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Worksheet 6B: Private investigators

A. Use the information below to ask Student B questions about the suspicious woman.
Mark the answers you hear.

Suspicious woman Yes, No, Yes, No,

she did. she didn’t. she did. she didn’t.
go into a clothing store?   go back inside?  
make a phone call?   get on a bus?  
speak to anyone?   finally come back out?  
leave the store?  
B. Read the information about the suspicious man. Then, answer Student B’s questions.

Suspicious man:
I watched the suspect for an hour or so. He finally went into
a jewelry store and spoke with a young woman. She gave him a
small package and he gave her some money. He came out of the
store and walked to a bus stop. He got on a bus, and I did, too.
After about 45 minutes, he got off the bus. I got off the bus, too.
He looked in my direction, but didn’t see me. I decided to stop
following him at that point.


A. Read the information about the suspicious woman. Then, answer Student A’s questions.

Suspicious woman:
I watched the young woman for a long time. She stayed in the
jewelry store for about 15 minutes, and then she made a phone
call. She spoke for about one minute. Then, she talked to someone
in the store. I thought he was the manager. Then, she left the
store, but it looked like she forgot something. She went back
inside and didn’t come back out.

B. Use the information below to ask Student A questions about the suspicious man.
Mark the answers you hear.

Suspicious man Yes, No, Yes, No,

he did. he didn’t. he did. he didn’t.
go into a bank?   make a phone call?  
speak to a young man?   get into a taxi?  
give something to anyone?   see you?  
leave the store?  
Communication Worksheet Unit 6 Lesson B

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