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Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

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Towards a maturity model for big data analytics in airline network planning T
Iris Hausladen, Maximilian Schosser ∗

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Heinz Nixdorf Chair of IT-based Logistics, Jahnallee 59, 04109, Leipzig, Germany


Keywords: The evaluation, acquisition and use of newly available big data sources has become a major strategic and or-
Maturity model ganizational challenge for airline network planners. We address this challenge by developing a maturity model
Network planning for big data readiness for airline network planning. The development of the maturity model is grounded in
Big data analytics literature, expert interviews and case study research involving nine airlines. Four airline business models are
represented, namely full-service carriers, low-cost airlines, scheduled charter airlines and cargo airlines. The
Case study
maturity model has been well received with seven change requests in the model development phase. The revised
version has been evaluated as exhaustive and useful by airline network planners. The self-assessment of airlines
revealed low to medium maturity for most domains. Organizational factors show the lowest average maturity, IT
architecture the highest. Full-service carriers seem to be more mature than airlines with different business

1. Introduction 2008). However, not all functions within airlines have benefited the
same from these investments. Whereas pricing and revenue manage-
The term “big data” has excited both business leaders and re- ment (Moreno-Izquierdo et al., 2015), flight operations (Ayhan et al.,
searchers in recent years. With the increasing availability of data and 2013), route profitability analysis (Kasturi et al., 2016) and customer
the technological capacity to store and process large amounts of data, relationship management (Noyes, 2014) have benefited most from big
the frontier for business information systems has expanded tre- data analytics investments, network planning is still based on “tradi-
mendously (McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2012). Whereas attention for the tional” data sources and optimization algorithms. Nonetheless, airlines
big data phenomenon was initially driven by practitioners (e.g., and software developers are starting to realize the huge potential of big
Manyika et al., 2011), the scientific community has taken up the topic data analytics for network planning in airlines (Bertram, 2017). The
quickly and placed it high on the research agenda (Abbasi et al., 2016; first use cases on using big data for network planning seem very pro-
Chen et al., 2012; Vlahogianni et al., 2015). The appeal of big data mising. Chen et al. (2017) discuss the application of BDA at Lufthansa
might be rooted in its universal applicability; it can help to shape to improve schedule robustness by better predicting schedule delays
corporate strategies, improve process efficiency and effectiveness, and based on a multitude of influence factors, including weather and gate
boost customer relations (LaValle et al., 2011). positioning. New data sources such as mobile location data can unveil
Big data will shake up not only many corporate functions, but also a holistic movement patterns across all modes of transport and inform
broad range of industries. Manyika et al. (2011) identified concrete network adjustments to capture traffic from rail and individual trans-
applications in healthcare, public administration, retail and manu- portation (Bertram, 2017).
facturing. Traditionally, the logistics and transportation industry has Since using big data analytics for network planning is a very recent
relied heavily on data to optimize logistic networks and supplier rela- development in the airline industry, there is a need to support network
tions (Wang et al., 2016). The nature of logistics allows for collecting a planning and management (NPM) departments of airlines with tools
broad variety of data, e.g. on customer relations, real-time locations, and theory to leverage the full benefits of big data (Vlahogianni et al.,
and sensor data for predictive maintenance of transportation means. 2015). While data vendors and system developers can contribute to
Within the broader transportation industry, airlines have been at the build the technological infrastructure for big data analytics in network
forefront of data management (Watson et al., 2006). Airlines have in- planning, the network planning function needs to design and develop a
vested heavily not only in collecting and processing data, but also in useful big data ecosystem which serves the specific needs of the re-
data analytics tools to create additional business value (Wixom et al., spective airline (Heilig and Voβ, 2017).

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Schosser).
Received 26 November 2018; Received in revised form 30 May 2019; Accepted 10 September 2019
0969-6997/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

Implementation of big data analytics usually requires updates of IT 2. Background & theoretical foundation
systems, processes, and employee skills (LaValle et al., 2011). McAfee
and Brynjolfsson (2012) identify four organizational transformation This section provides the theoretical foundation of the research
areas (leadership, decision making, corporate culture and talent man- (Section 2.1) and the scientific classification of big data (section 2.2)
agement) complementing the technological change. In line with these and network planning in airlines (section 2.3).
findings, unsuccessful big data transformations are usually caused by
management failures (Asay, 2014). 2.1. Theoretical background
Rooted in the Capability Maturity Model designed by Paulk et al.
(1993) from Carnegie Mellon University, maturity models (MMs) have We ground our research on the resource-based view (RBV) of the
become a well-established tool in information systems (IS) research to firm and assume that both big data and networks are key resources
support the management in complex and novel technology transfor- which contribute towards a competitive advantage for the firm. Based
mation processes (Neff et al., 2013). The basic principle of a MM is to on earlier work in the field of strategic management (Dierickx and Cool,
describe maturity stages across different relevant domains (Röglinger 1989; Penrose, 1959; Rumelt, 1984), Jay Barney (1991) formulated the
et al., 2012). Usually, MMs are “multi-stage models that describe ty- RBV of the firm, stating that competitive advantage can be achieved by
pical patterns in the development of organizational capabilities” deploying a set of firm-specific resources which are valuable, rare, im-
(Comuzzi and Patel, 2016, p. 1469). For each maturity level, the MM perfectly imitable, and non-substitutable. In contrast to the market-based
describes corresponding stages for relevant domains. These stages view of the firm (Porter, 1980), which assumes that competitive ad-
should be logically connected and generalizable to identify the correct vantage can be achieved by choosing the right markets and strength-
maturity level of an organization. Pöppelbuß and Röglinger (2011) ening a company's position within these markets, the RBV tries to ex-
distinguish three application-specific purposes of MMs: The descriptive plain superior firm performance by its unique bundles of resources.
purpose views a MM as diagnostic tool to assess the current maturity To operate a business successfully, isolated resources are often not
state of an organization. The prescriptive purpose implies that MMs sufficient to secure a competitive advantage. In addition, organizations
outline the desirable state (high maturity) and specify a development need the right capabilities to deploy resources effectively (Amit and
path for organizations to achieve this state. The comparative purpose Schoemaker, 1993). The specific concepts of resources and capabilities
allows to compare different organizations (or parts of organizations) have been investigated by a variety of research domains; IS scholars
through the same assessment tool, namely the MM. were early adopters of the RBV (Mata et al., 1995), which laid the
MMs have been widely used across IS research. Already in 2011, foundation for research on dedicated IT resources (Ross et al., 1996)
Poeppelbuß et al., 2011 identified 76 different MMs in the IS research and capabilities (Bharadwaj, 2000). The positive performance effects of
domain, which have been applied to a variety of areas, including soft- IT capabilities have been widely studied in the area of IT business value
ware engineering, e-business and knowledge management. Business research (Bhatt and Grover, 2005; Melville et al., 2004). Recently, data
process management (BPM) has been a considerable application area capabilities have been introduced as refinement of general IT cap-
(Rosemann and Bruin, 2005) – usually with a narrow focus on the abilities. While Levitin and Redman (1998) have early stated that data
alignment of various business processes with information systems also have resource characteristics, researchers have defined an explicit
(Luftman, 2000). data capability only with the emergence of big data analytics (Akter
Airline network planning is a business process which relies heavily et al., 2016; Gupta and George, 2016).
on information systems. Traditionally, IT systems have been used to Similar to the development in IS research, the RBV has also been
perform mathematical optimizations of the airline network (Goedeking, adopted by transportation scholars. Morash, Droge, and Vickery (1996)
2010). To leverage the new big data opportunity, both business pro- proposed an initial logistics capability, and alternative logistics cap-
cesses and the corresponding IT systems face a significant transforma- ability concepts emerged thereafter (Olavarrieta and Ellinger, 1997;
tion need. The objective of this paper is to develop a MM for big data Yew Wong and Karia, 2010). Transportation networks have been
analytics in airline network planning which is capable to holistically widely described as a resource in the definition of the RBV (Cui and
assess strategic, organizational and technological domains. Further- Hertz, 2011), as well as airline networks in particular (Xu, 2011).
more, the MM should be derived from specific and relevant require- Wittmer, Bieger, and Müller (2011) identify airline networks as a pre-
ments for airline network planning. Hence, the following research requisite to develop a competitive advantage such as hub dominance.
questions will be addressed.
2.2. Big data
[RQ. 1] What are key requirements for NPM departments in airlines
to successfully leverage big data? While the term “big data” has been coined only in 2011 by Manyika
[RQ. 2] What are characteristics of a MM for big data analytics in et al. data management has been an important research topic for the
airline network planning to tackle the key requirements developed past 20 years. Laney, 2001 noted already in 2001 that data volume,
for [RQ. 1]? variety and velocity of data is continuously increasing, enabled through
improving information technology hardware and data collection op-
A thorough literature review and a comparative case study are portunities. The topic started to create attention in the academic world
conducted to define relevant requirements, to design, and to validate when Chen et al. (2012) linked it to the prevalent business intelligence
the MM. By defining domain specific requirements, we contribute to the and analytics (BI&A) research domain. They describe big data as “third
scientific body of knowledge as this business problem has not yet been wave” of BI&A, after traditional databases and web-based content.
addressed in academic research. Big data is most commonly defined by the three “Vs”, volume, ve-
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 introduces the theo- locity and variety of data (McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2012). Volume re-
retical foundation and provides background on big data and strategic fers to the sheer amount of data available for storage, processing, and
network planning. Section 3 describes the research methodology of the analysis. Since the volume of available data is expanding exponentially,
paper. Section 4 covers the definition of requirements and the design of there is no single volume threshold to define big data (Gandomi and
the MM, which is evaluated in section 5. The last section 6 discusses the Haider, 2015), but it should be large enough that legacy IT systems are
implication for research and practice and points towards limitations not able to fully process and analyze it (Manyika et al., 2011). Velocity
and opportunities for further research. describes the frequency of data generation and/or the frequency of data
delivery, as well as the real-time processing capability (Wamba et al.,
2015). Variety captures the increasing amount of different data sources

