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Sacred Heart Convent School

Final term Paper 2020

Name:_______________________ Class III:_____ Roll No:______
Paper computer Date:___________ Total Marks: 25
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Practical Total.M

6 3 1.5 1.5 8 5 25

Q.1: Fill in the blanks: /6

1: The _____________ option shows a larger view of the image.
2: The undo command is used to _______________ the last action performed.
3: The ___________ button stops the execution.
4: The k turtle window has ______________ main window.
5: The _____________ command clears the canvas.
6: The _____________ command turns the turtle's head to the left.
Q.2: True / False and correct the false statement. /3
1: You cannot change the size of a drawing_________.
2: The flip option is used to rotate a drawing____________.
3: The turtle sits in the editor pane____________.
4: You can change the shape of the turtle____________.
5: There is no short form of the reset command ___________.
6: The short form of the clear command is cl____________.
Q.3: Choose the correct options: /1.5
1. The command moves the turtle forward by 80 steps.
i. Fw80 ii. bw-80 iii. Tr 80 iv. Both I and iii
2. This command turns the turtle by 90 degree to the left.
i. Tr 90 ii. Tl 90 iii. Dir 90 iv. Fw 90
3. The command that takes no input
i . Dir ii. Clear iii. Reset iv. Both ii and iii
Q.4: Who am I? /1.5
1: I am used to store a group of files. __________
2: I am the button present at the left corner of the taskbar.____________
3: I am a piece of information stored in the computer. ______________
Q.5: Answer these questions: /8

Q1: What do you use the paint software for ? /1.5

Q2: What are the functions of the cut and paste tools? /1.5

Q3: What is Undo and Redo commands? 1.5
Q4: In how many different types of speeds can you run the command? 1.5
Q5: How many degrees does a circular path consist of ? /1
Q6: What is canvas? /1

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