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Name: Rissa M.

Barrida Euthenics

Section/Year: BSIT-1A

Watch the TED Talk “Why we all need to practice emotional first aid” by Guy Winch. Then answer the
following questions:
1. Why do you think more people give importance to their body than their mind?
 Because their body is their most valuable possession, and they are so self-assured that they forget
to utilize their head.

2. How can we stop emotional bleeding that was brought by failure, rejection, and loneliness?
 Just believe that, even though we are going through a difficult moment right now, you will
achieve genuine happiness one day. Pain, on the other hand, begs to be felt. You don't get to
pick whether or not you get harmed in this life, but you can choose who hurts you. The world
isn't a wish-granting machine, and things don't always go your way. Everyone will be affected by
the pain, and you may believe that no one cares about you. No one cares about you, and no one
will miss you yet. Many individuals will not be aware of it. Failure, rejection, and loneliness are
all things that other people have experienced. Just know that you are not alone; many others
are going through similar difficulties. Find someone who will make you truly happy and accept
you for who you are.

3. What is rumination? Why is it dubbed as one of the unhealthiest psychological habits?

 Rumination has been dubbed the "unhealthiest psychology habit" since it involves immersing
oneself in intense thinking about certain topics. Rumination has been classified as such because it
leads to overthinking, which may lead to worry, insecurities, and sadness. With this, one
concentrates on the things, people, and events that have rendered his or her life in vain or at risk,
and it leads to that person thinking more about causes and consequences rather than solutions;
also, that person is now obsessed by the negative ideas in his or her head.

4. According to Dr. Winch, how can someone resist the urge of ruminating?
 Doctor Guy Winch was questioned about one example of a detrimental habit known as ruminating in an
interview on the All-About-Psychology website. In one of his writings, he provided some advice on how to
overcome this behavior, which is said to be harmful to one's mental health. One method is to use
distraction. In fact, Dr. Guy Winch advised in the aforementioned interview to utilize a 2-minute diversion
anytime the impulse to ruminate arises.
Dr. Winch also enumerated additional suggestions such as:

-being proactive in solving problems that keep on playing in head

-talking about the replaying thoughts to a trusted friend

-meditating and therapy

5. What are the benefits of taking care of your psychological health? Name at least two (2 ).
 A greater sense of calm or inner peace.
 Increased self-esteem.

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