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2020 International Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Applications (PEREA) | 978-1-7281-8396-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/PEREA51218.2020.9339769

Heera Narayanan Dr. HelenMary M C Anjana G
Dept.of Electronics and Dept.of Electronics and Dept.of Electronics and
Communication Engineering Communication Engineering Communication Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology
Kottayam,Kerala, India Kottayam,Kerala, India Kottayam,Kerala, India

Abstract—Concurrent error detection (CED) means detecting detection includes detecting a fault before consecutive error
errors parallel with normal operation of the circuit. Proposed occurs. Otherwise it affects the reliability of the system. As
adder comprises of a carry select adder which can perform reliability is a major factor, this condition is to be satisfied.
error detection and testability. Error can be detected by pure
comparison. Comparing includes parity of the sum and predicted So the proposed adder should have the property of concurrent
one and also carry outputs. Parity of the sum is generated by error detection along with simple testability ,in that case,
using XOR operation. Input patterns are produced for testing. fault in it can be easily found at maintenance or at any
Test patterns for different blocks have been designed. For future stage[4],[8],[10],[11]. These limitations motivated the research
intelligent autonomous systems, this system is very important for a system with concurrent error detection and simple
for finding accidents. Coding is done in Verilog HDL, simulated
using ISIM Simulator and implemented using Xilinx ISE 14.7. testability. Main aim of this work is to establish such a system.
Index Terms—Concurrent error detectability,parity, testability, Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) is a fast electronic circuit
test patterns which can carry out both arithmetic and logic operations.
ALU has direct input output access to input output devices,
I. I NTRODUCTION memory and processor controller [5].ALU can be implemented
Nowadays, in the upcoming era of integrated circuits, using our proposed system. ALU is a very crucial element for
system reliability is a major problem. Concurrent error performing operations in all systems. The rest of the paper
detection is very crucial in reliable systems. A lot of is organized as follows. Related works are given in section
arithmetic operations are used in VLSI, out of which addition II. Proposed system with its error detection and testability are
is the most important operation [1].Reliability is a major explained in section III. Experimental results are presented in
factor of concern. A lot of concurrent error detectable adders section IV. Concluding remarks are given in section V.
were proposed earlier [3], [6], [7] and [9].Parity prediction
is used for detecting errors. In this method, errors can be
detected by comparison. Here, predicted parity and parity of A. A C-testable multi-block carry select adder[4]
the result i.e. the XORed value of the sum bits are compared. A C-Testable multiple-block carry select adder is proposed.
It uses cell fault model where adders and multiplexers are
Proposed system is an adder with concurrent error detection. taken as cells. In order to obtain C-testability, some inputs are
Lot of easy testable adders were proposed, but the peculiarity added. Modifications are done on LSB. This circuit uses 16
lies in the concurrent error detection property.Testability is patterns for testing. If n combinations are present, 2n patterns
considered as most powerful property in those adders. It is are formed, neglecting the redundancy.
useful for testing parallel with operation. The proposed system
mainly consists of a multi-block carry select adder(CSA).This B. On line detection of faults in carry select adders[7]
system assumes two carry inputs to each block, either 0 or Delay is an important factor for all digital circuits. Most
1.Final sum output is calculated by selecting one carry by important arithmetic operation is addition. A carry select
using a multiplexer[13].This is the case of parity prediction. adder with self-checking property is implemented. Transistors
Predicted parity and parity of sum outputs are compared for determine the overhead of the adders. Various error detection
detecting faults. It also compares its duplicated carry outputs. schemes have been discussed in this session, like coding
schemes. Any deviation from the expected format is consid-
In the previously proposed systems, single error faults ered erroneous. If any change occurs, it is the indication of
can be detected but not multiple outputs. Concurrent error error. Performance comparison of various schemes are also

978-1-7281-8396-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

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explained in this session. This method is applicable for single two carry outputs. Parity of carry signals are also produced. It
faults only. Checking can be done using a compact header. has 2 operands Xk and Yk and sum result Sk . Gate level design
of INC and MUX are shown in the Fig.3.Concurrent error
C. Carry checking/Parity prediction adders and ALUs[9] detectability is obtained by special design of half adder and
Self-checking system generation is highly challenging incrementer. It consist of 2 carry outputs, where one is used
nowadays. Arithmetic codes, which is a type of self-checking for addition purpose and the other is used for parity prediction.
code, is used in arithmetic circuits for checking arithmetic In each block, XOR gates are used .The functionality of XOR
operations. Low hardware overhead is a matter of concern.
Checkers are used for finding this factor. It does not require
any translators for codes and used with memories as well.
It is valid for any schemes, any adders and so on. It also
utilizes comparison and two rail checking. But it results in high
hardware cost, so some techniques are introduced to reduce the
cost. It includes avoiding the duplication of complex blocks,
partial carry duplication etc.