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

and data types, especially for unstructured data, such as text, audio, steps are depicted in Fig. 1. Carmona Benitez (2012) and Goedeking
visual data, etc. (Gandomi and Haider, 2015). (2010) provide a good overview over long-term planning steps, Grosche
Some researchers propose to include veracity and value in a (2009) and Abdelghany and Abdelghany (2009) focus on details of
common big data definition. Veracity describes the inherent un- tactical network planning.
predictability of data which poses challenges to data quality control All the network planning steps rely heavily on information systems
(Gandomi and Haider, 2015). Value is the most controversial char- for decision support. Network planning research has mostly focused on
acteristic of big data; Gandomi and Haider (2015) claim the low “value improving methodologies for the mathematical optimization of in-
density” of big data, e.g. the small value per data point. In contrast, dividual network planning steps (Abdelghany and Abdelghany, 2009).
Manyika et al. (2011) propose the overall value creation potential to be However, the complexity of airline network operations restricts com-
included as characteristic, to avoid that useless data is collected, stored pletely integrated models, since the available computing power is not
and processed. sufficient to calculate a global optimum across all planning steps
An integral part of big data is the capability to make use from it. (Kölker and Lütjens, 2015).
Gandomi and Haider (2015) distinguish between big data management, The data sources used for airline network planning in literature and
which includes data acquisition and data processing, and big data practice have not significantly changed in the past 20 years (Bradbury,
analytics to model and interpret big data. Especially big data analytics 2018). Network planners rely mostly on integrated network planning
has received much attention in management research, as it could enable suites which deploy sequential network optimizers and rely on stan-
better management decision making (George et al., 2014). Viewed from dardized data inputs such as market information data tapes (MIDTs) or
a RBV perspective, big data analytics might constitute a distinct cap- extrapolated traffic forecasts (Goedeking, 2010).
ability to positively influence firm performance (Akter et al., 2016).

3. Research methodology
2.3. Network planning in airlines
Given the lack of quantitative research approaches for MM design
The planning of airline networks is one of the most complex (Neff et al., 2014), we adopt a qualitative research approach as pro-
transportation planning processes (Bell and Iida, 1997). This stems not posed by Becker et al. (2009) which is grounded in design science re-
only from the physical network complexity of spatial and temporal search (Hevner et al., 2004).
network dimensions, but also from the multitude of optimization Becker et al. (2009, p. 218) propose a seven-step procedure model
parameters. Profit maximizing airlines aim at establishing the most which is depicted on the upper side of Fig. 2. The procedure model has
profitable network, realizing economies of scale, scope and density been adjusted to reduce complexity of both the research process and the
(Burghouwt, 2007). At the same time, the network schedule needs to be structure of this research paper. The determination of development
robust to allow for smooth operations and minimizing the risk of total strategy has been merged with iterative maturity model development, as
breakdown in case of external shocks. Furthermore, political and this comprises the first step of MM development. The transfer steps
competitive considerations may shape the network and schedule de- have been combined with the model evaluation, since the transfer
velopment (Burghouwt, 2007). media for this MM are neglectable. The new proposed 4-step procedure
The airline network planning process can roughly be separated in model is also comparable to the design model proposed by Bruin et al.
three phases: long-term (strategic) network planning, mid-to-short-term (2005), who suggest a scoping, design and evaluation phase. The first
(tactical) network planning and flight operations (Bazargan, 2016). The two steps, problem definition and comparison of existing models, would
general airline corporate strategy serves as guideline and input factor refer to the scoping phase, while design and evaluation phase match the
for strategic network planning. The components and relevant content structure of Bruin et al. (2005). The four steps of the procedure model

Fig. 1. Generic airline network planning process (Source: own illustration).

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

Fig. 2. Research design adapted from Becker et al. (2009).

Fig. 3. Details on procedure model based on Becker et al. (2009) and Neff et al. (2014).

will be described in detail in the following paragraphs. Fig. 3 sum- maturity model. These findings were combined with the results of the
marizes the research steps, performed activities, and methodology, and literature review to formulate seven MM requirements, which are de-
links it to the relevant sections of this article. scribed in section 4.1 of this article.

3.1. Problem identification 3.2. Comparison of existing maturity models

Initially, a structured literature review following Vom Brocke et al. The aim of this process step (section 4.2) is to identify relevant
(2009) has been conducted to identify appropriate maturity domains to existing MMs on big data or network planning in airlines. Only four
address the research problem. Simultaneously, six semi-structured ex- scientific MMs for big data could be identified in literature. Therefore,
pert interviews with airline network planners were conducted to shed adjacent research areas such as business intelligence, business analytics
light on practitioner needs and the current state of big data analytics. and data warehousing have also been scanned and nine additional MMs
The interview guide was prepared following Berg's (2004) re- were identified. Furthermore, no scientific MMs for airlines could be
commendation for interview guideline design. Before the interviews identified. The search was then broadened to logistics and transporta-
started, the maturity model concept was presented to the interview tion planning and yielded six suitable MMs in these industry domains.
partners to close any information gap between participants. The inter- The 19 identified MMs were evaluated using the MM requirements
views contained four general questions to assess the use of big data derived in the first research step. No existing MM completely fulfilled
analytics in network planning, including an open question on the major more than three of the seven relevant criteria; the six most suitable
obstacles observed. The second part of the interview concentrated on MMs were then chosen to develop the foundation of the new big data
the potential application of the maturity model for the organizational. analytics MM for airline NPM.
The initial interviews were carried out between February 2017 and
August 2017. The interviews were recorded and subsequently tran- 3.3. Maturity model development
scribed. A structured coding approach following Saldaña (2016) was
used to extract relevant requirements for the formulation of the For the MM development and evaluation, a case study group with

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

Table 1 of the MM evaluation process (see section 5) were integrated and the
Specification criteria for case study companies. descriptions of the conceptualized maturity levels were prepared and
Criterion Specifications calibrated. The model development is described in detail in section 4.3.

