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1. Writing

Using the information from the chart below make a comparison between two cities Los Angeles and New York.
You need to include adjectives, 5 comparatives and 5 superlatives, places that people can visit and the activities
that you can do there. Additional information can be included Do not forget to include linking words: First,
second, and , so , because, but, then, finally. ( 200 words)

_1) _ New York has more inhabitants than

City Places to visit Population Area Settled Temperature
Los Angeles .
Los -Malibú 3,857,799 469.3 57.2 degrees
inhabitants 1781 _2) Los Angeles is larger in area (square
Angeles -Beverly Hills square F (January)
-Disneyland miles 74.1 degrees miles) than New York __
-Grauman’s F (July) 3) New York has a lower temperature in
Chinese January than Los Angeles
Theater 4) New York has a higher temperature in
-Hollywood’s July than Los Angeles
walk of fame.
5) Los Angeles has places as beautiful as
New York

New York -Statue of 8,336,697 308.9 1625 31.8F 1) New York is the city most visited by
Liberty inhabitants square (January) tourists
-Times Square miles 76.7 F (July) 2) The statue of liberty and central park
-Central Park are the most emblematic places in new
-Broadway York
3) is one of the most visited places by
-Empire State cinematographers in Los Angeles

4) Disneyland is the most attractive place for children

5) New York is the largest city in the US

2. Summarizing

In your own words, write a summary of the following article.

COVID-19: Impact on the hospitality workforce

Business impact on travel and tourism

Accounting for the unprecedented travel restrictions, the United Nations World Tourism Organization expects that
international tourists will be down by 20% to 30% in 2020, when compared to the last year. To put this into context, they also
drew a comparison from the SARS outbreak in 2009, which led to a decline of just 0.4% of the international tourist market.
The hospitality industry accounts for 10% of the global GDP.

Disruptions to production, initially in Asia, have now spread to supply chains across the world. All businesses, regardless of
size, are facing serious challenges, especially those in the aviation, tourism and hospitality industries, with a real threat of
significant declines in revenue, insolvencies and job losses in specific sectors. Sustaining business operations will be
particularly difficult for small and medium enterprises.

In India: The hospitality industry is likely to be hit hard. Experts suggest that domestic hotel companies will face a weak Q4
FY20 and a weaker Q1 FY21. March has borne the brunt of many large-scale cancellations across the corporate, MICE and
leisure segments. Tier 2 and tier 3 hotel markets in India continue to witness a small erosion in business for now.
Occupancies in at least the first half of March were only partially lower despite the spread of the virus in some states,

In Europe: Industry experts have attempted to predict the effect upon the global hotel industry for 2020, estimating a profit
decline of 11-29%. The KHN, which represents bars, cafés and hotels, has said that the emergency measures to limit the
spread of the virus are already causing a serious impact. Cancellations have risen by almost half - the KHN survey found that
hospitality owners believe that they could make losses of 33% due to the emergency measures put in place by the

In China: Compared to 2019 figures, occupancy is down by as much as 68%. As China was the first market to deal with the
coronavirus, it is also the first to show signs of stabilization. As per data, 87% percent of the country’s hotels are now open
and occupancy is beginning to rise.

Other countries: Hotels across the U.S. are experiencing unprecedented booking cancellations due to the pandemic, which
could eliminate up to four million posts (this accounts for 50% of all hotel jobs in America). The average occupancy in Italy
is down by 96% ; the United Kingdom is down by 67%.

Impact on jobs in hospitality

The World Travel & Tourism Council has recently warned the COVID-19 pandemic could lead to a cut 50 million jobs
worldwide in the travel and tourism industry. As per an Oxford economics study, Asia is expected to be the worst affected
and data suggests the industry could take many months to recover.

Following travel bans, border closures and quarantine measures, many workers cannot move to their places of work or carry
out their jobs which has effects on incomes, particularly for informal and casually employed workers. Given the current
environment of uncertainty and fear, enterprises are likely to delay investments, purchases of goods and the hiring of
workers. As per data, the impact on the Indian hospitality industry could render a majority of the people in hospitality in
India, jobless. As a result of this pandemic, the Indian tourism industry is looking at pan India bankruptcies, closure of
businesses and mass unemployment.

