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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 996 (1989) 95-102 95


BBA 33369

Conformafional changes in human prothrornbin as detected

by antibody populations
H e r b e r t K . F . L a u * a n d R o b e r t D. R o s e n b e r g
Charles A. Dana Research Institute and Harvard Medical School, Boston, and the Department of Biology and Whitaker College,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (U.S.A.)

(Received 7 July 1988)

Key words: Prothrombin fragment 1; Calcium; Conformational change; (Human)

The amino-terminal pepfides of human prothrombin corresponding to residues 1-51 and 52-156 have been isolated
from a thrombin digest of prothrombin fragment 1. The products of digestion were purified by means of barium citrate
and ammonium sulfate precipitations, followed by gel filtration and hydroxyapatite chromatographies. They were
identified by their molecular sizes as well as their amino acid compositions. Peptides 1-51 (FIA) and 52-156 (F~B)
were used as affinity iigands for the isolation of antibody populations from antisera that were elicited against human
prothrombin or prothrombin fragment 1. These antibody populations displayed restricted specificity for the respective
ligands as shown by competitive radioinununoassays. They were used to study the confonnafional changes in
prothrombin and fragment 1. The F~A-specific antibody populations d:tected a confonnafional change which is
stabilized by calcium ions and which has a transition midpoint at --0.2 mM calcium ion concentration. The
Ft B-specific antibody populations identified a different confonnafional change which is destabilized by calcium ions and
which has a transition midpoint at ~ 0.5 mM calcium.

introduction prothrombin by factor Xa [14]. It has been shown that

the interactions of the membrane surface with vitamin
Human prothrombin has a molecular mass of ap- K-dependent proteins are affected by metal ions [15-17].
prox. 70 kDa and like other coagulation zymogens, is On the other hand, prothrombin itself also undergoes
composed of modular structures related to different metal-dependent conformational changes when studied
functions. These are fragment 1 which contains ten by physical methods [18-20] or immunochemical means
3,-earboxyglutamic acids whose post-translational for- [21]. The use of antibodies as structural probes for
mation requires vitamin K and whose function is be- various antigenic determinants have been successfully
lieved to be binding of metal ions [1-6], fragment 2 applied to study the activation of fragment 2 and frag-
whose function is to bind factor V/Va [7], and pre- ment 1 + 2 of human prothrombin [22] and the human
thrombin 2, which gives rise to thrombin after cleavage thrombin-antithrombin complex [23]. Similar approach
at a disulfide bond [8,9]. The amino acid sequence of has also been adopted to delineate alterations of the
prothrombin has been delineated [1] and the crystal three-dimensional structure of bovine and human pro..
structure of fragment 1 has been reported [10-13]. thrombins [24-28]. We report here the isolation of the
Metal ions are important, in the presence of factor N-terminal residues 1-51 and 52-156 of human pro-
V/Va and phospholipid surface, for the activation of thrombin, the use of these peptides in affinity chro-
matography to obtain four different antibody subpopu-
lations, and the use of these antibodies in studies of the
interaction of calcium ions with prothrombin and pro-
Abbreviations: F1, human prothrombin activation fragment 1; 1:1+2, thrombin activation fragment 1.
prothrombin activation fragmt:at 1 and 2; FIA, prothrombin N-termi-
nal peptide 1-51; FIB, prothrombin N-terminal peptide 52-156;
SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylam/de gel electrophore- Materials and Methods
sis; PBS, phosphate buffered saline (0.05 M sodium phosphate/0.5 M
NaCI (pH 7.5); SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate. All chemicals employed were of reagent grade.
DEAE-cellulose and hydroxyapatite were purchased
Correspondence (and present address): H.K.F. Lau, Department of
Biochemistry, University of Hong Kong, Sassoon Road, Hong Kong. from Bio-Rad. Sephadex G-25, G-100, Sepharose 4B

