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O: -front of abdominal aorta

-opposite upper border of L1V, just below the aortic opening of diaphragm(below median arcuate lig)
C:very short trunk pass forward for 1cm above omental tuberosity of pancreas,
behind peritoneum of lesser sac
E: divides into Lt gastric, splenic & hepatic arteries.
R: it is surrounded by coeliac plexus & coeliac LNs
1- Lt gastric art.: smallest br of coeliac but the largest art. of stomach
C &R:
-Behind lesser sac, it pass upwards & to Lt till cardiac end of stomach.
-Then downwards & to Rt ( ) 2 layers of lesser omentum along lesser curvature
-end by anastomosis with Rt gastric art.
1- oesophageal brs to abd. oesophagus
2- gastric brs to Rt. part of body of stomach

2-Splenic art.: largest br of coeliac trunk

-behind lesser sac , it runs to Lt on post. abd. wall above body of pancreas in
a tortuous course crossing: abd. aorta , Lt symp. chain , Lt crus of diaphragm ,
Lt kidney and Lt suprarenal gland
- on reaching the front of kidney and suprarenal gland ,it enters lienorenal lig.
with tail of pancreas & splenic v.
-end at hilum of spleen by giving terminal splenic brs that enter the hilum
1- pancreatic brs: to body & tail of pancreas
2-short gastric arteries: 5-6 brs that run in gastrosplenic lig. to fundus of stomach
3-Lt gastro-epiploic art.:
- reaches greater curvature of stomach through gastro splenic lig., then
pass to Rt along greater curvature ( ) the ant. 2 layers of greater omentum.
Ends by anastomosis with with Rt gastroepiploic art.
-supply Lt part of body of stomach & greater omentum
4-terminal brs: 5-6 brs that enter the hilum of spleen
Why splenic art. is tortuous?
1- To slow the circulation and so allow filling of pancreatic arteries
2- To accommodate movement of spleen in respiration
3- To accommodate enlargement of spleen
3-Hepatic art.:
C &R :
-behind peritoneum of lesser sac, it pass forward & to Rt till 1st. part of duodenum
-curves upward in free border of lesser omentum in front of portal v. , to the Lt of CBD
-end at porta hepatis giving Rt & Lt brs to surgical(functional) lobes of liver

1-Rt. gastric art.:
-runs to Lt along lesser curvature ( ) 2 layers of lesser omentum
and end by anastomosis with Lt gastric art.
-supply upper part of pyloric part of stomach.

2-gastro duodenal art. (has no vein)

-descends behind 1st part of duodenum , infront portal v. , on Lt side of CBD
At lower border of 1st part of duodenum , in front of neck of pancreas it divides into
a-Rt gastroepiploic art.:
-runs to Lt along greater curvature ( ) the ant. 2 layers of greater curvature
-supply lower part of pyloric part of stomach & greater omentum.
b-superior pancreatico-duodenal art.:
-runs ( ) 2nd part of duodenum & head of pancreas . ends by anastomosing
with inferior pancreatico duodenal art.(i.e. anastomosis ( ) coeliac & SMA)
-supply upper 1/2 of 2nd part of duodenum & upper part of head of pancreas

3-Supra duodenal art.: to junction ( ) 1st and 2nd parts of duodenum

4-Rt. & Lt. hepatic brs: to Rt. & Lt. functional lobes of liver

5-cystic art.: from the Rt hepatic (or from hepatic itself)

-It passes to the Rt behind the common hepatic duct and cystic duct. It reaches
the deep surface of the neck of gall bladder and divides into superficial and
deep brs which run on the superficial and deep surfaces of the gall bladder.
-supply the 2 hepatic ducts , common hepatic duct , gall bladder, cystic duct
& upper part of CBD(i.e. extra hepatic biliary system except lower part of CBD)

Q-structures supplied by coeliac trunk?? Coeliac trunk is the art. of foregut:

-abd oesophagus -stomach -upper 1/2 of duodenum
-liver & biliary apparatus -spleen -most of pancreas
O: -front of abd. aorta
-opposite lower border of L 1 V , 1cm below coeliac
C & R:
-begins behind body of pancreas ( ) splenic v. above & Lt renal v. below.
-cross in front Lt renal v.& uncinate process of pancreas
-enter root of mesentery of small intestine (with SMV on its Rt side) to pass
downwards & to Rt crossing 3rd part of duodenum , aorta, IVC , Rt psoas major
& structures on it (Rt genito femoral n., ureter& gonadal vessels)

E: -in Rt iliac fossa at ileocaecal junction

-anastomose with ileal br or anastomotic br of it own ileo colic art.

1- inferior pancreatico duodenal:
-runs ( ) duodenum & head of pancreas
-to lower 1/2 of duodenum & lower part of head including uncinate process

2- jejunal & ileal brs:

-10-12 art. that arise from the Lt (convex ) side of SMA and run in
mesentery of small intestine forming a series of arcades
-supply jejunum & ileum

3- ilio colic: Gives

a- ileal br: to terminal ileum.
b-appendicular: to appendix. (may arise from post. caecal art.)
c-ant. caecal: to front of caecum
d- post. caecal : to back of caecum.
e-colic (ascending) br:to lower 1/ 3 of ascending colon
f-anastomotic br: to anastomose with SMA

3- Rt. colic:
gives ascending & descending brs to upper2/3 of ascending colon & Rt colic flexure

4- middle colic:
-arise just below pancreas then runs downward & forward inside tr. mesocolon
-divides into Rt & Lt brs to Rt 2/3 of tr. colon.

Q:structures supplied by SMA???? SMA is the art. of midgut.

lower 1/2 of duodenum , jejunum , ileum , caecum , appendix ,
ascending colon , Rt colic flexure and Rt 2/3 of tr. colon
O: front of abd. aorta opposite L3 V
C & R:
-begins behind 3rd part of duodenum.
-pass downward & to the Lt behind peritoneum of post. abd wall crossing
1-aorta 2- Lt sympathetic chain.
3-lt. psoas major 4-lt. common iliac art.

E: - enter pelvis as superior rectal art.

- at crossing common iliac art.
1-Lt colic (upper Lt colic) :
-Runs behind peritoneum upward and to Lt to reach descending colon where it gives
ascending & descending brs. Its ascending br cross in front lower pole of Lt kidney
-supply Lt 1/3 of transverse colon & Lt colic flexure &upper part of ascending colon

2-Sigmoidal arteries (lower Lt colic):

2-3 brs that supply lower part of descending colon & sigmoid colon

3-superior rectal art.: to rectum & upper 1/2 of anal canal.

It anastomose with middle and inferior rectal arteries

Q:structures supplied by IMA???? IMA is the art. of hindgut.

Lt 1/3 of tr. Colon , descending colon , sigmoid colon ,
rectum and upper 1/2 of anal canal

N.B: marginal art.:

Def.: arterial chain parallel to inner side of colon gives vasa recta to supply the colon .
formation: anastomosis ( ) brs of coloc arteries:
ilio colic, Rt colic, middle colic , upper Lt colic and lower Lt colic arteries.

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