A. Concurrent error detectable adder with easy testability
A carry select adder with concurrency property is proposed
and is given in Fig 1.The inputs are X : [xn−1 ......x0 ] and
Y: [yn−1 .....y0 ]. Sum S: [sn−1 .....s0 ] and carry cn and cn0
are the outputs. It consists of b blocks in which lowest one Fig. 2. Design of blockk .
is block0 .Bit width of each block can be nk and it can be
different from one another. Block k has input carry cink and
output carry coutk . Block0 is a ripple carry adder (RCA), it
comprises of a row of full adders, which are designed by half
adder [HA] and incrementer [INC].
An Incrementer has 3 input pins and 2 output pins. Input
consist of a two bit binary number and carry bit whereas output
consists of 2 bit sum output. All the other blocks comprises
of row of half adders, two sets of incrementers, i.e.IN C0 and
IN C1 and a row of 2:1 multiplexers [MUX]. All the other
block except block0 ,two sets of the sum result will be present,
in which one assumes carry result as 0 and other assumes
carry as 1 and the proper one is selected by the multiplexer.
It consist of input operands X and Y, their parities px and
py , where parities are produced by XORing X and XORing Y
respectively. Sum is the output of the adder circuit, PS is the
predicted parity of sum and cn and cn0 is the carry outputs.
Error caused by faults can be detected by comparison of the
predicted parity PS and sum result S. It also compares cn and
cn0 . It can also check whether there is an inconsistency in the
Fig. 3. Gate level design of HA,INC and MUX.

gates is to unmask the faults, which leads to easy testability.

In each addition block, XOR is used everywhere, but not for
MSB and LSB bits. Two parity outputs PCk0 and PCk1 are
calculated as intermediate candidates in the two rows of INCs.
The PCk is obtained by MUX in left end which selects one of
the calculated parities by using carry input as the select line.
Parity of the carry bits are generated by XOR gates. With the
Fig. 1. Concurrent error detectable adder with easy testability. obtained PCk , parity of sum PS is obtained.
There are 2 carry signals and one sum output for an INC,
Addition block blockk [k > 1] is given in the Fig.2.Each Sum output and carry signals are not affected by single stuck-
addition block produces parity Pck , it has two carry inputs and at fault simultaneously. But it can appear on either of it. So

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there are three possibilities. In first case, carry signals of the possible combinations are provided, out of which two patterns
INC is affected. As there are two carry signals, one is used for are enough for testing, like 110 and 111.Repeating patterns are
addition and the other is used for parity prediction. As carry neglected. So three patterns for HA and INC, two patterns for
signal for addition is affected, the carry signal ck,j creates MUX. If any fault occurs, it will be visible on output through
an error in the sum signal sk,j . If the erroneous value is not MUX.
propagated ,it is detected as the carry is not used for parity
prediction. If it is propagated, then error is also propagated. TABLE I
Error in q carry signals produce q+1 erroneous sum results. I NPUT TEST PATTERNS FOR blockk (k > 1)
In second case, sum signal is affected. If the sum signal is Pattern xk,j , yk,j Cink
erroneous, then the sum bit will be changed. So the parity of j≥1 j=0
the sum bit is also changed. While comparing predicted parity t0 01 11 0
with parity of sum, fault can be found. Predicted parity will t1 11 11 0
t2 10 10 0
be non-erroneous because carry signals are not affected. Third
t3 00 11 0
case is a combination of previous two cases. Both sum signal t4 01 01 1
and carry are affected. Sum bits and carry bits are consistent. t5 11 11 1
In top position of INC, carry is affected but sum is correct t6 10 00 1
t7 00 01 1
and vice-versa for the bottom positions of the INC.
Evaluation of the proposed system is done. Proposed adder
with error detection unit is given in the Fig.4. Proposed
adder in the system generates sum output and parity. A parity C. ALU using proposed adder
generator is present, which consist of XOR gates, it is used for
generating parity of the sum. A two rail checker compares the ALU has an important role in executing arithmetic and
parity of sum and predicted parity along with carry outputs. logic operations. When large numbers of bits are present,
Inputs provided to the checker are complementary inputs ,then cascading of adders are required. These can lead to carry
the output should also be complementary. If the output is propagation delay which can be reduced by carry select adder
erroneous, then it won’t be complementing to each other. configuration. Block diagram of ALU is given in Fig 5.
Hence error is detected. ALU can perform several arithmetic and logic operations. In

