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Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

1. pt presents with complaints of pain and (see clinical image) the most
likely receive a diet consisting of

A.high protein high calorie diet

B.high protein low calorie diet

C.low protein high calorie diet

D.low protein low calorie diet

2. A nurse is preparing a chemotherapy infusion to be administered to a

client with a diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease. Which of the following
precautions will the nurse take during the preparation of this

A. Wear gloves and a mask

B. Wear gloves and a gown

C. Wear gloves, masks, and eye protectors

D. Wear gloves, masks and a head covering

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

3. While preparing a patient for pelvic examination and a cone biopsy, the
nurse should tell the patient to:

a. Empty her bladder

b. Take the vaginal douche

c. Drink a quart of water

d. Perform pelvic exercise for 2 minutes

4. A nurse is providing medication instructions to a client with HIV who

will be taking saquinavir (Invirase). The nurse instructs the client to take
the medication:

A. On an empty stomach

B. Two hours before breakfast

C. Within 2 hours after a full meal

D. At bedtime.

5. A 45 year-old woman has severe asthma and prescribed high doses of

inhaled corticosteroids, an inhaled long-acting beta2- agonist and oral
corticosteroid, and omalizumab. For the past four months, the patient's
asthma has been well-controlled and the medication regimen can now

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

Which medication would most likely be eliminated?


B.Inhaled corticosteroids

C.Inhaled long-acting bet2-agonist

D.Oral corticosteroid

6. The nurse has just administered an intramuscular injection in the deltoid

to an eight year-old boy who has an X-linked recessive genetic disorder
in which there is a defect in the normal intrinsic coagulation cascade.

Which intervention is most appropriated to control bleeding?

A.Elevate the extremity.

B.Do pressure the site of bleeding by cold compress.

C.Give Vit. K injections.

D.None of the above.

7. The nurse is caring for a patient admitted to the hospital with

pneumonia. Upon assessment, the nurse notes a temperature of 101.4° F,
a productive cough with yellow sputum and a respiratory rate of 20.
Which of the following nursing diagnosis is most appropriate based upon
this assessment

A.Hyperthermia related to infectious illness

B.Ineffective thermoregulation related to chilling

C.Ineffective breathing pattern related to pneumonia

D.Ineffective airway clearance related to thick secretions

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

8. The nurse is assessing a patient with multiple sclerosis. The patient

reports increased muscle weakness and gait disturbance.

Which of the following medications will MOST likely benefit the


A. Nitrofurantoin (Macrobid).

B. Methocarbamol (Robaxin).

C. Methylprednisolone (solu-Medrol).

D. Neostigmine (Prostigmin).

9. During a routine nursing assessment in a post-operative care unit, the

nurse assesses the urine in a Foley catheter bag and notes the output has
been 30 milliliters in the past hour, urine is yellow, has a normal odor
and is clear. While recording the information, another patient calls for
her attention and she mistakenly documents the urinary output at 45

Which is the most appropriate action to correct the mistake?

A.Rewrite the correct amount on a new sheet.

B.Because the normal color of urine and odor, no need to documents the

C.Don’t do any things because no difference between 30 or 45ml/hr.

D.No need to write urine output every hour, it’s should be every

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

10. A nurse caring for a patient with acute pulmonary edema observes that
the patient's cough produces white, forthy sputum and that the patient is
extremely dyspneic. The patient has inspiratory and expiratory wheezing
on auscultation of the lungs. The IMMEDIATE objective of treatment is

A. Improve oxygenation.

B. Decrease anxiety.

C. Improve tissue perfusion.

D. Decrease risk for aspiration.

11. When preparing a patient for surgery of the lower abdomen, what
position should the nurse plan?

A. Dorsal recumbent.

B. Trendelenburg.

C. Lithotomy.

D. Sim's

12. Twelve hours after removal of a benign liver tumor, the nurse observes
that the patient has decreasing blood pressure, decreasing pulse
pressure, increasing heart rate, and increasing respiratory rate. The
patient's skin is cool and pale.

After lowering the head of the bed, what should the nurse do next?

