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St. Rose Catholic School, Inc.

Sta. Rosa St., Pob. Sur, Paniqui, Tarlac




Alvin G. Salome
Subject Teacher


The learner...
 Demonstrates understanding of holistic health and management of health
concerns during adolescence.

The learner...
Manages appropriately health concerns during adolescence achieve health

 Explains the dimensions of holistic health (physical ,mental/ intellectual

,emotional , social and moral-spiritual)
 Analyzes the interplay among the health dimension in developing holistic
 Practice health habits to achieve holistic health
 Recognize the changes in different aspect of growth that normally happen
during adolescence.
 Recognizes that changes in different dimensions are normal during
 Explain the proper health appraisal procedures.
 Demonstrates health appraisal procedures during adolescence in order to
achieve holistic health.
 Avails of health services in the school and community in order to appraise
one’s health.

To educate young people about the changes and health concerns during puberty.

The students will create their own graphic organizers. Encourage them to be creative
in presenting the concepts


1. Topic: Learning More About Growth and Development
1.1. Sub topic: Growth and Development During Adolescent Year
1. 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION




Understanding dimension of health helps in achieving holistic health. Knowledge

and understanding of changes during puberty help in dealing with health concerns
related to it.

How will you achieve holistic health?
 How will you deal with the health concerns during puberty?
 Why are health appraisal activities important?


Growth and Development During Adolescent
1 Year

Activity No. 1

Growing up is exciting. There are changes in your body and how you feel and
think as well as on how you deal with others. At your age, you must have noticed
these changes.

Can you list some of these changes?

Fill in the table with words that would appropriately describe the changes you
are experiencing. You may use the guide words or express your answer in your own
How I look I noticed that my (part of your)
How I feel I always felt ___________________________________ then.

But now , I feel

How I deal with I liked ________________________________
But now _____________________________________.

How I think I used to think about_________________________________

But now _________________________________

Teacher’s Note
 When students are asked about the meaning of health, they usually focus on
the physical aspect only. It is important that students know the meaning of
holistic health. It is harmony and balance in all aspects of one’s health -
physical, mental, emotional, social, and moral-spiritual.

Our mind and body send us signals, such as symptoms, if something is

wrong with our health. Students must know that these signals must be addressed
right away to ensure balance of the five dimensions of health.

Dimensions of Health

1. Physical health

Physical Health includes the state of the body, its composition,

development, functions, and maintenance. It is also associated with our physical
needs for proper nutrition, activity, shelter, and protection from harm. These
basic physical needs must be met in order to progress to a higher level of health.
Physical health is a requirement for wellness in the other dimensions of health. It
enhances and serves as a basis for achieving wellness in the other dimensions.
The following practices will promote physical health:
To keep the body and mind energized, eat nutritious food.
To prevent eating disorders, avoid skipping meals or overeating.
To cleanse the body, drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.
To increase the immunity and endurance levels of the body, maintain
fitness by exercising.
To detect illness at an early stage, have regular checkups.
To enhance adolescent’s growth and development, have at least 7
hours of uninterrupted sleep daily.
To prevent unhealthful consequences of addiction, avoid taking
addictive substances.

 What are the examples of Physical Health?

 Why is physical health is important?
 What are physical health problem?
 What is physical health and wellness?
2 . Mental health

M en t al Heal t h refers to the cognitive ability and skills to improve one’s

quality of life. It is the ability to reason out, analyze, evaluate, create, and make
rational decisions. Here are some ways to attain good mental health:

 Set realistic goals.

Look at every opportunity with an open mind.
Know the demands and expectations from you.
Maintain a positive outlook when dealing with problems/conflicts.

Types of mental illness:

 mood disorders (such as depression or bipolar disorder)
 anxiety disorders.
 personality disorders.
 psychotic disorders (such as schizophrenia)
 eating disorders.
 trauma-related disorders (such as post-traumatic stress disorder)
 substance abuse disorders.


 How do you define mental health?

 Why is mental health is important?
 What are the 4 types of mental health?
3. Emotional health

Emotional Health refers to the ability to accept and cope with one’s own
and others’ feelings. Emotions affect almost all aspects of one’s life including
decision- making. Awareness of the signs and symptoms of emotional problems is
very important. To help one attain emotional health, the following will help:
Be aware of and accept one’s strength and weaknesses.
Handle stress and seek help, if needed.
Develop strong communication networks among family, friends, and peers.


