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Rita K. Cydulka and Craig G. Bates

Asthma 48 
affects 7% to 10% of the elderly. Epidemiologic studies
KEY POINTS suggest that asthma is underdiagnosed and undertreated in
all age groups. Part of the problem is that the transient
nature of asthma allows many patients to tolerate intermittent
• Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition that can be
respiratory symptoms before seeking medical care. Another
important factor resulting in underdiagnosis of asthma is the
• Indications of inadequate control of asthma include
sometimes nonspecific nature of the symptoms.
frequent use of short-acting β-agonist agents,
About half of cases of asthma develop before 10 years of
wheezing, coughing, and nighttime symptoms.
age and another third before 40 years. The 2 : 1 male-to-female
• Emergency department treatment of asthma
preponderance of asthma in childhood equalizes by 30 years
exacerbation includes a targeted history and physical
of age.3 The average asthmatic patient has 15 days of restricted
examination, aerosolized β-agonist agents, and
activity each year and spends 5.8 days in bed. Approximately
systemic steroids with objective measures of response
2 million emergency department (ED) visits, 484,000 hospi-
to therapy. Anticholinergic agents should be used in the
talizations, and more than 4000 deaths per year are attributed
emergency department for patients with a severe
to asthma. In the United States alone, the estimated direct
and indirect cost of asthma in all age groups was $56 billion
• At discharge, controller medications should be
in 2007.4
prescribed in addition to rescue medications for
patients with chronic persistent asthma. Patients should
follow up with a primary care physician or asthma
specialist within several weeks. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
All asthmatic patients have hyperresponsive airways that
narrow when exposed to various stimuli: allergic, infectious,
PERSPECTIVE pharmacologic, environmental, occupational, exercise related,
and emotional.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by Allergic asthma occurs when inhaled allergens bind to
increased responsiveness of the airways to multiple stimuli. immunoglobulin E molecules bound to mast cells in the lining
Many cells and cellular elements, such as mast cells, eosino- of the tracheobronchial tree. During the early response,
phils, T lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, and epithe- various mediators are released and cause greater vascular
lial cells, play a role in development of the inflammatory permeability, mucosal edema, and contraction of bronchial
response.1 The inflammation causes recurrent episodes of smooth muscle. A second wave of reaction, the late response,
wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing, par- is seen hours to days later; it involves accumulation of inflam-
ticularly at night or in the early morning. These episodes are matory cells in the bronchial mucosa, thus perpetuating the
associated with airflow obstruction that is reversible either reaction. The release of mediators and regulation of the
spontaneously or with treatment. Although patients appear to inflammatory process in asthma are complex, redundant, and
clinically recover completely, evidence suggests that some self-perpetuating.5
asthmatic patients have chronic airflow limitation. The recog- Although several theories attempt to explain the patho-
nition that asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the physiologic changes that occur in nonallergic asthma, none
airways has significant implications for the diagnosis, man- adequately explain all clinically observed phenomena.
agement, and potential prevention of acute exacerbations. Research suggests that even patients without atopy have
pathophysiology similar to that in atopic patients.5 Respira-
tory infections, particularly viral infections, may precipitate
EPIDEMIOLOGY bronchospasm. Viruses cause mucosal inflammation and
lower the firing threshold of the subendothelial vagal recep-
Asthma affects approximately 4% to 5% of the population in tors, which results in enhanced airway reactivity that may last
the United States.2 Although it is the most common chronic up to 8 weeks, even in nonasthmatic persons. Pharmacologic
disease of childhood, with a prevalence of 5% to 10%, it also agents, such as aspirin and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory

Descargado para Franklin Correa Prieto ( en University Cesar Vallejo Piura de por Elsevier en noviembre 13,
2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
SECTION V Thoracic and Respiratory Disorders