0167-4838/89/$03.50 © 1989 Elsevier Science Pubfishers B.V. (Biomedical Division)


and QAE-50 Sephadex were obtained from Pharmacia. column (0.9 x 3 cm). After loading the sample, the
Echis carinatus venom were purchased from Sigma. column was washed with the dialysis buffer followed by
Hirudin was obtained from Pentapharm (Basel). Rabbit 0.1 M potassium phosphate (pH 6.8) at a flow rate of 15
IgG and complete Freund's adjuvant were bought from m l / h and 2 ml fractions were collected.
Miles. Rabbit brain thromboplastin was provided by
Ortho Diagnostics and purified as described [29]. Immunization and processing of antisera
Four New Zealand white rabbits were immunized
Purification of prothrombin and prothrombin activation with 100/tg of F1 in complete Freund's adjuvant. Two
fragments goats were injected with 500/~g of prothrombin without
Human prothrombin was prepared according to the use of adjuvant. Hyperimmune antisera from these
Shapiro et al. [30] with minor modifications [22]. The animals were obtained by repeated injections and anti-
product appeared homogeneous and protein of the sera IgG fractions were obtained as described previ-
highest specific activity was used. Human thrombin was ously [22,23].
purified to homogeneity with a specific activity of 2800 In order to obtain specific antibody populations
N.I.H. units/mg by a procedure published before [31]. against F1A or F1B, two rabbit antisera IgG raised
Prothrombin fragment F 1+2 was prepared according against F I (R5 and R9) were affinity-fractionated. 4 mg
to Aronson et al. [32] and the trace amounts of con- of FlA and 6 mg of F1B were separaltely bound to 10 ml
taminating prothrombin and prethrombin 2 were re- of Sepharose 4B using cyanogen bromide [35]. The gels
moved by means of heparin-bound Sepharose and were washed with 1 M acetic acid/0.5 M NaCI (pH 2.4)
QAE-50 Sephadex [22]. and then equilibrated with 0.05 M sodium phosphate/
To obtain F 1, a by-product of large-scale preparation 0.5 M NaCI (pH 7.5) (PBS) before use. Then 150 mg R5
of human thrombin was used. This material was kindly and 100 mg R9 anti-F1 were filtered through the F1A-
provided by Dr, J.W. Fenton of the New York State and FIB-bound Sepharose, respectively. The columns
Department of Health, Albany, N.Y., and contained a were washed with PBS until the 280 nm absorbance of
mixture of prothrombin activation fragments and inter- the eluates were below 0.02, and the bound species were
mediates. A typical experiment started by precipitating eluted with the acetic acid/NaCl buffer. The eluted
1.74 1 of this material with 14.5 mM in barium citrate. materials were neutralized and dialysed against 0.13 M
The precipitate was washed with ice-cold water and NaCI/0.02 M Tris (pH 7.4) (buffer A) and were desig-
dissolved in 400 ml of 0.2 M sodium citrate. The nated R5 anti-FiA and R9 anti-FiB, respectively.
solution was then made 40~ saturated ammonium In order to isolate goat anti-F1A or anti-FiB, the F
sulfate and the resulting precipitate discarded. The su- fractions of a goat anti-prothrombin were used as the
pernatant was then made 80~ in saturated ammonium starting material. Two aliquots of 30 mg goat IgG were
sulfate, and the protein precipitated was dissolved in 30 separately affinity-fractionated on the same F~A- or
ml 0.1 M NaCI/0.02 M Tris (pH 7.4) 6 ml of this F l B-bound Sepharose columns, followed by the washing
material containing ~ 6 mg protein was chromato- and elution procedure as above.
graphed on a column of Sephadex G-100 (1.6 × 100 cm)
which was developed at 8 m l / h in the same buffer. Buffers
Fractions of 2.5 ml were collected. The slower-moving Buffers used in the binding studies were prepared
component contained a protein of approx. 21 kDa and with double-distilled water after passing through the
was rechromatographed under the same experimental Ultra Pure Water System (Hydro Services and Supplies,
conditions to remove traces of contaminating proteins. Braintree, MA) and contained -0.075 ppb Ca 2+ or
To obtain prothrombin N-terminal residues 1-51 Mg 2+ according to the manufacturer. Buffers prepared
(FIA) and prothrombin N-terminal residues 52-156 with this water had been used to study the Ca 2+-
(FIB), the method of Walz et al. [33,34] was adopted dependent intrinsic fluorescence of F~ according to
with modifications. 45 ml of Fl (1 mg/ml) was digested Nelsestuen [17] and Prendergast and Mann [18]. The
for 24 h at 37°C with 0.9 ml thrombin (4.6 mg/ml). fluorescence of F 1 in buffer A described a sigmoidal
Afterwards 20 mM dithiothreitol was added, the pH curve which plateaued at a fluorescence change of - 41%
adjusted to 8.0, and the reaction continued for 20 h at of the original fluorescence and had a transition mid-
37 ° C. The products were carboxymethylated with 22 point at 0.25 mM C a C I 2. These observations were in
mM iodoacetamide for 3 h at 37 °C and at pH 8.9, and agreement with those published before [17] and indi-
then precipitated with 20 mM barium citrate. This cated that the quality of the water was of adequate
separated the reaction mixture into precipitate and su- purity.
pernatant fractions. No further purification was taken
for the precipitate but the supernatant (47 ml) was Competitive assays
extensively di~ysed against 0.1 M Tris/0.1 M NaC1 These were carried out in radioimmunoassays using a
(pH 7.4) and chromatographed on a hydroxyapatite second antibody system to separate free from bound

