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~ vhich typl' of conn.!pl t>f species · 10.

Plant nomenc lature mei:lns

t I •
\ St,llk <.'t,nccpt (2) Bi'-)lc~iicr\l concept ( l ) To give names to plants without dny rule..,

{) l\•p<'k,1 1L\1I C\mn•pt (tl ) Ce neti c concept (2) No mc•nclu tur(' or plants under the intnnat 1on,,l
\ itdin,11:-~skin of clclssific ation clu ssifies plants on
(:3) No me nclature of plants in local languuge
th\.· l"lt.\Sl:- of :
(4) No menclat ure of plants in english lan~~uag e
\ I) ()n(' l)r two charact e rs 11. Tuxo no my re fe rs to :-
i t) Phyloge neti c tre nds (1) Plant classific a tion (2) Plant nomenc lature
1:{) M,my nc:iturally existing charact ers (3) Plant uffinity (4) /\II the above
(4) None o f the above 12. Which of the following is a correct name :-
( 1) So/anum tuberosu m
The term new systema tics was introduc ed by :-
3. (2) Solanum Tuberosum
(1) Linnaeu s (2) Bentham
(3) Solanum tuberosu m I .inn .
(3) I lutchins on (4) Huxley (4) All the above
4. Group of o rganism s that closely resembl e each other 13. Systema tics deals with :-
and free Iy inter b ree d in nature, constitu te a: - (1) Cl ,ssific ,l1'0n
0 0
(2) Nomencl'-'lure
u u u

(3) Plant descript i on (4) Identific atio n

( 1) Species (2) Cenus
14. Scienlifi c name o f Mango plant is Mangifera indica
(3)1 .-amily (4) Taxon
I.inn . in the above name I.inn . refers to: ·
5. JCHN was first publishe d in :- (1) Variet y o f Mango
(.I) 1961 (2) 1964 (2) /\ taxonom ist who propose d the presenl

(3) J975 (4) 1753 nomenc lature in honour of linnaeus

6. The term tax on refers to :- (3) A scientist who for lhe first time described Mango
(l) Name of a species plant
(2) Name of genus (4) /\ scienlisl who changed the name p roposed by
Linnaeu s and propose d present name
(3) Name of family
(4) A taxonom ic group of any rank 15. Phyloge ny refers to :-
(]) Natural classific ation
7. The scientif ic naming of plants begain with
(2) I :volution ary classification
publicat ion of I.innaeu s book :·
(3) Lvoluli onary histo ry
(1) Cenera plantaru m
(4) Origin of algae
(2) Systema naturae
16 . Hiologic al concept of species is given by.:-
(3) Species plantaru m
(1) Aristo tle (2) Hentham
(4) Charaka sanhita
(3) Koch (4) Mayr
Which book most impres sed the opinion of In taxonom y the first step is :-
taxonom ists :- (]) Ide ntification (2) Nomenclalun~
(I) Enquiry into plants (2) Origin of life (3) Classifica1ion (4) Affinities
A large number of unknow n species of plants at1ci
(] ) Cenera plantaru m (4) Origin of species 18.
►. animals are believed to be present in :-
The basic smallest unit o f classifications is:-
( 1) Ternper ale forests (2) Antarctica
(]) Genus (2) Species
'>) . . . (4) Tropieal for~st
(3) Order (4) All of the·abo ve (,) 1c11ga
27. Which statement rs -r .:'2
19. Who wrot e systemo naturae :-
(]) Tautonyms ere r,f / ,a tl r,f..>,'0{, r f}i-d ~'
( l ) 1.innaeus (2) Mayr
(2) ,,.
1 au1onyms a re nr)1 .,.,
., l,-• l ""'c.
" ~;...
· ' ,"", -~.,,~ r ... d
(3} John Ray (4) De Candolle

20. For higher plants. Oowe rs are chiefly used as a basis {3 ) Tautonyms nor mail~/ a.vAAed :-, ,_ ,. , .~, , ,,
of d :1ssi fic c1I ion,
because :- time allowed in pla nts
{ l ) These show a great va riety in colour (4 ) Tautonyrns allowed on:y m '.Jae' 2:- a
(2) lt can be preserved e a isly 28. Trinornia l nome ncla tu re o f c,ass1·•ca·· ,.,
(3 ) Reproductive parts are mo re conservative than
proposed by :-
vegetative parts
(4) No ne of the se (1) Linneaus
21. Who wrote species plantarum :- (2) I Iux ley and S trick.Jandl
( 1) Linnaeus (2) Mayr (3) John-Ray
(3) Hentham (4 ) Aristotle (4 ) Theo phrasws
22. The binomial syste m o f no menclature was initially 29. Most of the boranical names are drdu.n f. . ,,. ., · -
p roposed by :- following language :-
( l) Magnus (2) Bauhin ;2 Creek
(1) Cerman
(3) Ca esalpinno (4) Discorides
(3) Latin 4 1Spanisr
23. Who is rega rded as "Da rwin of 20th century"
( 1) J o hn Ray (2) Lamarck 30. Evolutionary dassif ication 1s callee --
(3 ) Ernst Mayr (4) Darwin (1) Artificial system

24. /\ division is formed by combining several :- (2) Natural syst em

(1) Orders (2) Families (3) Phylogenetic sy,srerr:
(3 ) Classes (4) Tribes (4) No ne of the above
25. ' For declaration of new species of higher plants what 31. Which of the ioHou'ing sicHer.:enr 5 r egurc- 4

characters are used :- nomenclature is co n-ec1 ·-

(1) Floral character of new species
(1) Generic name a h-t-ay-s besi.:7s 1.,1m cap1tc1l kt• -
(2) Anatomical characters of new species
whereas specific r:ar.1e u ith : :.m.:.1l' le t:t_ ~
(3) Physiological character of new species
(2) S cientific name should r,e pnnted in l! c ;:c ~
(4) Character of endosperm
(3) S cientif ic name w h-=:::1 l~'.red {': h.:u,dv..r·•·
26. The standared size of herbarium sheets is :-
shod --' be underlined
(1) 11 .5 " X 16.5" (2) 15.5" X 16. 5 "
(4) /\II th{> abm·e
(3) 18.5 " X 10.5" (4) 20 .5" X 2 1. 5"

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