Business model ⁃ Full-Service Carrier 3.4. Maturity model evaluation

⁃ Low-cost carriers
⁃ Scheduled-charter airline
⁃ Cargo airline
The model evaluation was performed in two iterations of structured
Fleet size ⁃ Large (> 100 aircraft) case study interviews, followed by a self-assessment of airline partici-
⁃ Mid-sized (30–100 aircraft) pants.
⁃ Small (< 30 aircraft) The first model evaluation iteration yielded high scores on com-
Network type Multi-hub
pleteness and usefulness of the MM domains and sub-domains. Seven

⁃ Single-hub
⁃ Point-to-point change requests resulted from this iteration, which were integrated in
Route structure ⁃ Mostly long-haul the model afterwards. The second iteration round confirmed the va-
⁃ Mostly short-haul lidity of the maturity level conceptualizations with high scores across

all five evaluation dimensions and only one change request. Eight air-
lines agreed to participate in the self-evaluation to prove the practical
applicability of the model. All evaluation steps are summarized in
nine partner airlines has been assembled. We followed the case study
section 5.
guidelines developed by Eisenhardt and Graebner (2007) and refined
by Yin (2017). To assure a balanced case sample, we selected the case
4. Design of maturity model
study companies by four selection criteria. For each selection criterion,
three to four possible specifications were defined (see Table 1).
4.1. Maturity model requirements
We consider four different business models, based on the clustering
by Sterzenbach et al. (2013): full-service carriers – sometimes referred
The requirements for the MM were derived both from a structured
to as legacy carriers – developed mostly from former state-owned air-
literature review following Vom Brocke et al. (2009) and from ex-
lines and target a wide spectrum of passengers. They usually offer a
ploratory interviews with network planning practitioners.
premium product and additional services such as a frequent flyer pro-
For the literature review, relevant search terms were established
gram. Low-cost airlines are the alternative draft to this model, reducing
using keyword decomposition. Four keywords were identified as re-
the product to the bare minimum (“no frills”). Scheduled charter air-
levant search terms for the initial search: “maturity model”, which re-
lines or “leisure carriers” focus on touristic routes and sell large seat
presents the artefact and serves as mandatory search term; “airlines”
contingents to travel operators. Cargo airlines focus on transporting
representing the industry of interest; “network planning” representing
freight only.
the organizational process; and “big data” which is the main research
Fleet size is distinguished in three levels, reaching from small to
object. The search was conducted on EbscoHost Global Search, which
large. Traditionally, network types are distinguished in hub-and-spoke
includes database access to Business Source Premier, ScienceDirect,
and point-to-point models. However, with the increased mergers and
Emerald, and ProQuest. The keyword search was restricted to title,
acquisitions in the airline space, many airlines have developed multi-
abstract and keywords from peer-reviewed academic journals to ensure
hub models leveraging the hubs of the merged airlines (Burghouwt,
relevance of the results. Fig. 4 summarizes the keyword combinations
2007). Thus, we distinguish point-to-point, single-hub and multi-hub
and associated hits.
network types. Route structures can be systemized by route type com-
The keyword combinations with four and three keywords did not
position. We distinguish between networks that predominantly serve
results in any hits, which is not unusual for abstract-restricted keyword
long-haul routes (over 4,500 km), those that predominantly serve short-
searches. However, the searches with two combined keywords did also
haul routes (under 4,500 km) and those with a mixed route structure.
not yield many results – a clear sign that the research problem has not
Each criterion specification should at least be represented twice in
been sufficiently addressed by existing literature. The keyword search
the case study group. Table 2 lists the nine participating airlines, which
was then broadened to associated search terms within each category
have been anonymized for publication. All airlines are based in Europe
except for the mandatory artefact (e.g., “business analytics” for “big
and participated in all case interview rounds. This ensures validity not
data”), which yielded slightly more results (see Fig. 4). The usefulness
only across the case sample, but also in time throughout the research
of all identified papers (“total hits”) was evaluated by the researchers
project (Yin, 2017).
and 26 “useful hits” extracted. 14 additional papers were identified in
In the first iteration, the maturity domains and sub-domains were
the following forward/backward search.
conceptualized building on the requirements and aspects of existing
In addition to the structured literature review, six exploratory in-
MMs. Four main domains (strategy, organization, data and information
terviews with airline network planners from six of the participating
technology) featuring two sub-domains each could be extracted. For the
airlines were conducted. Seven requirements [R-1 to R-7] for big data
second iteration, the seven change requests stated in the first iteration
analytics in airline network planning have been distilled, of which R-1,
R-2 and R-5 derive mostly from literature, R-3 and R-4 both from lit-
Table 2 erature and interviews, and R-6 and R-7 exclusively from the ex-
Airline case study participant overview. ploratory interviews.
Airline Business model Fleet size Network type Route type
4.1.1. [R-1] Strategic alignment between IT and business
FSC 1 Full-Service Carrier Large Multi-hub Mixed
The IT/business alignment has been vastly researched in the in-
FSC 2 Full-Service Carrier Mid-sized Single-hub Mixed
LCC 1 Low-Cost Carrier Large Point-to-point Short-haul formation system domain and is considered a major success factor for
LCC 2 Low-Cost Carrier Mid-sized Point-to-point Short-haul any IT investment (Luftman, 2000). It is noteworthy that alignment is
SCA 1 Scheduled Charter Airline Mid-Sized Point-to-point Mixed not about a one-directional assimilation of the IT strategy with the
SCA 2 Scheduled Charter Airline Small Point-to-point Short-haul corporate strategy, but a bi-directional exchange where IT strategy is
CAR 1 Cargo Airline Small Single-hub Long-haul
also contributing towards corporate strategy (Coughlan et al., 2005).
CAR 2 Cargo Airline Small Multi-hub Long-haul
CAR 3 Cargo Airline Small Single-hub Long-haul The corporate strategy of an airline is an input to the NPM process
(Goedeking, 2010), since long-term decisions such as fleet planning or

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

Fig. 4. Structured keyword-based literature search.

decisions on the network structure define the option space for network confirmed this hypothesis and stated a lack of big data skills as one of
planning (Bazargan, 2016). With increasing importance of big data the key hurdles for big data analytics adoption.
analytics, the alignment of corporate strategy, NPM strategy and IT/big
data strategy will be a critical success factor for NPM in airlines. 4.1.5. [R-5] Distinction of data and information technology
Many industry process focused MMs combine data and information
4.1.2. [R-2] Organizational factors for big data analytics technology into one single domain (Fischer et al., 2016). In contrast,
MMs originated in computer science (Paulk et al., 1993) which in- MMs from the data management research domain, where big data
itially neglected the organizational maturity domain. However, with analytics is most affiliate, distinguish consistently between data and
the increasing focus on business process maturity, the importance of hardware information technology (Comuzzi and Patel, 2016; Lukman
organizational factors increased. Organizational constructs used by et al., 2011; Muller and Hart, 2016). For our MM use case, the se-
scholars include culture (Cosic et al., 2012; Lockamy and McCormack, paration of data and hardware is essential to provide practical guidance
2004; Rohrbeck, 2011), people (Cosic et al., 2012; Rohrbeck, 2011; on improvement areas for airline network planners.
Willner et al., 2016), governance (Comuzzi and Patel, 2016; Cosic et al.,
2012), structure (Lockamy and McCormack, 2004; Schiele, 2007) and 4.1.6. [R-6] Industry and process specificity
skills (Muller and Hart, 2016). In the case of NPM in airlines, organi- Five of six interview partners stated their concern with the use of
zational factors increase the success of big data analytics adoption by MMs, since most models are too general and do not capture the airline
NPM staff and are therefore critical for success. industry specificities. In addition, network planning is a highly complex
process which can only hardly be assessed by a general MM on big data.
4.1.3. [R-3] Organizational process embeddedness To overcome these deficiencies, a new MM needs to be tailored speci-
The exploratory interviews revealed further the need for embedding fically for NPM in airlines.
organizational process structures into the MM. This has already been
widely applied in business process focused MMs, e.g. by Boer et al. 4.1.7. [R-7] Consideration of existing IT infrastructure
(2015) and Lockamy and McCormack (2004). However, information Finally, a MM should not propose a greenfield solution but consider
system MMs often neglect organizational process embeddedness. A existing IT systems and infrastructure. Considering a big data analytics
common symptom of lacking process embeddedness is unclear roles and transformation as a simple “on-top” solution will probably end in
responsibilities for big data projects, which leads to a lack of trans- failure. In the view of network planners, the most desirable outcome
parency on ongoing initiative as well as redundancy of resources spent would be a big data analytics solution that cooperates with existing IT
on big data. systems and integrates various sources and systems.

