic
materialism and already consider it "impossible".
This is not a debate nor is it possible to actually
debate, because that debate from an Atheist or
"skeptic" point of view is AN ERROR IN
PERCEPTION. It requires honest personal effort
in Black Magical practice to discover the Hidden
Satanic God, who is ever-present, but remains in
Darkness from those who do not have the Eyes
To See.
CHAPTER VI: Regarding Devil-Worship

I have always found it quite amusing when some

Satanists become so offended or downright
furious when they are asked if they are, or are
accused of, being a Devil Worshipper. This is,
more often than not, the case with "Atheist
Satanists". If you call yourself a Satanist, is it
really that difficult to understand why someone
would normally link that with Devil-worship?
And rightfully so, I might add!

"WHAT!?! I'm a Satanist, I don't worship the

Devil! What are YOU? STUPID?!?" they cry...

Do you realize how absolutely ridiculous this


To those "Atheist Satanists" who cling to Church

of Satan dogma : Anton Szandor LaVey himself
referenced Satanists as Devil Worshippers in the
1960's documentary Satanis, as well as in his
own Satanic Bible. To quote in part of one of the
Satanic Enochian Keys from that same book :
"Be friendly unto me, for I am the same. The true
worshipper of the Highest and Ineffable King of

The term worship, originally meant "to work

for", and any Satanist who practices the Art of
Black Magic - is most definitely "working for"
the Devil! For who else do we owe our heritage
and allegiance to by calling ourselves Satanists?
As the saying goes, "if you can't take the heat,
then get out of the kitchen!"
CHAPTER VII: On Animal Sacrifice

From the viewpoint of The Divine Black Flame

of Satan, anyone that condones or performs
animal sacrifices for ritualistic purposes is a sub-
human deserving of the most brutal punishment
by law. I recently read a discussion between a
member of the Star of Azazel and a member of
the Current 218. The "218" was explaining how
animal sacrifice was part of their tradition, and
that they take the greatest care and treatment of
the animals before sacrifice, and further, that
they had a deep love for animals – but performed
sacrifice because it was "necessary". This is
beyond ridiculous and you are obviously
completely deluded if you believe "animal
sacrifice is necessary" and further - you have no
true understanding of the energy manipulation
behind Black Magic Ritual. The SoA member
commented "We must show respect among other
tradition's views, whether we agree with them or
Nonsense! What is this? Christianity? We must
be tolerant of absolute sub-human scum?

Killing animals for food or in self-defense is

completely different than animal sacrifice.
Intention is everything. I am, however, not in
denial of reality. Human beings are predatory by
nature. However, as a Satanist, I do not care
about history, "tradition" or anything else
regarding this matter. The message is crystal
clear. People who do not grasp this very simple
concept are delusional fools. Animal sacrifice in
ritual is about as un-Satanic as one can get.
Anyone who chops up an innocent animal in
Satanic Ritual is too much of a coward to feel
the pain of Sacrifice themselves - which should
come from one's own body!

The Satanist is generally misanthropic and finds

an overall disgust for the herd of humanity - who
claim to be "more evolved" than other animals –
while constantly displaying their outright
stupidity. The Higher Man sees most non-human
animals as uncorrupted species and therefore
cherishes them above the majority of the masses
of humanity. They live within an equilibrium of
nature by instinct alone unless tortured, degraded
and corrupted by human beings. This view is the
exact opposite of the Judeo-Christian view that
"man have dominion over all others of the
animal kingdom" which, by self-righteousness,
has led him to treat them as lesser, non-
conscious entities.

Animals are far more in touch with their true

nature than most human beings are. You don't
see animals killing each other for reasons other
than food, self-preservation or the protection of
their pack now do you? No, only uncivilized and
uneducated human beings commit these
atrocities! Man is definitely the vilest animal to
walk the planet, all the while thinking he
deserves "heaven" and a seat at "the right hand
of the Father".
Only the blood-thirsty tyrant God Jehovah
demands animal sacrifice - for that "God" was
indeed created in the eyes of Man.

Satan's Curse shall be upon the performers of

animal sacrifice! You give us ALL a bad name.

Ave Satanas!
CHAPTER VIII: The Luciferian Gene

To be a Satanist is a quality you are born with.

There is no such thing as "conversion" to this. If
you are reading these words and understand, you
can probably remember a time in your life when
you were perhaps even a small child, when you
felt drawn to the Darkness, yet had no rational or
logical explanation. You didn't quite understand
it yet - but that does not dismiss what is.

All too often I see postings in Satanic groups and

forums such as "How do I become a Satanist?";
"I'm scared, Christians told me I'll go to Hell if I
make a personal commitment to Lucifer"; or
"What ritual can I do? I want to say the right
thing to the master".

All things of this nature are based around

concepts of pretentious people who want to
"become" something they are not. If you are
hung-up on Judeo-Christian fear-mongering and
still even consider their views as possibly being
correct, you are not a Satanist! If you are looking
to just please others and are not truly thinking
for yourself, then you are not a Satanist either! I
can hear all the pseudo-liberal-quasi-satanists
crying now that I am being an "elitist" in what I

So what?

Luciferian thinking and Being is not for the

feeble-minded, Jesus-fearing, "we must accept
and love everyone" mentality – that is
Christianity! To be Satanic IS elite! We are not
mindless sheep following a herd, but are wolves!
Not prey, but predators!

These qualities are in-born and either you "get

it" or you don't.

That is why I say there is no such thing as

"conversion" - but Initiation comes when one
already aligned with the proper mentality
decides to make a dedication to this Path - then
discovers more along that Path while taking
whatever steps are needed. Not just people
looking for kicks, wanting to belong to
something, or any type of "fad" that will just
pass over time. This is the real deal - and if you
are not serious - do you not think this will be
reflected in things you say and do?

So before you think of "becoming" a Satanist,

take an honest look inside yourself and discover
if this is really you. If that Dark Essence and
Black Flame is ever-present, move forward! If it
is not, then turn around, because you are most
likely not one of us, nor ever will be.
CHAPTER IX: Astral Projection

Since true Satanists acknowledge a Spiritual

Reality, we also acknowledge that there exists
something else inside each of us that is
immaterial, this is often referred to as a "soul",
"spirit", "subtle body", or "astral body".

Astral Projection (the out-of-body experience) is

something that the Satanist definitely needs to
set as a goal in achieving. This further gives us
evidence that we are not merely flesh creatures
controlled by a physical brain - but the opposite -
that we are actually astral entities controlling the
brain and physical body. We are all essentially
"ghosts within shells".

The achieving of the out-of-body experience

also puts us in an alternate dimension of reality
that is often unseen or unknown by most human
beings. Here we can completely cast aside our
physical limitations and experience Satan
directly in his true state, which exists beyond
physical space-time. Here, we can also visit with
other entities that would be known as Daemons,
and engage in the Astral Gatherings of the
Witch's Sabbat.

To achieve astral projection first requires calm,

patience and persistence. But do not give up on
your attempts! The following is an example to
achieve this Heightened State and enter into the
Astral Realm which is the true space of the Hell-

First begin to perform this in the evening. With

the lights completely out, lie down on your bed
and attempt to clear your mind of thoughts that
may come and go. If you cannot maintain a clear
mind, simply notice the thoughts but try not to
analyze, dissect or identify with them. Simply,
let them pass by you. Take a deep breath,
inhaling deeply through your nose, and exhaling
completely through your mouth. Continue this
until your physical body is in an extremely calm
state close to sleep. The more calm and relaxed
you become, the closer you are to Awakening
the Astral Body. The "trick" here is to avoid
letting your mind fall asleep as your body does,
and this will take some practice as well.

