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Teacher(s) BUSE EROĞLU Subject group and discipline BIOLOGY

Unit title GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF MYP year 5th (10 grades) Unit duration (hrs) 43 hours

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

SYSTEMS FORM & FUNCTION Scientific and technical

Statement of inquiry

Why do we look like our parents?

Inquiry questions
Factual—What is heredity? What is Life’s Blueprint DNA? What is bioethics and what is biotech?
Conceptual— How can we transfer our genetic diseases from generation to generation?

Debatable— Why do we have some of our mother’s features and some of our father’s features?

Objectives Summative assessment

Objective A: Knowing and
Outline of summative assessment task(s): Relationship between
summative assessment
i. explain scientific knowledge task(s) and statement of
Students will make experiments and write a report. Asses by criterion B. inquiry:
ii. apply scientific knowledge
and understanding to solve ● ABO Blood Types ● In exams we evaluate
problems set in familiar and students if they learn
● Pedigree
unfamiliar situations the genetics.
● Extract DNA From Kiwi Fruit ● In experiments, they

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

iii. analyse and evaluate Simulation & Videos: will understand how to
information to make make pedigree.
Students will watch the videos and answer the questions. Asses by criterion A and D.
scientifically supported ● In homework they
judgements. ● make exercises and
repeat the knowledge
which they have
Objective B: Inquiring and ● 3D LAB. learned.
designing ● In performance works,
i. explain a problem or Performance Work: they will search and
question to be tested by a Students will give brief information about the genetic disorders. After that, they will make a analyse genetic
scientific investigation  poster. At the end the work they will write the source of information. Asses by criterion D. disorders better.
ii. formulate a testable ● Poster of genetic disorders.
hypothesis and explain it
using scientific reasoning  Activities:
iii. explain how to manipulate Students will read the articles and make discussion about the subject. After that, they will
the variables, and prepare the presentation and answer the questions. Asses by criterion C.
explain how data will be
collected  ● At Library: Genetic Disorders.
iv. design scientific Homework: (MEB book, ORAN BOOK, worksheets)
Students will complete their worksheets and parts of the books which are related the
Objective C: Processing subject. Asses by criterion A and D.
and evaluating
Online labs and Activities:
i. present collected and
transformed data about
scientists and their
ii. interpret healthy meals and
foods according to their Resources for Teaching Ethics:
research about organic and
inorganic compounds
iii. evaluate the validity of a
hypothesis based on the
outcome of the scientific

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

iv. evaluate the validity of the

v. explain improvements or
extensions to the method.

Objective D: Reflecting on
the impacts of science

i. explain the ways in which

science is applied and used to
address a specific problem or

ii. discuss and evaluate the

various implications of using
science and its application to
solve a specific problem or

iii. apply communication

modes effectively

iv. document the work of

others and sources of
information used.

Approaches to learning (ATL)

In order for the student to reach explain scientific knowledge the student will develop self - management skills to use appropriate strategies for organizing
complex information.
In order for the student to reach explain scientific knowledge the student will develop research skills to evaluate and select information sources and digital tolls
based on their appropriateness to specific tasks.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry
Content Learning process
Learn the calculations and rules of Monohybride ● Students watch animations.
● Mini quizzes are applied in the last part of the lesson.
Learn the calculations and rules of dihybride
● Experiments are performed with parallel to the unit with lab reports.
● Presentations, models, videos are showed.
Learn the calculations and rules of gamet
● Exams are used to evaluate the students.
Learn the definition of homozygous,
heterozygous, gene, dominant, reccesive, allel, ● Survey students about various human traits.
genotype and phenotype terms
● Flip coins to simulate sexual reproduction.
Learn how to detect blood types
Learn co-dominance of allels ● Performance work is used to perceive disruption of genetic disorders.
Learn multipl allelic traits ● Research task and discussion,
Learn gonosomal and otosomal herrited diseases ● Brain storming,
Learn test cross calculations
Learn how to calculate pedigree problems ● Problem solving,
Learn what the gene-chromosome theory is ● Computer-assisted activities,
Learn what is General Principles of Mendel about
Heredity ● Simulations,

Learn about agglutination ● Class activities (classdojo, padlet, kahoot).

Formative assessment
Matching performance works,
Controlling homework,
After quizzes and exams, discussing the questions and content of the lab,

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

Peer assessment,
Activities varied and addressed different ways of learning (kinaesthetic, written, verbal, nature, etc.)
Audio-visual resources are used.
Peer Teaching.
Extra homework or test books are suggested to talented.
(Such as documentary discussion and Pisa questions)
Activities and extra studies are applied to learning difficulty.
Self –Learning resources:


MEB grade 10 Biology

ORAN Publications grade 10 Biology
TEST OKUL Publications grade 10 Biology
PEARSON Biology Concepts and Connections
PEARSON Biology Exploring Life
CAMPLE Biology
Virtual Labs
3D Animations.

Reflection: Considering the planning, process, and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

. Prior Knowledge:
Students’ prior knowledge will be activated via a
review and test on cells and traits. Both
topics have been previously covered and required
the student to have a simple general
understanding of DNA and Heredity. It is from this
point that we will begin to build and expand
student knowledge and understanding in detail.
We will also have an open class discussion
around an ethical dilemma in order to activate
student’s prior informal understanding of ethics.
We will then begin building a formal understanding
from this point.
Cell division, DNA& Genetics will be learned
Direct instruction and lecture
The use of visual aids
Online Activities and Labs
Collaborative Group Work
Vocabulary Definition
Mind Maps
Bioethics will be learned through-
Class Discussion
Informal Debate
Video Analysis: Current Events,
Note Taking
Case Studies
Collaborative Group Work

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To assess their background, a pre-test can be
done, and it can be used as a reminder also.
Brainstorming should be done to construct their
To ask previous information they remember from
last grade with vocabulary game.
To develop inquirer IB profile, they will search
genetic disorders.
To develop communicator and knowledgeable
profiles, IB profile, they make presentations about
genetic disorders.

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