 What are examples of emotional health?

 What is mental and emotional health?
 How does emotional health affect you?
 What is the difference between mental and emotional health?
4. Social health

Social Health refers to the ability to build and maintain harmonious/

satisfying relationships. Being socially accepted enhances emotional well-being.
The following help one attain social health:
Increase interaction with other people.
Improve interpersonal communication skills.
Assume a positive self- image.
Interact with different types of people.
Accept and understand different cultural norms.


 What is social health and example?

 Why is social health is important?
 What are the effect of social health?
 How do you maintain social health?

5 . Moral-spiritual health

M o r a l - S p i r i t u a l H e a l t h refers to one’s faith, beliefs and values.

Being morally and spiritually healthy is also looking for the meaning and purpose of
life. There are no recommended ways to help attain moral-spiritual health. It is
more about looking within oneself deeply and understanding one’s existence and


 What are examples of spiritual health?

 Why spiritual health is important?
 How can I improve my spiritual health?

Activity No2… Know Your Body Changes

Changes In Your Body Why Do This Changes What To Do With This

Happen? Changes
ACTIVITY3.Practice Health Habit to Achieve Holistic Health

Check Your Health Habits and Practices Directions: Think of your health
habits and practices. Put a check (/) in the column after each item to show
how often you practice the health activity.

Health Habits/Practices Always Sometimes Never

1. I eat a full breakfast.

2. I eat a balanced diet.

3.I sleep at least 7-8 hours a day

4.I exercise/play outdoors.

5.I face my problems and stresses

6.I accept constructive criticisms.

7.I put into action what I believe in

8.I enjoy learning new.

9. I read books/surf the internet to learn

10. I share my thoughts with my best


11. I respect others.

12. I make friends with people of both


13. I listen to the ideas and suggestions of

14. . I get along well with my family
friends, and other people

15. I accept who I am.

Count the number of Always 3x___= ___

Count the number of Sometimes 2x___= ___

Count the number of Never 1x___= ___

Divide the total by 15 What can you say about your health habits and practices?

Are you happy with your score? Why? Why not?


Directions: Complete the unfinished sentences.

1. Attaining holistic health

means______________________________________. 2. The five dimensions of
health are ____________________________________. 3. I can attain good
health if___________________________________________. 4. I’m happy/sad
about my health because_______________________________. 5. From now on
I promise to___________________________________________

ACTIVITY5. Stages of Growth and Development, Puberty

Answer the following questions:

1. What is Puberty?
2. Why does growth spurt cause adolescents to feel awkward?
3. What are the positive and negative effects of the changes that may occur
during puberty? List three positive changes and three negative changes.
4. How will you cope with this changes?

Puberty is the period when your body begins to change and develop
into an adult. This is the time when males and females are physically able to

Changes in the health dimensions during Adolescence

1. Physical Changes
 These are some of the general changes that happen to adolescent boys and girls
during puberty:
• There is a rapid increase in height and weight. Boys experience this usually two
years later than girls. The head, hands and feet grow faster first, then the arms and
legs, and then the chest and shoulders. This is why the body of an dolescent seems
to be out of proportion.
• Changes in circulatory and respiratory systems—The heart and lungs grow bigger
and work better, so the adolescent becomes stronger and can work longer, although
the increase is more in boys than in girls.
• Body composition—Muscles develop rapidly, although boys’ muscles grow faster
than girls’. Body fat increases, although the increase in girls’ body fat is more than the
• Other changes:
o There is a sudden increase in hormone production.
o Bones become harder.
o Sweat and oil glands become more active. 20

 Primary sex characteristics are changes directly related to sexual

 The reproductive organs of both boys and girls grow and develop. The boys
experience their first release of seminal fluid or ejaculation from the penis. The girls
experience menarche or the first release of blood and fluids from the vagina, later
called menstruation.
 Secondary sex characteristics are changes not directly related to sexual
• The voice becomes deeper.
• The Adam’s apple becomes bigger.
• The shoulders become wider than the hips.
• Hair grows on the face, body and pubic area.
• The skin on the upper arms and thighs becomes rough.
• Breasts develop.
• The hips become wider than the shoulders.
• Hair grows on the underarm and pubic area.
2. Mental Changes

