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22/02/2021 Coping With Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Tips for Living Well

GAD COPING Part of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Guide

How to Cope With Generalized Anxiety

By William Meek Reviewed by Rachel Goldman, PhD, FTOS Updated on January 05, 2021

Table of Contents

Social Coping Strategies

Emotional Coping Strategies

Physical Coping Strategies 1/24
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22/02/2021 Coping With Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Tips for Living Well

One of the most important elements of having generalized anxiety disorder

(GAD) is learning how to cope with persistent anxiety and physical
symptoms. Although each person has a unique experience with GAD, there
are many common symptoms present with this condition that most
everyone will experience to some degree.

These symptoms include physical symptoms (muscle tension, [1] body aches,
etc.), behavioral symptoms (procrastination, isolation, etc.), and emotional
symptoms (intrusive thoughts, constant worry, [1] etc.). Various coping
styles and strategies can help manage all of them.


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Verywell / Cindy Chung 

Social Coping Strategies

For some people, social coping strategies can help manage symptoms,
overcome fear, and even improve social life for an overall better quality of
life. E ective options include the following.

Get Involved
When we feel anxious it is common to want to pull away from others and
disconnect. This leads us to feeling removed from others, our family, and
our community.

Finding events to participate in can help foster a sense of belonging

and allow us to feel purposeful.

Not only are we keeping our bodies busy, but our minds as well. 9/24
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Watch Now: 7 Ways to Reduce Your Anxiety

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Talk to Someone
Anxiety can lead us to believe that we are alone in our experience and no
one will be able to relate. This is not true. Find a trusted person to talk with
about your challenges. Share with important people in your life the
experiences you are struggling with and don't be afraid to open up

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Being open about your challenges can also allow other people the space
to share their struggles.

Recruit Support
Finding a support system is important when we are struggling with
anxiety. [2] There are a variety of support resources available, both in-
person options and online, that can be of great help. A community of people
who not only understand but can o er tips and suggestions for helpful
coping strategies can be valuable. 12/24
22/02/2021 Coping With Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Tips for Living Well

Related: The 7 Best Online Anxiety Support Groups of 2021

Anxiety tends to rob us of joy and gets in the way of us being able to have
fun. Remember to nurture your longing to have fun and laugh. You can nd
humor in books, on television, or online sources. Taking a moment to laugh
and have fun can o er a gentle reminder that the anxiety is not in charge. 13/24
22/02/2021 Coping With Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Tips for Living Well

Emotional Coping Strategies

Try these strategies for coping with intrusive thoughts, constant worry or
fear, feelings of uncertainty, apprehension, dread, or overwhelm.

There are varied practices of mindfulness that can help with anxiety. Using
techniques like mindfulness, prayer, and deep breathing can help slow
down our anxious processing of thoughts and emotions. [3]

By slowing down we are learning to be more present rather than

hyper-focused on trying to anticipate and prepare for the future, which
is what anxiety makes us focus on, even when there are no threats

Learn Your Triggers

As you practice slowing down and becoming more mindful, it will be helpful
for you to pay attention to the situations that seem to trigger your anxiety.
Although it won't always be an option to avoid those triggers, being aware
of them can help you gain clarity and take steps toward managing stress in
those speci c situations.

Learning cognitive ways to challenge your anxiety can help, such as

di using anxious thoughts and calming the need to keep asking "what if."

Practice Acceptance
Remember that anxiety is not something you are experiencing because you
are awed in any way. Anxiety is in uenced by a host of factors such as
genetics, neurobiology, family history, [4] and life experiences. There is no
one cause of GAD and it is something that many people experience. 14/24
22/02/2021 Coping With Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Tips for Living Well

As impossible as it may seem, it can be helpful to learn to accept the journey

and embrace it as an opportunity to learn and care for yourself in healthy
ways. Accepting your emotions can improve your overall emotional
health. [5] Identifying the emotions is the rst of multiple steps to achieving

Keep a Positive Attitude

There is no need to lose hope for better living. Many people challenged with
anxiety, such as with generalized anxiety disorder, lead full, productive, and
joyful lives.

The key is taking time to learn what strategies work well for you, stay
connected to others, and remain positive.

Find inspiration through quotes, verses, music, nature, social connections,

etc. We are surrounded by positive examples of hope and inspiration.

Physical Coping Strategies

Physical coping strategies, like eating well, exercising, breathing, and
establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, can help with emotional symptoms
as well.

Eat Well
What we put into our bodies can in uence how we feel physically and
emotionally. Although foods do not cause anxiety, foods can impact our

Eating things like sugary snacks and processed foods can lead to quick
highs and lows in our blood sugar that can in uence feelings of
restlessness and fatigue.

Exercise 15/24
22/02/2021 Coping With Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Tips for Living Well

Moving your body can be a great way to manage stress. Exercise helps to
boost our endorphins and relieve tension. Try something new or go with an
old favorite activity you enjoy. Any way that you choose to exercise will be
of bene t.

Keep a consistent schedule and try to incorporate exercise three to four

times per week or more. You may also try massage or progressive muscle
relaxation to help ease muscle tension that is often experienced with

Get Enough Sleep

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), only one in three adults
in the United States get the recommended seven hours of sleep at night. [6]

Although it can be di cult to sleep when we experience anxiety,

creating a reliable nighttime routine can help us relax and prepare for
quality sleep.

Things like progressive relaxation, reading, journaling, and turning o

electronics at least one hour before bed can help you prepare your mind and
body for rest. Doing a "brain dump," or writing a to-do list or worry log as
part of your bedtime routine can also help if you struggle with racing
thoughts and anxiety. 16/24
22/02/2021 Coping With Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Tips for Living Well

Shortness of breath can be a common physical symptom of anxiety, along
with a tightened chest and muscle tension. In those moments we often
forget to breathe and take rapid, shallow breaths. Practicing how to take
slow abdominal breaths can help.

A Word From Verywell

Things to keep in mind as you walk through your journey with generalized
anxiety disorder is that you are not alone and you can live a full life.
Although anxiety and worry may be an obstacle for you now, and even feel
uncontrollable at times, there are resources, trained professionals, and
coping techniques available to help. Learning how to navigate your triggers,
reaching out for help, and keeping a positive attitude all help.

Taking care of yourself also involves talking with a professional who can
put a plan of treatment in place. Talking with a counselor or other mental
health provider on a regular basis can be helpful as well, to know that
someone understands your experience and can help you learn to e ectively
navigate challenges as they arise.

If you or a loved one are struggling with anxiety, contact the Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National
Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment
facilities in your area.

For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.

Related: Understanding Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Children

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