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Name: Dwi Nur Rochmad Sumarsono

NIM: 202030147

1. Step-by-step procedure recruiting.

1. Analyzing position and position needs.

Identifying first as to the need for new recruiters to be recruited. Possible causes for recruits due
to new division or the formation of a mutation.
2. Planning the recruiting process.
Planning for a needed position. Writing down necessary job descriptions, qualifications, and
experiences. And decide where to put the recruiting ads.
3. Installing recruiting ads.
Selecting a media to post recruiting ads, such as print or online are advertised on a site in which
readers look for candidates to meet the requirements.
4. Application process and interview process.
With an AD, proposals will come soon. Before then it would be good to have selected criteria
prepared to speed up the process of elimination, if there are too many applicants. By using the
telephone, may conduct a brief interview with a view to making sure that the candidate is
appropriate or sufficiently qualified to be invited to a live interview.Live interviews are
conducted to check the background, references, and other candidates. If needed, it is done in
two stages to achieve maximum results.
5. Pick a candidate that fits the need and makes the job offer.
After taking the high step, the recruits can select candidates that fit the need. Then prepare an
offer and a work contract that fit the position and post.
6. Receiving new recruiters.
The end of the recruiting process, welcoming the new recruiters kindly, for a good first
impression determines a good working relationship.

What somebody to do to following the recruitment.

1. Understand the line of work being proposed to.

Job identification must be done in detail so that one really knows everything about the job that
is being proposed to. Some of the details of employment to be understood among the
necessary educational levels, appropriate majors, to the company's needed work experience.
2. Know the duties of a clerk.
Skill appropriate responsibilities can increase a person's worth in the eyes of a recruit. When
explaining the responsibilities of work, do them in detail, briefly, and clearly.
But make sure that doesn't look conceited and feel able when explaining. Instead, point out
that being able to complete responsibility by regularly accepting the advice of others or
3. Understand the responsibilities of the applied job.
Not only does a responsible position apply, a person also needs to know what his duties are
when he becomes an employee. This was important because it would be associated with many
workmates during the jobs that would be proposed to.
Make sure that the words and sentences used are coherent and understandable to others.
With clear explanation, the company can also tell that he isa communicable person. So that the
adaptation would be quickly implemented and the work could be more maximum.
4. Describe the 'skill' you possess so well.
The way to apply for a job that matches the last job description is to describe a skill or ability
that has. This is the most important phase of the way because most companies would be
looking for high-skilled employees.
Describe all the skills and skills well possessed. Not only are job skills related to the proposed
position, but other useful skills may also be explained.

2. Find italic word in exercise 1

 Recruitment
Definition: the action of enlisting new people in the armed forces.
Makna: penyembuhan kembali
 Hire
Definition: obtain the temporary use of (something) for an agreed payment; rent.
Makna: menggaji
 Headhunters
Definition: a person who identifies and approaches suitable candidates employed elsewhere to
fill business positions.
Makna: perekrut
 Recruit
Definition: enlist (someone) in the armed forces.
Makna: calon
 Employs
Definition: give work to (someone) and pay them for it.
Makna: mempekerjakan
 Agencies
Definition: business or organization established to provide a particular service, typically one that
involves organizing transactions between two other parties.
Makna: agensi
 Employment
Definition: the condition of having paid work.
Makna: pekerjaan
 Advertising
Definition: the activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or
Makna: pengiklanan
 Applied
Definition: (of a subject or type of study) put to practical use as opposed to being theoretical.
Makna, terapan, terpakai

