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Michael Nassen, Audrey Ostreicher, Meghan
Names Subject Science
Pantaleon, Daniel Lee
Unit Name:
Living and Nonliving Things are Made of Atoms
Unit Name and (Leave this
Week (Leave this blank for
Driving blank for EDSC to
Unit Driving Question: of EDSC 442C)
Question 442C)
What role does fire play in maintaining a healthy
Anchoring Phenomenon:
Before and after pictures of a fire at Sequoia National Park

Anchoring Activity: Students will create an initial model of Sequoia National Park and describe the role of
fire in maintaining its ecosystem.

Anchoring A fire has broken out in a particular location at Sequoia National Park, destroying all of the plants and trees
Phenomenon or and leaving behind land that is burnt to a crisp. After some time, however, this same area is now bustling
Design Problem with new plant life and growth even after the destruction caused by the fire. Students will first be asked to
(with Anchoring observe a before and after picture of a fire that took place at a specific location in Sequoia National Park.
Activity for the You are a Wildland firefighter for the National Park Service (NPS) that must propose a model to the local
unit) government that describes what has taken place and explain the role that fire plays in the destruction and
revival of the ecosystem in that specific location. This model will be revisited and revised throughout the
unit and the final model will be a summative assessment to evaluate student mastery over the content.

MS-PS1-1 Matter and its Interactions

Students who demonstrate understanding can:
NGSS Performance
MS-PS1-1. Develop models to describe the atomic composition of simple molecules and extended

Provide the Standard and Element(s) that Students Will

Where in the lesson can this be found?
be Engaging In
Disciplinary Core
Ideas (DCIs) PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter
● Substances are made from different types of
● Students will learn about the DCIs in the Lesson
atoms, which combine with one another in Intro and Body. The Youtube video in the Lesson
various ways. Atoms form molecules that range Intro will serve as an introduction to the key
concepts of the lesson. After watching the video,
students will be taught the new key vocabulary
related to the DCIs. In the Lesson Body, students
in size from two to thousands of atoms. will be taught the DCIs in a mini lecture
● Solids may be formed from molecules, or they powerpoint presentation going over the details of
may be extended structures with repeating how atoms form into molecules. They will also
subunits (e.g., crystals). use the online interactive tool to be able to
further their understanding of atoms and their

Developing and Using Models ● As a summative assessment for the lesson,

Modeling in 6–8 builds on K–5 and progresses to developing, students will be asked to choose a molecule and
Science and using and revising models to describe, test, and predict more develop a model. Teachers will assess their
Engineering abstract phenomena and design systems.
Practices (SEPs)
learning by reviewing these models and having
● Develop a model to predict and/or describe
students give feedback through the PQP strategy

Epistemic Modeling
Practice(s) ● Asking Questions
(Bundled SEPs) ● Developing and Using Models
● The Youtube video in the Lesson Intro will give
students a perspective on the size of atoms and
its scale and proportion in the real world. The
online interactive will also help them see atoms
Scale, Proportion, and Quantity
Cross Cutting ● Time, space, and energy phenomena can be
that are too small to see with the naked eye.
Concepts (CCCs) observed at various scales using models to Finally, making models of molecules will allow
study systems that are too large or too small. students to take scale, proportion, and quantity
into consideration and show understanding of the
lesson objectives

3D Learning After viewing the “Just How Small is an Atom?” video and completing the atom interactive, students will
Objective (Lesson-
Level Learning
work in pairs to build a molecule model, including the atomic parts of the molecule, to show that atoms are
Expectation) the smallest unit of matter and may combine in various ways.
Phenomenon Just How Small is an Atom?