antigen [22,23]. F~ was iodinated to ~ 7.1.10 6 cpm/#g diluted into buffers containing the various amounts of
according to Greenwood et al. [36]. 50 #l 125I-labeled F 1 Ca 2+ and was allowed to react with R5 anti-F~ (1.7.
containing - 4 0 0 0 cpm (~ 1.8.10 -1° M) was prein- 10 -l° M), R5 anti-F1A (2.2.10 ..9 M), R9 anti-F1 (1.7.
cubated with 5 0 / d of different concentrations of com- 10 -9 M), R9 anti-FiB (1.3.10 -.9 M), goat anti-pro-
peting antigens for 60 min at room temperature. Then thrombin (1.7.10 -8 M), goat anti-FiA (1.8.10 ..7 M),
i00 ~I Gf ~_5 anti-F,A (1.10 -8 M) or R9 anti-F1B or goat anti-F~B (2.8- 10 -7 M). ~25I-prothrombin ( - 1.8
(3.8- 10 -8 M) was added, and the incubation eenfinued • 10 -1° M) was reacted similarly with goat anti-FlA
for 20 to 24 h at 4 ° C. The second antibody system (5.3• 10k 8) or goat anti-FiB (7.5.10 -9 M).
wh:'.ch consisted of 200 #1 of sheep anti-rabbit IgG and (3) Radioiodinated ligand concentration-aependent
40/~g of nonimmune rabbit IgG, was added the next binding experiments. Fixed concentrations of anti-F~A
day. The precipitates were washed and counted after or anti-F~B were reacted with various amounts of ~25I-F~
overnight incubation. The buffer in this assay was 0.155 or ~25I-prothrombin in buffers containing either 10 mM
M NaCl/0.005 M EDTA/0.0255 M sodium phos- EDTA or 10 mM CaCI z. ~25I-F~ of 2.10 3 cpm to 5 • 10 5
phate/20 mg per ml bovine serum albumin (pH 7.4). cpm (1.5.10 -~° M to 3.8-10 -8 M) were diluted into
The competing antigens used were prothrombin, F 1, buffer A containing 10 mM EDTA or 10 mM CaCI:
F 1A, F !B and F 1+ 2, in concentrations between 10-10 M and incubated with R5 anti-F~A (2.10 -9 M), R9 anti-
to 10 -5 M. The molecular masses of prothrombin, FIB (1.1 "10 -9 M), goat anti-F1A (1.9.10 -8 M), or
thrombin, F l, F1 + 2 were assumed to be 70, 36, 21 and 32 goat anti-F~B (2.4.10-7 M). For binding of antibodies
kDa, respectively. Estimation of crossreacfivity and to radioactive prothrombin, 4.7.10 -~1 M to 9.4.10 -9
computation of the slopes of the respective logit-log M of 125I-prothrombin were used to react with 8.10 -8
dose response curves were obtained by fitting the raw M of goat anti-F~A or 7.5.10 -9 M of goat anti-F~B.
data to a 'four parameter' model as described before The data were plotted according to Scatchard [39] in the
[37,38]. form of r/c versus r, where r is the concentration of
the bound ligand per mole of the specific antibody and
c is the concentration of the free ligand. We have tested
Binding studies the stabilities of the radioactively labeled F1 and pro-
The same radioimmunoassay was utilized, except that thrombin by incubating them for 48 h with the usual
