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Secretariat: Department of Science Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa - Jl. Ciwaru Raya No. 25 Cipocok Jaya Serang Banten 42117
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Title Write in
Font Times New Roman 12 Space 1.5
(Maximum 12 Words)

Author 11, Author 22, etc. [Font Times New Roman 10 in bold and authors’ names can not be abbreviated]
Institution/Program, Faculty, University, City/District, Country
Email Author 1: author
Institution/Program, Faculty, University, City/District, Country
Email Corresponding Author (if a corresponding author not author 1): *Corresponding_author

Abstract [Font Times New Roman 11 in bold]

Abstract is written in English which contains the main issues, research objectives, methods / approaches
and research results. Abstract is written in one alenia, no more than 200 words.
(Font Times New Roman 11, space 1)
Keywords: Maximum consists of 5 keywords separated by commas [Font Times New Roman 11, spasi 1]

INTRODUCTION [Font Times New Roman, 11, normal]

[Font Times New Roman 11 in bold] SUGGESTION (optional)
Introduction includes background issues as well [Font Times New Roman 11 in bold]
as benefits and rationalization of activities Suggestion is a given to readers who built upon
(research). The objectives of the activity and the findings in the study
problem-solving plan are presented in this [Font Times New Roman, 11, normal]
section as well as relevant research. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (optional)
[Font Times New Roman, 11, normal] [Font Times New Roman 11 in bold]
METHOD Acknowledgment is summarized as expressions
[Font Times New Roman 11 in bold] of gratitude for the author to the promoter
The research method describes the design of team/advisory team, and those who have
activities, scope or objects, materials and main assisted in the research and the funders.
tools, places, data collection techniques, [Font Times New Roman, 11, normal]
operational definitions of research variables, and REFERENCES
analysis techniques [Font Times New Roman 11 in bold]
[Font Times New Roman, 11, normal] Reference writing using Harvard Referencing
RESULT AND DISCUSSION Standard system. Everything listed in the
[Font Times New Roman 11 in bold] bibliography should be referred to in the
This section presents the results of the study. manuscript. Recommended reference update 10
The results can be completed with tables, graphs years: with new times roman font, 11.
(drawings), and / or charts. The section Book
discusses the results of data processing, logically The 1st author, The 2nd author, etc (Last name,
interprets the findings, relates them to the first name is abbreviated) the year of
relevant referral sources publication, The title of the article, The title is
[Font Times New Roman, 11, normal] written in Italics form, Publisher, Place of
CONCLUSION Publication.
[Font Times New Roman 11 in bold] Example : Sugiyono 2011, Metode Penelitian
The conclusion contains a brief summary of the Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D, Alfabeta.
results of research and discussion in the form of Bandung.
Secretariat: Department of Science Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa - Jl. Ciwaru Raya No. 25 Cipocok Jaya Serang Banten 42117
E-mail : or Homepage:
Journal Article
The 1st author, The 2nd author & etc (Last name,
first name is abbreviated) the year of
publication, ‘the title of article’, The journal
name is written in Italics form, vol., no., page
Example : Tuan, HL, Chin, CC & Shieh, SH
2005, ‘The development of a questionnaire to
measure students' motivation towards science
learning’, Journal of Science Education, vol. 27,
no. 6, pp. 639-54.
Proceeding of Seminar/Conference
Author Surname, Initial(s) year of publication,
'Title of paper', in (Initial and Surname of
editors), Title of published proceedings which
may include place held and date, Publisher,
Place of Publication, page number(s)
Example : Wilde, S & Cox, C 2008, 'Principal
factors contributing to the competitiveness of
tourism destinations at varying stages of
development', in S Richardson, L Fredline, A
Patiar & M Ternel (eds.), CAUTHE 2008:
Where the 'bloody hell' are we?, Griffith
University, Gold Coast, Qld, pp. 115-8.
Author (Last name, first name is abbreviated)
the year of publication, ‘the title’,
DBA/MBA/PhD thesis. University, City.
Example : El Islami, RAZ 2013, ‘Pembelajaran
Inkuiri Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan
Literasi Sains dan Kepercayaan Diri Siswa pada
Konsep Asam Basa’, MPD thesis, Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung.
Reference from Website
Author (Last name, first name is abbreviated)
the year of publication, the title, Date Accessed,
<The Address of Uniform Resources Locator
Example : Beard, M 2006, The fall of the
Roman Republic, viewed 30 January
Sekretariat: Jurusan Pendidikan IPA Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa - Jl. Ciwaru Raya No. 15 Cipocok Jaya Serang
Banten 42117
E-mail : atau Homepage:

Judul Ditulis dengan

Font Times New Roman 12 Spasi 1,5
(Maksimum 12 Kata)

Penulis 11, Penulis 22, dst. [Font Times New Roman 10 Cetak Tebal dan Nama Tidak Boleh Disingkat]
Instansi/Program Studi, Fakultas, Nama Perguruan Tinggi, Kota/Kabupaten, Negara
Email Penulis 1: penulis
Instansi/Program Studi, Fakultas, Nama Perguruan Tinggi, Kota/Kabupaten, Negara
Email Penulis Korespondensi (jika penulis korespondensi bukan penulis 1: *penulis

