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The principles of 21st Century

University of the people

Course Code:EDUC 5010

Instructor: Dr.Brian Legg

1.0. Abstract

This paper starts by describing the principles of 21st century,how these skills have

impacted on my teaching profession and finally explains one critical factor which is

very critical for students to learn so that they can be successful.

2.0. The principles of 21 st century

The general purpose of education is to help humans to develop a sense of their

intellect,to create self-worth and achievement of independence for the future ahead of

them. In order to achieve these developments,students must be introduced to three

fundamental foundations of the 21st century skills. These include:Life and career

skills,media and technology, and learning and innovation skills. Learning skills are

considered universal skills to acquire in the 21st century. According to Slyter

(2019),learning skills are used to process and communicate information. This includes

the following principles:

(a). Critical thinking

Having a critical mind is not simply having the ability to think and reason about

solving a specific problem,but also ''The ability to understand why things are the way

they are and to understand the potential consequences of actions". This enable
students ' curiosity and awareness in relation to how information should be processed

in the diverse landscape of opportunities to both inform and misinform oneself.

(b). Creativity

Creativity and innovation tend to go hand in hand with each other. Creativity is a

learned skill rather than an innate trait. There are three common elements in creativity

,they are:Utility,aesthetics, and originality(Hughes et all 2016). The incentive of

creativity in the 21st century is the ability to approach situations with different

perspectives and "to respond to situations with elegance,utility ,and novelty"(Hughes

et all,2016).

(c). Collaboration

According to Stauffer(2020),;"The key element of collaboration is willingness to

sacrifice part of their own ideas and adopt others to get results for the company". It

means combining one's labor with others to finish a project or deadline. Through

collaboration ,or joining together ,people involved can learn from each other while

learning their own individual strengths.

(d). Communication

Communication is learning how to speak to others and is also the ability to convey the

required messages effectively. Good communication abilities enable people to make

sense of confusing situations and combine knowledge in an additive capacity.

3.0. Impacts of 21st century skills on my teaching

The 21st century skills have influenced my teaching in the following ways :

(a). Extension of my teaching even beyond the classroom

Before the 21st century skills,students used to learn in the physical classroom. Now

days ,they learn when and where it is convenient and appropriate. In order to extend

my teaching beyond the classroom,I have formed a class what's app group which is

often used especially during holidays. I usually post assignments there and students

respond by sending to me their individual answers through my personal what's app.

After grading these assignments,I give them individual feedbacks and correct them

where they have gone wrong.

During the period of severe covid 19, I had created a Google class for my students

where teaching went on virtually as usual like in any other physical class.

(b). I am no longer the only person teaching

I have adopted this issue of collaboration into my teaching strategy on which I have

encouraged peer collaboration in my classroom. I have divided my students into

groups where I usually give them questions to discuss and come up with their group

solutions. Each group will appoint one person who will make a presentation in the

classroom. This will enhance the exchange of ideas among all the students.

(c). Maximizing the use of online books

Every evening,I usually give out assignments to my students which is to be handed to

me the next day for grading. Due to insufficiency of books ,I have guided them on

how to use online search engines at their homes to look for solutions to these


(c). Use of online educational portfolio to evaluate students

I have adopted this system as part of my teaching strategy. This has enabled my

students to grow. Online portfolios are less costly and are amenable to other a wider

variety of formats including video,music and other interactive features.

4.0. Important skill for students to learn in order to be successful.

•Critical thinking

One of the most important 21st century skills to teach our students is how to think

critically. With so much information available online,it is crucial that learners analyze

,question and challenge what they are being told. They should remain open-minded

,evaluate situations or think outside the box when approaching tasks.


Hughes,C.,&Ace do,C.(2016). Guiding principles for learning in the twenty first

Slyter,K.(2019). Do you have the 21st century skills Today's employers are seeking?

Rasmussen college. Retrieved from https:/

experience/college-life/21st-century skills/

Stauffer,B.(2020). What are the 21st century skills?Retrieved from century skills

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