no competing antigens were added. For antibody popu- reagents used in the binding assay (including both sec-
lations derived from goat, the second antibody system ond antibody systems) and examining their apparent
consisted of 200/~1 of rabbit anti-goat IgG and 40 #g of molecular weights in SDS-polyacrylarrfide gel electro-
nonimmune goat IgG. All radiolabeled ligands, specific phoresis. In either case, a single radioactive peak corre-
antibodies and the second antibody systems were either sponding to the original protein or peptide was ob-
diluted into or dialysed against buffer A containing the served, indicating no degradation had occurred during
appropriate concentrations of Ca 2+ or EDTA before the binding experiments.
use. The assays were carried out in triplicates and the
results averaged. Three types of binding assays were
Gel electrophoresis
performed: The disc gel electrophoresis procedure of Davies et
(1) Antibody concentration-dependent binding experi- al. [40] as modified by Rosenberg and Waugh [29] was
ments. Various concentrations of anti-F~A or anti-F~B utilized to establish the homogeneity of polypeptides
were reacted with a fixed concentration of radiolabeled with respect to charge. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electro-
F~ or prothrombin, in the presence of either 10 mM phoresis (SDS-PAGE) was performed according to
EDTA or 10 mM CaCI 2. The fixed amount of 12SI-F1 Laemmli [41] using a 15% crosslinked gel. Proteins were
used in this assay contained ~ 4000 cpm ( ~ 8.5.10-10 stained with Coomassie blue or by the periodic acid
M) and was mixed with various concentrations of R5 Schiff's base method [42,43]. Molecular weight markers
anti-FlA (1.25.10 - 9 M to 1.25.10 -7 M), R9 anti-F1B included bovine serum albumin (68 kDa), ovalbumin
(1.1.10 -l° M to 1.1.10 -8 M), goat anti-FiA (5.3. (40 kDa), myoglobin (16 kDa). cytochrome c (12 kDa)
10 -1° M to 5.3-10 -8 M), or goat anti-FiB (7.5.10 -1° and cyanogen bromide-cleaved peptides of myoglobin
M to 7.5.10 -8 M). The fixed amount of ~25I-labeled
and cytochrome c.
prothrombin contained -- 4000 cpm ( - 1.7.10-10 M),
and was mixed with the same amounts of goat anti-F1A
or goat anti-F~B antibodies as given above. Protein determination
(2) Ca 2 +-dependent binding experiments. Fixed con- Protein concentrations were obtained by measure-
centrations of anti-F~A or anti-F~B antibodies were ments at 280 nm, assuming 13.2, 16.2, 11.9 and 12.5 for
reacted with fixed concentrations of either radiolabeled 1 mg/ml of human prothrombin, thrombin, F1 and
F 1 or prothrombin, in the presence of 10 mM EDTA or F1 ÷2, respectively [22], or determined by the method of
0.1 to 10 mM of CaC12. 1251-F1 (1.8.10 -1° M) was Lowry et al. [44].