compounds, coloring agents, and beta-blockers, also induce A subset of asthmatic patients experience a sudden onset
acute asthma. In addition, sulfating agents, which are used of severe symptoms. These individuals tend to respond rapidly
widely as food preservatives and antioxidants in pharmaceuti- to treatment but appear to be at significant risk for a fatal
cal products, can exacerbate asthma. outcome.6-9
A large variety of occupational dust and fumes may provoke
acute airway obstruction. Patients with occupational asthma
classically report a cyclic history; they are symptom free DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
during weekends, vacations, and on arrival at work. Exercise
may also stimulate an asthma attack. Exercise-induced bron- Wheezing, coughing, and dyspnea may be cause by many
chospasm is usually noted within 5 to 20 minutes after the common conditions, including pneumonia, bronchitis, croup,
completion of exercise and is related to thermal changes in bronchiolitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, conges-
the respiratory tree. Exercising in a cold, dry environment tive heart failure, pulmonary embolism, allergic reactions, and
causes a more marked response than does exercising in a upper airway obstruction from edema or a foreign body. Less
warm, humid environment. Finally, endocrine factors, such as common conditions with similar symptoms are cystic fibrosis,
variations in progesterone and estradiol levels, also influence hypersensitivity pneumonitis, carcinoid syndrome, and expo-
asthma exacerbations, probably through modification of vagal sure to odors, dust, and gas. A careful history and physical
efferent activity. examination should help differentiate asthma from these other
Most patients with asthma seem to display an exaggerated conditions.
bronchoconstrictive response to a variety of exogenous and
endogenous stimuli, and inflammation plays a key role. The
final common pathway is as follows1: DIAGNOSTIC TESTING
• Airway narrowing As for all patients who come to the ED for care, a directed
• Bronchial wall edema history and physical examination should be performed. Key
• Bronchial smooth muscle contraction historical points should be elicited, such as the duration and
• Mucosal plugging onset of the current attack, identification of precipitating
• Enhanced airway reactivity and remodeling of the airway causes, type and amount of medications used before arrival at
wall, which results in increased airway resistance the ED, response to previous therapy, including current or
• Decreased forced expiratory volumes and flow rates previous use of corticosteroids, frequency of ED visits and
• Lung hyperinflation hospitalizations, previous need for intubation or ventilation,
• Increased work of breathing history of concurrent medications and allergies, and history
• Ventilation-perfusion mismatch of concurrent medical problems. At some point during the
patient’s ED stay, effort should be made to evaluate both the
severity of the obstruction and the adequacy of ongoing
asthma control (Table 48.1).
PRESENTING SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS The physical examination should focus on observing respi-
ratory effort and use of accessory muscles and listening for
When evaluated in the ED, many patients relay a history of wheezing or other abnormal breath sounds and prolongation
asthma, but some do not. Patients with a severe asthma attack of the expiratory phase. Although wheezing results from
may be in obvious respiratory distress, with rapid breathing movement of air through narrowed airways, the intensity of
and loud wheezing, but patients with mild exacerbation may the wheeze may not correlate with the severity of airflow
exhibit coughing and end-expiratory wheezing. The classic obstruction. Tachycardia and tachypnea are usually present in
symptoms of asthma consist of the triad of dyspnea, wheez- patients with acute asthma, but vital signs normalize very
ing, and coughing, but physical findings during an asthma quickly as the airflow obstruction is relieved.10 Therefore, a
exacerbation can be variable. Early symptoms include a sensa- normal heart rate and respiratory rate are not reliable indica-
tion of chest constriction and coughing. As the exacerbation tors of the degree of relief from obstruction.
progresses, wheezing becomes apparent, expiration becomes Bedside spirometry provides a rapid, objective assessment
prolonged, and use of the accessory respiratory muscles may of patients and helps both indicate the effectiveness of and
become evident. Patients may sit upright or lean forward in guide therapy. Sequential measurements assist emergency
an attempt to decrease the work of breathing. Use of the acces- physicians in assessing the severity of the problem and deter-
sory muscles of inspiration indicates diaphragmatic fatigue, mining the response to therapy. Although forced expiratory
whereas the appearance of paradoxic respirations reflects volume in 1 second (FEV1) and the peak expiratory flow
impending ventilatory failure. Alteration in mental status (PEF) rate measure the extent of large airway obstruction,
heralds respiratory arrest. patient cooperation is essential for these tests to be reliable.
When possible, management decisions should be guided by a
VARIATIONS IN PRESENTING SIGNS   patient’s personal best PEF rate or FEV1 value or, if unknown,
AND SYMPTOMS a percentage of the predicted value in addition to other physi-
Patients with asthma exacerbations may simply exhibit cough- ologic and historical factors.1
ing or have a feeling of chest tightness. At the other end of Pulse oximetry is a useful and convenient method for
the spectrum are patients with a “silent chest,” which reflects accessing oxygenation and monitoring oxygen saturation
very severe airflow obstruction and air movement insufficient during treatment. Analysis of arterial blood gases is not indi-
to promote a wheeze. cated in the majority of patients with mild to moderate asthma

