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What are those organisms that survive in extreme environments

Explain the postulates of cell theory

Non living - rocks

Living - plant

● All matter, both living and nonliving things are composed of chemical building blocks
called atoms
● Billions of elements like carbon hydrogen oxygen phosphorus
● Carbon - organic
● Important restriction:
● Lactobacillus, virus, axolotyl (amphibian) , plants
● Bacteria, animals, plants - living
● Virus - nonliving because it needs host to attach to it once they enter they use the
genetic material of the cell to attach and replicate

Characteristics of life
1. Movement
2. Metabolism
3. Sensitivity
4. Growth
5. Reproduction
6. Nutrition
7. Organization

Cell - tissue - organ- organ system - organism

Cell is smallest unit of lofe that can carry out all the functions of a living thing

Being the basic unit of life, knowledge on cells and the cell theory is essential because it affects
every aspect of biology.

The microscope - most important breakthrough that led to the development of cell theory

1st microscope - hans and zacharias jansen

Simple draw tube - eyepiece on one side, magnifying lens on the other side

Robert hooke -
Anton van leeuwenhoek

Robert Hooke
1665 - able to observe in a piece of cork specimen structure that the cork is composed of tiny
compartments similar to small rooms
- “Coined the term cell after viewing cork tissue
- Micrographia - published records, observations, an drawings from all the observations he
- Thought that only plants & fungi were made up of cells

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

- Published observations from his experiment
- “Animalcules” - tiny living organisms including bacteria
- First one t observe that structure of red blood cell of a different animal
- Single lens own designed microscope
- Observed living cells through simple microscope

Matthias Schlleiden
- Concluded that all plants are made up of cells

Theodor Schwann 1839

- Along with the plants, he concluded all animals are made up of cells

Henri Dutrochet
- Formulated the first principle of cell theory by declaring that the cell is the fundamental
element of organization.
- All organisms are composed of one or more cells

Rudolf Virchow 1858

- “Omnis cellula e cellula”
- He concluded that cells came from preexisting cells

Second tenet
“ cells arise only from the division of pre-existing cells

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