Then begin to focus your attention on the center

of your forehead, or what is also known as "The
Third Eye". You will most likely then begin to
feel as if your body is becoming lighter, as if it
could rise into the air. You will begin to notice
unusual electric shock sensations; that can vary
from slight vibrations to extremely
overpowering and strong. Your initial reaction to
this will most likely be fear, as it can become so
intense that you literally may unconsciously
attempt to abruptly stop the projection. You will
need to work through the fear in order to achieve
a successful projection. You, as a Satanist, are
aligned with the Powers of Darkness, so remind
yourself that fear is simply a test and a gateway
that you must pass through. The strong
vibrations you are feeling are actually the result
of your astral body leaving the physical body.
Let them be your "trigger" to know you are now
entering into the Astral. And must
WILL yourself out of your body in the same
manner you would move yourself in the
physical. The way to actually do this cannot be
fully explained, as it is entirely instinctual, but
the instinct will come when you are ready to do
so. Begin then to move upwards towards the
ceiling of your bedroom, and once you have
done this, open your Astral Eyes and view your
room from this new ghostly perspective. What
you choose to do from that point on is up to you,
but the possibilities are endless, as you are now
experiencing a dimension of reality that is
timeless and lacks space completely. Fly into the
Night Sky as the Daemon and Vampyre that you
truly are, and explore the endless delights of the
CHAPTER X: Dedication to Satan

It is necessary, contrary to popular belief, to

make a personal dedication and Oath to Satan if
you are serious in pursuing Black Magic. The
manner in which you write this can be highly
personal and will differ from person to person. I
highly suggest writing this Oath out yourself in
your own words in order to be 100% honest and

Before doing so, choose a Daemonic Name for

yourself that you shall now be known as among
the Prince of Darkness and the Infernal Legions.
There are many, many books that contain the
names of the various Daemons and choose one
that resonates with you personally. I recommend
the book Pseudomonarchia Daemonum(1563) as
one such resource. The Goetia: The Lesser Key
of Solomon the King also contains a list of the
72 primary Daemonic Spirits. As well, The
Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey contains
a list of Daemons and Devils that are known
throughout history, although without much
insight into their specifics. After you write out
your Oath, recite it completely and sign your
new Daemonic name in physical blood (with the
prick of the left index finger) at the bottom of
the paper to seal your Pact with the Devil. This
Oath should be taken during Communion with
Satan, of which an example is presented in the
next chapter.

After signing your Oath, put it in a safe place

where you know it will not be discovered by
CHAPTER XI: Communion with the
Prince of Darkness

The Ritual:

Place one Black Candle on the altar clothed in

black, any solid surface will suffice. Above the
altar should be a Sigil of Baphomet. If possible,
altar should be facing the west (against the rising
of the Sun). Place a glass or chalice filled with
red wine, water or another preferred beverage
upon the altar. Burn incense if desired.

Your garments should be a black hooded robe or

all black attire. A Sigil of Baphomet medallion
should be worn as a necklace during the course
of the ceremony.

Light the candle flame and face the altar:

Remain in complete stillness and meditation for
2-5 minutes and then proceed.

The Invocation to Satan is now spoken:

"In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi!

In the name of Satan, the Prince of Darkness, I
call upon you now! I ask that your Presence be
with me here on this Night. I seek to become One
with your Infernal Essence! I ask that you
receive me as your humble servant as I do Your
Will, as it is said on Earth as it is in Hell. I ask
that you manifest that which I desire though my
Work of Black Magic! Cast aside your doubts
for I am most sincere in my Calling, and
welcome me as your Infernal Brother(Sister) and
Son(Daughter) of Darkness! Open wide the
Gates of Hell and hear my call!"

Start to turn, counter-clockwise,

Face the south,

Spoken: "In the south, Satan, God of the Fiery

Pit, I call upon you now, hear me!"

Face the east,

Spoken: "In the east, Lucifer, God of wisdom

and enlightenment, I call upon you now, hear

Face the north,

Spoken: "In the north, Belial, Master of the

Earth, I call upon you now, hear me!"

Face the west, where the altar resides,

Spoken: "In the west, Leviathan, Serpent of the
watery abyss, I call upon you now, hear me!"

"This gate is now opened in the name of Satan!"

"Ave Satanas! Ave Luciferi! Hail Satan!"

If you have a specific magical request, speak

aloud your desire now in your own words and
then proceed.

The Sacrifice:

This is not a sacrifice of the spilling of physical

blood, but the releasing of your astral life energy
to the Prince of Darkness as an offering to Him.
Begin now to sacrifice your personal astral life
energy towards the Sigil of Baphomet, by (1)
breathing in deeply for 5 seconds and (2)
exhaling completely through the mouth for 5-10
seconds. Rest between each breath, and then
continue to repeat this step for as long as you
can. Expect to feel completely physically
exhausted, drain yourself as much as you can,
and if successful, you will feel the Presence of
Satan's Energy returned upon you, revitalizing
you with Higher Spiritual Energy.

If necessary, remain in complete stillness and

meditation while focusing on the Sigil of
Baphomet after exhausting yourself of energy
until you feel the Presence of Satan, and then
proceed to the next step.

Recite the 18th Satanic Enochian Key:

"O thou mighty light and burning flame of

comfort!, that unveilest the glory of Satan to the
center of the Earth; in whom the great secrets of
truth have their abiding; that is called in thy
kingdom: "strength through joy", and is not to be
measured. Be thou a window of comfort unto me.
Move therefore, and appear! Open the mysteries
of your creation! Be friendly unto me, for I am
the same!, the true worshipper of the highest and
ineffable King of Hell!"

Face the Sigil of Baphomet above the altar.

Drink from the chalice and drain it.


“This gate is now closed, but the Divine Black

Flame of Satan burns forever from behind my

“Ave Satanas! Ave Luciferi! Hail Satan!”

Snuff out the candle flame and recite the final


"So it is done."
End of Ritual.

“The Invocation to Satan” and “The 18th Satanic Enochian Key”

referenced from The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey
Part 2: A Further Testament of
Satanic Metaphysics

“The Isolator is the only True God. The Self is

the expression of Lucifer enthroned in all His
Glory. Objective delusions of matter and human
beings are but dream fragments in this World of
Horrors. Look inside...deep inside. The Abyss is
all that ever was and is.”
- Vrykolakas Oriax, Magus V°
CHAPTER XII: Satanic Hierarchy

The Hierarchy within this organization is as


0° - Neophyte

I° - Satanic Initiate

II° - Black Magician

III° - Priest of Satan

IV° - Magister Templi

V° - Magus (reserved for the High Priest only)

Advancement in the Hierarchy is at the
discretion of the High Priest alone, and you will
be notified once it is decided your personal
evolution determines such.
CHAPTER XIII: The Problem of Atheism
Part 1 by Vrykolakas Oriax, Magus V°

The fact remains, is that there really is just

"Satanism". "Atheism" is the disbelief in any and
all gods (that includes YOU if you call yourself
your own God), the paranormal/supernormal,
supernatural, magic, ghosts, OBEs and
everything else in between.

Atheism is a stance declaring that one knows

FOR CERTAIN that none of this is even

Anton Szandor LaVey was a Satanist. Half of

The Satanic Bible is dedicated to Ritual Magic
that is used to produce actual results in reality.
This is well explained in the book itself.

The reality is 95% of "LaVeyan Satanists"

ignore the majority of what Anton Szandor
LaVey actually said and also ignore the second
half of The Satanic Bible. It reminds me a bit of
how Christians "pick and choose" from their
own "Holy Book".

Satanism = Atheism is an oxymoron.

Part 2 by Setanito, Magister Templi IV°

You CANNOT believe in SATAN and be an


Just as you CANNOT believe in

CHRISTIANITY and DENY Christ, etc.

If you are member of The Church of Satan and

you declare yourself an atheist, take your Satanic
Bible and your red membership card and BURN
Remove every book in your house dedicated to

You are a pretender possessing ANY of these


"Playing The Devil's game, but denying The

Devil's NAME."

This is Anton Szandor LaVey who I am quoting

by the way.

There is a paradox of perception that appears to

have escaped your awareness when you attempt
to fuse atheism and Satanism together:

You believe that Satan is an extension of you

and when you call upon The Infernal Names,
they also are an extension of you.
You are correct.

But there is a most vital point here that is

disgracefully overlooked:


Satan IS an extension of YOU in The


Yet, Satan EXISTS in The Macrocosm as well.

This is something you have either forgotten or

more explicitly chose to DENY...

The majority of the members of The C.O.S. are

viewing Satan in the LOWER
MANIFESTATION - Microcosmic Satan. The
rest of us as THEISTIC SATANISTS are
viewing Satan in the HIGHER
MANIFESTATION - Macrocosmic Satan.

This is the middle ground by which both stances

can be reconciled and the confusion diminished.

Both stances are CORRECT but one is


It CAN be viewed as a matter of PERCEPTION,

or perhaps a matter of FAITH.

But for some, I see it as harboring a sense of


The "LaVey" Satanist denies the actual existence

of Satan...but on the flip-side entertains the idea
of there being ghosts or haunted houses, etc.
What would this "LaVey" Satanist explain that
to be? An extension of his or herself?