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

A.Call the physician

B.Administer pain medication.

C.Give patient high flow O2 by oxygen mask.

D.Prepare patient for surgery.

13. When administering medication to a four year-old child, which of the

following actions should a nurse take?

A.Inform the child that an injection will be necessary if the child refuses
to take oral medication.

B.Ask the child to take the medication.

C.Indicate to the child a firm expectation to take the medication.

D.Mix the medication with a large amount of the child's favorite food or

14. Respiratory depression is a potentially life-threatening adverse effect





D.Nonsteroidals (NSAIDS).

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

15. A 14 year-old girl was admitted to the hospital after presenting with
intense neck pain, a rash over the trunk and lethargy. The nurse
establishes an intravenous access line and initiates treatment. The
physician then orders a lumbar puncture with cerebrospinal fluid

Which findings are most likely?

A.High glucose, normal neutrophils.

B.Low glucose, high protein.

C.High glucose, increased WBCs.

D.Low glucose, low protein.

16. A nurse caring for a patient with acute pulmonary edema observes that
the patient's cough produces white, forthy sputum and that the patient is
extremely dyspneic. The patient has inspiratory and expiratory wheezing
on auscultation of the lungs. The immediate objective treatment is to:

A.Improve oxygenation.

B.Decrease anxiety.

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

C.Improve tissue perfusion.

D.Decrease risk for aspiration.

17. Nursing care of a client with a fractured hip should include the
assessment of pedal pulses. If these pulses are not palpable, the initial
nursing intervention is directed towards:

A. Assessment of vital signs immediately.

B. Assessment and comparison of these pulses bilaterally.

C. Assessment of these pulses with Doppler ultrasound.

D. Assessment for signs of peripheral insufficiency

18. During exercise it is importance to replace water, which of the

following persons who lives in warm climate would have the greatest

A. An elderly man riding an exercise bikb.

B. A man playing racquetball

C. A woman doing water aerobic

D. A young man running marathon

19. A two and a half year-old child is having behavioral problems at home
and at school. The teacher complains that he doesn't come when called

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

and doesn't follow given instructions. He primarily plays alone and

doesn't interact with the other children.

Which hearing test is most appropriate for this child?

A.Play audiometry.


C.Pure tone audiometry.

D.Speech testing

20. Twelve hours after removal of a benign liver tumor, the nurse observes
that the patient has decreasing blood pressure, decreasing pulse
pressure, increasing heart rate, and increasing respiratory rate. The
patient's skin is cool and pale.

After lowering the head of the bed, that should the nurse do next?

A.Call the physician

B.Administer pain medication.

C.Give patient high flow O2 by oxygen mask.

D.Prepare patient for surgery.

21. When administering medication to a four year-old child, which of the

flowing actions should a nurse take?

A.Inform the child that an injection will be necessary if the child refuses
to take oral medication.

B.Ask the child to take the medication.

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

C.Indicate to the child a firm expectation to take the medication.

D.Mix the medication with a large amount of the child's favorite food or

22. A premenopausal woman with small body frame is at high risk for
condition in which bone reabsorption exceeds the rate of bone
formation. She drinks one-three cups of coffee per day since she was 25
years old and smokes five-ten cigarettes per day for the past 20 years.
The nurse advises the patient to increase her dietary intake of milk and
green leafy vegetables.

Which additional foods are most appropriate to recommend?

A.Egg yolk, cheese.

B.Saturated fat diet.

C.Meats, grains.

D. High CHO diet.

23. An appropriate dietary intervention for an elderly client with

dysphagia is:

A.Serve smaller, more frequent meals.

B.Serve foods at room temperature.

C.Provide a full liquid diet.'

D.Thicken thin liquids.

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

24. A mother presents to the clinic with her seven year-old boy who has a
limp while walking. There is a pink-colored, macular rash over his trunk.
Examination of the right leg confirms swelling and increased warmth
around the knee. There is a limited range of motion in the affected leg.

Which nursing diagnosis would more likely describe the above findings?


B.Activity intolerance.