Descargado para Franklin Correa Prieto ( en University Cesar Vallejo Piura de por Elsevier en noviembre 13,
2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 48 Asthma

Table 48.1  Classification of Asthma Severity: Clinical Features Before Treatment


Step 4: Continual symptoms Frequent FEV1 or PEF < 60% of predicted

Severe Limited physical activity value
persistent Frequent exacerbations PEF variability > 30%

Step 3: Daily symptoms >1 time per FEV1 or PEF > 60% but <80% of
Moderate Daily use of inhaled short-acting β2-agonist week predicted value
persistent Exacerbations affecting activity PEF variability > 30%
Exacerbations > 2 times per week; may last days

Step 2: Mild Symptoms > 2 times per week but >1 time per day 3-4 times per FEV1 or PEF ≥ 80% of predicted
persistent Exacerbations may affect activity month value
PEF variability 20%-30%

Step 1: Mild Symptoms < 2 times per week ≤2 times per FEV1 or PEF ≥ 80% of predicted
intermittent Asymptomatic and normal PEFR between exacerbations month value
Exacerbations brief (from a few hours to a few days; PEF variability < 20%
intensity may vary)

Adapted from National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Expert Panel
Report 3: guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma. NIH Publication No. 08-4051. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services; August 2007.
FEV1, Forced expiratory volume in 1 minute; PEF, peak expiratory flow; PEFR, peak expiratory flow rate.

exacerbation, but it is helpful if there is concern for hypoven-

tilation with carbon dioxide retention and respiratory acidosis.   RED FLAGS
Patients with the latter problems almost always have clinical
evidence of severe attacks or spirometry demonstrating PEF
or FEV1 less than 25% of the predicted value.11,12 Practitioners A silent chest indicates severe obstruction.
should be aware that a normal or slightly elevated Paco2 (e.g., Do not wait for arterial blood gas confirmation to aggres-
42 mm Hg or higher) indicates extreme airway obstruction sively treat ventilatory or respiratory failure.
and fatigue and may herald the onset of acute ventilatory Listen to the patient—the patient will frequently be able to
failure.11,12 assess the severity of the exacerbation.
Routine radiography is unnecessary but is indicated if the
possibility of pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, pneumo-
nia, or other medical conditions is a concern. In up to one Education and Prevention Program Expert Panel has devel-
third of asthmatic patients requiring admission, an abnormal- oped guidelines for emergency treatment of asthma (Fig.
ity is demonstrated on chest radiographs.13 48.1),1 as have other organizations around the world. Prehos-
A routine complete blood cell count is not indicated and pital treatment with oxygen and β2-agonists is usually initi-
would probably show modest leukocytosis secondary to the ated. The following types of medications have been shown to
administration of β2-agonist therapy or corticosteroid treat- be effective for the treatment of acute asthma: β2-agonists,
ment. In patients taking theophylline before ED evaluation, a anticholinergics, and glucocorticoids (Table 48.2).1 Magne-
serum theophylline level should be determined. A routine sium should be considered in patients with severe obstruction.
electrocardiogram is also unnecessary; electrocardiographic Current evidence does not support the use of heliox (helium-
abnormalities noted include right ventricular strain, abnormal oxygen mixture) or ketamine, even when the aforementioned
P waves, and nonspecific ST-T wave abnormalities, which medications fail to relieve bronchospasm. Mast cell–stabilizing
resolve with treatment. Older patients, especially those with agents, methylxanthines, and leukotriene modifiers are cur-
coexisting heart disease, should undergo cardiac monitoring rently reserved for maintenance therapy only.
during treatment. Asthma severity index scores have failed to
predict outcome better than clinical judgment does. PHARMACEUTICALS
Use of exhaled nitric oxide measurements and other serum β2-Agonist Agents
and urine markers for detection of the severity of the asthma β2-Agonists are the preferred initial rescue medications for
exacerbation is currently under investigation.14-17 acute bronchospasm. In addition to bronchodilation, these
drugs inhibit the release of mediators and promote mucocili-
ary clearance.1
TREATMENT The most common side effect of β2-agonist drugs is skeletal
muscle tremor. Patients may also experience nervousness,
The goal of treatment of acute asthma in the ED is to rapidly anxiety, insomnia, headache, hyperglycemia, palpitations,
reverse the airflow obstruction with repetitive or continuous tachycardia, and hypertension. Despite earlier concerns about
administration of inhaled β2-agonists, ensure adequate oxy- the potential cardiotoxicity of these agents, clinical experi-
genation, and relieve inflammation. The National Asthma ence has not revealed significant problems. Arrhythmias and