Your dead relative is merely an extension of the

"LaVey" Satanist himself?


I suppose you are the magic ITSELF also, Mr. or

Mrs. "LaVey" Satanist?

I need not go on...but could...

Gilmore’s “ITHEISM” as a concept makes for

an even more semantic cluster fuck...
According to this idea...YOU EXIST AS A

WOW...How is that for "slapping" Satan on

both cheeks?!

I wonder what all this is really about at the root

of the "problem"?

Do they FEAR some sort of

DOES exist?

Are they SECRETLY behind closed doors using

a tactic to kiss the ass of fundamentalism?

Was the organization given a "talking to" by

some agency with power well beyond theirs that
admonished them to never validate from that
point on the existence of Satan?
Hmmm...Is there a “SATANIC CONSPIRACY”
within The Church of Satan?!


The bottom line for me is that I do NOT believe

that Satanists do NOT believe in Satan.

I have always thought of it as a protocol issuing

down from The Order of the Trapezoid or The
Council of Nine as a form of "wink-wink, nudge,
nudge" politics.

Perhaps even more subtly a form of reverse


Something like: "Hey there fundamentalist

Judeo-Christian America, don't get mad at us or
point the finger because we don't even believe in
Satan actually..."
Did the Satanic Panic Era somehow create this?

This could all be viewed as pointless speculation

because I doubt highly that The C.O.S. will
make a press release indicating that they have
now changed their mind as an organization!

I have no hate or disrespect for the Church of

Satan or its members...



And with all the icing taken off this "Satanic

Cake", I see it as rather EMPTY and BORING.
They might as well call it The Church of Satan

When it was YOUNG it believed in Satan. When

it "GREW UP" they were told by some of "the
parents" that Satan Claus does not exist...
That made some of The Church’s "children" sad
AND angry...

And they ran away from The Black House and

NEVER came back!

The idea of Satan was semantically morphed

into a FAIRY TALE...


SATAN and SATANISM is NOT a matter of


SATAN and SATANISM is NOT a phase.

You see, I am not upset with these types of
"satanists"...I excuse them for being BLIND.

Meanwhile, they all keep performing their

Satanic Rituals and Black Magic...and the
"presents" keep showing up under their "tree".

THEY would say the extension of themselves

accomplished that, of course...

But consider this:

If every living being on Earth was a "Satanist",

being that there are 7 billion plus people, would
that make for 7 billion "SATANS"?


If you answered "YES" to the above question;
that makes you ONLY an ATHEIST, NOT a

I am trying to expand your "bubble" though you

may think I am trying to burst it...

I do realize that this writing is for none of us

here as members...

But maybe it will be a message that reaches a

guest within view. Or it could be used as a
message for those that struggle with this issue...


CHAPTER XIV: Words of Wisdom
By Xylotrepth, Magister Templi IV°

The Devil, in all his magnificence and Chaos

drives me.

His Hate is My Hate.

His Destruction is My Destruction.

The old and the weak are destroyed.

The Chaff is Discarded and burnt in the frozen

Fires of The Abyss.

There is no "god."

There never was.

The Only God Which Is, Is He.

And he does not care about you, me, or anyone.

All we can do is Obey.

And Make Our Selves “One with The One”.

CHAPTER XV: The Old Ways
By Xylotrepth, Magister Templi IV°

What does the title "Magister" mean?

Very little.

Only representative of scars taken.

Only showing pains endured.

The OLD WAYS are very much alive and

anyone that thinks that Satanism is "fun" or
"groovy" should die.

This is about going past your "carnal nature" and
stop being an asshole just because you think you
are "The Only God."

You are. But that is because only Through Satan

do you exist at all!

Too many...FAR too many...think that this

revelation simply makes it so that you can be
anything you want. Do anything you want.
Maybe follow a couple of creeds or guidelines.

That is shit. Worse than shit. It is the remnants

of long rotten shit.

The only question you must ask yourself

(without any sort of humor) from moment to
moment, day to day, hour to hour...

"What would HE do?"

If your instinct leads you to some sort of
kindness or softness, this is not of His Essence.

But that is all right.

You can love and laugh and shine like a star.

He permits it.


Because when you are truly One with His Hate

and His Black Flame of Chaos, those deeds and
to a lesser extent thoughts overshadow these
moments. It is unimportant to Him if you do
these things.

All that matters is that, perhaps twice a

day, you affirm Him in your thoughts.

Not "prayers."

THIS "prayer" you say offends him more than

any other.

He Does Not Care.

Affirmation. An acknowledgement of the Great

Bond you have made with His Ineffable Evil.
Remembering that He dwells within every
human being that you see and interact with.

But you are Different.

Because in Choosing. Choosing His Path and
His Dominion, you have brought into Your Self
the True Essence of What Is.

You stand on a dirt covered marble in the midst

of His Vastness.

This, you must remember...

CHAPTER XVI: Affiliation with Our

As described in the previous volume, Satanism

is something one is born into, quite naturally.
Our membership within this Order is free of
charge, however we do ask that a simple
application be filled out in order to get a “feel”
for the applicant.

Not just anyone will be let in.

I have already received many emails from

people wanting me to “help them”. One
important Satanic principle remains : “help those
who help themselves”.

As Satanists, it is not that we lack empathy or

things of this nature. It is simply a matter of
principle. If you wish to join a Satanic Order,
what are your reasons for wanting to join? Have
you experienced real results from your practice
in Black Magic? Are you willing to give useful
contributions to the Order in our discussion
forums? Do you even consider yourself a

Satanism is not some type of “once you get in,

that’s it!” group.

You are not “saved” by merely joining our ranks

or any other organization.

Satanism, like life itself, is an evolutionary

process. You, being the Satanist, must evolve.
However, it is quite apparent there needs to be a
starting point for everyone.

You do need to utilize Self-Empowerment and

Self-Reliance as a starting point. Begin your
studies, begin to practice the art of Black Magic.
Take notes of your results from such. We will
not hold your hand and tell you everything will
be “okay”. We can only show you the door. You
must walk through it yourself.

If you are unable to stand on your own two feet,

then Satanism is probably not the religion for
you. Remember when I said “these qualities are
in-born and you either “get it” or you don’t”?

I have not changed my mind about this!

The Luciferian Gene remains intact, and “Sheep

in Wolves Clothing” will be denied entry into
this organization.

I will not apologize for the nature of reality.

CHAPTER XVII: Welcoming Satan as the
Divine Black Flame
By Setanito, Magister Templi IV°

BEHOLD! The Divine Black Flame of Satan


Let us come together to explore this infinite

essence of Satan...

I suppose there to be countless spaces in the dark

unknown still waiting to be discovered...

There exists no such thing as a limiting

paradigm within Satanism...


Satan is a LIBERATING LIGHT when manifest
as Lucifer...

Do you embrace Satan as solely an icon of


Then you are FAR from the presence of Satan...

Satan is an electrical surge and exhilaration of

senses living beyond the mundane pulse of
human life...

Satan is a monumental source of POSITIVITY

hidden from those blinded by the light...

Words cannot describe the fullness entered into

when this presence coagulates in a finite space...

Satan covers us in aetheric wings of eerie,

haunting presence that resonate with BEAUTY...

YOU are the embodiment of The Satanic

Trinity: Satan (The Darkness), Lucifer (The
Light), Man (The Grayness) in which you play
out the balance and cultivate the power to
project your individual will...

Anyone who seeks to create radical change to

overturn a CORRUPT state of affairs is
attempted to be destroyed...

Are not the religions and "gods" of this world

MORE than corrupt?

Hence, SATAN COMES FORTH and so do his


This world tends to defame TRUE

heroes...and to treat many as criminals
those who have a noble cause...

It is no wonder that such be done to a hero of

infinite stature.

The demons are "demonized"...

Just as The Devil is blamed almost always for

what he is never responsible for...

It is no wonder that a force contained within him

exits forth to resist through pain and chaos the
stigmas projected onto Him.

Satan is a MIRROR...

He judges you as you judge him...

He curses you as you curse him...

He blesses you as you bless him...

See Satan as you would Will to see him; and in

like manner shall he gaze upon you...

Ponder this: a historically defamed and

unwelcomed guest time and time again would
need more proof positive to rise above their
habitual inclinations to remain distant and

Would this be so strange that this also be the

way of Satan?