The development of their intellectual ability makes adolescents less accepting of what
others say. They learn to question what others say. They try to get to the bottom of
things—trying to find out what to believe in and what to doubt.
• The adolescents make better decisions because they can evaluate risks and
rewards better. They can sense these advantages and dangers as well as the
advantages and rewards that might happen because of their actions. They can
already think well before acting as well as know the importance of planning ahead.
These characteristics help adolescents
make better decisions. However, adolescents take more risks than adults because
they enjoy the rewards that result from their actions.
• On the other hand, adolescents have a tendency to become bored with routine
activities; they need to be challenged.

3. Emotional Changes

Adolescents are more responsive to rewards and stress.

Adolescents are more emotional and this makes them open to being hurt or in
• Adolescent boys are also sexually active; therefore, they are prone to participate in
risky behavior. Due to the sudden increase in the manufacture of hormones,
adolescent boys become more aggressive.
• Adolescent girls become self-conscious because of the changes that are happening
to them. These also give them a feeling of insecurity.
• Early maturing boys are usually taller and stronger; they have a good body image,
so they are more confident, secure and independent.
4. Social Changes

Adolescents are very self- conscious. They consider approval of friends and other
adolescents or peers as very important.
• Adolescents enjoy being with friends, so they stay longer with them after school.
They enjoy choosing clothes to wear; they also crave privacy. These sometimes
cause conflicts between adolescents and their parents.
 • Young adolescents choose friends who share the same interest with them.
• Adolescents who grow up with family members showing love, guidance and support
for each other are less likely to get involved with bad company and engage in fights,
vandalism, smoking , drinking, or drug sessions.

5. Moral-spiritual Changes

Adolescents begin analyzing themselves during this stage. They try to find out who
they really are and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. As a result, they
understand themselves better and learn to accept and like themselves, including their
weaknesses. They learn that house rules imposed by their parents are there to
promote order and harmony at home. However, they are not absolute and some are
negotiable as they mature. They begin to distinguish between rules that are
negotiable and those that are non-negotiable. Non-negotiable rules, like smoking, are
imposed because they are for their own good. During adolescence, boys and girls
realize what they could become in the future.
ACTIVITY6. Assess and Learn
Changes During Adolescence
Assess your own learning about the changes that occur in males and females.
1. Write three things that you learned about the changes that occur in males and
2. Write two effects of these changes to you.
3. Write one question you still have about the changes in males and females.

Health Appraisal
Health appraisal is a series of procedures to assess or determine the health
status of students. The health status of the student is determined through the use of
teacher’s observation, screening test, health histories, and medical, dental, and
psychological evaluations.

Procedures in health appraisal

1. Screening – determines the potential health implications of the policy
2. Scoping -  key health issues and public concerns are identified that should be
considered the assessment. Health determinants that may be include factors such as
the social, and physical environment (housing quality, crime rates, and social
networks), personal or family circumstances (exercise, risky-behavior, and

3. Appraisal – within the defined scopes, available evidence is gathered and used to
estimate the potential health gains or losses.

Height and weight – is being monitored during puberty to know the growth of a child
and also to get to its BMI to describe the body’s condition

Self breast examination – 

a procedure a woman can do to physically and visually examine her breasts and
underarm areas for changes. It has not been shown that BSEs alone can accurately
determine the presence of breast cancer.
Breast self-examination can be performed every month. Become familiar with how
your breasts usually look and feel so that you may notice any change from what is
normal for you:

 If you still menstruate, the best time to do BSE is when your breasts are least
likely to be tender or swollen, such as a few days after your period ends.