Amino acid analysis a!kylated and then precipitated with barium citrate. The
The amino acid compositions of F 1, F1A and FiB precipitate displayed a single band upon SDS-PAGE
were determined by treatment wi ~'~ 6 M HC1 for 24, 48 under nonreducing conditions with an apparent molecu-
and 72 h at l l 0 ° C , and the,, examination of the lar mass of ~ 6 kDa. But like F1, there was a minor
products in a Beckman 121M amino acid analyzer. stained band migrating slightly faster than the major
one when it was electrophoresed under reducing condi-
Results tions. The amino acid composition of this peptide is
shown in Table I. Glutamic acids accounted for -- 1 / 4
Preparation of FI, F~A and F~B of the total amino acid residues, most of which were
F 1 was obtained from a n-,~xture of prothrombin presumably y-carboxylated. The observation that this
fragments by means of barium citrate and ammonium molecule was precipitated by barium ions, its molecular
sulfate precipitations, followed by gel filtration on size and its amino acid composition were consistent
Sephadex G-100. The matrix separated the sample into with the assignment of this peptide being FlA.
two peaks. Fractions containing the smaller molecules The supernatant of the thrombin-digested F1 con-
were pooled, concentrated and rechromatographed on tained two polypeptides when analyzed by SDS-PAGE
the same column to yield an apparently homogeneous and these were separated by chromatography on a
F 1 preparation which migrated with an apparent molec- hydroxyapatite column. The material not adsorbed con-
ular mass of ~ 35 kDa. Upon SDS-PAGE under nonre- tained a single peptide which showed an apparent
duced conditions, a single Coomassie blue-staining band molecular mass of ~ 15 kDa on SDS-PAGE under both
was visible which showed an apparent molecular mass reduced and nonreduced conditions. Upon gel filtration
of ~ 21 kDa. This observation agreed with Bensen and on Sephadex G-100, it also migrated with the same
Hanahan [45] who found that prothrombin fragments molecular mass. Its amino acid composition (Table I),
containing "t-carboxyglutamic acids migrated with a apparent molecular mass and solubility in barium salt
higher apparent molecular mass on gel filtration. In the were consistent with this peptide being FiB.
presence of reducing agent, a second faintly siained
band appeared immediately below the major one. This
second band had been observed before [33], and may be Preparation and specificities of anti-F1A and anti-F1B
due to partial proteolysis of F l within one or more of its Using FIA and FIB obtained above, affinity chro-
five disulfide bonds [10,11]. The amino acid composi- matographic columns were set up to isolate specific
tion of the Fl prepared is shown in Table I which is in antibody populations against these fragments. - 0.15 to
excellent agreement with the published data [10,11,33, 0.2% of rabbit R5 and R9 anti-F l were adsorbed, but
341. -270 of the goat anti-prothrombin antibodies were
F I A and FtB were obtained from thrombin digestion adsorbed by either FIA- or FiB-bound Sepharose col-
of Ft. The proteolytic fragments were reduced and umns under these experimental conditions.
To test for the specificities of these antibodies, we
used prothrombin, F1, F1 +2, FIA and FIB to displace
I ABLE 1 125I-Fi in the competitive radioimmunoassay for R5
A~aino acid compositions of prothrombin fragments Fi, F!A and FIB anti-FlA. As expected, F 1 was the most effective in
displacing the radioactive ligand. Prothrombin was quite
An~no acid a F! F1A 1:1B effective, as only twice the molar excess was needed to
Asp 15.3 3.6 13.0 displace 50~ 12SI-F1. It took 40-times molar excess of
Thr 19.7 6.7 13.3 F IA and 400-times of FIB to compete in the same assay,
Ser 10.8 3.6 7.1 while F l +2 did not react with R5 anti-F1A at all. The
Glu 24.3 12.5 12.9 average slopes of their logit-log dose response curves,
Pro 9.4 0 10.5
Gly 10.8 1.0 9.7 except for Fl + 2, were -0.7.
Ala 13.0 7.0 5.9 The same prethrombin fragments were used to test
Val 8,9 3.3 4,8 for their crossreactivities for R9 anti-FiB. In this case,
Met 0.9 0 0.7 prothrombin and F 1+ 2 had similar slopes of -0.55 and
lie 4,9 0 3.8
were, respectively, 50- and 100-times less effective than
Leu 8,1 3,8 5.3
Tyr 5.5 1.6 3.3 F1 in competing with 125I-F1. FiB, however, competed
Phe 4.7 3,7 1.3 with 125I-F1 for the antibody population only at a large
Lys 4.7 1.8 2.4 molar excess (2000-fold), and with a reduced slope of
His 2.1 0 2.3 -0.4. This crossreactivity was still superior to FIA
Arg 12.7 2.5 9.0
which did not react with anti-FiB at all. Therefo~'e these
a Number of amino acid residues per mole of prothrombin fragment. antibodies showed restricted specificities towards the
Tryptophan not determined. particular antigen that was used as the affinity ligand.