So, if it be that you seek to be filled with Satan's

Black Flame of Illumination, then you must with
deepest sincerity call upon him...

Visualize Satan in the particulars of your
life and how you imagine it to be that he come
unto you...

If you posture yourself to be the candle by which

the Divine Black Flame of Satan is ignited, then
better hold your breath in that crucial moment...

Hold your breath: NO


Once the candle is lit and burning, one must

strive to keep it lit...


THE GOAL: A body temple enshrouded in a

blaze of Divine Black Flame...
CHAPTER XVIII: The Nature of Black

This is often the biggest stumbling block for the

would-be Satanist. Far too often one will try to
“rationalize” the actual effects of Black Magic,
which will actually hinder the results

Part of the problem is an unwillingness to

remain open-minded about the subject and the
Act itself.

Why “Atheism” has been such a topic of debate

and discussion within the writings of this Order
is for this very reason.

The “Atheist” simply cannot allow himself the

proper mindset in order for Magic to manifest
itself. He has already decided in his mind that
Gods don’t exist, that magic is bunk and that all
of this is just superstition.

Think about that for just a moment.

Why even attempt to work an act of Black

Magic if you do not believe in what you are
doing is possible? To try to “disprove it”? This
simply cannot be done, because in order for
Magic to work you must in the very least
suspend your disbelief long enough to discover
what is so!

An act of Black Magic takes a tremendous

amount of energy in order to be successful.

It also takes a tremendous amount of desire and


If your goal in pursuing the occult is to

“disprove it”, you will be running around
in circles and never finding any real answers.
Now of course the overly-skeptical, weak-willed
and passionless person could say : “Well I did
the ritual, nothing happened, therefore your
Magic is bunk!”

These types of “confessions” simply make me

laugh to myself. The problem is not me nor my
techniques, it is your misunderstanding. Magic
works much like a mirror. If you walk into a
ritual chamber expecting nothing to happen,
guess what? You essentially just utilized a form
of magic to make it not work!

This is not reverse psychology here by the way.

Black Magic follows the flow of your Mind,
your intentions, your expectations, your beliefs
and disbeliefs.

As stated in the Chapter “Reality” in the

previous volume, I offered an alternate
viewpoint in order to attempt to explain why this
is so.
The reason is because objective reality is
composed of Consciousness, just the same as
subjective reality is. Physical matter is simply a
more dense form of Consciousness, and
objective reality is simply how it is being
perceived through the “subjective
consciousness” of many other minds. There
really is no difference but in the minds of the
“perceived separation” of objects in space-time.

Perhaps you may say this is all theory and it

doesn’t matter anyways. Actually you are
correct, in a sense, it ultimately does not matter.
What matters is the results you actually obtain
through the use of Magic.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here? How

the Mind, reality (both objective and subjective)
and Black Magic are all interconnected and

Attempting to work an act of Magic while the

mind is in disbelief is the equivalent of trying to
swim under water without a mask and refusing
to hold your breath.

And never forget that “Survival is the Highest


Ave Satanas!

So it is done.
Part 3: Satanic Vampyrism

CHAPTER I: Destroying Popular


To begin, the intention of this book is not to be

confused with those who subconsciously
practice what is known as “psychic vampirism”.
Psychic vampires are insecure leeches who
subconsciously drain people of their emotional
energy through manipulation, fear and guilt –
and are ultimately dependent upon others to fill a
void within themselves. Anton Szandor LaVey
described these pitiful sub-humans in great detail
within The Satanic Bible, and I would suggest
reading the chapter “Not All Vampires Suck
Blood!” in that book to gain a proper perspective
of what psychic vampirism actually is.

What we will be discussing in this volume is the

practice of Occult Vampyrism, or more
precisely, “Satanic Vampyrism”.
The reason I am utilizing the alternative spelling
for this terminology is to not confuse it with the
“Hollywood vampires” portrayed in film and
fiction. Satanic Vampyrism is a legitimate occult
practice that can be utilized to enable personal
spiritual growth, to raise personal energy
vibration levels as well as an actual method that
increases the physical health of the human body.

However, the ultimate purpose of Vampyrism is

evolution above the human species in the truest
sense of that term.

There are and have been many different groups

and Orders who claim ultimate “authority” over
these practices. Almost each and every one of
these claims to be the “originator” and that they
are “the only ones” that are even able to
legitimately practice these methods at all. While
any deeper research and study will prove that
every one of these “groups” had another one that
proceeded it. Just as in certain Satanic
organizations, or even mainstream religious
organizations, many take a fundamentalist
approach in saying “it is either OUR way or the

This fundamentalist viewpoint is highly anti-

Satanic in nature, and actually destroys the
whole purpose of being a Satanist in the first
place – which is utilizing what works for the
individual Satanist, and not holding a “so-called”
human authority figure or any group or
organization over yourself.

Satanism is about individual freedom, and it was

Lucifer Himself who was the original Rebel
against the tyrannical authority of Jehovah. To
fall into that same “trap” of fundamentalist
thinking makes you no better than any Christian,
Muslim or Jew. It does not matter at all what you
may or may not call yourself. Sheep who pose as
Wolves show their true nature as prey when they
hold this “ultimate unquestioning loyalty” to any
person or organization above their own personal
liberty and freedom.

Anyone who limits themselves simply to the

whims of what “so-called” leaders may say or
lead others to believe are ultimately being
controlled and manipulated. Do not let anyone
dupe you into thinking that you must adhere to
any specific dogma or that you must belong to
some specific “group” in order to practice any
form of Black Magic. If Black Magic does work
(which it indeed does) then this is a Universal
Truth and no one owns the rights to that! Just as
NO ORGANIZATION owns the “rights” to

A word to the wise: do not be fooled.

CHAPTER II: The Philosophy of

The philosophy behind the practice of Satanic

Vampyrism has its foundation in the basics of
Social Darwinism. Within the natural animal
kingdom there will always be the balance of
predator and prey. As a Satanic Vampyre, you
are choosing to align your mentality with that of
a predator. The “prey” are essentially the human
beings that you choose to “feed” upon.

However, understand that human beings (just as

other animals) always follow their true nature;
regardless of what they may or may not claim
otherwise. The “prey” simply are, because they
exist as such! Just as the lion devours the zebra
in the jungle, this is simply the way of nature,
and there truly is no “morality” at all about it.

Anyone who feels a sense of guilt about

performing the act of Vampyrism is
ultimately revealing their true nature – as prey.
A predator can only be such if that is truly what
it is.

The food chain within the animal kingdom

simply exists. It is what it is. The actions of the
Vampyre are no different in this regard - in any
way, shape, manner or form.

Is a wolf that kills and eats a sheep for food

viewed as evil? Is a house cat that catches a
mouse and devours it viewed as an immoral
creature? Most likely, any reasonable person’s
answer to these questions would be “no, they are
not evil or immoral, they are simply following
their instincts for survival.”

Why is this regarded as different when it comes

to human beings? Is your answer because human
beings have a “conscience”? Take a look at the
current state of affairs and the history of the
world surrounding you right now. Look at the
centuries of thieving, rape, torture, murder, war
and genocide that the human species has actually
produced and then tell me again how much of a
“conscience” the human species truly has.

And what makes you so sure than non-human

animals are not conscious? Simply because they
do not drive cars or use telephones? In fact, there
is no definite scientific evidence that proves for
certain that non-human animals are non-
conscious at all! This is only an assumption by
most human beings because they believe they
are somehow “better” than non-human animals.
And the root of this belief can be traced right
back to the Book of Genesis in the Holy Bible.

So, as a Satanic Vampyre, understand that you

are also just another form of species which is
simply predatory by nature. These are just the
facts of reality and denying your nature does not
change that nature itself. It only keeps you
delusional and ignorant.
CHAPTER III: The Practice of Vampyrism

The techniques of Vampyrism deal with the vital

energy that is stored within the human body.
This is what is known as “Chi” in both ancient
and modern Chinese tradition; and can be
described as the life-force that flows within the
body and sustains it.

This life-force however serves another purpose

beyond the physical. The vital energy that
sustains the physical body also is what fuels the
astral body, which is the vessel of consciousness
inside each and every living creature. When we
take in the life-force from human beings
(through Vampyrism), this strengthens and
energizes our own astral bodies; as well as
revitalizes our own physical bodies.