Descargado para Franklin Correa Prieto ( en University Cesar Vallejo Piura de por Elsevier en noviembre 13,
2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
SECTION V Thoracic and Respiratory Disorders

Initial assessment
History, physical examination (auscultation, use of
accessory muscles, heart rate, respiratory rate, PEF
or FEV, oxygen saturation, and other tests as indicated

FEV, or PEFR ≥ 40% (mild to FEV, or PEFR < 40% (severe exacerbation) Impending or actual respiratory arrest
moderate exacerbation) • Inhaled high dose β2-agonist and • Intubation and mechanical ventilation
• Inhaled β2-agonist by metered anticholinergic by nebulization every 20 with 100% O2
dose inhaler or nebulizer, up to minutes or continuously for 1 hour • Nebulizer β2-agonist and
three doses in first hour • Oxygen to achieve O2 saturation ≥ 90% anticholinergic
• Oxygen to achieve O2 saturation • Oral systemic corticosteroid • Intravenous corticosteroid
≥ 90% • Consider adjunct therapies
• Oral systemic corticosteroids if no
immediate response or if patient
recently took oral systemic
corticosteroid Repeat assessment
Symptoms, physical examination, PEF, Admit to hospital
O2 saturation, other tests as needed intensive care

Moderate exacerbation Severe exacerbation

FEV1 or PEFR 40-69% predicted/personal best FEV or PEFR < 40% predicted/personal best
Physical exam: moderate symptoms Physical exam: severe symptoms at rest,
• Inhaled short acting β2-agonist every 60 accessory muscle use, chest retraction
minutes History: high-risk patient
• Systemic corticosteroid No improvement after initial treatment
• Continue treatment 1-3 hours, provided there • Inhaled short-acting β-agonist, hourly or
is improvement continuous + inhaled anticholinergic
• Oxygen
• Systemic corticosteroid
• Consider adjunct therapies

Good response Incomplete response Poor response

• FEV1 or PEFR ≥ 70% • FEV1 or PEFR 40-69% • FEV1 or PEFR < 40%
• Response sustained 60 minutes • Mild to moderate symptoms • PCO2 ≥ 42 mm Hg
after last treatment • Physical exam: symptoms
• No distress severe, drowsiness, confusion
• Physical exam: normal

Individualized decision regarding

hospitalization (see text)

Discharge home Admit to observation unit or hospital ward Admit to hospital intensive care
• Continue treatment with • Inhaled β2-agonist • Inhaled β2-agonist hourly or
inhaled β-agonist • Systemic (oral or intravenous) corticosteroid continuously
• Consider treatment with • Oxygen • Intravenous corticosteroid
inhaled corticosteroids • Monitor FEV1 or PEF, O2 saturation, pulse • Oxygen
• Continue course of oral • Consider adjunct therapies
systemic corticosteroid • Possible intubation and mechanical
• Patient education ventilation
- Review medicine use
- Review/initiate action plan
- Recommend close medical

Fig. 48.1  Management of asthma exacerbations: emergency department– and hospital-based care. FEV1, Forced expiratory
volume in 1 second; PEF, peak expiratory flow; PEFR, peak expiratory flow rate. (Adapted from National Institutes of Health, National Heart,
Lung and Blood Institute, National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Expert Panel Report 3: guidelines for the diagnosis and
management of asthma. NIH Publication No. 08-4051. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; August 2007.)