 Application
Definition: a formal request to an authority for something.
Makna: penerapan
 Covering letter
Definition: a letter sent with, and explaining the contents of, another document or a parcel of
Makna: sampul surat
 Selection process
Definition: The Selection is a process of picking the right candidate with prerequisite
qualifications and capabilities to fill the jobs in the organization.
Makna: proses seleksi
 Backgrounds
Definition: the circumstances or situation prevailing at a particular time or underlying a
particular event.
Makna: latar belakang
 Applicants
Definition: a person who makes a formal application for something, especially a job.
Makna: pelamar
 Educational qualification
Definition: Educational qualifications are the degrees, diplomas, certificates, professional titles
and so forth that an individual has acquired whether by full-time study, part-time study or
private study, whether conferred in the home country or abroad, and whether conferred by
educational authorities, special examining bodies or professional bodies.
makna: kualifikasi pendidikan
 Candidates
Definition: a person who applies for a job or is nominated for election.
Makna: kandidat
 Group discussion
Definition: a discussion among participants who have an agreed (serious) topic
Makna: konferensi
 Interviews
Definition: a formal consultation usually to evaluate qualifications (as of a prospective student
or employee)
Makna: wawancara
 Intelegence
Definition: the collection of information of military or political value.
Makna: kecerdasan
 Shortlist
Definition: a list of selected candidates from which a final choice is made.
Makna: daftar pendek
 References
Definition: the action of mentioning or alluding to something.
Makna: referensi
 Referees
Definition: One to whom something is referred, especially for settlement, decision, or an opinion
as to the thing's quality.
Makna: pembuat keputusan
 Accept
Definition: consent to receive (a thing offered).
Makna: menerima
 Appoint
Definition: determine or decide on (a time or a place).
Makna: mengangkat

3. Completed the sentences

a. I hope she stayes, because if she lost the job, we'll have to start looking again.

b. the last applicant was very strong, but i understand he's had two other staffs already.

c. they've finally hired a new recepsionist

d. I phoned to check my application, but they said they'd already hired someone.

e. This job is so important, I think we need to hire someone.

f. Computer programmers wanted. Only those with UNIX experience should be allowed to join

g. The selection process has lasted three months, but we’re going to hire someone next week.

4. Exercise 4

1. What were the two reason why virgil atlantic was considering redendancies?
2. What were the TWO) things Richard Brunson invited his staff to do?
3. How many people volunteered to take unpaid leave?
4. How did the long break affecet the stafts attitude to their work?
5. Why is the scheme attractive to new recruits?
6. Is the scheme going to become permanen?

1. Faced last autumn with the recession and with its failure to acquire more flight slots out of
lleathrow airport,
2. to take up to six months unpand leave and to participate in a job-sharing scheme.
3. 300 volunteers to take unpaid leave
4. they definitely seemed to enjoy work more
5. a lot of people would like to carn slightly less and be able to spend more time with their
6. No, realization depended on whether the company could recruit enough people to allow 400-
500 existing staff' to take three months off.

5. Insert the word in the gaps

Many people looking for work read the (1) job vacancies advertised by companies and (2) employment
agencies in newspapers or on the Internet. To reply to an advertisement is to (3) apply for a job. (You
become a (4) candidate or an (5) applicant.) You write an (6) application, or fill in the company’s (7)
application form, and send it, along with your (8) curriculum vitae and a covering letter. You often have
to give the names of two people who are prepared to write (9) references for you. If your qualifications
and abilities match the (10) job description, you might be (11) short-listed, i.e. selected to attend an (12)

6. Menterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia dan urutkan dengan tepat

1. H) Cobalah untuk menemukan mengapa orang tersebut mengundurkan diri.

2. C) memeriksa deskripsi pekerjaan untuk posting tersebut, untuk melihat apakah perlu diubah
(atau memang, apakah posting perlu diisi)
3. B) menetapkan apakah ada kandidat internal yang dapat dipromosikan (atau dipindahkan ke
samping) untuk pekerjaan itu
4. A) menyewa agen pekerjaan (atau untuk posisi senior, perusahaan headhunter), atau
mengiklankan lowongan
5. G) menerima lamaran, daftar riwayat hidup dan surat pengantar, dan membuat seleksi awal
(daftar pendek)
6. E) mengundang kandidat terpilih untuk wawancara
7. D) menindaklanjuti referensi calon yang terlihat menarik
8. F) membuat pilihan akhir
9. I) menulis kepada semua kandidat lain untuk memberi tahu mereka bahwa mereka tidak

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