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Teacher(s) Johnathan Harvell, Mike Gallo, Adriana Montiel, Neslihan Subject group and Science, Chemistry, 10th grade

Batmaz, Joshua Apple discipline

Unit title Atomic Structure MYP year 2020-2021 Unit duration (hrs) 10

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept (DCI - NGSS) Related concept(s) (CCC - NGSS) Global context (SEP - NGSS)
MYP: Change MYP: Function MYP: Scientific & Technical Information
(PS2-6) Attraction and repulsion between electric (PS2-6) Investigating or designing new systems or (PS2-6) Communicate scientific and technical
charges at the atomic scale explain the structure, structures requires a detailed examination of the information (e.g., about the process of development
properties, and transformations of matter, as well as properties of different materials, the structures of and the design and performance of a proposed
the contact forces between material objects. different components, and connections of process or system) in multiple formats (including oral,
components to reveal its function and/or solve a graphical, textual and mathematical).
MYP: Form
(PS1-1) Each atom has a charged substructure
consisting of a nucleus, which is made of protons and (PS1-1) Use a model to predict the relationships
neutrons, surrounded by electrons. MYP: Patterns between systems or between components of a
MYP: Relationships (PS1-1) Different patterns may be observed at each
of the scales at which a system is studied and can
(PS1-1) The periodic table orders elements
provide evidence for causality in explanations of
horizontally by the number of protons in the atom’s
nucleus and places those with similar chemical
properties in columns. The repeating patterns of this
table reflect patterns of outer electron states.

Statement of inquiry
MYP Statement of Inquiry
Scientific and technological advances have provided methods for scientists to acquire evidence on the change of atomic interactions & functions.

NGSS Anchoring Phenomenon Inquiry Question

How does an atom’s structure influence its properties?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Student Summary Exemplar:
An atom’s properties are influenced by its structure due to the number of subatomic particles within the atom itself. As the number of subatomic particles
change, the atom's ability to react also changes; for example, a difference in electrons will allow atoms to either react as cations or anions. Ions, isotopes, and
neutral atoms all react differently, and have different properties.

Inquiry questions
Factual (Who?, What?, Where?):
● What is a proton?
● What is a neutron?
● What is an electron?
● What is a nucleus?
● Where are protons and neutrons located within an atom?
● Where are electrons located within an atom?
● Where are atomic numbers located on an element block?
● Where are average atomic masses located on an element block?
● Where are mass numbers located in isotopic notation?
● Where are atomic numbers located in isotopic notation?
● What are ions?
● What are isotopes?
● What are cations?
● What are anions?
● What is an electron configuration?
● What is Aufbau’s Principle?
● What is Hund’s Rule?
● What is the Pauli Exclusion Principle?
● What are the four quantum numbers?
● What does the principle quantum number describe?
● What does the spin quantum number describe?
● What does the magnetic quantum number describe?
● What does the orbital quantum number describe?
● What do lewis dot diagrams demonstrate about an atom?
● What do Bohr Models demonstrate about an atom?
● When can shorthand electron configuration notation be used?
● What is a period on the periodic table?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

Conceptual (How? & Why?):
● How is light emitted from an atom?
● How does atomic flame spectroscopy work?
● How do isotopes either become stable or unstable?
● How is the mass number of an atom calculated?
● How do you deduce the number of protons in a particle?
● How do you deduce the number of neutrons in a particle?
● How do you deduce the number of electrons in a particle?
● How could you use an atomic spectra to identify a particular element?

Debatable (“Is it possible….?”, “Create an argument….”):

● Is it possible for a human to teleport? (Enrichment question that is based on the quantum nature of electrons)
● Is it possible for an unstable isotope to become stable?
● Is it possible for a particle to contain both a positive & negative charge?
● Is it possible for a particle to emit the entire spectrum of light?
● Is it possible for a particle to absorb the entire spectrum of light?

Objectives (Subject Assessment Criteria) Summative assessment

Criterion A: Knowing and understanding Outline of summative assessment task(s) including Relationship between summative assessment task(s)
assessment criteria: and statement of inquiry:
● explain scientific knowledge
● apply scientific knowledge and
understanding to solve problems set in Chemistry CFA #1 (2020-2021) CFA #1 has a focus on the properties of matter;
familiar and unfamiliar situations however, it does contain emphasis on both the
● analyse and evaluate information to macro-level and micro-level scales, therefore atomic
make scientifically supported judgments. Atomic Structure Unit Test structure does take a part in how the students can
create reasoning for their responses.

