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Derek M.


Dr. Devayan Bir

EGR490: Engineering Capstone

7 November 2021

Connections Paper

Preparing for the real world situations of conflicts and understandings of continual

growth, Loras provides a well-rounded education as a Liberal Arts college. Between different

courses, activities, and events, there are some connections that are helpful to analyze in

understanding how to foster the differences and similarities in creative and driven results.

Drawing connections between the wide span of courses inside and out of engineering has not

only helped me develop different views to look at situations and problems but also has opened

my mind into obtaining takeaways in every opportunity even if I am not fond at first.

In one instance, outside of my major I took a class called Money and Morals which was a

business class. This class made me look into financial decisions and ethical properties of my

future career. In my engineering courses, it is typically a priority to cut costs. Having a business

mind at hand, it was ideal to relate to meeting engineering budgets. Money and Morals taught me

how to choose a future career with a company that has great morals and provides a better future

for the world. For example, I want to be in an environment that is welcoming and is involved

with helping the environment. Before I was planning to get an ordinary job, but now it’s

important to me to choose a career with a company that benefits the human identity and dignity.

In engineering, I had never looked at choosing somewhere to work that had morals as a priority.

It is beneficial for one’s happiness to work in an environment where they are comfortable and
willing to work together. For example, during our finals week we had to research a company

within our major and see what their ethics were about. Additionally, I found that companies with

stronger morals where the companies that had the happiest employees, therefore I made the

decision to find a career with a company that has strong morals.

Being a part of the wrestling team I have understood how to interact with groups and

teams on activities and projects. Progressing in relationships make a team and group stronger.

For me, this is where trust, responsibility, and honesty play a part. I’ve learned that it is best

when groups are on the same page. For instance, in physics lab, one person cannot take control

of the entire experiment nor can one person not help. It is crucial to have everyone equal and best

effort put forward. It is important to be a good listener, just as it is to speak your mind. Being a

part of a team with many different backgrounds, it was needed to be able to find things in

common. In engineering labs, the best way to have everyone involved is to know each other’s

strengths and weaknesses so that the group can operate efficiently, especially on complicated

projects or detailed reports.

Creating, imagining, and innovating are three words that come to me in the habits of

mind of an engineer. At Loras, I have been able to expand these three beyond measures.

Creativity has no boundaries, the more you use your creativity, the more creativity you will have.

Imagination I believe is the start to innovation, and that is because to make changes to something

already established, one has to think outside of the box. Typically, imagination can be molded

and shaped by creativity, and at Loras I have done just that to my own imagination. My

creativity was spawned in my first year during the ropes course in Modes of Inquiry class. We

had to move our entire team across ropes that had turns and elevations which was difficult so we

had to all bring our minds together. Bringing our ideas together I was able to analyze how others
may look at situations therefore expanding my creativity to successfully do the rope mission.

Taking a look at how others responded to challenges on the rope course, I was able to analyze

how others respond to challenges in the classroom. Both have different approaches, but in both

situations the others are trying to solve the problem. Watching how others responded benefits my

future experiences when working with others on small and large tasks. Having a positive

connection and understanding with others makes the process of solving problems flow smoothly.

Through my liberal arts education, I have seen the traditions stressed of a broad-based

learning and critical-thinking skills that are important to the world. Drawing connections

between non major classes, engineering courses, and extra-curricular actives, I have been able to

develop the understanding of interconnectedness. The skills and knowledge I have carefully

analyzed, excites me for my future and its endeavors. Loras College has prepared me for life

beyond college.

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