 If you no longer menstruate, pick a certain day—such as the first day of each
month—to remind yourself to do BSE.
Testicular examination for boys - help you learn the normal feel and appearance of
your testicles. That may make it more likely that you'll notice subtle changes, should
they occur. Changes in your testicles could be a sign of a common benign condition,
such as an infection or a cyst, or a less common condition, such as testicular cancer.
A testicular exam is an inspection of the appearance and feel of your testicles. You
can do a testicular exam yourself, typically standing in front of a mirror.
Routine testicular exams may give you a greater awareness of the condition of your
testicles and help you detect when changes occur. Testicular exams may also help
you identify potential testicular problems.
If you detect lumps or other changes during a testicular exam, make an appointment
with your doctor.
testicular self-examination (TSE) is an easy way for guys to check their own testicles to make sure
there aren't any unusual lumps or bumps — which can be the first sign of testicular cancer.
Although testicular cancer is rare in teenage guys, overall it is the most common
cancer in males between the ages of 15 and 35. It's important to try to do a TSE
every month so you can become familiar with the normal size and shape of your
testicles, making it easier to tell if something feels different or abnormal in the future.
Here's what to do:
 It's best to do a TSE during or right after a hot shower or bath. The scrotum
(skin that covers the testicles) is most relaxed then, which makes it easier to
examine the testicles.
 Examine one testicle at a time. Use both hands to gently roll each testicle (with
slight pressure) between your fingers. Place your thumbs over the top of your
testicle, with the index and middle fingers of each hand behind the testicle, and
then roll it between your fingers.
 You should be able to feel the epididymis (the sperm-carrying tube), which
feels soft, rope-like, and slightly tender to pressure, and is located at the top of the
back part of each testicle. This is a normal lump.
 Remember that one testicle (usually the right one) is slightly larger than the
other for most guys — this is also normal.
 When examining each testicle, feel for any lumps or bumps along the front or
sides. Lumps may be as small as a piece of rice or a pea.
 If you notice any swelling, lumps, or changes in the size or color of a testicle,
or if you have any pain or achy areas in your groin, let your doctor know right
Lumps or swelling may not be cancer, but they should be checked by your doctor as
soon as possible. Testicular cancer is almost always curable if it is caught and treated
Vision screening –  

Vision Screening: A First Step

School vision screenings are important and can help to detect eye conditions that are defined as
“commonly occurring,” meaning that they occur in more than 1% of the target population. Early
detection of vision problems has a demonstrated impact on quality of life for students, especially in the
case of color-blindness, which is often not assessed “in any other venue except as necessary for entry
into certain occupations.”  Although traditional school vision screenings have focused on myopia
(nearsightedness, or lack of clear distance vision), children need to receive an eye exam by an eye
doctor in a clinical setting that can detect issues with distance vision, close vision, color detection, and
binocular vision.
Vision problems have been shown to adversely affect a child’s achievement in
school.  Myopic children have trouble reading blackboard notes or other classroom
presentation materials.  Hyperopic children will have trouble reading or doing any kind
of close work.  Additionally, several types of eye disorders can lead to permanent
visual impairment if not identified and treated early by an eye doctor.  Vision problems
can and do adversely affect students’ ability to function in and enjoy learning.
Scoliosis test - Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine curves to the side. It is an
abnormal lateral or side-to-side curvature of the spine. This condition commonly
develops during growth spurt of adolescents. It affects girls more often. This condition
can be corrected if treated early before the bones have fully developed. Early
detection can prevent scoliosis from progressing.
Screening Procedure: Forward Bend Test:

1. Stand facing away from the screener.

2. Bend forward at the waist 90 degrees, feet 10 cm apart, knees  straight, and feet
parallel to each other.
3. Palms of the hands are facing each other and arms hang down, and are relaxed.
The head is down.
 It is normal if the screener observes the following:
a.  Both sides of upper and lower back are symmetrical.
b.  Hips level and symmetrical.
 There is possible scoliosis if the screener observes the following:
a. One side of rib cage and/or the lower back showing uneven symmetry.
b. Curve in the alignment of the spine.
ACTIVITY7. Assess and Learn
Health Appraisal
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is health appraisal?
2. As a student, do you think health appraisal is important? Why?
3. Do you think your school offers proper/enough health services?
4. Is it important to know your family’s health history? Why?
B. Let’s do health screening. Go to your clinic or barangay health center and get
a check-up. Do the actual screening and fill out the needed information below.