C.Impair physical mobility

D.Deformities related to inflammation

25. A client with Addison’s disease has been admitted with a history of
nausea and vomiting for the past three days. The client is receiving IV
glucocorticoids (Solu-Medrol). Which of the following interventions
would the nurse implement?

A.Glucometer readings as ordered

B.Intake/output measurements

C.Evaluating the sodium and potassium levels

D.Daily weights

26. A nine year-old girl has a nursing diagnosis of Altered Body Image
related to changes in appearance secondary to varicella infection. The
child's body is covered with a rash and many large, weeping pustules.

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

The nurse provides counseling to the mother who is concerned that the
child will develop scarring.

Which intervention is most appropriate?

A.Keep the skin out of direct sunlight.

B.Apply calamine lotion to skin every two hours.

C.Wash pustules with soap and keep dry.

D.Soak in colloidal oatmeal bath three times daily.

27. A client is discharged home with a prescription for Coumadin (sodium

warfarin). The client should be instructed to:

A.Have a Protime done monthly.

B.Eat more fruits and vegetables.

C.Drink more liquids.

D.Avoid crowds.

28. An asthmatic patient presents with wheezing and coughing. Oxygen

saturation is 88% on room air.

Which of the following nursing diagnoses would take priority?

A.Imbalanced nutrition related to decreased food intake.

B.Activity intolerance related to inefficient breathing.

C.Impair gases exchange related to Bronchospasm.

D.Anxiety related to fear from death.

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

29. A community health nurse visits a patient who has a right-foot


Which of the following would suggest that the patient is meeting the
expected outcome for this type of surgery?

A.Stays in bed.

B.Verbalizes constant pain.

C.Avoids social gatherings.

D.Patient accept his live with the artificial limb.

30. A 57 year-old woman presents with complaints of pain in the bones of

her hands and knees. She reports taking large doses of ibuprofen in order
to perform activities of daily living, such as house cleaning and food
preparation (see clinical image).

What type of musculoskeletal disorder is most likely?


B.Rheumatic arthritis

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252


D.Multiple sclerosis

31. Which of the following positions the nurse should place a six-year old
child in, after a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy operations?

A.Semi-Fowler’s position, with head turned to the side.

B.Prone position with head of the bed slightly elevated

C.On his back, with his head turned to the right side

D.On his abdomen, with his head turned to the side

32. Which of the following action is correct when college a urine specimen
from a client’s indwelling urinary catheter?

A. Collect urine from the drainage collecting bag using sterile


B. Disconnect the catheter from the drainage tubing to collect urine

using clean technique.

C. Remove the indwelling catheter and insert a sterile straight catheter

to collect urine.

D.Aspirate specimen from the tubing draining port using needle and
syringe with sterile technique

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

33. A conscious victim of a motor vehicle accident arrives at the

emergency department. The patient is gasping for air, is extremely
anxious, and has a deviated trachea.

What diagnosis should the nurse anticipate?

A.Pleural effusion.

B.Tension pneumothorax.


D.Cardiac Tamponed

34. Which of the following diets would be most appropriate for a client
with chronic renal failure?

A.Low protein, high potassium, low sodium.

B.High carbohydrate, low protein, low sodium.

C.High calcium, high potassium, high protein.

D.High protein, high sodium, low potassium

35. A 57 year-old patient in a hospital clinic is schedules for a colon biopsy.

The patient speaks a different language than the hospital staff, but does
understand simple communication in the language of the staff. When
conducting patient education prior to the procedure, the nurse should
plan to:
Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

A.Write all communication and avoid speech.

B.Raise the volume and pitch of the voice.

C.Obtain an interpreter.

D.Ignore explain the procedure to patient.

36. The reaction and urinary catheter have been discontinued for a patient
who was immobilized in traction for 6 weeks. The patient is now having
a problem with urinary incontinence.

Which of the following interventions would the nurse MOST likely


A.Behavioral training.

B.Bladder retraining.

C.Re insert the urinary catheter.

D.Don’t do any things, this problem will disappear by time.

37. A client's chest tube is connected to a chest tube drainage system with
a water seal. The nurse noted that the water-seal column is fluctuating
with each breath that the client takes. the fluctuation means that:

A.There is an obstruction in the chest tube.