Binding studies of R.5 anti-Fi A and R9 anti-F1B antibod- A

20 //-.-//~
ies o
y - C a r b o x y g l u t a m i c acids are believed to be responsi-
~ 1.6
ble for binding Ca 2 + in prothrombin, and F 1A contains Ca
all ten of these residues while Fz B does not contain any.
It would therefore be of interest to utilize the specific
antibodies as molecular probes to study Ca2+-induced 1.0 , , //--t-/P-r---

conformational changes in F~. We first investigated the 1.6] B

b i n d i n g of the antibodies to ~251 F~ in the presence of
either E D T A or Ca 2+. Fig. 1A shows that each con- '.24./
centration of R5 anti-F~A precipitated more F~ in the
presence of Ca 2+ t h a n in the absence of Ca 2+. On the
contrary, the opposite was true for R9 anti-F~B (Fig. • i'-¢/-r-¢;, =
1B). 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 iO.O

N e x t we investigated the bindings of ~25I-F] to un- CALCIUM CONCENTRATION (mM)

fractionated R5 a n t i - F t, R5 anti-F]A, unfractionated Fig. 2. Calcium dependent binding of R5 and R9 antibodies to F~. (A)
R5 anti-F] (¢) or R5 anti-F]A (o) was reacted with ]251-F] in buffers
R9 anti-F] and R9 anti-FiB, as a function of Ca 2+
containing 0 to 10 mM CaCI 2 in a radioimmunoassay as detailed in
concentrations. Fig. 2A shows Ca 2 +-dependent bi~ dings Materials and Methods. The data are expressed as the ratio of the
of F~ to R5 anti-F~ and R5 anti-F t A, with the ~raasition percentage bound F] to total F] in the presence of Ca 2+ divided by
midpoints at 0.28 m M C a 2+, although / 0 anti-F~ ap- the percentage of bound F] to total F~ in the absence of Ca 2+. (B) R9
peared to precipitate m o r e F~ than R5 anti-F] A. Fig. 2B anti-F1 (O) or R9 anti-FiB (0) was reacted with 12Sl-F] in buffers
containing 0 to 10 mM CaC! 2. The experimental procedure and
shows the binding of F~ to R9 anti-F~ also increased
calculation were performed as given above.

with increasing amounts of Ca 2+, reaching a half-maxi-

mal point at 0.18 m M Ca 2+. But the binding of F ! to R9
60 A
anti-F] B, in contrast, decreased with increasing a m o u n t s
of Ca 2+, and its transition midpoint was higher at 0.45
m M C a 2+.

tll A

' o 2- Q


0 ! !
2 0.2 0.02
Antibody concentration ( 108M )
100 0., i , t

80 q --"""o B

6O x
0 7
or qO
O 2-

0 0 I 2 3
1.0 0.1 0.01 r
Antibody concentration ( 108M )
Fig. 3. Interaction of R5 and R9 antibodies with FI in the presence of
Fig. 1. Effect of calcium on the antibody-dependent binding to 1::1. CaCI 2 or EDTA. These data are expressed using a Scatchard analysis
Various concentrations of R5 anti-FiA (A) and R9 anti-FiB (B) were where c is the concentration of free F! and r is the concentration of
allowed to react with 125I-Fi in buffers containing either CaCI2 (O) or F! divided by the concentration of the respective antibody population.
EDTA (0) in a radioimmunoassay as detailed in Materials and (A) R5 anti-FlA was reacted with leSI-F! in the presence of CaCl2 (e)
Methods. The percentage bound F1 per total F] was expressed as a or EDTA (o). (B) R9 anti-FiB was reacted with lesI-F1 in the
function of the antibody concentrations. presence of CaCI 2 (O) or I~DTA (o).
In order to quantitate these Ca2+-dependent effects,
fixed concentrations of antibodies were incubated with 1.4
various concentrations of 125I-F1 in either EDTA- or
CaCl2-containing buffers. As shown in Fig. 3, the O
Scatchard plots were all nonlinear. R5 anti-FtA could
be described to display two classes of binding sites in m 1.0
the presence of C a 2+, one with an average association
constant (KA) of 1.4.10 9 M -1 and the other 1.4.108 0.8 , o