Criterion C : Processing and evaluating

Unit tests cover the primary concepts and
● present collected and transformed data applications of atomic structure. Due to properties of
● interpret data and explain results using the matter unit being before this unit, the context will
scientific reasoning extend into an atomic structure that provides

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

● evaluate the validity of a hypothesis students a better ability to answer the statement of
based on the outcome of the scientific inquiry.

Criterion D: Reflecting on the Impact of

● Document the work of others and
sources of information used

Approaches to learning (ATL) (on-going throughout all units in the school year) supporting document
ATL: Communication
● MYP: Communication
○ Give and receive meaningful feedback (i.e. screencastify, rubrics, flip-grid videos, peer review, etc)
○ Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and audiences (i.e writing lab reports, CER, etc)
○ Use a variety of media to communicate with a range of audiences (i.e. google suite, flip-grid, etc)
○ Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers (i.e. small group activities, seminars, etc)
○ Collaborate with peers and experts using a variety of digital environments and media (i.e. Google meets, google suite, etc)
○ Read critically and for comprehension (SAT & CFA Skills)
○ Make inferences and draw conclusions (i.e. hypothesis, error analysis, CER, etc)
○ Use and interpret a range of discipline-specific terms and symbols (i.e. equations, variables, etc)
○ Write and for different purposes (i.e. lab reports, CER, reflective feedback, etc)
○ Understand and use mathematical notation (i.e. equations, graphs, etc)
○ Take effective notes in class (i.e. scientific notebooks, Cornell notes, etc)
○ Make effective summary notes for studying (i.e. scientific notebook summaries and learning targets)

ATL: Social
● MYP: Collaboration Skills
○ Use social media networks appropriately to build and develop relationships (i.e. google classroom, google meets, flip-grid, email, etc)

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

○ Delegate and share responsibility for decision-making (i.e. POGILs, lab partner groups, small group activities, projects, etc)
○ Help others to succeed (i.e. POGILs, lab partner groups, small group activities, projects, etc)
○ Take responsibility for one’s own actions (i.e. POGILs, lab partner groups, small group activities, projects, etc)
○ Manage and resolve conflict and work collaboratively in teams (i.e. POGILs, lab partner groups, small group activities, projects, etc)
○ Advocate for your own rights and needs

ATL: Self Management

● MYP: Organization
○ Scientific Notebook (virtual or hard-copy)

● MYP: Reflection
○ Backchannel Application (Padlet, Google Forms, etc)
○ Assignment Rubrics (student-use)
○ POGIL Group Feedback Forms
○ Flip-grid Videos (for assignments or personal reflections)

ATL: Research
● MYP: Information Literacy
○ SAT Reading Skills (implement in all reading and writing assignments)
○ SAT Writing Skills (Implement in all reading and writing assignments)
○ Collect, verify, and analyze scientific data (either self-gathered or presented)
○ Vocabulary (Quizlet, graphic organizers, etc)
○ Writing lab reports

ATL: Thinking
● MYP: Critical Thinking
○ Analyze and interpreting scientific data (focus NGSS - SEP for CFAs, and SAT)
○ Creation of CER using scientific reasoning, concepts, and data (CER = Claim - Evidence - Reasoning)
○ Modeling of Scientific concepts (i.e. revise understanding based on new information and evidence)
○ Self creation of assessment questions based on established knowledge in a unit (i.e. Cornell notes)
○ Evaluate and modify scientific experiments to fit error constraints.
○ Use data and graphs to predict certain phenomenon/trends within a particular scenario (i.e. Mass v.s. Volume Graphs)

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

● MYP: Creativity and Innovation
○ Make guesses and generate testable hypotheses
○ Design improvements to existing machines, media and technologies (i.e. scientific experiments)
○ Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or processes

● MYP: Transfer
○ Utilize effective learning strategies in subject groups and disciplines
○ Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations (i.e conceptual knowledge is applied to phenomenon)
○ Combine knowledge, understanding and skills to create products or solutions
○ Make connections between subject groups and disciplines (i.e. mathematical relationships to scientific concepts)

Action:Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content (Learning Targets & Evidence Learning process

(PS1-1) Learning experiences and teaching strategies (virtual, in-person, hybrid models)
● Virtual Experiences
(PS2-6) ○ PhET Simulations (have to make sure it is Flash or Java enabled, HTML5 does not work on
● DOK 1
i. Building Atoms PhET Lab
○ Students can list the following
descriptions of given atoms using
the periodic table: ○ Pear Deck PPTs (provides opportunity for real-time formative feedback)
■ Number of protons i. Atomic Spectra PPT w/ Pear Deck
ii. Basics of Atomic Structure w/ Pear Deck
■ Number of neutrons
iii. Bohr Models PPT w/ Pear Deck
■ Number of electrons iv. Electron Config - Quantum Numbers (H) PPT w/ Pear Deck
■ Mass Number v. Electron Config - Special Rules (H) PPT w/ Pear Deck
■ Atomic Number vi. Electron Config - Writing Rules (H) PPT w/ Pear Deck
■ Elemental Symbol vii. Ions & Isotopes PPT w/ Pear Deck
viii. Lewis Dot Diagrams PPT w/ Pear Deck
■ Average Atomic Mass

