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For your assignment, please interpret these categorical imperatives in your own words.

1. "Act according to that maxim in which you can at the same time will that it
should become a universal law."

This imperative encourages us, people to act with accordance to what we

think in general is right, wrong, or permissible, because everything begins in
ourselves. What you do that most people think is good and believe may influence
other people to act on it as well, since we are living in a world that trend is already
part of someone’s essentials. Our goal here is to be the best example so that the
others will also do the same. Consistency in our action with observance of that
maxim could help us, or the people rather to live life morally and guided with
2. "Treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other,
never simply as a means but as an end."
In my layman's view, this simply explain about a method of getting to
something like how you treat someone as a means or as an end as what stated in
the statement. Treating someone as a means simply indicates treating them like an
instrument, a thing to use to get to something else or in other words taking
advantage to someone in order to achieve something. While the word "end" is a
purpose that guides our actions, making decisions, a goal that is desirable in and of
itself and not simply a starting point to some other goal. Well, to treat someone as an
end and never only as a means requires that another person's interest, wants, needs
are taken into consideration when dealing with other people. It simply means that the
person's comfort is something desirable in itself. It requires not just using the person
for ones’ own purposes. Indeed, this imperative wants us to comprehend the
importance of treating humanity without undesirable goal but only for truth and love.
3. "Act so that the will through its maxims could regard itself and at the same
time as universally lawgiving."

When we act, we should consider general truth or the rule about

behavior, so that we will be guided in living our life. This statement talks about
human’s duty to act what we believe is the rightful thing. We must act, as part of our
duty for the same reason that we want everyone else to act in alike manner and in
the same circumstances towards other concerning principles. Because the moment
you take the first step on applying such maxims or the thing you believe is
permissible and true, it will reflect on someone’s life and will appear as chain
reaction. And soon will become universally lawgiving.

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