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Language Acquisition: The Central Configuration of Mind


Language Acquisition is the central configuration of our mind that helps us to

understand and comprehend words, sentences and information. This Theory will discuss and

explain how we’re able to widen our understanding about Language and its components. For

the purpose of this is for us to be able to easily acquire the improvements on our skills and

development in our innate knowledge about language Acquisition.

According to Noam Chomsky, Human languages are fundamentally innate and that the

same universal principles underlie all of them. He signified that we are born with prior

knowledge about language, that our mind already has the ability to discover ourselves without

depending on our environment. It is our initial proper understanding that is manipulating our

ideas and words that we are constructing. A Psychological theory were discovered by B. F.

Skinner, according to him, children that are exposed to such environment, tends to imitate and

apprehend language. This actively demonstrates that; language could be possibly learned from

imitation of sounds and utterance. Furthermore, this theory is showing that the environment of

an individual is the source or the foundation of its knowledge. These are the two several

Linguistic Theories that are mentioned to justify how can we acquire language and to further

understand it. Nevertheless, we will first discuss about how do linguistics works and its

In linguistics, Comprehension is a must and is known for being important, in a reason

that this is for us to properly understand the words and phrases and how to create or analyze a

sentence. Our goal for this, is to know how to make sure that our comprehension is accurate

and precise. The following are the subcomponents of linguistics that will give further

explanation to the theory. Phonetics and phonology, these two are responsible in dealing with

the sounds of speech and language. Which is very essential for us, because of the fact that

sounds and language are the main source or the way in which we learn how to comprehend

words and phrases into sentences. Syntax and semantics, are responsible in the grammatical

arrangement and meaning of the phrases, word combinations and sentences. This is to tell

whether the constructed phrases or sentence in an information is in correct sequence or

structure and has the exact meaning to express to avoid misunderstanding and future conflicts.

According to Friederici’s Cognitive model of language, the comprehension of spoken

language begins with the acoustic-phonological analysis of the speech input. The model

represents the different subprocesses during comprehension from auditory input to

interpretation. However, even though these subprocesses are different, they are assumed to be

running in parallel process. This actively illustrates that; the right and left hemisphere of the

brain processes the interpretation and integration same as with the sentence melody and


To sum up everything that has been stated so far, Language Acquisition is not that hard

to understand especially if the basics are already carved in our mind that is in our initial innate

knowledge. Furthermore, the theories that have been cited were to help us know how we
acquired language and how to properly construct phrases and sentences. Language acquisition

do really have connections on our understanding. Therefore, as the center of our mind and

understanding it builds up our knowledge and brings out more skills for us to be successful.

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