Connections to Common Core State Standards Connections:

other standards ELA/Literacy -
(CCSS ELA, CCSS RST.6-8.7 Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that
information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table). (MS-PS1-1)

Target Vocab to be
Matter, atoms, molecules, compounds
The 5E Model
● Jamboard - Assess student prior knowledge and ● Students will listen carefully to the question and
preconceptions about atoms and matter. Ask, draw upon their prior knowledge to post on
Lesson Intro “What do you, an apple, and the moon have in Jamboard
common?” ● Students will watch the video and record
TIME: 40 min (Day ● Show Youtube video - Just How Small is An observations
1) Atom - write observations ● Students will take notes and record new
● Introduce new key vocabulary vocabulary
● Exit Ticket: RIQ ● Students will complete RIQ before leaving class
● Review: instruct to share with your shoulder ● Students will work with their shoulder partner
Lesson Body partner 1 thing we learned yesterday and share 1 thing they learned in the previous
(Explore, Explain, ● Direct instruction - Powerpoint on structure of lesson
Elaborate) atoms and molecules ● Students will listen carefully and take notes
● Atom interactive: during direct instruction
TIME: 45-50 min ● Students will use their devices to access the
(Day 2) 07.sci.phys.matter.theatom/the-atom/ online interactive tool
● Exit Ticket: RIQ ● Students will complete RIQ before leaving class
● Review: Kahoots/Quizziz ● Students will use their accumulated knowledge to
Lesson Closure ● Teacher will explain the summative assessment participate in the review activity (Kahoot/Quizziz)
(Evaluate) of making a model of a molecule ● Students will choose a molecule of their choice
● Teacher will provide materials (paper, scissors, and investigate
TIME: 45-50 min etc.) for students to make models ● Students will work together to create an accurate
(Day 3) ● Exit Ticket: Have students do a PQP to peer model of the molecule
review other models ● Students will peer review others by doing PQP


Entry Level To assess students’ prior Jamboard Teacher will review the This allows the teacher to
knowledge and posts students make on see how much students
preconceptions Jamboard and organize the already know about atoms
ideas into categories for and matter. With this
students to easily observe knowledge, the teacher will
be able to adapt and shape
their lessons based on the
prior knowledge and
preconceptions students
may have.

The teacher can easily

assess how much
Teacher will create
information the students
questions for students to
To check student have retained through this
answer in the form of
understanding and activity. Teachers can also
Kahoot/Quizziz based on
PM (Formative) mastery of the content Kahoot/Quizziz see which topics students
that has been taught in the content that has been
are struggling to
the previous lessons taught throughout the
understand and choose to
entire lesson
adapt lessons in order to
address this need

The teacher can use

modeling as a summative
assessment to assess
Teacher will go around and
To determine if students student learning at the end
assess the models that
can use the knowledge of the lesson. The models
students create. Teacher
they have gained Develop a model of a will serve as an indicator of
Summative will also look over the
throughout the lesson molecule student learning. Having
and create a model of a feedback students give
students give peer feedback
molecule each other in the PQP
will also help teachers see
which areas students may
struggle with as well.

Students with Special

English Learners Striving Readers Advanced Students
● Advanced students
will have
opportunities to
● Els will be provided ● Videos will be played ● Partners will be create more advanced
DIFFERENTIATION with a translated and with subtitles to help assigned to these models of complex
scaffolded students listen and students to assist with molecules.
document. read for handling tools and ● Opportunities for
comprehension creating models advanced students to
act as student
teachers and help
other students
Materials Needed Just How Small is an Atom?
and Links to
Paper cutouts

This lesson is to clarify that all things are made of matter and atoms. Some students may have a hard time grasping the
idea that all things are made up of these tiny particles called atoms especially when they can not see it with the naked
eye. Students may have the preconception that if they cannot see it, it does not exist. With this in mind, it is important
to start the lesson off by having students be able to visualize what atoms are and we believe the Youtube video does
an excellent job in giving students perspective on just how small an atom really is. By establishing the fact that atoms
are extremely small, students will then be able to grasp concepts such as atoms bonding together to form molecules
and ultimately the objects they see in their everyday lives. We have incorporated direct instruction and interactive
Implementation online tools to help students master the content. As well as teaching the content, we made sure to include multiple
points of review at the beginning and end of each lesson to have students recall information and come up with new
questions that may drive future lessons. At the end, students will participate in activities such as Kahoot/Quizziz to test
their knowledge and apply this knowledge to create an accurate model of a molecule. Once students have shown
understanding of this lesson, the teacher will then introduce and tie in the next lesson of physical and chemical
changes of matter.

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