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1. Discuss the paradigm shift in educational trends in this time of pandemic. How
different was the experience compared to conventional learning? Write in no more
than 300 words. (50 pts)

The COVID-19 pandemic's unique approach of learning can be a challenge in and of

itself. Since returning to our previous "normal" won't be possible anytime soon, it's important to
keep in mind that the purpose of online learning is to keep pupils interested in the material so
they retain it. Blended learning is a combination of multiple learning styles and materials
organized to help learners reach their own academic goals more successfully than learning in
traditional classrooms. Blended learning features the best parts of digital and instructor-led
learning and is given in a one-on-one or small-group educational context. The information is
meticulously prepared and personalized where students can acquire on their own time and work
on their own speed. In comparison to traditional techniques, blended learning is more effective
since it allows students to concentrate on content such as new vocabulary or pronunciations
while still having access to self-paced online material whenever it is convenient for them. On the
other hand, in a traditional classroom, students have the opportunity to discuss their ideas and
concerns with the teacher face-to-face, allowing them to get immediate answers. Young
children, teenagers, and young adolescents who have not yet entered the workforce benefit
most from traditional classes. Attending lessons on a regular basis gives kids the opportunity to
socialize with people their own age, develop better discipline, keep a set routine, and improve
their overall health and well-being. Students and teachers benefit from classroom learning when
they have a deeper understanding of one another. In this way, teachers can gain a deeper
understanding of their students, assess their strengths and shortcomings, serve as mentors,
and direct their charges toward successful futures.

1. Discuss how education affects or changes your cultural development over time.
(20 pts)

It is a well-known fact that each generation alters and adds to old and traditional cultural
forms to better suit their own needs. This is possible with the right educational tools and
methods. Furthermore, education prepares the individual to respond to new cultural forms and
styles in order to live a better and more prosperous life. Education shapes and molds
personality, which is a universal cultural characteristic. When an individual maintains a web of
relationships with other members of society, his or her personality continues to evolve. This type
of engagement is made feasible by education based on the existing society's behavioral norms
or culture. In a nutshell, culture is an informal social control agency that aids in molding and
structuring individuals' behavior in a favorable way.

2. How does curriculum influence the culture in general? (20 pts)

Society's culture is its lifeblood, and it must be protected. One of education's most
essential jobs is to aid in the preservation of society's cultural and historical heritage. Education
seeks to instill traditions, conventions, values, the arts, and morality into students' minds
through specialized agencies. While culture preservation is an important role, education also
has the responsibility of ensuring the continuity of culture from one generation to the next by
passing down the accumulated cultural experiences, values, traditions, customs, and so on. The
survival of the nation and the advancement of civilization will be difficult if not impossible without
this message. Society is in a state of total disarray and disarray. Men will revert to their
animalistic nature, and human relationships will crumble. As a result, culture is the foundation of
any society's cohesiveness. Along with preservation and propagation, education also plays a
crucial role in cultural pattern modification, taking into account changes seen in the needs and
wants of society. Cross-cultural differences amplify these shifts. By replacing and reorienting
older cultural forms to meet the changing demands of time and man, new cultural patterns are
established. As a result, civilization appears to progress. This aspect of education is known as
the progressive function. Consequently, education contributes to culture by constantly
restructuring and rebuilding human experiences.

Instructions: Answer the questions below in a yellow pad. Take note of points given. The
higher the points the more comprehensive the discussion must be. Please use citations
as your answer will undergo a plagiarism test. Send your answer in my email address
which I have sent in our group chat.
1. What is globalization in education? (5 pts)

In light of the fact that the globalization of education also involves the globalization of
experience and understanding, inquiries into how interaction, value systems, and wisdom are
being adaptively refreshed today on a worldwide scale through globalization can be aimed at
different sites and fields of study outside academic achievement. Because education is crucial
for global stability, raising children who are culturally aware from an early age might help them
assimilate ideas from other societies and come to well-balanced judgments about global
challenges. After that, as nations become increasingly interconnected, globalization and
education have an impact on one another since they both aim to train individuals for prosperous

2. Discuss globalization's advantages and disadvantages and its social and

economic implications. (25 pts)

Economic growth is accelerated by globalization. Globalization boosts economic growth

by boosting the flow of goods, breakthroughs in technology, and knowledge across national
borders. When a country's economy grows, people have better standards of living and higher
salaries, which leads to greater wealth and much less poverty. Moreover, it opens doors for
those living in less fortunate countries. Taking advantage of globalization opens up new
economic prospects for countries with limited resources by allowing corporations to relocate
production from high-cost locales to lower-cost ones elsewhere. Additionally, it lowers the cost
of production. There are many more goods accessible at a broader variety of pricing points due
to the global market opening up production options and consumers. Finally, it encourages
collaboration. A global financial market creates interdependence between countries, making it
necessary for them to rely on one another for certain commodities and services.

However, it also has its fair share of disadvantages. As a result, economic growth is
unevenly distributed. Richer countries frequently gain more than underdeveloped countries from
globalization even if it tends to enhance economic growth for many of them. Hence, it
heightened inequality. Furthermore, global recessions are also more likely if this trend
continues. A global recession becomes more likely when the economic systems of several
countries grow interdependent. It is because if the economy of one nation begins to falter, it can
set off a domino effect that affects many other countries and people, resulting in an international
financial crisis. Lastly, it has the effect of displacing people from their jobs. Instead of creating
more employment, globalization redistributes them by shifting production from high-cost to low-
cost countries. In other words, as production moves to lower-cost countries, people in higher-
cost countries lose their employment.

3. Discuss the interconnection of multicultural and global literacy. (20 pts)

Diversity, equity, and social justice are all addressed in Multicultural Literacy in order to
help people become more culturally aware by tackling difficult subjects like racism and prejudice
against different nationalities. In order to become productive participants who advocate for
social justice, students need to gain contemporary skills and attitudes through multicultural
literacy education. The expanding racial, linguistic and ethnic variety in our society necessitates
a significant transformation of Multicultural Literacy in order to better prepare learners for the
challenges of the twenty-first century.

On the other hand, It is the goal of Global Literacy to confront globalization, racism,
diversity and social justice issues. Global Literacy is a thorough understanding of mankind and
the earth, as well as the influence human decisions have on both, is required, as is awareness
and action. By providing knowledge and skills that students can put into practice, Global
Literacy aspires to enable them to make a real contribution both globally and locally.

Students from various racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds attend every class.
Students adopt a wide range of behaviors, cultural beliefs, practice patterns, and
communication styles in their work and personal lives. Despite this, they all have one thing in
common: the opportunity to further their education. Teachers should instill in their children the
understanding that other cultures exist and should be valued as such. Students learn to see the
world from a range of perspectives when cultural context is incorporated into classes and
activities. This fosters a respect for diversity while also providing students with new and
interesting information. Educators must address diversity issues and include intercultural
material into the school curriculum as schools become extremely varied.

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