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Program Diploma III Ekonomi UII

Jl. Kaliurang KM 14,5 Jogjakarta

Answer Sheet

Name: Siti Nurul Jannah

NIM: 18213062
Soal nomor 1 (BOBOT = 50%)
After reading the text, write 5 multiple choice questions based on the text. The questions
must use question words (5W1H) and there must be 4 options, A-D.
1. What is included in the short-term financial minimalist approach that can help you manage
your money better, except?
A. Plan a spending budget
B. Cut cost sooner
C. Tailor you lifestyle
D. Cut cost deeper
2. What is Positive Cash Flow
A. crucial indicator of financial health and independence.
B. when your business has more outgoing than incoming money.
C. the net amount of cash
D. a measure commonly used by analysts to assess a company's profitability
3. How to Mind Your Cash Flow?
A. Look at your daily spending for the last last year
B. If you do not track your expenses regularly, start with the line items on your monthly bank and
credit card statements and categorize these by priority.
C. See which costs you can spend or maximum right away.
D. Don’t analyze your spending pattern.
4. Why you have to Tailor your lifestyle?
A. With better control of your spending, you will have more freedom and options to better prepare for
future uncertainties.\
B. If you are currently in a situation with no or reduced income, you can go further than just cutting
your variable expenses, and analyze your fixed costs too.
C. Think about it as financial spring cleaning. Every year, analyze your expenses and cut costs where
D. With limited lifestyle needs as restrictions still apply in many markets, people can use this time as a
proxy ‘minimum spend’ period as they significantly cut back on discretionary items, entertainment,
and travel.
5. When unexpected circumstances like job losses or pay cuts can affect your cash flow?
A. During an good economic
B. During an balanced economic
C. During an economic highturn
D. During an economic downturn,

Soal nomor 2 (BOBOT = 50%)

Write 10 TRUE/FALSE statements based on the text above.
1) Do mindful spending and dedicate the rest to savings or debt repayment. With better control of
your spending, you will have more freedom and options to better prepare for future
uncertainties (T/F)
2) Think about it as financial spring cleaning. Every month, analyze your expenses and cut costs
where needed. (T/F)
3) To tailor your lifestyle you can do mindful spending and dedicate the rest to
savings or debt repayment. (T/F)
4) With maximum lifestyle needs as restrictions still apply in many markets, people can use this
time as a proxy ‘maximum spend’ period as they significantly spend on discretionary items,
entertainment, and travel. (T/F)
5) During an economic downturn, unexpected circumstances like job losses or
pay cuts can affect your cash flow. (T/F)
6) A better relationship with your money can not lead to more choices, less
stress, and overall better quality of life. (T/F)
7) Once social restrictions ease and the economy opens up, you can make
deliberate decisions on what luxuries or extras you can afford. (T/F)
8) If you are currently in a situation with no or reduced income, you can go
further than just cutting your variable expenses, and analyze your fixed costs
9) With worse control of your spending, you will have more freedom and options
to better prepare for future uncertainties. (T/F)
10) An old budgeting hack is to practice a ‘minimum spend’ month or week. That
is when you only buy pre-agreed essentials to save money and pay down debt
or save for a goal. (T/F)

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