B.The client is developing emphysema.

C.The chest tube system is functioning properly.

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

D.There is a leak in the chest tube system.

38. A patient has had abdominal surgery. To prevent the patient from
developing hypostatic pneumonia, the nurse should take which action
during the immediate postoperative period?

A.Splint the patient incision area while he breathes deeply.

B.Have the patient blow into a spirometer four times a day.

C.Encourage the patient to exhale through closed lips.

D.Support the patient in an orthopneic position.

39. After a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), the nurse

noticed that the client's urine is bright red, has numerous clots and is
viscous. Which nursing action is MOST appropriate?

A.Irrigate the catheter and remove the clots.

B.Milk the catheter tube vigorously.

C.Increase the client's fluid intake.

D.Assess vital signs and notify the surgeon.

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

40. A client had an exacerbation of ulcerative colitis. Which of the

following factors was MOST likely of greatest significance in causing an
exacerbation of ulcerative colitis?

A.A demanding and stressful job.

B.Changing to a modified vegetarian diet.

C.Beginning a weight-training program.

D.Decreasing fluids intake.

41. A 27 year-old woman present with stomach cramping with alternating

constipation and diarrhea. She has been diagnosed with irritable bowel
syndrome two years before and has so far managed the illness with
lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise,

What is the most appropriate advice?

A.decrease diary intake.

B.Use antacids to relieve pain.

C.Plenty of fruit and vegetables.

D.Drink one liter of fluid in all day.

42. A nurse is providing instructions to the spouse of a client who is taking

tacrine (Cognex) for the management of moderate dementia associated
with Alzheimer's disease. The nurse tells the spouse which of:

A. If flu-like symptoms occur, it is necessary to notify the physician


Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

B. If a dose is missed, double up on the next dose.

C. If a change in the color of the stools occurs, notify the physician.

D. Do not administer food with the medication.

43. A nurse is caring for a hospitalized older client with a diagnosis of

dehydration who also has a diabetes mellitus. The client is alert but
disoriented, pale, and slightly diaphoretic, and the nurse suspects that
the client is:

A. Administer oral glucose.

B. Assist the client to bed, put the side rails up, and call the physician.

C. Seat the client at the nurse's desk while checking the physician's

D. Obtain a finger stick blood specimen and test the glucose level.

44. A nurse is caring for pregnant client who is receiving an intravenous

(IV) infusion of magnesium sulfate. To provide a safe environment, the
nurse ensures that which priority item is at the bedside?

A. Tongue blade

B. Percussion hammer

C. Potassium chloride injection

D. Calcium gluconate injection

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

45. A client is receiving external radiation to the neck for cancer of the
larynx. The nurse tells the client that the likely side effect to be
expected is:

A. Headache

B. Dyspnea

C. Sore throat

D. Diarrhea.

46. A client taking famotidine (Pepcid) asks the home-care nurse what
would be the best medication to take for a headache. The nurse tells the
client that it would be best to take:

A. Ibupropfen (Motrin)

B. Naproxen (N aprosyn)

C. Acetaminophen (Tylenol)

D. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid)

47. The nurse provides nutritional counseling for 68 year-old woman who
underwent a thyroidectomy two months previous. For the past month,
the patient has had numbness and tingling in the hands and feet.

Which daily food choices are most suitable?

A.Beans, almonds and green leafy vegetables.

B.Whole milk, white fish and whole wheat bread.

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

C.Black tea, beef and bananas.

D.Cheese, oranges and potatoes.

48. A client comes to the ER on a low carbohydrate diet. The client is

having one serving of carbohydrate, 70-100 gm of meat each meal, but
no milk, eats cheese, and 2 type of vegetable. What nutrient she is

A.Vitamin C, thiamine, calcium.

B.Zinc, iron, calcium.

C.Folic acid, potassium, vitamin A.

D.Vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin A.

49. A patient is undergoing chemotherapy and radiation for leukemia. The

patient's disease is characterized by abnormal proliferation of immature
white blood cells.