The reality, however, is that every single person

on this planet practices a subtle form of
Vampyrism and takes energy from others all the
time whether they are aware of this fact or not.
The difference between a normal human being
who does this unconsciously and a Satanic
Vampyre who does this consciously, is the
amount of personal control they have over that
life-force itself, as well as the amount that they
are able to take, store and give.

Now, as mentioned in Volume 1 in the chapter

on Astral Projection, this “astral body” that
exists within each of us can be strengthened by
the taking of life-force from other human beings.
The more life-force the astral body has taken in
and stores, the easier and more successful it will
be to enable you to have an out-of-body
experience and truly rise above the human

Once you have achieved this out-of-body

condition, you will no longer have any doubts in
your mind that what you have been fed and
programmed by human society is a complete and
total lie. The unquestioned physical materialism
accepted by the masses will now be fully seen as
the delusion it actually is. You will never feel
the need to defend your metaphysical position
again, because you will understand these basic
human atheistic assumptions are simply wrong,
and debating these issues is a complete and total
waste of time.

Now I will describe the methods and techniques

to actually be able to do all of this.

First, you must be able to make some sort of

physical contact with another human being. This
physical contact itself will automatically connect
you with the astral body of the other person. The
reason for this, is because the astral body inside
of your physical body is not restricted to the
physical laws of space-time and can move
according to its own will. Your astral body is
automatically connected to anything it has
physical contact with – which in this case – is
the astral body of another human being. This
physical contact can be made through anything
as casual as shaking someone’s hand or by
tapping on someone’s shoulder. This can also be
done by deeply embracing someone with a hug
or during sexual intercourse.

You can also easily take in this life-force from a

distance by simply gazing at another person once
you realize that their life-force energy is
generally already being spilled out into the
atmosphere surrounding them. This is caused by
the releasing of their emotions in the form of
fear, worry, depression, anger and guilt. Because
the astral body is truly beyond the physical
constructs of space-time, this is what makes this
taking in of their life-force at a distance possible.

Once sufficient contact with another human

being’s astral body has been made either
physically or by your sight, you must then
penetrate into that person’s astral body in order
to absorb the flow of their life-force into your
When this penetration occurs, this is when you
must literally “suck in” that life-force energy
into your own physical and astral body. Once
you begin to “suck in” this life-force energy you
will begin to feel a most definite tingling
sensation in your hands and fingertips when you
are successful.

This can be done by inhaling with your physical

breath by deeply breathing in through your nose,
and when you exhale through your mouth, let
that life-force energy drop from the top of your
head down to the bottom of your feet. You will
literally feel this energy move through your
body, and if you do it properly, it is much too
powerful of an experience to simply “explain
away” or dismiss. Continue to breathe in this
energy until you feel you have taken enough and
you now feel a literal sense of refreshment and
inner charge.

Another way to take in life-force energy is

through the form of meditation. Once you have
already learned to take in life-force into your
body through the practices described above,
when in a meditative state this is EXTREMELY
easy to feel that energy that exists from the
connecting of all CONSCIOUSNESS itself and
draw it in through your Mind alone. This is the
same way that the Ancient Hindu and Buddhist
mystics did it, as you can read within their many
scriptures that describe such. This is also a
progressive learning process in which you will
be able to do more easily over time, with
practice and dedication.

Now understand, we are also limited in our

capacity of the amount of life-force that we can
store in our physical and astral bodies, and as
you continue to practice this technique of
Vampyrism more and more; your astral body
itself will continue to grow and the more life-
force you will be able to take and store within it.

As explained previously, the reasons for

taking in this energy are two-fold (while it
DOES feel good doing it, this is not the actual
purpose for doing so). The first reason is to
strengthen your energy (astral) body in order to
be able to have an OBE more easily. The second
reason is that the energy WE take is also given
up in the form of Satanic Ritual in order to
release and unclog our own excess energy. It is
basically a recycling process that you must do
over and over, and the more you do it, the
stronger your energy body becomes and the
easier it is to leave your physical body at will.

In the final chapter of Volume 1, "Communion

with the Prince of Darkness", I offer a Satanic
Ritual that gives the instructions to drain
YOURSELF of your own excess life-force
energy as a Sacrifice to the Prince of Darkness in
order to unclog it and receive further
condensing, as well as receiving the return flow
of Higher Spiritual Energy from Satan directly.
The releasing of this energy through your
offering of Sacrifice can also be used to manifest
your specific magical desires when in
Communion with Satan.
CHAPTER IV: The Nameless Ones –
Vampyric Spirits

When one begins to practice the Art of

Vampyrism successfully and accurately, this
tends to attract the Nameless Ones –those
Vampyric Spirits who dwell within the astral

The Queen of the Nameless Vampyric Spirits is

LILITH, Bride of Samael, and is of the
Feminine/Lunar Current. This Mother of
Vampyres is also known as the Babylonian
Ishtar and is of the same Essence. Alternative
names she is known by are Lilitu, Lamia, night-
owl, night-hag, night-spectre and she is also the
original Succubus.

When working in Satanic Ritual within a

Vampyric context it is wise to, and is highly
suggested to, call upon Her Dark Presence. She
may not always come Herself to the Calling, but
it is not unknown. She may send one of the
many Nameless Ones to do her bidding and
these Vampyric Spirits will be attracted to you
simply by aligning yourself upon the Vampyric

Visitations within the ritual chamber, nightly

visitations in your bedroom and within your
dream states are not uncommon. You may even
be awoken by “knocking” on your windows
during the dark of night when any of the
Nameless Ones chooses to come to you. These
are the same Beings that you may find yourself
Gathering with in the astral Witch’s Sabbat that
was mentioned in Volume 1 in the chapter
“Astral Projection”. Vampyric Spirits are
equivalent to Daemons!

By becoming Vampyre and aligning yourself

within this Current, you shall become yourself
one of these Nameless Vampyric Spirits once
you gain enough control of the out-of-body
experience. Though this cannot be promised, as
it must be achieved through Will ultimately.

When you have truly gained astral control and

have Risen from your physical body in a
conscious state with full awareness, you are then
free from the limits of space-time and can also
drink of the life-force of the sleeping human
prey while they sleep in their beds, ignorant and

This is the true explanation and meaning behind

“night terrors”, “sleep paralysis”, “old-hag
syndrome” and even the more modern “alien
abduction experience”.

The Nameless Ones are also shape-shifters and

can assume any form of their own choosing
because the astral state in which they exist is not
limited to that which normal human beings can
even comprehend.
They may come to you in the Night as dark
ghostly figures and hooded black-robed beings.
The more traditional shape-shifting states of
wolves, bats and dark mist are also not
uncommon to experience. But since they truly
have no limitations, they can often also appear to
humans as “greys”; taking the form of what is
incorrectly assumed as alien beings from outer
space. This creates confusion and fear in the
mind of the human prey and makes their life-
force more easily drainable.

But when you have aligned yourself as a

Vampyre, you need not fear these visitations as
human beings do, for you seek to become as
they are, and they come to you to help guide you
along that Dark Path. Those that do not pass that
Trial of Fear are simply seen as the prey they
truly are and do not become Vampyric Predators

This can be an ultimately terrifying experience

to the un-initiated, so be aware of what you are
truly getting yourself into by embarking upon
the Path of Night. Are you a Satanic Vampyre or
are you amongst the masses of human prey?

Choose wisely, for the hierarchy of nature

knows no mercy.
Part 4: Direct Communion with the


I had an experience on the date of 10/02/14 that

can only be described as a direct channeling
from Satan himself. Now, I have decided to
release this document only because I honestly
feel the words that were revealed to me were
meant to be heard by others. Some may view
this with skepticism, and I fully understand that.

What happened is not something “common” that

most people generally experience, but I will say
that I personally view this as ultimately
authentic. This was revealed in a form of “auto-
writing” during a conversation with three
different people at the same time. I felt
overcome by a Presence and to describe it
precisely in words is almost impossible. Now I
have had experiences like this before – to a
degree – but not in the same fashion as it
happened on this particular evening. After the
experience, my “perception” had to be shifted
back into “normal awareness” by force of my
will, but this Presence and Feeling still lurked
there in background. And it still does to a degree
while I write these very words, but it is more so
a lingering “after-effect” compared to what it felt
like when the Communication happened. The
important part to understand, is the way I was
writing all of this as it happened, was not in the
usual tone or even semantics I normally would
use, and felt “alien” to me, for lack of a better
word. Afterwards, I documented it and pondered
upon it for some time; then edited it into a more
linear and readable format.