4.1.4. [R-4] Consideration of employee skills 4.2. Evaluation of existing maturity models
Rejection of big data initiatives by employees are caused most fre-
quently by a negative attitude towards technological innovation In a first step, 19 MMs within the research domains of data man-
(Rohrbeck, 2011). Employee skills in big data and its application can agement (DM), big data analytics (BDA), logistics (LOG) and business
help to mitigate the discomfort and are hence a critical factor for big Intelligence & analytics (BI&A) have been filtered from the 26 identified
data success (Cosic et al., 2012). The interviewed network planners useful contributions (see Fig. 4). The remaining articles were either

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

Table 3
Evaluation of existing maturity models.
Authors Research domain R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 Total

Aiken et al. (2007) DM 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2

Arunachalam et al. (2018) BDA & LOG 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 5
Comuzzi & Patel (2016) BDA 1 2 1 0 2 0 2 8
Cosic et al. (2012) BI&A 0 2 1 2 1 0 1 7
Fischer et al. (2016) LOG 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 3
Lahti et al. (2009) LOG 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
LaValle et al. (2011) BDA 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
Lismont et al. (2017) BI&A 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
Lockamy & McCormack (2004) LOG 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 4
Luftman (2000) BI&A 2 2 0 2 0 0 1 7
Lukman et al. (2011) BI&A 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 5
Mendes et al. (2016) LOG 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 3
Muller & Hart (2016) BI&A 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 8
Plomp & Batenburg (2010) LOG 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Raber et al. (2012) BI&A 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 4
Rohrbeck (2011) BI&A 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 4
Schiele (2007) LOG 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 6
Wang et al. (2016) BDA & LOG 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 3
Watson et al., 2001 DM 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 5
Average 0,42 1,05 0,79 0,63 0,68 0,00 0,74

Research domains: Data management (DM), Big data analytics (BDA), Logistics (LOG), Business Intelligence & Analytics (BI&A).
Evaluation scale: 0 – requirement not met; 1 – requirement partly met, 2 – requirement fully met.

literature reviews (Brooks et al., 2015; Tarhan et al., 2016; van Looy meet all requirements. Fig. 5 displays the initial conceptualization
et al., 2017) or MMs from other research fields such as service systems graphically.
(Neff et al., 2014), industrial engineering (Boer et al., 2015; Jin et al., [R-1] demands the inclusion of a strategy domain which contains not
2014; Willner et al., 2016), and knowledge management (Oliva, 2014). only the mere strategy formulation, but specifically the alignment of
The selected MMs have been evaluated by the authors against the corporate strategy, network planning and management (NPM) strategy
requirements defined in section 4.1. The requirements could be either and an explicit big data strategy. Akter et al. (2016) also confirm the
fully met (score of 2), partly met (score of 1) or nor met at all (score of importance of cross-functional strategy alignment as key component of
0). To be fully met, a requirement needs to be reflected explicitly in the a big data capability. Important success factors for strategy im-
regarding MM. Let's consider [R-5] “Distinction of data and information plementation are a supportive culture and the availability of sufficient
technology” as an example. Arunachalam, Kumar, and Kawalek (2018) resources to drive the change (Barton and Court, 2012). Although cul-
clearly distinguish a data and information quality perspective from the ture is in its core an organizational dimension, we opted to include it as
technological perspective covering the IT systems. This explicit differ- sub-domain of strategy to acknowledge the crucial role of culture in big
entiation fulfills [R-5] completely. In contrast, Cosic et al. (2012) in- data implementation (see also McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2012).
tegrate data management as a sub-category into the broader field of To fully satisfy [R-2], the inclusion of culture as sub-dimension is
technology, which partly meets [R-5]. Following this logic, Table 3 not sufficient. Other important organizational factors such as govern-
summarizes the evaluation of the 19 MMs. ance and organizational structure contribute to the success of any big
No examined MM meets all requirements; the highest achieved total data analytics initiative (LaValle et al., 2011). Process governance such
score is 8 out of a potential score of 14. [R-6] Industry and process as a clear definition of responsibilities between commercial and IT
specificity is not met at all, since no existing MMs deals explicitly with functions ensures organizational process embeddedness of big data
airlines or the network planning process. [R-2] Organizational factors for analytics and complies with [R-3]. These aspects are integrated in the
big data analytics considered performs best with an average score of 1,05 sub-domain organizational structure within the broader organization do-
and 14 MMs that fulfill the requirement partly or fully. Six MMs which main. The second pillar of this domain contains employee skills [R-4],
achieved a score of 2 in at least two requirements were selected for the which are also key elements of a big data analytics capability (Akter
initial MM design (shaded in Table 3). Every requirement except for [R- et al., 2016).
6] is fully met by at least one included MM. [R-5] implies a domain split between information technology and
data. The necessity of this split has risen only in recent years when data
4.3. Maturity model design has become an indispensable asset independent from the larger IT in-
frastructure and is hence seen as self-contained resource (Gupta and
The MM design approach includes two iterative development stages. George, 2016). In consideration of [R-6], which is in fact an over-
First, the main domains and sub-domains of the MM are conceptualized arching requirement across all domains, we differentiate between the
from the requirements and compared with existing MMs selected in the sub-domains data management which includes all process-specific as-
previous section. The general model structure is then evaluated and pects of the data resources, and data sources which represent data
finalized. The evaluation led to the re-wording of two sub-domains (see sourcing, updating and processing. This distinction is not very common
section 5) – we will refer in this section to the final sub-domain names in literature, but required to specify the MM for airline network plan-
to avoid confusion. In the second stage, the maturity levels are con- ning. While data management processes in airlines are mostly defined
ceptualized and formulated, before the complete model is evaluated by by the IT-departments, the selection of data sources and the data ac-
the practitioner group. quisition and processing remains often a responsibility of the user
function such as NPM. These two sub-domains constitute the data do-
4.3.1. Conceptualization of domains and sub-domains main.
The seven requirements derived in section 4.1 provide the frame- The information technology domain is also split in two sub-domains,
work for the model conceptualization, since the objective is to fully IT architecture and IT tools. This distinction is also used for big data

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

Fig. 5. Mapping of requirements to proposed maturity model sub-domains and domains.

architecture and analytics tools (Goes, 2014). Both sub-dimensions are 4.3.4. Organizational structure
specified for the NPM context [R-6] and consider the existing archi- The analyzed MMs represent organizational structure in two inter-
tecture and tools [R-7]. Additionally, the effectiveness of decision- pretations. Luftman (2000) and Schiele (2007) stress the reporting and
support by NPM tools and analytics tools is considered in this domain. the actual structure most prominently. Comuzzi and Patel (2016) and
The four proposed domains and eight sub-domains are compared Cosic et al. (2012) on the contrary focus on roles & responsibilities and
with the existing MMs with the highest scoring (see Table 4). Strategy clearly assigned mandates to implement big data and BI&A initiatives.
and organizational structure are the most common domains among the The transparency on governance structures is furthermore a maturity
six MMs, with five matches each. In contrast, the data sources sub-do- measure deployed by Comuzzi and Patel (2016).
main has not been used as maturity domain so far, since it is usually
integrated to data management. 4.3.5. Employee skills
Only Luftman (2000) and Muller and Hart (2016) use skills as se-
parate domain which is derived directly from the resourced-based view
4.3.2. Strategic alignment
which deems employee skills a core resource of functional capabilities
The sub-domain strategy is represented either as measurement of the
(Amit and Schoemaker, 1993). Cosic et al. (2012) include technology
actual existence of a strategy or the degree of strategic alignment be-
skills, business skills and management skills as sub-domains of a
tween business units. Both Comuzzi and Patel (2016) and Muller and
broader people domain. Similarly, Comuzzi and Patel (2016) define the
Hart (2016) consider the formulation of a specific big data strategy an
people domain partly by employee skill development and talent hiring
essential part of big data/BI&A maturity. Luftman (2000), Cosic et al.
(2012) and to some extent Muller and Hart (2016) focus on the strategic
alignment between business and IT function – an aspect which remains
4.3.6. Data sources
highly relevant in the light of increasing importance of big data.
Data sources are not reflected explicitly as domain or sub-domain in
Comuzzi and Patel (2016) also consider the availability of resources for
any of the analyzed MMs. However, data properties such as data quality
strategy implementation a part of the strategy sub-domain.
(Muller and Hart, 2016) are included implicitly in data management.

4.3.3. Culture 4.3.7. Data management

Culture per se is a very broad term with many possible interpreta- The data management domain usually focuses on the process of data
tions. The only attribute of culture which is shared across all three MMs management, including extracting, processing and analyzing data
with a distinct culture (sub-)domain is executive sponsorship for big (Cosic et al., 2012). Comuzzi and Patel (2016) distinguish between data
data/BI&A initiatives (Comuzzi and Patel, 2016; Cosic et al., 2012; storage, data quality assurance and a formalized data management
Muller and Hart, 2016). Comuzzi and Patel (2016) furthermore stress process.
the employees’ attitude towards big data and the perceived value of its
use. The recognition of created business value is also present in the BI& 4.3.8. IT architecture
A MM developed by Muller and Hart (2016). Cosic et al. (2012, p. 6) IT architecture, sometimes referred to as IT infrastructure, is widely
stress “flexibility and agility” as subdomains which they describe as used as specific maturity domain, but with different emphasis. Comuzzi
“level of change readiness” in organizations. and Patel (2016) focus on the integration of data sources and data

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

analytics tools, while Cosic et al. (2012) are most concerned about the

⁃ Organizational structure
integration of legacy systems with new business analytics tools. Muller
⁃ Strategic integration and Hart (2016) measure infrastructure with the capability to cope with
volume, velocity and veracity of new data sources. Luftman (2000)
focuses on architecture transparency and flexibility in managing
Schiele (2007)

emerging technologies.

