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Lions and Tigers

Lions and tigers are similar in some ways. They are both wild animals and wild
game eaters and they can run fast to chase their prey. They too are big cats.
However, there are many differences between the animals. Lions live all over
Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and India. Whereas tigers live in many Asian
countries. From the social side of lions are social animals and like to live in
groups or commonly called herds. While the tiger is a solitary animal and lives
alone. In the face of hunting or foraging females do the hunting of male herds
defending their territory. Lions eat gazelles, zebras and buffalo.Tigers hunt
alone and hunt their prey before they eat. Tigers usually prefer wild boars,
deer, deer, and other livestock. There's a lot of things in common between
them, but they are told that a unique animal and an animal must be protected.

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