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The common fox or lizard (Latin: Vulpes vulpes) is an animal belonging to the dog
family of predators.

• Distribution

The common fox is found all over Europe, North Africa, many parts of Asia and North
America. The common fox was acclimatized in Australia and has been widespread on the
same continent ever since.

• Appearance

The color is greasy, gray-yellow. The outside of the ear is black or dark brown, the tail is
long (up to 60 cm in length), the legs are short. The fur is dense and soft. The color changes
depending on the season (peels): the back and sides are mostly orange lizard, the tip of the
liver and tail are pale. Body 70-77 cm, weight 6.5-6.8 kg. It inhabits open forests, river and
lake shores, legends and mountain slopes. He sleeps in his nest during the day and looks for
food at night. It feeds mainly on small insects, mostly mice, and contains more than 300
insects and dozens of plant species. In January-February, 4-6 (sometimes 15) puppies are
born after 49-58 days of dormancy.

• Economic value and harm

The fur is highly valued, especially the skin of the black fox. It eats rodents and benefits
agriculture. Harms poultry, spreads the rabies virus.
I think Lion is one of the most beautiful animals. It is also very strong. We all know that
lion is called the King of the Beasts, that means it is the most important and respected
animal.It also looks like a king. It has a big mane, strong and muscular body and sharp
claws. Their colors may vary from yellowish to dark-brown, but there are white lions too.
Females are usually smaller and don’t have a mane. Lion is a predator. That means that his
main food is other animals, such as antelopas, zebras and buffalos. Lions mostly live in
African countries and in India. Earlier they lived in South European countries, in Iran, the
Middle East and even in the southern part of Russia. They live in savannas and in forests.A
group of lions is called a pride. They hunt in groups, chasing their prey together.I saw
animals only in the zoo, but I’d like to go to safari park and see this wonderful animal in its
natural environment.

• Hunting and feeding

Lions are powerful predators that hunt their prey in droves. The lion quickly runs a short
distance and thus attacks its prey from a short distance. There are many tricks to
approaching your victim. When the victims are surrounded, they come across the nearest
animal. The lions do their best to catch their prey by jumping. Captured animals often
suffocate and die. Small animals die instantly from the lion's paw.

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