4.3.9. IT tools
Only Comuzzi and Patel (2016) and Cosic et al. (2012) define IT
tools as separate domain, both with a strict focus on analytics tools to
⁃ BI&A architecture and IT
⁃ BI&A business alignment

support data analysis. Cosic et al. (2012) differentiate here between

⁃ Skills and experience

visualization tools and data mining tools. Comuzzi and Patel (2016)
⁃ Data quality and use
Muller & Hart (2016)

also include the analytics procurement process in their MM.

⁃ BI&A strategy


The comparison of the proposed maturity domains and sub-domains

⁃ BI&A culture

with the selected existing MMs shows that both the structure and most
domain items are established in literature. The only exception is the
sub-domain data sources which has been introduced in response to
practitioner needs and organizational factors in airline network plan-
ning departments. The bi-dimensional derivation of domains from ex-
pert interviews and existing MMs ensures both rigor and relevance of
the newly specified MM.
Luftman (2000)

⁃ Governance
⁃ Partnership

⁃ Scope &

4.3.10. Conceptualization and calibration of maturity levels

⁃ Skills

For the conceptualization of maturity levels, we rely on the six

maturity levels identified by Becker et al. (2009). The lowest maturity
level 0 (non-existing) expresses the complete absence of the respective
Lockamy & McCormack (2004)

maturity domain in the company. This level is only appropriate if the

⁃ Organizational structure

domain absence is theoretically possible, which applies for oper-

⁃ Process management

ationalizable constructs such as a strategy, an IT system or an organi-

zational structure. Abstract constructs can be operationalized as well by
selecting appropriate maturity criteria.

Since big data analytics is a comparably new phenomenon, there

might be the possibility of a complete absence of big data related
constructs. Hence, we decided to include the maturity level 0 and de-
scribe the maturity aspects as objective constructs which can be non-
existing. The highest maturity level 5 (optimized) describes the state in
⁃ Reporting and visualization

which a maturity domain is self-sustainable on the highest possible

⁃ Discovery BA technology

development state. For the initial calibration, we adapted maturity level

⁃ Systems integration
⁃ Strategic alignment

⁃ Data management

descriptions from the seven most suited maturity models listed in

Cosic et al. (2012)

BA technology

Table 3. The qualitative calibration of the six levels was finally con-
⁃ Governance

ducted in the second evaluation round.

⁃ Culture

Building on expert interviews and literature review, we defined 3–4

⁃ People

objective maturity aspects for each maturity sub-domain. Table 5

summarizes the chosen maturity aspects for each sub-domain, while
Table 6 displays the fully formulated MM using the “Culture” sub-do-
Comuzzi & Patel (2016)
Mapping of existing maturity models to proposed maturity domains.

main as example. Appendices 1-4 contain the fully formulated and

⁃ Data management
⁃ IT infrastructure

calibrated MM with all sib-domains.

⁃ Data analytics
⁃ Governance

The detailed formulation of the maturity model can be explained

⁃ Strategy

using the culture sub-dimension displayed in Table 6. An airline with

⁃ Culture

⁃ People

level 0 maturity in culture completely lacks awareness of the existence

of big data on all hierarchy levels, including the executive board. Thus,
there is also no understanding of the potential value of big data. A Level
1 organization knows BD from rumors and might develop a negative
attitude towards BD, since details are neither known nor commu-
Data management

nicated. There is no executive sponsorship at this stage. A medium-

Employee skills

IT architecture

Data sources

mature company of level 2 develops a positive attitude towards big


data, although there is still confusion on the actual value generated by


IT tools

using it. Isolated topics are usually sponsored by middle-managers, but

not yet by the top executives. Airline NP departments on level 3 pro-
Information technology

mote a pro-active “can-do” attitude towards BD, and the use of it for
decision-making is stressed on all levels. Sponsorship has now reached
Strategic alignment

the executive level, although not all executive members might fill this

role. A level 4 company is fully aware of the importance and benefits of

BD, which is sponsored by the entire top-management team. The out-
Table 4

come of BD is trusted on a broad range of decisions. In a level 5 airline,


the importance of big data is an organizational value that all know and

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

Table 5
Domains and maturity aspects after first evaluation round.
Domain Sub-domain Aspect of domain maturity

Strategic alignment Strategy ⁃ Explicit strategy for both network planning & management (NPM) and big data
⁃ Alignment of big data and NPM strategy
⁃ Financial resources to implement and monitor/control strategies
Culture ⁃ Executive sponsorship
⁃ Recognition of importance of big data
⁃ Positive attitude towards big data
Organization Organizational structure ⁃ Dedicated FTE resources for big data topics in NPM department
⁃ Clear ownership definition for big data projects
⁃ Transparency of big data governance
⁃ Definition of responsibilities between NPM and IT department
Employee skills ⁃ Big data skill level of NPM department employees
⁃ Formal big data skill development
⁃ Hiring of external big data talent
Data Data sources ⁃ Richness of available data sources
⁃ Availability of external data sources
⁃ Transparency on available data
⁃ Frequency of data updates
⁃ Capabilities to process unstructured data
Data management ⁃ Formal review and assessment process for data types
⁃ Universal data accessibility
⁃ Transparency on data requirements
⁃ Organization of internal and external data
Information technology IT architecture ⁃ Flexibility to add new data sources
⁃ Adoption of latest analytics technology for NPM
⁃ Level of integration between different NPM tools
IT tools ⁃ Availability of IT tools to support NPM process
⁃ Effectiveness of decision-support by network planning tools
⁃ Advanced analytics capabilities of network planning tools
⁃ Degree of automation of NPM process

embrace. Big data supported decision-making is at the heart of the or- is stored only locally without access from networks or other devices and
ganization culture and leadership style. without any recorded data requirements. Data is not formally organized
The logic applies similarly to other sub-domains. Level 0 maturity and there is no relationship between data structure and IT applications.
for the strategy sub-domain represents the complete absence of any On the contrary, a fully mature airline reviews data sources, types and
strategy for big data or network planning. In contrast, a level 5 com- data policies periodically to assess their usefulness and actual usage.
pany has explicit strategies for both big data and NPM in place which Information sharing has reached the highest level by transforming the
are integrated in the corporate strategy and closely aligned among each airline into a virtual data organization to access and share data uni-
other. Furthermore, sufficient financial resources are available to de- versally (with individual usage permissions).
fine, review and monitor the big data and NPM strategy. The level 0 airline has no corporate IT architecture in place and no
A non-existent organizational structure sub-domain is characterized integration of any NPM tools. Available advanced analytics technology
by the complete lack of governance for big data topics, including no is not identified. A fully mature level 5 organization deploys a fully
defined roles and responsibilities and no ownership for big data topics. event-driven network planning architecture, capable to add any re-
In a highly mature (optimized) NPM organization, the ownership of big quired data source. The market screening for available advanced ana-
data-related topics is clearly defined and role and responsibilities be- lytics tools is fully integrated in normal corporate planning cycles and
tween corporate and functional big data topics is clear. The big data the big data analytics solutions are directly integrated in the network
governance on corporate level is also fully transparent and known to all planning application.
employees. In a level 0 airline, all NPM decisions are judgement-based and there
Employee skills at maturity level 0 are not relevant, since staff lacks is no support by any IT tool. A fully mature NPM department uses a
awareness of big data. Moreover, there is neither formal development single application for all network planning steps and all associated data
of big data skills in the NPM organization nor hiring of external big data analyses. All major decisions are evidence-based and grounded in data,
talent to compensate for lacking internal skills. In a very mature airline, and all decision makers are trained to use and interpret data on a
all staff feel empowered to experiment with big data tools beyond the regular base. The adoption of latest advanced analytics tools for net-
formal definition of their role and big data skills are an essential part of work planning purposes is a key priority and customized analytics tools
NPM staff development, which is also reflected in job descriptions. are developed if no existing solution is readily available. The high de-
There is also active hiring of external big data talent in both NPM and IT gree of decision-support enables the level 5 airline to automatize most
organizations. NPM process steps (both tactical and strategic).
An NPM department of a level 0 airline has no access to other data
sources than internal controlling data and there is no transparency on
5. Maturity model evaluation
data gathered by other functions. Real-time data is not available and
unstructured data cannot be processed. A very mature airline of level 5
The evaluation of a MM needs to prove rigor and relevance of the
offers a large selection of internal and external data sources to satisfy all
model. While rigor can be ensured by grounding the MM in the existing
information needs of NPM with best possible data. There is full trans-
body of literature and following a scientific research methodology, re-
parency on internal available data from other functions and real-time
levance needs to be evaluated in close cooperation with practitioners
data feeds are possible both for internal and external data. Unstructured
(Becker et al., 2009). Hevner et al. (2004) stress the utility, quality and
data can be processed in all possible formats (text, audio, video, etc.).
efficacy of a design artefact to ensure practical relevance. Since we
Data management processes in level 0 airlines are non-existent. Data
follow an iterative design process, the evaluation strategy consists of

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

three phases (Neff et al., 2014).

organizational value that all should

BD-supported decision-making are

BD is sponsored unequivocally by
First, the conceptualized domains, sub-domains and maturity as-

at the heart of the organization

pects have been evaluated in structured interviews with airline network

culture and leadership style

The importance of BD is an
planning practitioners. In a second step, a similar evaluation strategy
has been applied to the evaluation of the maturity level descriptions.

know and embrace

Finally, the case study participants self-assessed their respective airlines
top management

in the MM.

