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@ mH My best Friend Gresex nainqgoian Medan 1 wovember 2021 Di rota batam @ from. serteting turba Hi, Now are your Healty and hapPy taht? 1 wan tO meet You new. You must be getting Preteter huh, of maybe Fatter? Since we Seperated q 1ot OF things have Happened here. and mony stores \ Want +0 Share With You: You now we've middie Sschoot and You colored my daus when we were Sti Tn School, You OFtEn cheered my uP when | had Problems and wos Sad. and we also often Play Jokes. Thank You For being sme best Frrend For me and best Friend For me, and You must remain a Frrend that t tnow. and Thant You For being my Motivation and encouragement. You ate stu my best Friend. You are special Gress, that’s an, Nuh 7 Don% Forget +O TePiy. Iw waiting For Your mews, See You in the upcoming holydauc MY best FErtend G©rescy Natnagoian

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