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In what environment do they Rain forest, grasslands and Savanna, dense scrub, and open
live savannas. woodland.

What do they eat Carnivores Carnivores

How do they hunt Lonely In herds

Hunting speed 90 kilometers per hour 80 kilometers per hour

Coat color Orange with brown-black Dark brown


Socializing Lonely and living alone Social and like to live in groups

Reproduction 2-4 puppies 1-2 puppies

Lions vs Tigers

Lions and tigers are wild animals that refers to animals that are not normally
domesticated and this means that it is not tame and it lives on its own without any help
from people, they have to survive by themselves in food and in their habitat. Tigers are
the largest felines while lions are the second largest felines. Lions and tigers are similar
and different at the same time in the habitat, diet, socializing and reproduction.
Lions and tigers share some similarities when it comes to food and habitat. Both are
totally carnivorous, they choose their prey and follow it to hunt it, which can be deer,
buffalo or gazelle. One of their similar habitats is the savannas, they can be found in
Africa only in different locations on the African continent. For these reasons, lions and
tigers are similar in diet and habitat.
Not only do lions and tigers have some similarities but also, they have some
Then, regarding reproduction and socializing, both lions and tigers have differences.
Lions are dark brown and more sociable as they always go in groups called prides while
tigers are orange with brown-black stripes and like to be alone. However, tigers can get
around 2 to 4 puppies while lions can get 1 to 2 puppies so for these reasons and more
is that they are totally different.
Lions and tigers are similar and different at the same time in the aspects of habitat, diet,
socializing and reproduction. Many people think that they are similar since they are
felines and belong to the panthera family but they are totally different in many aspects
but without a doubt you should be careful of these animals since they are wild. There is
a safari in Africa where you can find these animals as well as in zoos.

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