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Internet marketing is conceptually different from other marketing channels and

internet promotes a one to one communication between the seller and the end
user with round the clock customer service. Today, business internet marketing
is the fastest growing segment of online commerce.
The major difference between traditional and online selling is the extent of
interaction between the consumer and the seller. There is much more electronic
interactivity with the consumer in the form of emails and FAQs. Through
FAQs, the consumer’s questions on shipment, payment, product, policies and
other customer concerns can be addressed effectively. Ecommerce has become
the most popular way to shop in these days. Online shopping is generally safe.
Security measures have improved considerably since the early days of the
Internet, where a lack of encryption and security regulations made Internet
shopping risky.

The ritual of gathering in a bridal boutique—your loved ones sip Champagne

while you slip into gowns in a plush-carpeted dressing room—is undoubtedly a
joyous one, but some modern brides are foregoing the tradition and opting to
buy wedding dresses online. Weddings are fun and exciting, but they can
definitely be a handful, especially for the bride. The wedding pressure can make
everything seem a little more exaggerated than they actually are. And to top it
all, many brides end up having an argument with their mother during the
planning process. Arguments on the wedding dress can be one sure reason and
achieving a compromise can be tricky. Choosing a dress online is a stressful
task and just when you thought you had your hands on the perfect dress, your
mom thinks otherwise.

First of all. Why to buy a dress online?

Buying a wedding dress online is a cost-effective and underrated way to find

perfect wedding look. It’s increasingly common for brides around the world to
shop their dresses online. Online shopping in convenient, cheaper, and affords
you many more style options. In today’s digital age, online shopping just makes
sense. Going in stores to try dresses is often a very emotional experience with a
lot of outside pressures. The clerk is trying to make a sale, mom loves a dress
that you hate, and the dress you love best is out of your price range. Shopping
online for dresses is often cheaper than going in-store. If budget is an issue, you
have a wider variety of stores and dresses that are within your price point. The
worst feeling is going to a bridal store only to discover that there are only two
dresses that are within your budget and you don’t love either of them. While it
is possible to just pack up your things and make an appointment at a different
store, it’s much easier and less of a hassle to shop online.Shopping online
makes it possible to compare price points for similar dress styles. You’ll be able
to get the best bang for your buck. You can find wedding dresses online for as
affordable as $50 USD.

Second. Changing attitudes of mothers about the dress.

First of all don’t disagree with them at the beginning. Traditionally, mothers
accompany their daughters in their search for a wedding dress, and they're there
to share in the joy of finding the right fit. Mom is definitely one of the most
helpful people to have look at different styles with you, and chances are, she'll
be the one with the most honest feedback. Tell her everything you love about
your favorite dress. There are various reasons that could make your selection
a favorite wedding dress. It could be fit, it could be fabric or it could be
silhouette. Before stepping out of the dressing room, think about everything you
loved about the wedding dress.
Lastly, don’t make it an issue as it likely won’t even matter at the end. Once
your mom realizes how much you love the dress, she will probably come
around and develop an affinity for it. When your wedding day arrives, your
mom probably won’t be thinking about the fact that she wasn’t in love with
your gown instead, she will just be proud that she’s raised such a confident,
beautiful woman who knows exactly what she wants!

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