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Llanera, Jafet B. The Contemporary World

BSME 1-3 October 28, 2021
Self Test
1. What do you think of Filipino Nationalism in relation to Globalization or Globalism?
- Filipino nationalism refers to the establishment and support of a political
identity that is tied to the modern nation-state of the Philippines and that leads to a
far-reaching campaign for political, social and economic freedom in the Philippines.
The development of nationalism in the Philippines is the reaction to colonialism. The
Filipino’s love for freedom motivated them to unite against their colonizer.While
globalization is the process by which people and goods move easily across borders.
Principally, it's an economic concept – the integration of markets, trade and
investments with few barriers to slow the flow of products and services between
nations. In other words, through Filipino nationalism the Philippines was free from its
colonizers. And by the help of globalization, the country began to recover from its
economical damage brought by the war against other countries who wanted to
colonize the Philippines.
2. What is the role of revolution in internationalism?
- The goals of global revolution are intimately tied to the goals of protection
internationalism, which are to be attained through consecutive or simultaneous
communist revolutions in all nations. According to Karl Marx, a philosopher, author,
social theorist, and economist (1848), there are two views of revolution. One is that of
a final conflagration, “a violent suppression of the old conditions of production,” which
occurs when the opposition between bourgeoisie and proletariat has been carried to
its extreme point. This conception is set forth in a manner inspired by the Hegelian
dialectic of the master and the slave, in Die heilige Familie (1845; The Holy Family).
The other conception is that of a permanent revolution involving a provisional
coalition between the proletariat and the petty bourgeoisie rebelling against a
capitalism that is only superficially united. Once a majority has been won to the
coalition, an unofficial proletarian authority constitutes itself alongside the
revolutionary bourgeois authority. Its mission is the political and revolutionary
education of the proletariat, gradually assuring the transfer of legal power from the
revolutionary bourgeoisie to the revolutionary proletariat.
3. What are the challenges faced by the United Nations in maintaining global
- It was not perfect but so far it achieved its primary goal of preventing another
global war. The United Nations is neither a supra-State nor a government of
governments. It does not have an army and it imposes no taxes. It depends on the
political will of its Member States to have its decisions put into action and relies on
the contributions of its Members to carry out its activities.
The General Assembly is the main deliberative organ of the United Nations. It
is composed of representatives from all Member States, each of which has one vote.
Under the Charter, the Security Council has primary responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security. It has 15 Members, and each
Member has one vote. Under the Charter, all Member States are obligated to comply
with Council decisions. A founding UN Charter body established in 1946, the
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is the place where the world’s economic,
social and environmental challenges are discussed and debated, and policy
recommendations issued. The Trusteeship Council was established to provide
international supervision for 11 Trust Territories and to make sure that adequate
steps were taken to prepare the Territories for self-government or independence. The
International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. The
Court is charged with settling legal disputes between States and giving advisory
opinions to the United Nations and its specialized agencies.
4. How is regionalism different from and yet a part of globalization?
- Because it concentrates on what is happening in the region, regionalism
restricts action. It means that external cultural, social, economic, and knowledge
exchanges are focused on a region rather than what is outside of it. Globalization, on
the other hand, makes you aware of the climate in your immediate surroundings.
When you open your eyes, you see that national economies are a drop in the ocean,
but the entire world is intertwined. You recognize that the economy is larger than a
single country, but capital and things travel across borders. Knowing the definition
allows you to discover new opportunities. For example, you may reside in Chile,
acquire resources in Africa, manufacture in Asia, and have office personnel in

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