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 6

● DOK 2 ○ Online Assignments (to be posted on Google Classroom)
○ Students can write the i. Protons, Neutrons & Electrons Worksheet
ii. Ions & Isotopes Worksheet
appropriate isotopic notation for
iii. Lewis Dot Diagram Practice
any given element

○ Students can draw the correct ○ POGILs (can be annotated with Kami Google Extension)
Bohr model for any given i. Electron Energy & Light POGIL
○ Readings
○ Students can describe the i. Discovery of Atomic Structure Reading
relationship between the
material’s function and its
macroscopic properties. ○ Vocabulary
i. Atomic Structure Unit Vocabulary Quizlet
○ Students describe the effects that
attractive and repulsive electrical ○ Lecture Videos
forces between molecules have i. Atomic Spectra PPT
on the arrangement (structure) of ii. Basics of Atomic Structure PPT
the chose designed material(s) of iii. Electron Config. - Quantum Numbers PPT
iv. Electron Config. - Special Rules PPT
molecules v. Electron Config. - Writing Rules PPT
vi. Ions & Isotopes PPT
● DOK 3
○ Students use at least two
different formats (including oral, ● In-Person Experiences
○ Flame Test Lab Document & PPT
graphical, textual and
○ Families of the Periodic Table Coloring Activity
mathematical) to communicate ○ Bohr Modeling Practice Worksheet
scientific and technical
information including fully
describing structure, properties, Formative assessment (Exit Tickets, Warm-Ups, mini-quizzes, etc)
and design of the chosen ● Atomic Spectra PPT Exit Ticket (H)
material(s). Students cite the ● Basics of Atomic Structure PPT Exit Ticket
origin of information as ● Bohr Model PPT Exit Ticket

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 7

appropriate ● Electron Configuration PPT Exit Ticket (H)
● Ions & Isotopes PPT Exit Ticket
● Lewis Dot Diagram PPT Exit Ticket
● DOK 4
○ Students arrange the molecular
structure of the chosen designed Differentiation (scaffolding supports, scientific notebook materials, etc)
material(s) (using a presentation
● Virtual Scientific Notebook
appropriate to the specific type of ○ Teacher Model
communication - e.g. geometric ○ Student Template
shapes for drugs and receptors,
ball and skill models for
long-chained molecules). ● Word Wall
○ Qtr 1 Word Wall

● In-Person Scientific Notebook Unit Pages

○ Atomic Spectra
○ Bohr Models
○ Ions & Isotopes

CHEM PLT Folder - Unit 1 Properties Folder

Supplementary Atomic Structure Unit Folder
APS Technology Pedagogy Flowchart
Digital Education Strategy Proposal
“How to Google” PPT - Teacher Edition
Virtual Learning Technology Support Document
Online Active Chemistry Textbook
○ Teacher Login: ChemTeachers Password: Chemistry1
○ Student Login: ChemistryStudents Password: Ebook123

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 8

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry
Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit
● Look at 19-20 school year data from unit test ● Use formative feedback data from exit ● Use summative feedback data from unit test
& CFA to inform what alternations need to tickets, warm-ups, etc to inform teaching and CFA to provide an outline for intentional
be made for particular topics practices throughout the unit. re-teach, and transition to the next unit.

● Discuss and apply techniques that provide ● Discuss and evaluate pedagogical practices ● Discuss and evaluate pedagogical practices
equitably learning through virtual, in-person, through virtual, in-person, and hybrid models through virtual, in-person, and hybrid models
and hybrid models of teaching imposed by of learning. of learning. Make anecdotal notes that can
the COVID-19 pandemic be used in PLT for the following year on this
particular unit/content.
● Make necessary adjustments to unit
● Look at this year’s CFA, and backwards plan sequencing based on formative data,
unit to implement a new statement of inquiry standard changes, CFA changes, and other ● Evaluate and modify inventory based on lab
and context of content. influences. materials used during the unit.

● Evaluate current resources, and adjust as

necessary for new statement of inquiry,
learning targets, context according to the
NGSS standards

● Evaluate and organize lab materials needs

for various activities throughout the unit.
Provide a tentative schedule of when certain
labs & activities can be used in various
classrooms within the PLT

Virtual Daily Unit Plan for Atomic Structure Unit

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 9

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