5.1. Evaluation of domains, sub-domains and maturity aspects

Level 5

For the first evaluation iteration, we developed a semi-structured

questionnaire based on the MM evaluation template proposed by Salah
BD is sponsored unequivocally

Outcomes of BD projects are

organizational value that all
The importance of BD is an

et al. (2014), which has been widely used in literature (Comuzzi and
should know and embrace

trusted at all levels of the

Patel, 2016; Parra et al., 2017). The questionnaire evaluates under-

standability, ease of use, usefulness, completeness and accuracy on a 5-
by top management

score Likert-scale (1 for strongly disagree to 5 for strongly agree). For

each evaluation dimension, an open question asks for specific im-

provements which have been recorded as change requests.

Level 4

Table 7 summarizes the evaluation results from the first iteration.

Nine case study participants contributed to the MM evaluation. The
usefulness dimension achieved the highest average value of 4.75,
making is stressed at all levels
There is at least one executive

Attitude towards BD is positive

based operations and decision

and proactive across the NPM

The importance of evidence-

proving the practical relevance of the MM. Completeness was ranked

lowest with an average value of 3.88 and triggered two change re-
quests. Seven change requests in total were submitted and implemented
in the model. The change requests were discussed among the re-
sponsor of BD

searchers and all found to be valid. Table 5 shows the domain, sub-

domain and maturity aspects after all change requests have been im-
Level 3


5.2. Evaluation and calibration of maturity levels

transparent if not positive and this
pushes people to experiment with
BD technology and potential still
middle-management but without

political will to succeed with it

BD is sponsored informally by

The second iteration was based on the same structured ques-

cause confusion, but there is

Attitude towards big data is

tionnaire which had been developed for the first evaluation round. The
main difference is that participants now evaluated the entire model,
executive attention

including the conceptualized maturity levels. In addition, participants

should state if the extreme cases of level 0 and level 5 reflected the
potential range of maturities appropriately, and if the intermediate
BD tools
Level 2

maturity levels provided a logical path of development. 16 individual

maturity level descriptions were adjusted based on feedback from the
evaluation. We refrain from detailing these changes in favor of brevity
No executive sponsorship for

and conciseness of this article.

messages/rumors about the

Attitude is entrenched in a
negative way towards IT-
importance of BD for the

Table 8 summarizes the evaluation results and corresponding

change requests. All five evaluation dimensions have been rated with a
There are conflicting

driven innovation

score of at least 4 out of 5. Ease of use was rated lowest with a score of
4.0, triggering a change request to provide the maturity model as online
questionnaire in addition to the written version. Accuracy was rated
Level 1

highest with an average score of 4.75.


Compared to the first evaluation iteration, the evaluation score of

completeness and accuracy improved. This is very intuitive since the
The relevance of BD is not

Staff is unaware about BD

level of detail has been increased in the second evaluation iteration. The
Detailed Maturity Model for the “Culture” sub-domain.

Executive management is

part of the values of the

unaware about big data

increase in detail has not affected understandability, but slightly de-

creased ease of use and usefulness. The latter however was still eval-
NPM department

uated with a score of 4.63 indicating a sufficiently high degree of

usefulness. Ease of use will be improved by also offering an online
survey for the self-assessment of participants.
Level 0

5.3. Self-assessment of case study participants

importance of BD

Attitude towards

Eight of the nine participating airlines agreed to contribute a self-

Recognition of

assessment to the research study, which was conducted with an online



questionnaire. The mostly chosen maturity level across all sub-domains

is level 2, indicating a low-to-medium maturity. No airline ranks itself

in the highest maturity level in any of the sub-domains. In contrast, the

lowest level 0 was selected in the organization domain by a LCC, a SCA
Table 6

and a cargo airline. Table 9 depicts the individual results of the parti-
cipating airlines. The least differences emerge in the information

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

Table 7
MM evaluation results of domains and sub-domains from first iteration.
Evaluation dimension Average response value Standard deviation Change requests

Understandability 4.13 0.64 [C1] Rename “decision support systems” in “IT tools”
[C2] Rename “technology platform” in “IT architecture”
Ease of use 4.13 0.35 None
Usefulness 4.75 0.46 None
Completeness 3.88 0.64 [C3] Separate financial resources and FTE resources
[C4] Broaden scope of “data review & assessment process” to “data management process”
Accuracy 4.38 0.74 [C5] Move “adoption of latest technology” to IT architecture
[C6] Specify skills to NPM department
[C7] Specify tools to NPM tools

Table 8
MM evaluation results of conceptualized maturity levels from second iteration.
Evaluation dimension Average response value Standard deviation Change requests

Understandability 4.13 0.83

Ease of use 4.00 0.53 [C8] Provide online survey for self-assessment
Usefulness 4.63 0.74
Completeness 4.38 0.74
Accuracy 4.75 0.46

technology domain, where most participants assess their airline as level different priorities on big data analytics for network planning.
2. The largest individual differences seem to prevail in the organization Concerning the sub-domains, airlines are most mature on both
domain, where all levels from 0 to 4 have been chosen. Information Technology domains (average 2.3), followed by data
Fig. 6 displays the average maturity levels by business model. Full sources (2.2) and Strategy for NPM and BD (2.0). The least mature sub-
service carriers reach an average maturity level of 2.7, cargo airlines of domains are employee skills (1.3), organizational structure (1.4) and
2.0, low cost carriers of 1.7 and the scheduled charter airline of 1.3. It is culture (1.9).
noteworthy that the two full service carriers have much less differences Within the strategy sub-domain, the full-service carriers rate
in maturity than the two low cost carriers, where LCC 1 has an average themselves on a higher maturity level than the remaining business
maturity level of 2.3, whereas LCC 2 has the loewst maturity level in the models. Both FSCs have a organization-wide strategic planning process
sample (1.0). This indicates that low cost carriers seem to set very which includes both NPM and IT strategy as integral parts. However,

Table 9
Self-assessment results of airlines.
Domain Sub-domain Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Average level

Strategic alignment Strategy CAR 1 LCC 1 FSC 1

Culture SCA 2 FSC 1 LCC 1
Organization Organizational structure LCC 2 SCA 2 LCC 1 FSC 2 FSC 1
Employee skills LCC 2 LCC 1 FSC 1 FSC 2
Data Data sources LCC 2 SCA 1 LCC 1
Data management SCA 1 FSC 1 CAR 1 LCC 1
Information technology IT architecture SCA 1 LCC 1 CAR 1
IT tools LCC 1 CAR 2 FSC 2

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

Fig. 6. Maturity patterns by airline business model.