The night before this happened, I performed a

Black Magic ritual and specifically asked the
Prince of Darkness to let me fully experience
His Being. I believe this “writing” was a direct
result of the ritual I performed, as there is no
other explanation for it as to why it came about
in the manner it did.
What came to my mind afterwards was Aleister
Crowley’s “The Book of the Law” and Michael
Aquino’s “The Book of Coming Forth By
Night”. Despite having studying both of these
author’s works before, I never quite viewed
these as being 100% authentic, only now do I
understand how books such as these have come

I do not expect anyone to just automatically

believe any of this, just as I never did with the
previous authors I mentioned. But if you do
consider yourself a Theistic Satanist, I will ask
you to at least approach what is presented with
an open mind. As you should in the very least
consider things such as this as being possible, if
you do in fact believe in the entity known as
THE DOCUMENT: Direct Communion
with the One

Understand, that now I speak from the Tongue

of Fire. This is the Essence of the Prince of
Darkness. May you read and understand,

We must be willing to suffer to learn for after

crossing that Abyss lies wisdom, and joy
showers upon Us. I cannot even put into mere
words the things I have experienced that have
directly influenced My Self upon the Path I am

Do what comes when it is called. You will

Know when and What to do. If that is even Your
Path, as we walk the Left....the Paths are each

Yet all the same at Once.

There is no longer doubt. Only what IS. I speak
only from the Mouth of Truth and most human
beings still will not grasp the message that is
shown in plain sight.

They have spoken of "possession" and this is

what happens and influences the Words I speak
when it simply just flows. It is the Devil, that
Ancient Dragon of Babylon, who I see in the
Mirror looking right back at me.

THIS is Satanism.

It is Alignment.

And becoming One with the One.

I laugh at the fools who speak of Satanism as if

they Know what Is Not without the experience
of a Direct Channeling.
One is All.

There is no distinction.

Duality is illusion.

Samael and his Bride, Lilith.

She Is. But the Essence is of the Same.

Yet, you still do not grasp the totality of what Is


This "shell" no longer even concerns me for it is

just an illusion in and of itself.

Cowards who preach of Mental Anxiety and

Fear of Death are far from the Essence of Satan.
I have witnessed an overall sense of paranoia
within that which is Without, and is draining of
the life-force itself and spreads like that of a
Black Plague.

I laugh at their assumptions, for they speak from

ignorance. I do not fear Death at all.

THAT is triumph.

Not a frozen corpse.

Understand Who Is even talking to you right


It is not "me".

Communion comes in forms beyond the

Chamber and beyond the shell of Doubt.
"Is this a test?"

Perhaps. Would that be so revealed?

I do not think "wrongly" of you, for I AM only


Why do you think thus I have spoken?

I have not even revealed Myself to Others as

such, for they may not See.

Among them still cling to the chains of disbelief.

Their card is "The Fool" for they attempt to leap,

but Doubt drags them back into the realm of

I say this not out of insult, but of what is.

Wednesday, October the 8th is the Full Blood
Moon. Seek Communion on this Night.

"May I ask why?"

It is the Full Blood Moon. Need I repeat My



Ritual is Communion with The One.

Do not mistake names for their Essence.

Or the "words" that speak of shallow


What Is, is beyond all of that sort of pettiness,

for understand, even Now, do You Commune.
This Gate is now closed.
Part 5: Swords of Death

“The Prince of Darkness awaits in the Black

Abyss behind and beyond the curtain of space-
time. Seeking Satan-Lucifer within the three-
dimensional model of this physical construct is
an error. The Gateway to the 4th Dimension is
in the Devil's Ritual Chamber.”
- Vrykolakas Oriax, Magus V°
CHAPTER I: Regarding the Release of
Life-force in Ritual

In Volume 1 I have explained a technique to

release life-force as a Sacrifice through the
exhausting of oneself (through breathing
techniques) of the vital energy in the body.

However, there is another method to release life-

force that is much more extreme and much more
painful, but its effects are actually worth it and
can multiply your Black Magical results ten-

"Are you willing to suffer to learn?"

This is through using the athame to cut a small

part of your body and spill your own blood in
ritual, which is the physical life-force. Not
through the harming of an innocent animal...but
from your own body! This is known as the
ancient practice of blood-letting.

This is a method not for the weak, fearful or

timid, but for the true Black Magician who seeks
Full Communion.

This can be extremely painful but nothing is

achieved without Sacrifice. After pain, follows
ecstasy. And the Presence of Satan comes
quickly when the blood is spilled.

Those who have the courage to utilize this truly

Occult method will discover so.

Do not confuse this method with the "depressed

teenage fad" of "cutting". You are taking a blade
to yourself for a Direct purpose, not out of
desperation. You do not seek to destroy yourself,
rather choose a part of your body (such as the
upper arm) where you will not hit any main
veins or arteries. Also be sure the blade has been
sterilized beforehand.

A word of warning: if the Pain of this Sacrifice

sounds too extreme for you, the results that
follow during the Black Magic ritual using this
method can be earth-shattering and mind-
blowing. You may unleash things you have
never thought possible.

And then, if you have the courage, when the

blood is released, take your finger, wipe it with
your own blood and dip it into the Chalice.
Then…Drink the Devil's Blood.

These "restrictions" are limited and forbidden in

certain circles for a reason. It is withheld for a
purpose. To keep you ignorant of it's True
I will not be held personally responsible for the
misuse of this method nor from anyone who
does not take the proper precautions.

Take heed this warning. Black Magic is

dangerous, but there is an Abyss that must be
crossed to discover that True Dark Force.

Again "Are you willing to suffer to learn?"

CHAPTER II: An Essence of Satan
By Setanito, Magister Templi IV°

It is a deep voice of Nature...beyond

words...beyond symbols...

SATAN is a fiercely beating pulse of raw

primordial energy...

The Satanist aligns within this isolated

crystalline space...

It becomes Satan against all, yet within all and

beyond all...

It is a banner of silent pride...

For in its evolution it becomes beyond the need
and want of the humans...

It remains only to enjoy what is...

And in an instant...the Satanist can cast it away

like a trinket of deceit...

SATAN is a fulfillment in and of itself...should

your meditations take you deeper into that

The traits of the mortal begin to fade...

And the traits of The Divine begin to manifest...

SATAN is a vortex...
The more one enters within it, the more one shall
exit with...

Be not distracted...

And soon you will become aligned...

Your astral tentacles will extend out to enjoy

what you can at a proper distance...

But you must remain enthroned in mind and


And let not your body temple step you further

from your throne...

Know that the humans will come in diverse

ways to offer the lesser for what is the greater...
Your strength comes through your pride as

Your strength comes through your pride as a


Remain in that place in which all things are

offered up to you at a whim...

Is it not written that all the glories and riches of

the world were Satan's to offer?

Is it not written that Satan sits upon the throne of

this world?

Is it not written that Satan is the Prince of the

Powers of the Air?

The Satanist can rise to have it all...and let

it all just be...beneath their feet...

You could drink from a full cup that one could

fear to be grasped by another...without care...

You could drink from a full cup that chaos spills

upon the ground...without care...

The Satanist drinks from a cup eternal...

The Satanist enjoys what they drink from that


But the Satanist is not needing the cup...or

wanting the cup...

For it is the Magic of the Satanist that brought

this cup forth to begin with...
And it is easy for another cup to be brought forth

The Satanist spills their desire on the

ground...and enjoys what they can...

SATAN is a destroyer of illusions...especially

for Satanists...

Desire is the illusion...

Having is the reality...

There is the illusion of want and need that one

can be tormented by...

There is a bliss and peace that exists within

Satan where the torment ends...
The fear of death is gone...

Pain is transformed into consciousness beyond

that duality through increase of the experience of

Your illusions must die within you for one to

live like Satan...

There is nothing this world can offer you that is

greater than this union...

All things decay and burn away by the fires of

the Dragon...

You must be more of the spirit and impervious

to the flames...

All that is golden does not glitter beyond

the Glory of Satan...

The love of another does not endure...

And there are spiders and webs on the pathway

of love...

And there are even greater spiders and webs on

the pathways to false gods...

There is a greater truth in hate for a Satanist...

And thereby, the Satanist is not deceived by

those things...

There is pride in the Satanist being isolated...the

Transcendental Hermit!

Yet...the Satanist is not lonely...

Who is there to lend an ear to one so great?