M-1. The high-affinity binding sites constituted - 38% 0.6

of the total available binding sites (Fig. 3A, Table IIA). 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0
In the absence of Ca 2 +, R5 anti-F~ A also displayed two Calcium c o n c e n t r a t i o n (mMI
classes of binding sites. The high-affinity sites had the 1.6 m
same K A as when Ca 2 + were present, but they accounted B
• I/'"®
for only - 2~ of the total available sites, with low-af-
finity binding predominated in this case (Fig. 3A, Table
IIA). R9 anti-FIB, on the other hand, bound 1251-FI with
the same high- and low-affinity constants in the pres-
1.2 /
ence or absence of Ca 2+, except that the number of 1"0' O~..x:k ~
high-affinity sites was bigger in the absence of Ca 2+
0.8 o
(Fig. 3B, Table IIA). #-o
0.6 ! m ~#..a
1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0
Binding studies of goat anti-F! A and anti-Fj B
When various concentrations of goat anti-F~A was Calcium concentration (raM)
diluted into buffers containing either 10 mM EDTA or Fig. 4. Calcium-dependent binding of goat anti-FiA and anti-FiB to
F ! and prothrombin. These experiments were carried out and calcula-
CaCI 2, it was found that the antibody population bound tion expressed as given in Fig. 2. (A) Goat anti-FiA (0) or anti-FIB
more 125I-F~ in the presence of Ca 2+ than in its absence. ( 0 ) was reacted with tasI-FI in buffers containing 0 to 5 mM CaCI 2.
The opposite was true for goat anti-FmB (data not (B) Goat anti-FIA (e) or anti-FiB ( 0 ) was reacted wi:h t251-pro-
shown). thrombin in buffers containing 0 to 5 mM CaCI 2-
The binding of goat anti-FiA to 125I-F1 was depen-
dent on Ca 2+ with a half-maximal point at 0.24 mM
Ca 2+. On the other hand, the binding of goat anti-F! B In order to determine whether prothrombin also ex-
tO 1251-F! decreased as Ca 2+ increased, while the half- hibited these Ca 2+-dependent effects, ~25l-prothrombin
maximal point was also higher than at 0.51 mM Ca 2+ was used as the radioactive ligand for binding goat
(Fig. 4). antibodies. Similar results to those using ~251-F! as the
radioactive ligand were obtained (Fig. 4B).
Scatchard analyses of the binding between the goat
TABLE Ii antibodies with F1 and prothrombin were then per-
Scott'hard analysis of the interaction of either 1251.FI or l"51-prothrom- formed. The results are presented in Table If. Again all
bin with different antibody populations Scatchard plots were nonlinear and two classes of bind-
ing sites could be used to describe each curve. F 1 bound
High K^ Approx. ,~ Low K A
(M - ! ) total sites ( M - n) goat anti-FiA with about 8-fold higher affinity in the
having presence of Ca 2+ (1.3.101° vs. 1.7.10 9 M - I ) than in
high K^ its absence. On the other hand F 1 bound goat anti-F~B
(A) Using 12Sl-Fi as the ligand for binding antibodies: with twice as many high-affinity sites in the absence of
R5 anti-FiA Ca 2+ 1.4,10 ~ 38 1.4. l0 s C a 2+ (31 vs. 15t~).
EDTA 1,3,10 9 2 1.4.10 s Prothrombin also bound goat anti-F~A with slightly
R9 anti-F, B Ca 2 + 3.5.10 9 33 1.6. l0 s
higher affinity in the presence of Ca 2+. In contrast,
EDTA 3.1.10 9 39 2.1.10 s
Goat anti-FtA Ca 2+ 1.3,101° 30 1,5.10 ~ prothrombin bound goat anti-F~B with 2.5-times higher
EDTA 1.7.10 9 30 1.6.10 8 affinity (4.7.10 9 vs. 1.8-10 9 M - l ) in the absence of
Goat anti-FzB Ca 2+ 2.0.10 9 15 1.5.107 Ca 2+.
EDTA 1.8.10 9 31 7.3-107

(B) Using 1251-prothrombin as the ligand for binding antibodies: Discussion

Goat anti-FiA Ca 2+ 3.8-10 9 30 6.0. l0 s
EDTA 2.5. l0 9 35 4.1. l0 s We have purified human prothrombin fragment 1 to
Goat anti-FiB Ca 2+ 1.8- l0 9 33 1.8. l0 s
apparent homogeneity and from it, the amin:~ terminal
EDTA 4.7-109 40 5.2.10 s
peptides FIA and F1B. They were identified by binding

properties to barium salt, SDS-PAGE, gel filtration and considerably higher Ca 2+ (0.45-0o61 raM). It is prob-
amino acid compositions. F1A and FiB were utilized as ably a weaker transition since it was completely masked
affiPAty ligands to isolate specific antibodies which by the first type of conformational change when un-
showed restricted specificities toward the respective fractionated R5 and R9 anti-F1 interacted with F 1 in the
ligands and were useful probes to study the conforma- presence of Ca a+ (Fig. 2). It is of interest to note that
tional changes induced by Ca 2+ in native 1::1 and pro- FIB consists of a short helical region and a compact,
thrombin. organized kringle structure [12,13], in which no
Two types of conformational change could be de- metal-dependent changes have been described before.
tected and both were Ca2+-dependent. In the first type, The significance of this conformational change is not
Ca 2+ was able to stabilize a conformation in F1 when F 1 known, but it could be involved in the factor Xa-depen-
reacted with R5 anti-FlA (Fig. 1A), or when 1"1 reacted dent cleavage of prothrombin or in the binding of the
with unfractionated R5 and R9 anti-F1 (Fig. 2), or when zymogen of the phospholipid surface.
Ft or prothrombin reacted with goat anti-prothrombin
or goat anti-FlA (Fig. 4). Presumably Ca 2+ bound to References
some common conformations in prothrombin, F~ and
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