Overall, it may be that the nature of hotels and restaurants will change to leaner and more efficient operations, where a
balance between smart and skilled labour is sought after. Due to fear, a large part of the labour force is seeing a domestic-
mass immigration, which means a majority of the front line staff at hotels will have moved back to their native
areas. Temporary work forces will be the first to shrink, afterwhich the impact will be felt by permanent employees as
hospitality companies may be hard-pressed to cut costs. This may lead to a large number of people changing their industry to
go where the cash flow is quicker. This global exodus could have a severe impact on the talent pool and may not recover until
confidence is reinforced by employers and governments alike. Only through a compassionate approach taken by businesses
can the workforce be saved.

Reversing the impact on the talent pool

With the incumbent lay-offs, it is possible to offer upskilling opportunities to front-line staff, so as to beef up their resumes
and increase their probability in securing a job at the time of the market up-turn. This could curb mass-migration to the other
industries that could increase the gestation period of the hospitality market’s recovery phase by reducing specialized
workforce. In this scenario, the training and upskilling of a replacement batch would take a longer time to recover – causing
companies innumerable issues. However, innovative methods can be applied to aid the market in boosting and preserving the
numbers for when the market finally normalizes.

Opportunities to upgrade the skill set


Creating opportunities for hotel employees to add value to their skill-sets could build confidence in hotel companies, as
layoffs can be expected by all major and minor hotel companies. Hyper-local hotels may see the largest number of layoffs
due to the popular asset-light model, where large number of operating units, scattered across countries, could be written off
all at once. This will bleed out a vast number of hospitality employees into an already difficult market. Individuals who can
upgrade their skill sets by way of enrolling in speciality-specific courses could benefit greatly.


Offering routes such as ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ opportunities to qualified hospitality front-line professionals could
accelerate the process in re-skilling individuals, hence preparing them for roles in hotels and other hospitality-related
operations in an environment where lean, yet skilled operations will be required.

Other innovations

Continuous education
Hosting online classes in order to make up for lost time during this period could be highly advantageous for students and
institutions. This would allow institutions to re-group and conduct live sessions, ensuring some cash flow and reducing the
stress on their respective plans for their cohorts. Modern Learning Management Systems allow the hosting and remote
delivery of their content via a simple self-learning approach or a one-to-many classroom style delivery. Technology that is
currently available to us allows for a lot of creative methods to ensure continuity in learning that will surely see the light of
day as necessity always breeds innovation.

New York is older than Los Aneles, because the first was founded in 1625 but the second was founded in 1781. In addition,
New York is the largest city in population with 8,336,697

Inhabitants. While Los Aneles is more extensive than New York with 469.3 square miles.

The temperature between the two cities is also different. In January the aneles are warmer than New York, while in July the
Anles are colder than New York.

Other places that the entity can visit are Malibu, Beverly Hills, Disneyland, Grauman's Chinese Theater and you cannot miss
Hollywood's walk of fame.

While in New York, you will meet the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Central Park, Broadway, Brooklyn Bridge and
Empire State.

New York is older than Los Aneles, because the first was founded in 1625 but the second was founded in 1781. In addition,
New York is the largest city in population with 8,336,697

Inhabitants. While Los Aneles is more extensive than New York with 469.3 square miles.

The temperature between the two cities is also different. In January the aneles are warmer than New York, while in July the
Anles are colder than New York.

Other places that the entity can visit are Malibu, Beverly Hills, Disneyland, Grauman's Chinese Theater and you cannot miss
Hollywood's walk of fame.

While in New York you will meet the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Central Park, Broadway, Brooklyn Bridge and Empire

2. Resumen lectura

Covid-19 Impact on the hospitality workforce

Covid 19 has had an impact on travel and tourism. International tourists to decrease by 20% and 30% in 2020 year of the

This threatened all tourism especially the world GDP, This happened in europe, china, India, companies took measures , for
the non spread of covid 19, the preventive isolation of staying at home, now for 2021 the tourism industry is opening its
doors with the necessary measures, to be able to bring more visitors and thus be able to recover the income lost by the
year of the pandemic, have already opened the more than 80 % of the companies around the world.

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