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SA node preload

Systole afterload
Murmurs xanthelasma
Depolarization Central cyanosis
Whooshing sound Peripheral cyanosis
Working cells sympathetic
Myometrium parasympathetic
Repolarization Gallop

Endometrium Wheeze
International normalized ratio
AV node
Myocardial ischemia

1.Period of ventricular contraction resulting in ejection of blood from the ventricles

into the pulmonary artery and aorta.
2.Primary pacemaker in the heart, located in the right atrium.
3.Muscle layer of the heart responsible for the pumping action of the heart.
4.Condition in which heart muscle cells receive less oxygen than needed.
5.Sounds created by abnormal, turbulent flow of blood in the heart
6.Ability to initiate an electrical impulse
7.Cardiac myocytes
8.A standard method for reporting prothrombin levels, eliminating the variation in
test results from laboratory to laboratory.
9.Return of the cell to resting state, caused by reentry of potassium into the cell
while sodium exists the cell.
10.Nerve fibers located in the aortic arch & carotid arteries that are responsible for
reflex control of the BP
11. Degree of stretch of cardiac muscle fibers at the end of diastole Ans. Preload
12. a soft, yellowish, fatty deposit that forms under your skin.
Ans. Xanthelasma
13. Blue hands or feet Answer peripheral cyanosis
14. Releases two hormones within the body in response to stress, resulting in an
"adrenaline rush", or a sense of urgency that occurs during stressful conditions. Ans.
The sympathetic nervous system 
15. An abnormal heart sound Ans. Gallop
Answers 1 to 10 of test I
1. Systole
2. SA node
3. Myometrium
4. Myocardial ischemia
5. Murmurs
6. Automaticity
7. Working cells
8. International normalized ratio
9. Repolarization
10. Baroreceptors

1. ntricleInferioe vena cava

2. Right atrium
3. Tricuspid valve or right
atrioventricular valve
4. Right ventricle
5. Pulmonary artery
6. Pulmonary vein
7. Left atrium
8. Bicuspid valve
9. Left ventricle
10. aorta

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