There is no one.

SATAN takes counsel from none other...

And therefore The Satanist takes counsel only

from themselves ultimately...

The essence of Satan can be felt within and

without all things...

The current of Satan can manifest as a hum...a

subtle frequency...

That only can be heard by those that have turned

off the mundane world with their minds...

And upon consistent de-existence from the

mundane world, your power over the material
increases in diverse and unique ways...

The devotee that remains within the Vortex of

Satan will access benefits unavailable to those
that dwell without it...

The courts and laws of this mundane world may

fail The Satanist when justice needs to be

But the justice of Black Magic wielded by the

Satanist is always successful...

Behold! The Magician has spoken, “It is not

wise to be the enemy of the Satanist!”

And you cannot wield the Sword of Satan with

The word of Satan upon your lips means nothing
when you have betrayed the ways of Satanism!

The word of Satan upon your lips means nothing

when you have betrayed the ways of a Satanist!

However, True and Beloved Satanist, be patient

with your retribution...For the wrath falls drop
by drop into an aetheric chalice...

In a fourth dimensional time and space, the

reaping shall come...know this and be at peace...

The Door of Mysteries shall creak open and IT


It was better to see when one was not

looking...herein is The Key...

It could be...during the slumbering of your

victims, that Demons pour this elixir of
vengeance down their guilty throats...

It could be...that upon a seemingly soft and cozy

bed that the justice of demonic terror will

The Daemons can fly high above their marked

heads and pour the curse upon them...all in due

With faith in Satan to hear, all they have cackled

from their mouths is known...though the Satanist
may be unaware...

With faith in Satan to see, all they have done in

the shadows that they think is hidden is
seen...though the Satanist may be unaware...

Oh, pity be to those fools that would walk

down this path with two heads!!!

Black Astral Snakes shall slither above you with

hissing, biting and venom!

Knives of karma shall cut up and scar your body


The Satanist need not look to any power in this

mundane world to do their bidding...

The Fire of the Dragon’s Breath will incinerate

their souls when they have fancied themselves to
be free of consequence...

SATAN is patient and so is The Satanist!

The Satanist when aligned within The Vortex of

Satan can truly see...
The Satanist can see through The Third Eye of

The Satanist can fly upon the aetheric winds of

Beelzebub as a fly on the Wall of Shadows...

Through Satan I see you...

Fools! Black deeds plant black seeds and

blossom black weeds....

Through Satan I hear you...

Fools! Black deeds plant black seeds and

blossom black weeds...

Oh blessed be the Power of Satan!

Upon their black weeds they slowly choke!

Oh blessed be the Power of the Satanist!

Upon their black weeds they slowly choke!

Fear not any hell to come...for a hell is now


Be thou condemned by the slugs and maggots of

their tongues!

In the Name of Satan!

Be thou condemned by the slime and filth of

their dirty hands!

In the Name of Satan!

Be thou condemned by the spiders and webs of

their deceptions!
The bone of death goes down your lying throat!

May these victims be wise and puke up the error

of their ways!

For the Angel of Death is swift to make decay

and lusts to take your devious being...

Their deeds had fallen where the waters revolt

and seek to drown them in return!

Their deeds had fallen where the fires rise and

spread to burn up their soul, mind and body!

Be quick and fall to your knees and beg the

Satanist for their mercy...

Let Satan hear your fearful heart!

Let The Satanist hear your confession before it is
too late!

You know what you have done!

Satan and the Satanist will always come to know

what is, what was and what shall be...all in due

Warning! Seek now to undo what you have done

before what you have done is the undoing of

The Satanist who exists within the essence of

Satan has the power to manifest great contrasts...

Your words were the karmic splitting of your


Your deeds were the karmic severing of

your limbs...

Know the essence of Satan, Be Not Deceived!

SATAN is justice...never the chaos of unjust


Know the essence of Satan, Be Not Deceived!

SATAN is those worthy of Satan’s


Know the essence of Satan, Be Not Deceived!

SATAN is those who defile his own...

Know the essence of Satan, Be Not Deceived!

Satan through the Luciferian Light of his

other nature inspires himself to be the greater of
fathers...than the false Jehovah...

Satan through the Luciferian Light of his other

nature inspires himself to be the greater of
brothers...than the false Christs...

The word of the essence of Satan is


The Satanist shall declare these nine times:

To The South, I declare SATAN ALMIGHTY

against all that is false...

To The East, I declare SATAN ALMIGHTY

against all that is false...

To The North, I declare SATAN ALMIGHTY

against all that is false...
To The West, I declare SATAN ALMIGHTY
against all that is false...

BEHOLD! I dwell within the Vortex of Satan

and I am safe from all fears...

BEHOLD! I dwell within The Vortex of Satan

and I am safe from all lies...

BEHOLD! I dwell within The Vortex of Satan

and I am safe from all that would be my enemy...

BEHOLD! I dwell within The Vortex of Satan

and I am safe from all that would seek to harm





Enter now the essence of SATAN...SO MOTE


Enter now the Vortex of Satan...SO MOTE IT


See now through the Eyes of Satan...SO MOTE


Hear now through the Ears of Satan...SO MOTE


Speak now with the Voice of Satan...SO MOTE

Walk now upon my Path with Satan...SO MOTE

Know now with the Mind of Satan...SO MOTE


Light the worlds with the powers of Lucifer...SO


Enter now the peace and bliss of Lucifer...SO


See the darkness through the light of

Lucifer...SO MOTE IT BE!

See the light in the darkness through the light of

Lucifer...SO MOTE IT BE!

See the lies within the truth through the

light of Lucifer...SO MOTE IT BE!
See the truth within the lies through the light of
Lucifer...SO MOTE IT BE!

SATAN...I love thee, The God worthy of the

greatest love...

LUCIFER...I love thee, The Light worthy of the

greatest worship...


who hate thee...forever...

The word of the essence of Satan is


And for this moment has come to an end...

BLESSED BE those who should be blessed!


CURSED BE those who should be cursed!




In The Name Of Almighty Satan-Lucifer,

The Grand Architect Of The Universe!!!

CHAPTER III: Infernal Meditation

It may come as a surprise to some that the

practice of meditation is of great value to the
Satanist. I would assume most spiritual and
theistic Satanists are already well aware of the
benefits of doing so. The reason is, is that this is
a necessary part in our spiritual evolution, and
brings us closer to the Source, which is the
Prince of Darkness. While this practice (and
evolution) can often take place within the ritual
chamber itself, it is not necessary to limit it to
such. Nor is it always necessary to speak with
Satan only in the ritual chamber either.
Sometimes Communion can be achieved in the
most unexpected of times and places...

When we practice meditation we are focusing

our minds on a single point – much in the same
way as when we work with Black Magic. This
“point of focus” is the “key” to unlocking that 4th
Dimension that is normally hidden.
As we go about our daily lives, there are always
dozens of things that are keeping us distracted:
work, money, family, friends, enemies,
television, the news, personal problems and
conflicts etc.

When we practice Black Magic or meditate, this

is the one time we can lose that “distraction”
from mundane affairs and become focused on a
single primary objective. We are simply there, as
opposed to the usual auto-pilot we run on in our
daily lives as we view things from an almost
third-person perspective. It actually takes effort
to stop and become Aware of our own Selves,
where we are and what we are doing. It is
literally a shift in consciousness that happens
when we do this; and this is why the practice of
meditation is so important and essential to
empowering the Black Magician.

Whether in total silence or listening to a piece of

atmospheric music (that is Satanically inspiring),
when we close our eyes, we also close off the
“noise” from the rest of the world. We are here,
right now, experiencing the present moment and
enjoying the beauty of the darkness that exists
eternally and timelessly. There is really not
much to the method of meditation other than
sitting in a comfortable position, closing one’s
eyes and focusing on the darkness at the core of
our being. Breathing in deeply through the nose
and slowly out of the mouth while we do this
also intensifies the effect of our Timeless

After even just several minutes of meditation we

can reach a point when it becomes Ecstasy just
existing, just being...becoming One with the

This is the Essence of Satan – Dark and

Complete. Free from the shackles that bind us in
our mundane lives, free from the illusions that
enslave us and keep us away from the Source
that simply is.
This Oneness is what strengthens our Bond with
the Prince of Darkness. This Oneness is what
strengthens our Selves and the Power of our
Black Magic. Try to set aside a time, every day,
even if only for a few minutes - to become Still,
Timeless and One with the Black Abyss. You
may be surprised at the results which follow.
CHAPTER IV: Spell of Destruction

This ritual follows the basic framework of

"Communion with the Prince of Darkness"
contained in Vol. 1 with some altercations.