This leukemia is MOST likely what type?





50. A 60 year-old woman presents with feeling constantly cold since winter
began, even though she dresses warmly. On examination, the hands are

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

mottled and cold to the touch. She has gained nine kilograms in the past
two months.

Which changes in laboratory values are most likely?

A.Increased thyroxine.

B.Decreased thyroxine.

C.Increased Thyroid stimulation hormone.

D.Decreased serum iodine level in the body.

51. Which of the following can be used to determine if a prescribed pain

management therapy is effective for a nonverbal patient?

A.Papanicolaou test.

B.Faces rating scale.

C.Braden's scale.

D.Apgar assessment tool.

52. A coronary care unit (CCU) nurse is caring for a client admitted with
acute myocardial infraction (MI). the nurse monitors for which most
common complication of MI?

A. Cardiogenic shock

B. Cardiac dysrhythmias

C. Congestive heart failure

D. Recurrent myocardial infraction

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

53. During the initial maternal-infant bonding period following the

delivery of the placenta, the nurse's primary responsibility is to:

A. Make sure the infant stays warm and is in no danger of slipping

from the parent's grasp.

B. Assist the mother to begin breast-feeding the infant immediately.

C. Protect the infant from infection by maintaining isolation of the


D. Make sure the siblings are involved with the process of bonding.

54. The plan of care for a client with acute myocardial infraction (MI)
contains the nursing diagnosis risk for activity intolerance related to
fatigue. The nurse plans to:

A. Provide positive reinforcement and encouragement during physical


B. Provide adequate fluid intake before and after physical activity.

C. Provide assistance with self-care needs and provide frequent rest


D. Administer oxygen as needed.

55. Which of the following is the MOST common type of burn injury for

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

A. Scald

B. Thermal

C. Flame

D. Chemical

56. Before a laparotomy is performed the nurse instructs the client in the
correct use of an incentive spirometer .why is incentive spirometry
essential after surgery in the upper abdominal are?

A. The client will be maintained on bed rest several days.

B. Ambulatation is restricted by the presence of drainage tubes.

C. The operative incision is near the diaphragm.

D. The presence of a nasogastric deep breathing

57. Spironolactone (Aldactone) a potassium-sparing diuretic, is prescribed

for a client with CHF. A nurse produces dietary instructions to the client
and instructs the client to avoid foods that are high in which electrolyte?

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

E. Calcium

F. Potassium

G. Magnesium

H. Phosphorus

58. The nurse obtains a sputum specimen from a client with suspected TB
for laboratory study. Which of the following laboratory techniques is
most commonly used to identify tubercle bacilli in sputum?

A. Acid-fast staining

B. Sensitivity testing

C. Agglunitnation testing

D. Dark-field illumination

59. A man has been experiencing night-blindness. What vitamin could he

be deficient in?

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin B

C. Vitamin C

D. Vitamin D

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

60. The physician has scheduled a client for a left pneumonectomy. The
position that will most likely be ordered postoperatively for his is the:

1. Unoperative side or back

2. Operative side or back

3. Back only

4. Back or either side.

61. Basilar crackles are present in a client’s lungs on auscultation. The

nurse knows that these are discrete, non continuous sounds that are:

A. Caused by the sudden opening of alveoli

B. Usually more prominent during expiration

C. Produced by airflow across passages narrowed by secretions

D. Found primarily in the pleura.

62. A 39-year-old Polish man comes to the clinic for painful calves after
walking long distances and for discoloration of the fingers with changes
in temperature. He says his symptoms started two months ago, and he
gets no relief from the ibuprofen. He has previously been healthy. He
currently smokes a pack a day and drinks socially. He has no history of
drug abuse. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 140/90 mm
Hg, heart rate is 68/min, and he is afebrile. Examination of the hands
reveals distal digital ischemia and trophic changes in the nails of both
hands. Radial pulses are absent bilaterally, but all other pulses are
Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

present. His right calf shows evidence of a superficial thrombophlebitis.

Laboratory studies show: white cell count 9,600/mm3, hematocrit
38.6%, MCV 89 μm3, ESR 40 mm/h, and C-ANCA as negative. The
rheumatoid factor and ANA are negative. Which of the following should
be done next for this patient?