Abstract [Times New Roman 11 Cetak Tebal dan Miring]

Abstract ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang berisikan isu-isu pokok, tujuan penelitian,
metoda/pendekatan dan hasil penelitian. Abstract ditulis dalam satu alenia, tidak lebih dari 200 kata.
(Times New Roman 11, spasi tunggal, dan cetak miring)
Keywords: Maksimum 5 kata kunci dipisahkan dengan tanda koma [Font Times New Roman 11, spasi
tunggal, dan cetak miring]

Abstrak [Times New Roman 11 Cetak Tebal]

Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia yang berisikan isu-isu pokok, tujuan penelitian,
metoda/pendekatan dan hasil penelitian. Abstrak ditulis dalam satu alenia, tidak lebih dari 200 kata.
(Times New Roman 11, spasi tunggal)
Kata Kunci: Maksimum 5 kata kunci dipisahkan dengan tanda koma. [Font Times New Roman 11, spasi

PENDAHULUAN menginterpretasikan penemuan secara logis,

[Times New Roman 11 bold] mengaitkan dengan sumber rujukan yang
Pendahuluan mencakup latar belakang relevan. [Times New Roman, 11, normal]
permasalahan serta manfaat dan rasionalisasi KESIMPULAN
kegiatan (penelitian). Tujuan kegiatan dan [Times New Roman 11 bold]
rencana pemecahan masalah disajikan dalam Kesimpulan berisi rangkuman singkat atas hasil
bagian ini serta penelitian yang relevan. penelitian dan pembahasan dalam bentuk
[Times New Roman, 11, normal] paragraf.
METODE PENELITIAN [Times New Roman, 11, normal]
[Times New Roman 11 bold] SARAN (Jika ada)
Metode penelitian menjelaskan rancangan [Times New Roman 11 bold]
kegiatan, ruang lingkup atau objek, bahan dan Saran diberikan kepada pembaca yang ditulis
alat utama, tempat, teknik pengumpulan data, berdasarkan temuan dalam penelitian.
definisi operasional variabel penelitian, dan UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH (Jika ada)
teknik analisis [Times New Roman 11 bold]
[Times New Roman, 11, normal] Merupakan ungkapan rasa syukur penulis
HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN kepada tim promotor/tim penasihat, dan mereka
[Times New Roman 11 bold] yang telah membantu dalam penelitian dan
Bagian ini menyajikan hasil penelitian. Hasil penyandang dana.
penelitian dapat dilengkapi dengan tabel, grafik
(gambar), dan/atau bagan. Bagian pembahasan
memaparkan hasil pengolahan data,
Sekretariat: Jurusan Pendidikan IPA Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa - Jl. Ciwaru Raya No. 15 Cipocok Jaya Serang
Banten 42117
E-mail : atau Homepage:
DAFTAR PUSTAKA Prosiding Seminar/Konferensi
[Times New Roman 11 bold] Penulis 1, Penulis 2 dst (Nama belakang, nama
Penulisan pustaka menggunakan system depan disingkat) tahun publikasi, ‘Judul artikel’,
Harvard Referencing Standard. Semua yang nama editor (eds.), Nama Konferensi termasuk
tertera dalam daftar pustaka harus dirujuk di tanggal bulan tahun dan tempat, Penerbit, Kota,
dalam naskah. Kemutakhiran referensi Halaman.
disarankan 10 tahun terakhir: dengan font times Contoh: Wilde, S & Cox, C 2008, 'Principal
new roman, 11. factors contributing to the competitiveness of
Buku tourism destinations at varying stages of
Penulis 1, Penulis 2 dst (Nama belakang, nama development', in S Richardson, L Fredline, A
depan disingkat), tahun publikasi, Judul Buku Patiar & M Ternel (eds.), CAUTHE 2008:
cetak miring, penerbit, tempat publikasi. Where the 'bloody hell' are we?, Griffith
Contoh: Sugiyono 2011, Metode Penelitian University, Gold Coast, Qld, pp. 115-8.
Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D, Alfabeta. Skripsi, Tesis, atau Disertasi
Bandung. Penulis (Nama belakang, nama depan disingkat)
Artikel Jurnal tahun publikasi, ‘judul’, skripsi, tesis, atau
Penulis 1, Penulis 2 dst (Nama belakang, nama disertasi. Universitas, Kota.
depan disingkat) tahun publikasi, ‘judul artikel’, Contoh: El Islami, RAZ 2013, ‘Pembelajaran
Nama Jurnal Cetak Miring, vol., no., rentang Inkuiri Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan Literasi
halaman. Sains dan Kepercayaan Diri Siswa pada Konsep
Contoh: Tuan, HL, Chin, CC & Shieh, SH 2005, Asam Basa’, tesis, Universitas Pendidikan
‘The development of a questionnaire to measure Indonesia, Bandung.
students' motivation towards science learning’, Sumber Rujukan dari Website
Journal of Science Education, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. Penulis (Nama belakang, nama depan disingkat)
639-54. tahun publikasi, Judul, tanggal diakses, <Alamat
Uniform Resources Locator (URL)>
Contoh: Beard, M 2006, The fall of the Roman
Republic, viewed 30 January

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