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ECHO – 2

Norwegian Wood

by Haruki Murakami


1. Analyze the novel according to its theme.

Sex and Love. Norwegian Wood is a coming-of-age novel, and as Toru Watanabe
grows older and grows up, his experiences with love and sex inform the kind of man he
will be

2. Discuss the emotions used in the novel.

Memory, Nostalgia, and Regret.

Sex and Love.

Death, Suicide, Grief, and Existentialism.

Truth, Lies, and Communication.


3. Relate the Significant Human Experience of the novel to current issues.

n living, mental health is indispensable for human existence, in order individual to avoid
any The sense of loneliness tends to be experienced by individuals who have That's as
depicted in the novel Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. On most important
constant factor is the stress on social interactions and social.


How do you identify yourself with the novel?

a modern literary depiction of depression, suicide and the sense of grief born from loss.
Although the novel deals with heavy themes, it leaves us with a positive message: even
though we may be lost, we can continue to live as long as we try.


In ten lines, write a reflection related to values of the novel recently analyzed.
Norwegian Wood is deservedly praised for its profound depiction of love and coming of
age, but this praise might be misdirected. Though most readers would agree the central
conflict of the story lies in the twisted and falling love between the characters, the
author, Murakami, in an interview reminded the readers that love and coming-of-age are
only two superficial and incomplete dimensions of his work. It’s out of commercial
reasons that the publishing houses advertised those two popular themes. Love and
coming-of-age provide the stages to the inexpressible, existential pain felt by our
characters, while death constitutes their recessionals.

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