The purpose behind this ritual is to unleash your

wrath via Black Magic towards an individual or
group of individuals who has wronged you in
some manner. This is an iron call to justice. The
Satanist does not "turn the other cheek" to his
adversaries, and will be the "three-fold"
TERROR coming back in the face of those who
have betrayed him in a manner that is without

This ritual is NOT to be taken lightly. The after

effects can cause CHAOS to manifest in ways
that can even sometimes back-lash against those
who unleash this Power. Be sure to take all of
the necessary precautions, and also maintain you
are positive that the person you cast this upon is
truly deserving of its Wrath.

You were warned.

Steps of the Ritual:

1. Light the Black Flame on the Devil's altar and

Face the Sigil of Baphomet. Upon the altar
should be an athame; as well as a chalice filled
with clean water.

2. Recite the "Invocation to Satan" as set forth in

"Communion with the Prince of Darkness".

3. Call forth the Names of the Infernal Ones who

Behold the Keys of Wrath:

"Oh hear thy names, Daemonic Spirits which

dwell in the Blackest Pit!
Melek Taus! Set! Azazel! Abigor! Euronymous!
Sekhmet! Typhon! Shiva! Abaddon! Beelzebub!
Kali! Ahriman! Haborym!"

4. Take the athame and begin to turn, counter

clockwise and point it towards each cardinal

Face the South:

"In the South, Samael, the Venom of God, I call

upon you now, hear me!"

Face the East:

"In the East, Lucifer, Light-Bringer, I call upon

you now, hear me!"

Face the North:

"In the North, Lilith, Ancient Queen of the Night,
I call upon you now, hear me!"

Face the West:

"In the West, Tiamat, Primordial Dragon of

Chaos, I call upon you now, hear me!"

"This Gate is now opened in the Name of Satan,

The Prince of Darkness!"

5. Raise the Chalice to the Sigil of Baphomet

and drink the clean water, emptying only half of
the cup.

Now point the athame towards the Sigil of


"Ave Satanas! Ave Luciferi! Hail Satan!"

6. Remain in a meditative state for a few minutes
and begin to feel the Current of the Dark Forces
you have called forth.

Now in your own words, describe by name the

individual who has done wrongly unto you.
Speak loud and fierce with a Voice of Power.
Describe specifically the betrayals the individual
has done and ask the Prince of Darkness to assist
you in seeking Vengeance and Justice against
this person or persons.

"Woe to you, O betrayer of my Self. Ye who

spreads nothing but filth and is a disgrace to life
upon this very Earth. May you think twice before
you cross another, for now your lesson shall be
learned swiftly, as the Prince of Darkness gazes
upon you and shows you no mercy for your
wrong doings against my Self! This Sacrifice is
made and the Blood that is spilled is your own."

7. Face the altar, take the athame, and begin to

lightly cut the flesh of your upper left arm in
downward strokes with the point of the blade.
You want to cut just deep enough to release the
physical blood, but light enough as to not cause
any major physical damage. Do this six times.
After the blood is released from your arm, take
your fingertip and wipe some of the blood upon
it. Dip your blood-soaked fingertip in the
remainder of the water in the Chalice.

8. Recite now the Tenth or Fourteenth Satanic

Enochian Key in either English OR Enochian
(not both):

The Tenth Key:

Creates rampant wrath and produces violence.

Dangerous to employ unless one has learnt to
safeguard his own immunity; a random lightning

"The thunders of wrath doth slumber in the
North, in the likeness of an oak whose branches
are dung-filled nests of lamentation and weeping
laid up for the Earth, which burn night and day
and vomit out the heads of scorpions and live
sulphur mingled with poison. These be the
thunders that in an instant roar with a hundred
mighty earthquakes and a thousand as many
surges, which rest not, nor know any time here.
One rock bringeth forth a thousand, even as the
heart of man doth his thoughts. Woe! Woe!,
Yea!, woe be to the Earth, for her iniquity is,
was, and shall be great. Come away! But not
your mighty sounds!"


"Coraxo cahisa coremepe, od belanusa Lucala

azodiazodore paebe Soba iisononu cahisa
uirequo ope copehanu od racalire maasi bajile
caosagi; das yalaponu dosiji od basajime; od ox
ex dazodisa siatarisa od salaberoxa cynuxire
faboanu. Vaunala cahisa conusata das daox
cocasa o Oanio yore vohima ol jizod-yazoda od
eoresa cocasaji pelosi molui das pajeipe, laraji
same darolanu matorebe cocasaji emena. El
pataralaxa yolaci matabe nomiji mononusa
olora jinayo anujelareda. Ohyo! ohyo! noibe
Ohyo! caosagonu! Bajile madarida I zodirope
cahiso darisapa! NIISO! caripe ipe nidali!"

The Fourteenth Key:

A call for vengeance and the manifestation of



“O ye sons and daughters of mildewed minds,

that sit in judgement of the iniquities wrought
upon me - Behold! The voice of Satan; the
promise of Him who is called amongst ye the
accuser and supreme tribune! Move therefore,
and appear! Open the mysteries of your
creation! Be friendly unto me, for I am the
same!, the true worshipper of the highest and
ineffable King of Hell!”


“Noroni bajihie pasahasa Oiada! Das tarinuta

mireca ol tahila dodasa tolahame caosago
homida: das berinu orocahe quare: Micama!
Bial! Oiad; aisaro toxa das ivame aai Balatima.
Zodacare od Zodameranu! Od cicale Qaa!
Zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada, hoathahe

9. Face the altar and raise the Chalice to the Sigil

of Baphomet:

"The Wrath of the Sacred Key has been unlocked

and may those who oppose My Presence feel
that vengeance upon themselves by their own
doing. The Blood has been shed."
Now drain the remainder of the chalice.

10. Take the athame and place it facing upwards

in the front of your face while gazing at the Sigil
of Baphomet:

"This Gate is now closed but the Divine Black

Flame of Satan burns forever from behind my

Point the athame at the Sigil of Baphomet:

"Ave Satanas! Ave Luciferi! Hail Satan!"

Snuff out the candle flame and recite the closing


"So it is done."
End of ritual.

“The 10th and 14th Satanic Enochian Keys” referenced from The
Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey
"Do not mistake numbers for strength. 10,000
sheep against one wolf shall be devoured."
- Vrykolakas Oriax, Magus V°
CHAPTER V: Chaos Infinite

Let one not assume that this Oneness I have

spoken of is always that of "bliss" or even
pleasant. To be completely connected to that
Dark Source of Chaos in experience can be at
times psychologically challenging. Those that
have experienced this themselves will know
exactly what it is I am referring to.

Especially during certain lunar cycles such as the

New or Full Moon, the solstices/equinoxes. And
particularly during the two days of the year that
the "veil" is at its thinnest - Samhain (October
31) and Walpurgisnacht (April 30) is when this
Presence is also the strongest.

Ponder this for a moment if you will, when a

finite human being has an experience of the
Infinite Chaos, this is something that cannot be
described in terminology that can even be
understandable by limited human language. I can
speak endlessly of what would be equivalent to
H.P. Lovecraft's "Cthulhu Madness" in his
mythos. But if you yourself have not
experienced this, it is almost impossible to
describe. It is something truly beyond "normal"
human comprehension and having that
experience itself brings one beyond the human
state of Awareness. This is when the veil has
completely lifted and the reality of what exists
Beyond is completely revealed, in which,
depending on the person; can cause either total
mental collapse, denial (out of sheer intensity
and fear of reality) or Alignment.

Again, Black Magic is not a joke. This is not a

"fun fad" to pass the time. Nor is it a sorry
excuse to play "dress up" and indulge in mere

Black Magic is real.

Satan, The Prince of Darkness, is real.

Do you doubt my words? Then you simply do
not know. Although I cannot blame you for your
ignorance. My logical assumption is that there is
still only a small fraction of humanity that truly
understands and grasps what I am attempting to

Perhaps you will one day. Or perhaps not.

This is unimportant to me in all honesty. I do not

seek to "convert" people because that is quite
impossible to do, nor would I desire to. You are
either "for us or against us". And I do not mean
that in the usual shallow terminology.

Satan is the Adversary for a reason....


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