Descargado para Franklin Correa Prieto ( en University Cesar Vallejo Piura de por Elsevier en noviembre 13,
2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 48 Asthma

Table 48.2  Medications Used to Treat Asthma Exacerbations



Short-Acting Inhaled β2-Agonists

  Nebulizer solution 2.5-5 mg every 20 min for 0.15 mg/kg (minimum dose, 2.5 mg) Only selective β2-agonists are
(5.0 mg/mL, 3 doses, then every 20 min for 3 doses, then recommended
2.5 mg/3 mL, 2.5-10 mg every 1-4 hr 0.15-0.3 mg/kg up to 10 mg For optimal delivery, dilute
1.25 mg/3 mL, as needed, or every 1-4 hr as needed, or aerosols to a minimum of
0.63 mg/3 mL) 10-15 mg/hr 0.5 mg/kg/hr by continuous 3 mL with gas flow of 6-8 L/
continuously nebulization min
  MDI (90 mcg per puff) 4-8 puffs every 20 min up 4-8 puffs every 20 min for 3 doses, As effective as nebulized therapy
to 4 hr, then every then 1-4 hr inhalation maneuver if patient is able to coordinate
1-4 hr as needed Use spacer/holding chamber

  Nebulizer solution See albuterol dose See albuterol dose Use has not been studied for
(2 mg/mL) Thought to be half as potent as severe asthma exacerbations
albuterol on a milligram basis Do not mix with other drugs
  MDI (370 mcg per puff) See albuterol dose See albuterol dose Use has not been studied for
severe asthma exacerbation

Levalbuterol (R-albuterol) 1.25-2.5 mg every 20 min 0.075 mg/kg (minimum dose, 0.63 mg of levalbuterol is
nebulizer solution for 3 doses, then 1.25 mg) every 20 min for 3 equivalent to 1.25 mg of
(0.63 mg/3 mL, 1.25-5 mg every 1-4 hr doses, then 0.075-0.15 mg/kg up racemic albuterol in both
1.25 mg/3 mL) as needed, or to 5 mg every 1-4 hr as needed, efficacy and side effects
5-7.5 mg/hr or 0.25 mg/kg/hr by continuous
continuously nebulization

Pirbuterol MDI (200 mcg See albuterol dose See albuterol dose Use has not been studied for
per puff) Thought to be half as potent as severe asthma exacerbations
albuterol on a milligram basis

Systemic (Injected) β2-Agonists

Epinephrine 1 : 1000 0.3-0.5 mg every 20 min 0.01 mg/kg up to 0.3-0.5 mg every No proven advantage of
(1 mg/mL) for 3 doses SC 20 min for 3 doses SC systemic therapy over aerosol

Terbutaline (1 mg/mL) 0.25 mg every 20 min for 0.01 mg/kg every 20 min for 3 No proven advantage of
3 doses SC doses, then every 2-6 hr as systemic therapy over aerosol
needed SC


Ipratropium bromide
  Nebulizer solution 0.5 mg every 30 min for 3 0.25 mg every 20 min for 3 doses, May mix in same nebulizer with
(0.25 mg/mL) doses, then every then every 2 to 4 hr albuterol
2-4 hr as needed Should not be used as first-line
therapy; should be added to
β2-agonist therapy
  MDI (18 mcg per puff) 4-8 puffs as needed 4-8 puffs as needed Dose delivered from MDI is low,
and its use has not been
studied for asthma

Ipratropium with albuterol

  Nebulizer solution (each 3 mL every 30 min for 3 1.5 mL every 20 min for 3 doses, Contains EDTA to prevent
3-mL vial contains doses, then every then every 2-4 hr discoloration
0.5 mg ipratropium 2-4 hr as needed This additive does not induce
bromide and 90 mcg bronchospasm
  MDI (each puff contains 4-8 puffs as needed 4-8 puffs as needed
18 mcg ipratropium
bromide and 90 mcg


Descargado para Franklin Correa Prieto ( en University Cesar Vallejo Piura de por Elsevier en noviembre 13,
2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
SECTION V Thoracic and Respiratory Disorders

Table 48.2  Medications Used to Treat Asthma Exacerbations—cont’d



Systemic Corticosteroids†

Prednisone, 40-80 mg/day in 1 or 2 1 mg/kg (maximum, 60 mg/day) in 2 For outpatient “burst,” use

methylprednisolone, divided doses until PEF divided doses until PEF reaches 40-60 mg in a single dose
prednisolone reaches 70% of 70% of predicted value or or 2 divided doses for adults
predicted value or patient’s personal best (children: 1-2 mg/kg/day;
patient’s personal best maximum, 60 mg/day) for
3-10 days

EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; MDI, metered dose inhaler; PEF, peak expiratory flow; SC, subcutaneously.
*Children younger than 12 years.
†Note: No advantage has been found for higher-dose corticosteroids for severe asthma exacerbations, nor does intravenous administration have any
advantage over oral therapy, provided that gastrointestinal transit time or absorption is not impaired. The usual regimen is to continue the frequent multiple
daily doses until the patient achieves a forced expiratory volume in 1 second or PEF of 50% of the predicted value or the patient’s personal best—which
usually occurs within 48 hours—and then to lower the dosage to twice daily. Therapy after a hospitalization or ED visit may last 3 to 10 days. For
corticosteroid courses lasting 1 week or less, there is no need to taper the systemic corticosteroid dose. For slightly longer courses (e.g., up to 10 days),
there is probably no need to taper, especially if patients are concurrently taking inhaled corticosteroids. If the follow-up systemic corticosteroid therapy is
to be given once daily, one study indicates that it may be more clinically effective to give the dose in the afternoon at 3 PM, with no increase in adrenal

evidence of myocardial ischemia are rare, especially in Data indicate that corticosteroids, administered within 1
patients without a previous history of coronary artery disease. hour of arrival in the ED, reduce the need for hospitalization
Aerosol therapy with β2-agonist drugs produces excellent of a patient with an asthma exacerbation.23 Although evidence
bronchodilation with minimal systemic absorption and few for what constitutes the optimal dose for acute asthma is
side effects. Aerosol delivery may be achieved with a metered lacking, experts agree that an initial 40- to 60-mg dose of
dose inhaler (MDI) with a spacing device or a compressor- prednisone or an intravenous 60- to 125-mg bolus of methyl-
driven nebulizer.19 A spacing device attached to the inhaler prednisolone in patients unable to tolerate oral medications is
can improve drug deposition when patient technique is inad- usually adequate. No advantage has been demonstrated for
equate. Even with optimal technique only a maximum of 15% higher doses.24 Additional doses should be given every 4 to 6
of the dose of the drug is retained in the lungs, regardless of hours until significant subjective and objective improvement
the aerosol method used. Since 2008, dry-powder delivery is achieved. Patients who are being discharged home after
devices and MDIs using hydrofluoroalkane as propellant have ED treatment should be prescribed a 3- to 10-day nontapering
replaced chlorinated fluorocarbon–driven devices. Aerosol “burst” of oral steroids, such as prednisone, 40 to 60 mg/day,
treatments may be administered every 15 to 20 minutes or on or its equivalent.
a continuous basis.20 Subcutaneous administration of terbuta- Current recommendations favor inhaled corticosteroids
line or epinephrine may be used in patients unable to coordi- for maintenance of all patients with mild persistent asthma or
nate aerosolized or MDI treatments or to tolerate aerosolized more severe asthma.1 Therefore, consideration should be
medications.21 given to discharging any patient with mild persistent or more
Intravenous β2-agonist infusions offer no advantage over severe asthma with maintenance inhaled corticosteroid therapy
aerosolized or MDI-delivered agents and carry potential in addition to the burst of oral steroids.25
Salmeterol xinafoate is indicated only as maintenance Anticholinergics
therapy, should never be used more frequently than twice Aerosolized ipratropium bromide, 0.5 mg, should be admin-
per day, and is to be avoided for the treatment of acute istered to patients with a severe exacerbation of asthma.
exacerbations.1 Ipratropium is a synthetic quaternary derivative that is avail-
able as both a nebulized solution and in an MDI (18 mg per
puff) and is well tolerated (see Table 48.2). Clinical trials
Corticosteroids indicate that adding ipratropium to β2-agonist agents offers
Corticosteroids, highly effective drugs for asthma exacerba- mild additional improvement in bronchodilation and signifi-
tion, are a cornerstone of treatment.23 They are thought to cantly decreases the need for hospitalization.26 Side effects
produce beneficial effects by restoring β2-agonist responsive- include dry mouth, thirst, and difficulty swallowing. Less
ness and reducing inflammation. Onset of the antiinflamma- commonly, tachycardia, restlessness, irritability, confusion,
tory effects of corticosteroids is delayed at least 4 to 8 hours difficulty in micturition, ileus, blurring of vision, and an
after intravenous or oral administration. increase in intraocular pressure are noted.