Name: Age:
Birthday: Gender:
Vision Screening:
Hearing Screening: (if available)
Scoliosis Test: (forward Bend Test Only)
Other finding/s:

Activity No8…My Journal/Learning Log

Write in your journal your answer to the following questions:

Journal Question 1
What hygienic practices are necessary during puberty?
Journal Question 2
What social and emotional changes are associated with puberty? Write at least
three. Discuss ways on how these changes affect your personality.
Journal Question 3
Discuss your personal responsibilities in relation to the changes that occur
during puberty and identify the responsibilities associated with physical, social and
emotional changes that you experienced.

Teacher’s Note

Each of students has a book of thier journal.


Activity No…

MUSIC Search a song for Lowland of Luzon and use it for your
sing and dance performances.
ARTS Create an artwork using the Elements and Principle of Arts
PHYSICAL Execute Physical Fitness as your dance steps.
HEALTH To keep the body in good condition such as physical activity
and proper nutrition

Goal Perform a sing and dance showcasing the different music of

Luzon (lowland) include the output in arts as a props in
dancing and it should be integrated in Physical Fitness
Role  Dancer
Audience TEACHER and your classmates
Situation The grade 7 students will create a dance and show their
creativity by making props.
Performance/Produc Production number presenting the music of lowland .

Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Poor
Knowledge of
Choreography Demonstrates Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrat Remembe
excellent s good s knowledge es some rs a few of
Memory of the routine knowledge of knowledge of of knowledge the steps/
and execution of the the choreograph choreograph of movement
moves looks true to the choreography.< y. Keeps up y. Keeps up choreograp s and tries,
moves that were BR> with group. with group. hy, but but looks
choreographed. and does it well. Few errors, Some unsure of lost and
however it errors(3-5 some out of sync
does not errors) movements with
interfere with causing brief . others.
performance. pause in Sometimes
performance. hesitates/
others and

Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Poor

Superior Excellent Very Good Average Poor

Performs with a Typically Sometimes Rarely Expressio

SINGING creative nuance performs with performs with demonstrat n and style
and style in nuance and nuance and ed is
response to the style that is style that is expression comparabl
score and indicated in indicated in and style. e non
limited the score or the score or Just sings existant.
coaching. which is which is the notes.
Follows melodic suggested by suggested by
direction. instructor or instructor or
peer. peer.

Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Poor

The dancer The dancer The dancer The dancer The

Performance Skills draws the judge communicate communicate is generally dancer is
in to want to s with s with focused, not very
watch them and audience/jud audience/jud but only focused on
Projection of eye is able to ges through ges through some making
contact and cheerful engage the eye contact eye contact attempt eye
facial expressions with audience and facial and facial made to contact,
the judges. The dancer completely and body and body grab concentrat
is confident with through their expression. expression. attention of ed or
movements. performance. A Is able to Occasionally the judges committed
true joy to engage the loses focus. with eye to
watch! judges. contact and performan
good facial ce.

Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Poor

Pitch Shows a Accurate in Generally Shows a Attempts
complete beat, tempo, accurate in basic to keep a
Staying on count and understanding rhythms of beat, tempo, understandi rhythm,
with the beats of the of tempo and dance rhythms of ng of tempo but gets
music. beat and stays sequences dance and beat, off beat
on rhythm throughout sequences but falls and
throughout the the dance. most of the behind speeds up
dance. time. and/or or falls
speeds up behind
in places or often.
makes Doesn't
errors in follow beat
rhythm. in music.


Matching Type: Match the description in column A with the terms in column B. Write
the letter of your answer.
___1. The ability to interact with other people a. Emotional health
___2. A high level of faith, hope,and commitment b. Giantism
___3. This includes physical activities and good nutritious c.Growth Spurt
___4. The ability to manage own emotions and behaviors d.Health
___5.Ability to make sound decisions e.Health Appraisal
___6. Series of procedures to assess one’s health status. f.Mental health
___7.A sudden rapid growth during adolescence g.Physical health
___8.Healthy balance of the minds,body and spirit
That results an overall feeling of well-being h.Puberty
___9.The period when males and females i.Social health
become physically able to reproduce
__10.State of complete physical,mental, and spiritual k.Wellness
Well-being and not merely the absence
Of disease or infinity.


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