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Dear Ninang Eva,

Good day Ninang! How are you? I hope you and your family is doing fine. It’s
been a long time since I send a letter to you. What makes you busy today? I know
you’re busy but let me use this time to share my moments this past month.

When Covid-19 infected our country our government has a lot of protocol to
prevent the virus. We are in a lockdown for almost 6 months from now, and it’s not
easy to get outside to buy some necessities and important things that we need for
every day. At first it’s indeed hassle to buy some stuff because the malls and
groceries are close, Only 21 years old above can go outside, since I’m just only 20
years old, my older sister and my mother is the only person in the house can go
outside to buy some foods and things that we really need. We have also a
quarantine pass to secure the people. We need to use facemask and face shield to
go outside and our barangay are strictly have this protocol, we are also practicing
social distancing and it is important that we have some distance to one another to
be safe and take care to ourselves. The Unbound also gave us some relief goods, it
is a big help for every family since we’re in a lockdown and still in home quarantine.
we are indeed thankful that you Ninang and the Unbound are still taking care of us
even up to this crisis. Thankfully our municipality has no active case and our
government is maintaining this case. Me and my Family are all safe here in our
house, we are obeying the government protocol to be safe and to take care the
health of one another. What about you Ninang, What keeps you busy todays
pandemic? Are you with your family? What is the condition of your country today?
I’m hoping that you and you’re family is always safe.

I am also a 3rd year college student and today’s new mode of learning is not
easy, we need to use gadgets and internet connection to attend classes because
this academic year is an online class. This is my first time to attend Online class
and this is a challenge for me on how I can manage my time for school. Due to
pandemic all the schools here in our country are close and we are not allowed to
have a face to face interaction for learning for the safety of one another. Thankfully
Unbound is giving support for our education to lessen our parent’s burden. How
about you Ninang, Did you experience online class before? Are you in a Work from
home right now? I’m always hoping for your safety there.

Hoping that this pandemic will end for the safety of everyone, May God shower
you Ninang a lot of blessings and safety because you deserves it. I’m always
thankful and grateful to you and your family. I’m studying hard for my family and this
would not be possible without you and Unbounds support. Thank you for your
Constant kindness and Love . May God Bless us All

Sincerely yours,
Phil Alex

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