C.Arterial bypass

D.Abstention from tobacco

63. A client’s ABG results are as follows: pH: 7.16; PaCO2 80 mm Hg; PaO2 46
mm Hg; HCO3- 24 mEq/L; SaO2 81%. This ABG result represents which of
the following conditions?

A. Metabolic acidosis

B. Metabolic alkalosis

C. Respiratory acidosis

D. Respiratory alkalosis

64. You want to advise pt with cystitis about how many times to go to
bathroom :

a. 5 times during the day and times at night .

b. 5 times during the day and 1-2 times at night .

c. 5 times during the day and 1-5 times at night .

d .5 times during the day and 2-3 time at night

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

65. In transurethral operations, a three-way Foley catheter is inserted for

continuous irrigation in order to :

A. Prevent clots from obstructing the catheter.

B. Reduce the possibility of post-operative bladder hemorrhage.

C. Provide continuous bladder irrigation.

D. Separate urinary output from irrigation fluid

66. To manage the increasing of intracranial pressure (ICP) for a child, the
nurse should :

A. Keep the head of the bed flat.

B. Perform continuous suctioning to keep air way clear.

C. Maintain child head on one side.

D. Avoid repositioning.

67. Which position should the nurse prepare a child who is going to
receive barium enema?

a. Supine position

b. Chest-knee position

c. Supine with elevated leg

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

d. Left lateral position

68. A nurse caring for a patient 48 hours after the insertion of a cardiac
pacemaker, evaluates the patients understanding of things that can cause
electromagnetic interference with the pacemaker.

Which of the following responses would indicate the patient understood

the items that could adversely affect the electromagnetic function of the

A.Cell phone and magnetic reasoning imaging.


C.Desktop computer

D.None of the above.

69. When measuring the blood glucose using a glucometer. Which of the
following action results in faulty reading?

A. Smearing blood on test strip.

B. Inserting test strip into the glucometer until it stops.

C. Warming the client's finger before piercing.

D. Cleaning client's finger with soap and water only

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

70. A female client has a serum calcium level of 7.2 mg/dl. During the
physical examination, nurse Noah expects to assess:

A. Trousseau’s sign.

B. Homans’ sign.

C. Hegar’s sign.

D. Goodell’s sign.

71. A client's ulcerative colitis (Crohn's disease) signs and symptoms have
been present for longer than 1 week. The nurse should assess the client
for signs and symptoms of which of the following complications?

A. Heart failure.

B. Deep vein thrombosis.

C. Hypokalemia.

D. Hypocalcemia

72. Which of the following diets would be most appropriate for the client
with Crohn's disease?

A. High-calorie, low-protein.

B. High-protein, low-residue.

C. Low-fat, high-fiber.

D. Low-sodium, high-carbohydrate

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

73. When caring for a female client with a history of hypoglycemia, nurse
Ruby should avoid administering a drug that may potentiate
hypoglycemia. Which drug fits this description?

A. sulfisoxazole (Gantrisin)

B. mexiletine (Mexitil)

C. prednisone (Orasone)

D. lithium carbonate (Lithobid)

74. A 25 year-old female presented to the emergency room with lethargy,

decreased reflexes, hypoventilation, hypotension, and fixed and dilated
pupils. A family member who is accompanying the patient has an empty
bottle of diazepam (Valium) which the label states was recently refilled.
The family member also indicates that the patient has a history of

What intervention should the nurse expect to administer?

A. Naloxone (Narcan)

B. Activated charcoal

C. Magnesium sulfate to reduce the risk of seizures

D. A tap water enema

75. The blood bank notifies the nurse that the two units of blood ordered
for an anemic patient are ready for pick up. The nurse should take which

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

of the following actions to prevent an adverse effect during this


A.Immediately pick up both units of blood from the blood bank.

B.Regulate the flow rate so that each unit takes at least 4 hours to

C.Set up the Y-tubing of the blood set with dextrose in water as the
flush solution.

