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Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more
successful existence. This is determining for yourself what choices you need to make in order to be
healthy and to be well across the six different dimensions. The six dimensions were developed by Dr Bill
Hettler, the Co-Founder of National Wellness Institute. The six dimensions are occupational, social,
physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.

Occupational dimension is to have a job that fits your personal values, beliefs and interests. One cannot
be satisfied with his work or job. According to Maslow Hierarchy of needs, one can never be satisfied
therefore it is impossible for a person to have satisfaction and enrichment through work. My major
weakness is that I am not satisfied with my study program. I assessed myself and I have some areas I
need to improve. I am a student who is doing Accounting and Finance and because I am not performing
to the required standards. I need to make productive use of time, during vacations and holidays by
working for companies as a clerk for me to learn more about accounting because I look forward to
working in my field of study. I want my program of study to allow me to make good use of my talents
that is playing around with figures.

On social dimension, Hettler believes that by building and maintaining meaningful relationships with
friends, family and even strangers like store clerk, we leave a positive impact on our environment and
community. My weakness is that I am not comfortable in making new friends and I feel like I’m a better
person when I’m alone. When I assessed myself on my social wellness, I want to try to get comfortable
with meeting new people, to communicate and get along with a wide variety of people and this will help
me have good relationships with people. Things work better when you have good relationships with
people because they will have your back when you need their help.

Physical dimension encourages learning about diet and nutrition while discouraging the use of tobacco,
drugs and excessive alcohol consumption. For one to consume a healthy diet he/she needs to take lean
protein, fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats. One of my major weakness is that I don’t
eat healthy food, I eat junky foods and this is making me gain weight. I assessed my physical wellness; I
have to engage in physical exercise regularly to keep my body fit. I have to consciously eat healthy food
and have a balanced diet to fight against diseases. My weight is too much for my age that I need to
exercise so that I can maintain a reasonable weight for my age and height. I need to do other activities
to refresh my mind so that I consciously maintain healthy stress levels.

Intellectual is to consistently seek knowledge. According to Hettler, a well person expands his or her
knowledge and skills while discovering the potential for sharing his or her gifts with others. My
weakness on intellectual wellness is that I don’t have the drive to research more information after
having lectures and I only rely on lecturer’s knowledge. I have to improve by researching more during
my studies to have better skills and knowledge. I will be going to the library frequently to research more
about my study program.
Emotional dimension is the ability to internalize, recognize and be aware of the emotions and the
feelings that we have not to just brush them off and ignore them denying their existence. Emotional
dimension can be used as a well-developed ability to manipulate others. I sometimes can be
manipulative; I tend to sway personal opinions and always see my side of the situation and never let
others have their own opinion because I feel like my feelings are more important than theirs. When I
assessed myself on emotional wellness, I discovered that I need to accept responsibility for my actions.
When I am wrong, I need to accept my mistakes and also learn from my mistakes.

Spiritual wellness is the continual search for meaning and purpose. It is the development of a deep
appreciation for the depth and expanse of life and natural forces that exist in the universe. It takes time
for one to be spiritually well. My weakness is that I cannot easily let go of the old habits I am used to for
them to start becoming more consistent with their beliefs and values. I made a self-assessment on my
spiritual wellness, I have to respect others’ beliefs and values, especially those that differ from mine for
example I eat pork and I must not influence those who do not eat pork because we have different beliefs
and we need to accept that. I need to make conscious choices about my actions based on personal

The six dimensions of wellness are interdependent and this will help me improve in all the dimensions.


 Hettler, B., Dr. (1976). The Six Dimensions of Wellness Model. Stevens Point, WL: National
Wellness Institute.

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