none of the participating airlines has a dedidcated big data strategy yet. questions to assist airlines to assess the maturity of big data analytics
The differences between business models in the culture sub-domain are for network planning & management. First, seven key requirements for
less pronounced, with FSCs and cargo airlines exhibiting a slightly more NPM departments in airlines to successfully leverage big data have been
developed big data culture. derived from existing literature and explorative interviews with six
The full service carriers seem more developed in the organizational airline network planners. Second, a tailored maturity model has been
domain than the other airlines. A possible explanation is that both full- developed to satisfy all seven key requirements. The developed MM
service carriers in the study have a fairly large NPM department with features a common MM structure with five maturity levels (1–5) plus a
over 30 employees each, whereas NPM departments in other airlines distinct level 0 for the complete absence of the measured maturity
are much smaller with less than 20 employees. The larger organization domain. The MM is grounded in existing general MMs from both
size could be a driver for formalization of roles and responsibilities and functional domains (information systems, data management) and in-
a more institutionalized skill development program. dustry domains (logistics, supply-chain management). The iterative
The quality and availability of data sources is fortunately rather well model evaluation resulted in high scores across all five evaluation cri-
developed, especially in the cargo airlines and in the FSCs. While the teria, namely understandability, ease of use, usefulness, completeness,
quality and availability of internal and external data sources is sa- and accuracy.
tisfactory for most airlines, no participant uses real-time data feeds to The self-assessment of eight case study airlines showed that most
external data sources yet. Furthermore, the capability to process un- airlines view themselves in a low to medium maturity level. FSCs and
structured data such as text, video or audio files remains very low. cargo airline seem to be slightly more mature than airlines with other
The most mature domain overall is information technology, which business models. While the technical domains IT architecture and data
also shows comparably low degrees of differences between the airlines. sources seem to be more mature, the organization domain is evaluated
Surprisingly, the IT architecture is described as very flexible for adding least mature, except for FSCs. However, the very small sample can only
new data sources and analytic tools. This is quite counter-intuitive since indicate differences between the business models.
airlines have been carrying along legacy IT systems for network plan- The maturity model on big data analytics in airline network plan-
ning which were developed mostly in the 1990s. A possble explanation ning has several implications for research. First, we designed a devel-
is the limited use of these IT solutions, especially for the strategic long- opment process to specify available general maturity models for a very
term network planning. Accordingly, the degree of automation is as- explicit use case. The methodology of deriving practical and theoretical
sessed very low; at best some tactical network planning steps are au- requirements to design a tailored MM for a well-defined purpose could
tomized, the majority of the network planning process still requires be applied to many other highly specialized applications. Second, the
manual input in all airlines. developed maturity model is the first MM tailored for both airlines and
NPM, and thus closes a research gap in the scientific body of knowl-
6. Discussion & conclusion edge. Third, this research paper could be a starting point to examine the
impact of big data analytics for other airline functions such as fleet
With this article, the authors address two relevant research planning, flight operations and revenue management. In addition, the

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

maturity of NPM functions in other transportation industries could be general validity of the model and enable the comparison of maturity
examined with a similar methodology. levels across geographies. A significant increase in sample size could
The implications for airline practitioners stem mostly from the self- also permit a quantitative research design to investigate reasons for
assessment. Most airlines show maturity levels between 1 and 3, existing differences in maturity levels. The addition of regional airlines
meaning that there is significant room for improvement independent of as additional business model would increase the explanatory power of
the followed business model. Airlines should emphasize organizational the maturity model for the entire airline industry. A sufficiently large
factors of big data analytics where the maturity seems to be low. This airline sample could enable the empirical identification of influence
includes an explicit definition of big data ownership within the NPM factors for big data maturity, such as fleet size, network type, or fi-
and IT departments and accordingly a clear split of roles and respon- nancial resources. Furthermore, the calibration of maturity levels could
sibilities between the departments. The lack of employee big data skills be improved by applying variance analysis on the self-assessment of a
could be countered with formal skill development programs and hiring sufficiently large airline sample.
of external talent to complement the skill sets of current NPM staff. The presented MM is highly specialized on NPM in airlines. Similar
Airlines should strive for a dedicated big data strategy which is models could be designed for other functions in airlines or different
ideally integrated into a holistic corporate strategy and considers big industry applications of NPM, e.g., container shipping and trucking. At
data requirements of relevant departments, including from NPM. Strong the same time, the model could be broadened to capture multiple
executive sponsorship for big data initiatives could help to overcome business processes within airlines or multiple industries. The MM re-
the negative attitude of many employees towards big data analytics. flects mostly the NPM perspective on big data analytics. The inclusion
Airlines should leverage the flexibility of their IT architecture to of a separate IS perspective could improve the generalizability of the
include useful big data sources delivering real-time information and model. Future models could also include other relevant dimensions,
covering the white spots of the current data landscape. A more struc- which have been neglected in this research project, e.g. big data se-
tured deployment of advanced analytics tools and the integration with curity or big data processing technologies.
current network planning tools could enable increasing automation of
the network planning process, which still is highly manual in all par-
ticipating airlines. Funding
We are fully aware that this research comes with several limitations.
The airline sample size is limited and includes currently only European This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
airlines. Including more airlines across continents would improve agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

Appendix 1“Strategic alignment” maturity domain

Domain Sub-domain Maturity attribute Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Strategic alig- Strategy for Explicit strategy No explicit Explicit strategyExplicit strategy for Explicit strategy for Explicit strategy forExplicit strategy
nment network plan- for NPM and BD strategy only for NPM in NPM in place and BD and NPM in both BD and NPM for both BD and
ning & man- neither for place, but no in-integrated in holistic place, but only NPM in place and inte- NPM in place and
agement NPM nor for tegration in cor-corporate strategy, strategy integrated grated in holistic integrated in hol-
(NPM) BD in place porate strategy but no explicit BD in holistic corporate corporate strategy istic corporate
strategy strategy strategy
Alignment of BD No alignment BD not consid- BD not considered BD not considered BD regarded as NPM strategy clo-
and NPM since strate- ered key element key element of NPM key element of NPM strategic imperative sely aligned with
gies are inex- of NPM strategy strategy strategy for NPM, but BD corporate BD
istent and NPM strategies strategy
are not aligned
Financial re- No resources Financial re- Financial resources Financial resources Financial resources Financial re-
sources for im- available to sources available available to define, available to define, available to define, sources available
plementation formulate or to define, review review and monitor review and monitor review and monitor to define, review
implement and monitor NPM strategy NPM strategy and NPM strategy and and monitor BD
NPM or BD NPM strategy BD strategy sepa- BD strategy sepa- and NPM strategy
strategy rately rately in an integrated
Culture Executive spon- Executive No executive BD is sponsored in- There is at least one BD is sponsored un- BD is sponsored
sorship management sponsorship forformally by middle- executive sponsor of equivocally by top unequivocally by
is unaware BD management but BD management top management
about big data without executive
Recognition of The relevance There are con- BD technology and The importance of The importance of The importance of
importance of of BD is not flicting mes- potential still cause evidence-based op- BD is an organiza- BD is an organiza-
BD part of the va- sages/rumors confusion, but there erations and decision tional value that all tional value that
lues of the about the impor- is political will to making is stressed at should know and all should know
NPM depart- tance of BD for succeed with it all levels embrace and embrace
ment the enterprise
Attitude towards Staff is una- Attitude is en- Attitude towards big Attitude towards BD Outcomes of BD BD-supported de-
BD ware about BD trenched in a data is transparent if is positive and projects are trusted cision-making are
negative way to- not positive and this proactive across the at all levels of the at the heart of the
wards IT-driven pushes people to ex- NPM department organization organization cul-
innovation periment with BD ture and leader-
tools ship style

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

Appendix 2“Organization” maturity domain

Domain Sub-domain Maturity attri- Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Organization Organizational FTE resources No FTE resources No FTE resources for NPM topic owners Full-time NPM Dedicated team Dedicated cross-
structure for BD topics in for BD topics in BD topics in NPM spend part of their topic owners to within NPM to functional teams
NPM NPM time to develop develop BD cap- develop BD cap- (IT/BD and NPM) to
BD capabilities abilities and adopt abilities and deliver latest cap-
and adopt latest latest BD technol- adopt latest BD abilities and deploy
BD technologies ogies technologies BD technologies for
NPM organization
Ownership of No topic owner- BD topics in NPM Ownership of BD- Ownership of BD- Ownership of Ownership of BD-re-
BD projects ship for BD in are owned by mul- related topics in related topics in BD-related topics lated topics in NPM
NPM tiple people; roles NPM organization NPM organization in NPM organi- organization clearly
and responsibilities clearly defined clearly defined zation clearly defined
are not explicitly defined
Transparency BD governance BD governance on BD governance on BD governance on BD governance BD governance on
of BD govern- on corporate corporate level un- corporate level corporate level de- on corporate corporate level fully
ance level non-exis- clear (but maybe in- unclear fined, but not fully level fully trans- transparent and
tent formally existing) transparent to all parent and known to employees
functions and em- known to em-
ployees (IT-silo) ployees
Split of respon- Responsibilities Responsibilities be- Responsibilities Responsibilities Responsibilities Responsibilities be-
sibility be- between corpo- tween corporate and between corpo- between corporate between corpo- tween corporate and
tween NPM rate and func- functional topics un- rate and func- and functional to- rate and func- functional BD topics
and IT depart- tional topics un- clear tional topics not pics not well de- tional topics de- clearly defined
ments clear well defined and fined and some- fined, but remain
sometimes un- times unclear sometimes un-
clear clear
Employee skills BD skill level Staff lack aware- Staff have mainly a BD tools are em- Individual experts All staff (IT and All staff feel empow-
of NPM staff ness of BD personal interest in braced mainly by from NPM depart- NPM) are fully ered to experiment
BD, but lack the re- staff with strong ment develop deep engaged with BD with BD tools be-
quired skills to track technological knowledge on BD technology and yond the formal de-
the fast-paced tech- skills tools and topics tools finition of their role
nological evolution
Formal BD skill No formal devel- No formal develop- No formal devel- Basic development Broad formal BD BD skills essential
development opment of BD ment of BD skills in opment of BD of BD skills (e.g., skill develop- part of NPM staff
skills in NPM or- NPM organization skills in NPM or- user training for ment for NPM development (also
ganization ganization BD tools) for NPM department reflected in job de-
staff scriptions)
External talent No hiring of ex- No hiring of external Hiring of external Active hiring of Active hiring of Active hiring of ex-
ternal BD talent BD talent BD talent only in external BD talent external BD ta- ternal BD talent in
IT department in both NPM and lent in both NPM both NPM and IT or-
(Not in NPM) IT organizations and IT organiza- ganizations