D.Infuse the blood slowly for the first 15 minutes of the transfusion

76. When physically examining a client, the nurse must try to alleviate the
client's fear, and encourage his (her) cooperation throughout the entire
physical examination. This includes all of the following except:

A. Explain procedure to client.

B. Explain what is expected from the client.

C. Explain what the client can expect to feel.

D. Explain how the nurse interprets the findings

77. The signs and symptoms of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus are :

A.Increase weight, polyphagia , polydipsia and weakness.

B.Weight loss, polyphagia, polydipsia and dehydration.

C.Itching, drowsiness, and an urea.

D.Blurred vision, slow healing of wounds and hypoglycemia

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

78. The patient in above pictures on chemotherapy treatment development

a one side effects of it’s, this side effect called:

A. Hyperplasia

B. Neoplasia

C. Alopecia

D. Dyspepsia

79. The Mantoux test is an skin test used to determine if a person has been
infected with the TB bacillus, which the result of it appear after:

A.1 hour.

B.24 hours.

C.72 hours.

D.One weeks.

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

80. Patient come to the ER in the hospital, after vehicle accidents with leg
fracture the doctor in ER order to do X- ray which show ( above
pictures), So what type of fracture in patient leg :

A. Open fracture.

B. Close fracture.

C. Simple fracture.

D. Communicated fracture.

81. Which of the following would be the priority nursing diagnosis for the
adult client with acute leukemia?

A.Oral mucous membrane, altered related to chemotherapy

B.Risk for injury related to thrombocytopenia

C.Fatigue related to the disease process

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

D.Interrupted family processes related to life-threatening illness of a

family member.

82. 500 mg of Ampicillin solution is ordered; available solution contains

125 mg/5cc. How much will you give?

A.5 ml.

B.20 ml.

C.10 ml.

D.50 ml.

83. A patient arrives at the ED with a blood sugar of 578, serum osmolality
of 300, pH of 7.3, severe thirst, dehydration, and confusion. The patient
is breathing rapidly and has a fruity breath smell. This patient has
symptoms of.?

A. Diabetic ketoacidosis

B. hyperosmolar hyperglycemic non ketotic coma

C. Hypoglycemia

D. diabetic neuropathy

84. A client is found unconscious and unresponsive. The nurse should first:

A. Initiate a code

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

B. Check for a radial pulse

C. Give four full lung inflations

D. Compress the lower sternum 15times

85. When performing external cardiac compression, the nurse should exert
downward vertical pressure on the lower sternum by placing:

A. The fleshy part of a clenched list on the lower sternum

B. The heels of each hand side by side extending the fingers over the

C. The fingers of one hand on the sternum and the fingers of the other
hand on top of them

D. The heel of one hand on the sternum and the heel of the other on top
of it, interlocking the fingers

86. A nurse has an order to begin administering warfarin sodium

(coumadin) to a client. While implementing this order, the nurse ensures
that which of the following medications is available on the nursing unit
as the antidote for Coumadin?

A. Vitamin K

B.Aminocaproic acid

C.Potassium chloride

D. Protamine sulfate

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

87. When ventricular fibrillation occurs in a CCU, the first person

reaching the client should:

A. Administer oxygen

B. Defibrillate the client

C. Initiate CPR

D. Administer sodium bicarbonate intravenously

88. A client who has been receiving heparin therapy also is started on
warfarin sodium (coumadin). The client asks the nurse why both
medications are being administered. In formulating a response, the nurse
incorporates the understanding that warfarin sodium:

A. Stimulates the breakdown of specific clotting factors by the liver, and

it takes 2-3 days for this is exhibit an anticoagulant effect.

B. Inhibits synthesis of specific clotting factors in the liver, and it takes

3 to 4 days for this medication to exert an anticoagulation effect

C. Stimulates production of the body’s own thrombolytic substances, but

it takes 2-4 days for it to begin.

