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Student’s name:
TEACHER: Cecilia Márquez WEEK:

COMPETENCES: Communicative competences: linguistic and pragmatic competences.

Recognizes general and specific information in written and oral opinion texts and
discussions on familiar topics.
Composes clear and well-structured oral or written messages taking into
consideration the context in which they are produced.


Value my time and the activities to be done through commitment.


Listening: identify people, situations, places and topics of simple conversations.
Reading: Identify main ideas, details and author purpose and infer information from text.
Writing: Write a simple sentence about eating disorders with a specific structure
Speaking: Talk about a specific subject about familiar topics using appropriate vocabulary
and simple structure.

Skilled based approach using technology tools as mediation for learning.

Before the activities: Refresh simple present and adverbs of frequency. Modal
verb should.


General instruction:.
Module 2:
Health Issues
UNIT 1: What is an eating disorder?
LESSON 1: » I’m Interested in My Health!
A. Vocabulary review
B. Reading for main ideas and details and writing
C. Listening for specific details and Speaking (monologue)
Write the meaning of the following words: use English and Spanish.
Anorexia: Anorexia

Eating disorder that causes the person to become obsessed with their weight and
what they eat.
Anorexia is characterized by a distorted body image and an unwarranted fear of
gaining weight.
Symptoms include trying to maintain a weight below normal through starvation or
excessive exercise.
Medical treatment may be necessary to return to normal weight. Talk therapy can
help with self-esteem and changes in behavior.

Trastorno alimentario que provoca que la persona se obsesione con su peso y lo que
La anorexia se caracteriza por una imagen corporal distorsionada y el miedo
injustificado a subir de peso.
Los síntomas incluyen tratar de mantener un peso por debajo de lo normal mediante
la inanición o el ejercicio excesivo.
Puede ser necesario un tratamiento médico para volver al peso normal. La terapia
conversacional puede ayudar con la autoestima y los cambios en el comportamiento.

Body image Imagen corporal

Body image is the feeling one has about the body and physical appearance.

La imagen corporal es el sentimiento que se tiene sobre el cuerpo y la apariencia


overweight execeso de peso

In the long run, it reaches a point where the amount of fat in the body can be harmful
to a person's health. Doctors use the terms "overweight" or "obese" to indicate that a
person is more likely to develop health problems related to being overweight. Being
overweight increases the risk of diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol,
osteoarticular disorders, cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer, among
other ailments. It also increases the risk of death from any of the causes mentioned.

A la larga, se llega a un punto en que la cantidad de grasa en el cuerpo puede ser

nociva para la salud de una persona. Los médicos usan los términos "sobrepeso" u
"obeso" para indicar que una persona tiene más probabilidades de desarrollar
problemas de salud relacionados con el exceso de peso. tener exceso de peso
aumenta el riesgo de tener diabetes, hipertensión, colesterol elevado, alteraciones
osteoarticulares, enfermedad cardiovascular y algunos tipos de cáncer, entre otras
dolencias. , También aumenta el riesgo de muerte por cualquier de las causas

Self esteem Autoestima

it is the perceptual evaluation of ourselves.

es la evaluación perceptiva de nosotros mismos.

Headaches Dolor de cabeza

A headache is pain or discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck.

Un dolor de cabeza es un dolor o molestia en la cabeza, el cuero cabelludo o el


Binge-eating atracones

Frequently consuming extraordinary amounts of food during a meal and feeling like
the eating behavior is out of control.

Consumir frecuentemente cantidades extraordinarias de alimentos durante una

comida y sentir que el comportamiento alimentario está fuera de control.


Look at the information about eating disorders, and complete the photo labels with the
correct disorder.
a. ____Binge-eating____ B. ___Anorexia_____ C. __Bulimia________

A.2. Give the definition of the following words:


It is an eating disorder in which a person has regular episodes of eating a large

amount of food (binge eating) during which they feel a loss of control over food. The
person then uses various ways, such as vomiting or taking laxatives (purging), to
prevent weight gain.

Es un trastorno alimentario por el cual una persona tiene episodios regulares de

comer una gran cantidad de alimento (atracones) durante los cuales siente una
pérdida de control sobre la comida. La persona utiliza luego diversas formas, tales
como vomitar o consumir laxantes (purgarse), para evitar el aumento de peso.

Obesity obesidad

A disorder characterized by excessive levels of body fat that increase the risk of
health problems.

Trastorno caracterizado por niveles excesivos de grasa corporal que aumentan el

riesgo de tener problemas de salud.
Ache Dolor
It is an unpleasant sensation, such as a prick, tingling, stinging, burning, or

Es una sensación desagradable, como un pinchazo, hormigueo, picadura, ardor o



Pain from inside the abdomen or the outer muscle wall, ranging from mild and
temporary to severe.

Dolor desde el interior del abdomen o de la pared muscular externa, que va desde
leve y temporal a intenso.

stay Quedate

Being, forcibly or voluntarily stopping in a place.

Estar, detenerse forzosa o voluntariamente en un lugar.


Instructions: Look at the poster. Match the photos (a–e) with the phrases.


c. _______________
d. _______________
e. _______________
Instructions: Answer the questions based on personal information. Please, write complete
sentences: use subject + verb + complement. Long answers.
1. How often do you get a headache? .

2. When was the last time you got a headache?? .

3. What did you do? .

Instructions: using the work bank and the picture

a. Label each picture
b. write full sentences talking about the symptoms and the remedies or solution like the
example: When I get/have a headache I take some medicine/pills

A. ________
B. _________
C. _________
D. _________
E. _________
F. _________
G. _________
H. _________.

Instructions: Listen to Jaime and Andrea talking about Nicolás. Complete the sentences
with the correct adverb. (Track 19)

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