Fig. 4. Error detection unit.

Fig. 5. ALU block.

B. Easy testability order to perform all these operations, three lines are provided
Testability is done with input test patterns. For each bit posi- P[2],P[1],P[0].Our proposed adder is rebuild with ALU block.
tion, bit values for j ≥ 1 .INC and HAs are designed carefully. AND operation is done between P[2] and carry output from
All possible combinations of the patterns are provided, out of each stage. Output of the AND gate acts as select line for
which recurring patterns are discarded. Only three patterns are multiplexer[2]. ALU with proposed adder is given in Fig. 6.
enough for testing, like (x,y,cin) = 100,011 and 111 through Output from ALU block is fed as input to our proposed adder.
MUX. Test patterns for blockk are given in TABLE I. Same Some of the operations performed are increment, add with
test pattern generation can be used for a MUX as well. All carry, OR etc

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Fig. 6. ALU using proposed adder.
Fig. 8. ALU Output waveform 1.


The architecture coded in Verilog, simulations are per-

formed using ISIM Simulator, implemented using Xilinx ISE
Design Suite 14.7. Initial block block0 is a ripple carry adder.
Carries from the previous stage will be the carry inputs of the
next stage. XOR gates are placed for parity prediction. Second
block constitute carry select adder. All the blocks following
this block will be similar.
Error detectability is tested by using parity generator and dual
rail checker. Inputs to the checker are complementary. Error is
detected if the output is not complementary. Output waveform
is given in Fig. 7.
Fig. 9. ALU Output waveform 2.


Output waveform 1
1-2s x2 [31:0]
2-3s x2 [31:0]+1
3-4s x2 [31 : 0] + y2 [31 : 0]
4-5s x2 [31 : 0] + y2 [31 : 0] + 1
5-6s x2 [31 : 0] − y2 [31 : 0] − 1
Output waveform 2
1-2s x2 [31 : 0] − y2 [31 : 0]
2-3s x2 [31 : 0] − 1
3-4s x2 [31 : 0]
4-5s x2 [31 : 0]or y2 [31 : 0]

Fig. 7. Output waveform of adder circuit. TABLE III

The design of 32 bit ALU using proposed adder is coded Parity prediction RESO Berger codes
using Verilog, simulated in ISIM simulator and implemented Area(mm2) 2292 2826 3552
in Xilinx ISE 14.7.The simulated waveforms are given in Timing(ps) 3780 7387 4178
Power consumption(mw) 0.0031 0.0032 0.0056
Fig.8.and Fig.9.The table showing functions carried out by
ALU in particular time interval is given in TABLE II.
Comparison of various Concurrent error detection
schemes(CED) A carry select adder with error detectability is simulated in
Some of the concurrent error detection schemes include parity Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.7. It consists of carry select adder
prediction, Berger codes, RESO, RERO etc. Parity prediction with parities. Sum parities are produced and compare the car-
utilizes minimum hardware overhead as compared to other ries of output. Faulty output can be found by comparing carries
schemes. Area, timing and power penalties of error detection and parities. Test patterns are formed to check testability. All
techniques are compared and given in TABLE III. these are done in parallel with operation of the system. Lot

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of other CED techniques are available, out of which parity
prediction is most effective. Its area overhead is very low. It
is very easy to detect error in this circuit as it involves simple
comparison. It involves duplication, so it is highly reliable.
The proposed adder is used for the construction of ALU.A
32 bit ALU is implemented using proposed adder. Different
arithmetic and logic operations can be performed.
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