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CRJU 1100: Introduction to Criminal Justice

CCA Project part 2: Citizens' Report – The Court System


Members (First and

Last Name):


[Write an introduction to the paper. Use the work and the feedback from your first report

to improve your description of the criminal justice issue you have chosen as a team. Explain who

is affected by the criminal justice issue (e.g. demographics, geographical location) and the

impacts on individuals’ and communities’ civil liberties and civil rights. Briefly describe what

you will be sharing in this report (2 to 3 paragraphs).]

Make sure your work is original. Avoid plagiarism by not copying and pasting others

work, by citing your sources in text and by adding them as references in this report using APA

style. The report should be approximately 5 pages. Paragraphs should be 3 to 5 sentences.]

Contemporary Issues in the United States Court System

[Describe what court system issue(s) are interconnected and have an impact on the

criminal justice issue. Explain which court system issue you feel is most important and why you

feel that way (4 to 5 paragraphs).]

Impacts on Individuals and Communities

[Explain how the court system issue impacts individuals’ and communities’ civil liberties

and civil rights (2 to 3 paragraphs).]

Influences of Technology

[Identify the influences of technology that can increase efficiencies in court processes

regarding the issue. Be sure to discuss both pros and cons of technology and to indicate how

these balance against each other (2 to 3 paragraphs).]

Contemporary Evidence-Based Strategy for the Court System

[State a contemporary evidence-based policing strategy that can address the court system

issue. Explain how the strategy will help individuals and communities and how the strategy will

help address the overall criminal justice issue from the report introduction. (4 to 5 paragraphs).]

Call to Action

[Wrap up your report and give your audience a reason to take action and support the

proposed strategy (2 to 3 paragraphs).]



Field, J. (2003). Social capital. Retrieved from EBSCO eBook and Audiobook Collection


Freeman, R.E. & Auster, E.R. (2011). Values, authenticity, and responsible leadership. Journal

of Business Ethics, 98, 15-23. doi: 10.1007/s10551-011-1022-7

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