Descargado para Franklin Correa Prieto ( en University Cesar Vallejo Piura de por Elsevier en noviembre 13,
2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 48 Asthma

At discharge, addition of tiotropium to the patient’s current pressure reduces the need for intubation and mechanical ven-
inhaled corticosteroid dose is comparable to the addition of tilation are lacking.38-40
salmeterol—both are more effective in achieving disease If the patient begins to exhibit signs of acute ventilatory
control than is doubling the inhaled corticosteroid dose.27 failure with progressive hypercapnia and acidosis or becomes
exhausted or confused, intubation and mechanical ventilation
Magnesium are needed to prevent respiratory arrest. Mechanical ven­
Intravenous magnesium sulfate is indicated for the manage- tilation can eliminate the work of breathing and enable the
ment of acute, very severe asthma, such as a patient with an patient to rest. It does not relieve the airflow obstruction.
FEV1 less than 25% of predicted, but not in those with mild Direct, controlled oral intubation by an experienced physician
or moderate asthma exacerbation.28-30 The dose is 1 to 2 g is preferred.
intravenously delivered over a 30-minute period. Inhaled mag- The potential complications of mechanical ventilation in
nesium may also be a helpful adjunct in the treatment of a asthmatic patients are numerous: barotrauma, hemodynamic
severe exacerbation.31,32 Magnesium is not a substitute for impairment, mucous plugging leading to increased airway
standard therapy regimens. resistance, atelectasis, and pulmonary infection. Air trapp­
ing and increased residual volume (intrinsic positive end-
Heliox, Ketamine, and Halothane expiratory pressure) may be partially avoided with controlled
Helium is not indicated for use in patients with mild or moder- mechanical hypoventilation or permissive hypoventilation.39,40
ate asthma exacerbation, although several studies have dem- This form of mechanical ventilation is achieved by using a
onstrated its effectiveness for very severe asthma.33 Several reduced respiratory rate and low inspiratory volume and pres-
investigators have reported success with ketamine34,35 and sure and allowing adequate time for the expiratory phase. One
halothane in patients in whom all other treatment modalities can achieve the goal of ventilatory support—maintenance of
have failed. Controlled trials substantiating these claims are adequate arterial oxygen saturation (90% or greater)—with-
lacking. out concern about “normalizing” the hypercapnic acidosis.
All patients requiring mechanical ventilation should be admit-
Mast Cell Modifiers ted to an intensive care unit.
Neither cromolyn nor nedocromil, both modulators of mast
cell mediator release and eosinophil recruitment, is indicated
for the treatment of acute bronchospasm.
Leukotriene Modifiers
Leukotriene modifiers improve lung function, diminish symp- 1. Ensure adequate oxygenation.
toms, and reduce the need for short-acting β2-agonists.1 They 2. Reverse airflow obstruction with β2-agonists.
are recommended as an alternative to low-dose inhaled corti- 3. Relieve inflammation by prescribing oral systemic
costeroid therapy in patients with mild persistent asthma corticosteroids.
and as steroid-sparing agents with inhaled corticosteroids in 4. Monitor response to therapy with serial assessments.
those with moderate persistent asthma. Several leukotriene
modifiers—montelukast, zafirlukast, and zileuton—are cur-
rently available as oral tablets for the treatment of asthma.
Although intravenous montelukast has been demonstrated to DISPOSITION
cause rapid bronchodilation when used as adjuvant therapy
for acute asthma in a single trial, recommending its use for Disposition decisions for patients after treatment of asthma
the treatment of acute bronchospasm in the ED would be exacerbation are rarely straightforward. A number of subjec-
premature.36 Montelukast, zafirlukast, and zileuton have been tive and objective factors should be considered, as follows:
associated with neuropsychiatric side effects.
• Does the patient feel that the wheezing and air exchange
Theophylline have improved?
Although theophylline is no longer considered a first-line • Does auscultation confirm improvement or lack thereof?
treatment of acute asthma,37 some patients who come to the • Has a significant improvement in FEV1 or PEF been noted?
ED for treatment may be using it at home. Some data suggest • What is the patient’s health care history?
that this agent has an antiinflammatory mechanism of action. • Is the patient usually compliant with care plans and medica-
When used in combination with inhaled β2-agonists, theoph- tion regimens?
ylline appears to increase the toxicity—but not the efficacy— • Does the patient have access to prompt follow-up?
of treatment. The most common side effects of theophylline • Does the patient usually require hospitalization after an
are nervousness, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and headache. exacerbation?
At plasma theophylline levels greater than 30 mcg/mL, there
is a risk for seizures and cardiac arrhythmias. Unfortunately, a formula for successful discharge without risk
for early relapse does not yet exist, and up to 25% of patients
treated in the ED for asthma return within 3 weeks.41-44
MECHANICAL VENTILATION Because some degree of residual airflow obstruction,
When it appears that a patient needs more than the aforemen- airway lability, and inflammation persists after treatment and
tioned treatments, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation discharge from the ED, a postdischarge treatment plan must
may be attempted. Data showing that bilevel positive airway be formulated.