Appendix 3. “Data” maturity domain

Domain Sub-do- Maturity attri- Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
main bute

Data Data Richness of Only internal Mostly internal Most information needs Most information Sufficient selection of Large selection of in-
sources data sources controlling data data used, but not can be satisfied with needs can be satis- internal and external ternal and external data
used all information internal data fied with either in- data sources available to sources available to sa-
needs can be satis- ternal or external satisfy all information tisfy all information
fied data needs with at least one needs with best possible
kind of data data
Availability of No external External data Some external data Regular and well- Regular and well-estab- Regular and well-estab-
external data data gathered gathered sporadi- sources used regularly, established use of lished use of external lished use of external
sources cally on need-base but mostly on ad-hoc external data data sources data sources
basis sources
Transparency No transpar- Basic transparency Basic transparency on Satisfactory trans- Full transparency on in- Full transparency on in-
on available ency on data on data gathered data gathered by other parency on internal ternal available data ternal available data
data gathered by by other functions functions data from other from other functions from other functions
other functions functions
Frequency of No real-time Real-time data Real-time data feeds Real-time data Real-time data feeds Real-time data feeds
data updates data feeds feeds possible only possible only for all in- feeds possible both possible both for in- possible both for internal
(neither intern- for selected in- ternal data for internal and ex- ternal and external data and external data
ally nor exter- ternal data (e.g., ternal data
nally) booking data)

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

Capabilities to Unstructured Unstructured data Unstructured data Unstructured data Capability to process Capability to process all
handle un- data (text, (text, video, audio) (text, video, audio) (text, video, audio) certain forms of un- types of unstructured
structured video, audio) cannot be pro- cannot be processed by cannot be pro- structured data (e.g., data (text, audio, video,
data cannot be pro- cessed by IT sys- IT systems cessed by IT sys- text analysis) etc.)
cessed by IT tems tems
Data Formal data No data man- Data management Data management is The IT function and IT and NPM review Data sources and types
manage- management agement pro- and related poli- siloed, but there is an NPM function de- sporadically together and data policies are
ment process cess or related cies are siloed and effort to identify which cide on a current- the usefulness of the periodically reviewed to
policies in place not formally de- data are useful and need-base together data currently stored in assess their usefulness
fined needed by BD tools which data should relation to their usage and actual usage - also
be acquired and and acquire data ac- periodical review of data
stored cording to estimated limitations, e.g., what
data needs data are missing, and
opportunities for the fu-
Data accesi- Data is stored Data are stored in Data are stored in some All data are cen- All data are centrally Complete virtual data
bility only locally some sort of cen- sort of central reposi- trally stored and stored and available organization to access
without access tral repository, but
tory and some data available across the across the organization data universally (with
from network majority is stored have been identified to organization and integrated with re- individual usage permis-
or other devices locally without ac-be too “big” to be levant external stake- sions)
cess to the rest ofmanaged efficiently holders
the organization with existing infra-
Transparency No data re- Some data require- Data requirements are Data requirements Data requirements and Data requirements and
on data re- quirements re- ments are trans- transparent but data and properties are properties are fully properties are fully
quirements corded parent but no sys- properties not system- transparent but no transparent which transparent which makes
tematical tracking atically processed tracking what data makes it possible to it possible to quickly
in place are used in what quickly identify what identify what data are
decision-making data are used in what used in what decision-
processes and why decision-making pro- making processes and
cesses and why why
Organization Data are not Data are acquired Data are still randomly Data sources and BD files can be easily BD files can be easily
of internal and formally orga- and organized on a organized, but it is data types are shared across depart- shared in virtual data
external data nized and there completely ad hoc possible to easily track identified and ments/functions, mini- organization
is no relation- base, with no stan- which information is tracked mizing data silos
ship between dard policies in required by each ana-
data structure place lytic application
and IT applica-

Appendix 4. “Information technology” maturity domain

Domain Sub-domain Maturity attri- Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Information te- IT architec- Flexibility to No corporate IT architecture No integration of net- Sporadic integra- Flexible integration Fully event-driven
chnology ture add new data IT architec- existing, but no work planning suite tion of new data of new data sources network planning ar-
sources ture in place integration of with new data sources sources on a case- as needed chitecture, capable to
new data to-case base add any required data
sources possible source
Adoption of Available ad- Available ad- Sporadic market Infrequent but reg- Yearly market Market screening for
latest BD vanced ana- vanced analy- screening for available
ular market screening for avail- available advanced
technology for lytics tech- tics technology advanced analytic screening for avail- able advanced analy- analytics tools inte-
NPM nology not identified only tools able advanced tics tools grated in normal cor-
identified incidentally analytic tools (e.g., porate planning cycles
every 2–3 years)
Integration No NPM tools No integration Integration of isolated Integration of most Integration of all Integration of ad-
between dif- used, hence of used standard standard IT tools (e.g., used standard IT used standard IT vanced analytics func-
ferent NPM no integra- IT tools NPM suite and Excel) tools, but no inte- tools, but no integra- tionality directly in
tools tion gration of ad- tion of advanced network planning ap-
vanced analytic analytic tools plication
IT tools Availability of No IT tools Only standard Use of basic function- Use of network Use of single applica- Use of single applica-
IT tools to used IT tools (e.g., ality of network plan- planning applica- tion for all network tion for all network
support NPM MS Office) used ning applications for tion suite for most planning steps, but planning steps and all
process for NPM isolated steps of the planning steps no advanced analy- associated data ana-
network planning pro- tics capabilities lysis
cess (e.g., NetLine
Plan for scheduling

I. Hausladen and M. Schosser Journal of Air Transport Management 82 (2020) 101721

Effectiveness All decisionsFew decisions Evidence based deci- Most decisions are All major decisions All major decisions
of decision- are judge- are evidence- sions and judgement evidence-based are evidence-based are evidence-based
support by ment-based, based, but most calls occur with si- and grounded in and grounded in and grounded in data,
network plan- no support bydecisions made milar frequency data and decision data, however deci- and all decision ma-
ning tools IT tools based on ex- makers are trained sion makers are kers are trained to use
perience and in- sporadically to use trained only sporadi- and interpret data on
dividual judge- and interpret data cally to use and in- a regular base
ment terpret data
Advanced No IT tools Basic Excel- Adoption of advanced Adoption of se- Adoption of latest Adoption of latest ad-
analytics cap- used for NPM based tools to analytics tools only if lected advanced advanced analytics vanced analytics tools
abilities of processes support deci- inexpensive and easy analytics tools if tools for network for network planning
network plan- sions with data to implement immediate positive planning purposes purposes and devel-
ning tools profit impact ex- also with long-term opment of customized
pected profitability objec- analytics tools if no
tives existing solution
readily available
Degree of No automa- Simple indivi- Few tactical network Most tactical net- Tactical network op- Most NPM steps auto-
automation of tion of deci- dual tasks auto- optimization decisions work optimization timization decisions matized (both tactical
NPM process sion making matized (e.g., automatized decisions automa- mostly automatized, and strategic)
enabled by IT business plan tized first steps in strategic
tools calculation) NP automatized (e.g.,
route selection)

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