D. Has the same mechanism action of heparin, and the crossover time
is needed for the serum level of warfarin sodium to be therapeutic

89. A client comes into the E.R. with acute shortness of breath and a cough
that produces pink, frothy sputum. Admission assessment reveals

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

crackles and wheezes, a BP of 85/46, a HR of 122 BPM, and a respiratory

rate of 38 breaths/minute. The client’s medical history included DM,
HTN, and heart failure. Which of the following disorders should the
nurse suspect?

A.Pulmonary edema


C.Cardiac tamponade

D.Pulmonary embolus

90. All of the following are important in the immediate care of the
premature neonate. Which nursing activity should have the greatest

A. Instillation of antibiotic in the eyes

B. Identification by bracelet and foot prints

C. Placement in a warm environment

D. Neurological assessment to determine gestational age

91. A pregnant pt is admitted with excessive thirst, increased urination, &

has a medical diagnosis of diabetes insipidus. The nurse chooses which of
the following nursing diagnoses as most appropriate?

A. Risk for Imbalanced Fluid Volume

B. Excess Fluid Volume

C. Imbalanced Nutrition

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

D. Ineffective Tissue Perfusion

92. A pt recovering from surgery has an indwelling urinary catheter. The

nurse would contact the pt's primary healthcare provider with which of
the following 24-hour urine output volumes?

A. 600 mL

B. 750 mL

C. 1000 mL

D. 1200 mL

93. A 28-year-old male pt is admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis. The

nurse realizes that this pt will have a need for which of the following

A. sodium

B. potassium

C. calcium

D. Magnesium

94. Which measure would be most therapeutic in preventing a post

operation patient from developing thrombophlebitis in the calves.

A. Obtain an order for the use of elastic stockings.

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

B. Maintain the patient's bed slightly elevated.

C. Elevate the patient's leg's above the heart level.

D. Encourage the patient to dorsiflex the feet three times a day

95. Which of the following situation would most likely expose the nurse to
hepatitis A virus?

A. Coming in contact with client’s faces.

B. Spray the client’s blood into the nurse’s eyes.

C.Touching the client’s arm with ungloved hands.

D.Disposing of syringes and needles without recapping

96. According to recommended childhood immunization schedule an infant

should receive the first dose of oral poliovirus vaccine at how many
months of age?

A. One month.

B. Two months.

C.Three months.

D.Four months

97. The nurse should observe the child who is receiving Digoxin for signs
of toxicity which are:
Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

A. Nausea.vomiting. bradycardia

B. Nausea,vomiting .tachycardia

C. Nausea,vomiting . Acute pain

D. Nausea,vomiting . yellowish skin color

98. Before administering a client's morning dose of Lanoxin (digoxin), the

nurse checks the apical pulse rate and finds a rate of 54. The appropriate
nursing intervention is to:

A. Withhold the medication and notify the doctor.

B. Administer the medication and monitor the heart rate.

C. Withhold the medication until the heart rate increases.

D. Record the pulse rate and administer the medication.

99. The LPN is preparing to administer an injection of vitamin K to the

newborn. The nurse should administer the injection in the:

A. Dorsogluteal muscle.

B. Rectus femoris muscle.

C. Vastus lateralis muscle.

D. Deltoid muscle.

Twitter: nurse077 | Preparation / Abdulrahman Al-Gamdi 0533319252

100. pt As a result of a transfusion reaction a client suffers kidney damage.

When determining kidney damage, the MOST significant response that the
:nurse should assess is

A. Polyuria

B. Hematuria

C.Decreased urinary output



.. ‫أ‬

The term “blue bloater” refers to which of the following conditions?

1. Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

2. Asthma
3. Chronic obstructive bronchitis
4. Emphysem

A 23 year- old male comes to the Emergency Department in a sickle cell

crisis. He reports that his pain level is a 10110 in all extremities. During the
assessment, he cannot lie still because of the pain. There is no cyanosis or
clubbing in the extremities and all examination findings are normal. The vital
signs recorded were
132/82 mmHg Blood pressure
110/min Heart rate
18/mm Respiratory rate
38.4°C Temperature
94 % an room air Oxygen Saturation
Which nursing diagnosis is first priority?
a- Acute pain
b- Fluid volume deficit
c- Ineffective tissue perfusion
d- Ineffective airway clearance


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