Descargado para Franklin Correa Prieto ( en University Cesar Vallejo Piura de por Elsevier en noviembre 13,
2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
SECTION V Thoracic and Respiratory Disorders

Addition of a short, nontapering course of oral steroids to

the scheduled use of a β2-agonist bronchodilator reduces   DOCUMENTATION
relapse rates in discharged patients. Patients with chronic
asthma who are not using controller medications at home
should be prescribed and educated about the daily use of
Asthma control and severity
either inhaled corticosteroids or leukotriene modifiers, in
Previous severe exacerbations (need for intubation or inten-
addition to their rescue medications.45 Data indicate that
sive care unit admission)
relying on the primary care physician to prescribe these con-
Risk factors:
trollers at follow-up is inadequate.25
Two or more hospitalizations or more than three emer-
Current guidelines suggest that patients with a good
gency department visits in the past year
response to treatment, as demonstrated by complete resolution
Use of more than two canisters of short-acting β-agonists
of symptoms and a PEF or FEV1 value greater than 70%
per month
of predicted, can be safely discharged home. Patients with a
Poor perception of bronchospasm
poor response to treatment, as defined by persistent symp-
Medication noncompliance
toms, a PEF or FEV1 value less than 50% of predicted, and
Illicit drug use
persistent wheezing and dyspnea at rest, should be admitted.
Major psychosocial problems or psychiatric disease
Many patients with an incomplete response to treatment, as
Comorbid conditions, such as cardiovascular disease or
defined by some persistence of symptoms and a PEF or FEV1
other chronic lung disease
value between 50% and 70% of predicted, may be discharged
home safely, provided that they have no risk factors for death Examination
from asthma.1 Patients who do not show adequate improve- Vital signs and oxygen saturation
ment over several hours because they are in the late phase Cardiopulmonary examination
of the exacerbation and those with significant risk factors Emergency Department Course
for death from asthma should be admitted to either an obser- Monitor response to therapy with serial assessments
vation unit or the hospital. Most patients have an incomplete
response to treatment and fall into this “gray zone” of disposi-
tion decisions.
Studies indicate that the majority of asthmatic patients SUGGESTED READINGS
admitted to an observation unit where strict care protocols are National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National
followed can be successfully treated and discharged.45 Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Expert Panel Report 3: guidelines for
Early follow-up care is indicated to monitor resolution of the diagnosis and management of asthma. NIH Publication No. 08–4051. Bethesda,
the exacerbation and to review the long-term medication and MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; August 2007.
Rodrigo GJ, Castro-Rodriguez JA. Anticholinergics in the treatment of children and
care plans for the ongoing management of asthma. High adults with acute asthma: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Thorax
relapse rates despite the routine use of steroids strongly 2005;60:740-6.
suggest the need for follow-up within days of the ED visit. Rowe BH, Spooner C, Ducharme FM, et al. Early emergency department treatment of
Ideally, education of the patient begins in the ED, and a written acute asthma with systemic corticosteroids. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
plan of action that addresses both routine treatment and care Rowe BH, Spooner CH, Ducharme FM, et al. Corticosteroids for preventing relapse
of worsening symptoms is developed either in the ED or following acute exacerbations of asthma (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane
at follow-up. ED personnel should provide basic education Library. Oxford: Update Software; 2004.
about asthma and help connect the patient with a primary
care provider or asthma specialist while providing discharge
instructions. Review of the patient’s discharge medication, REFERENCES
evaluation of inhaler technique, and instruction on the use of
peak flow monitoring are just some of the issues that emer- References can be found on Expert Consult @
gency physicians can teach and emphasize.

Descargado para Franklin Correa Prieto ( en University Cesar Vallejo Piura de por Elsevier en noviembre 13,
2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 48 Asthma

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Descargado para Franklin Correa Prieto ( en University Cesar Vallejo Piura de por Elsevier en noviembre 13,
2021. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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