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When Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote his detective

stories, he never thought that Sherlock Holmes and Dr
Watson would become so famous. But Holmes and the
doctor live on, in story after story — long after their
deaths. For when Dr Watson died, he left behind him a
locked box, with orders that it must not be opened for
fifty years. The box contained a report, written in the
doctor's own handwriting. But why did he want it kept
secret for so many years?

T o find out, we must go back to the narrow dirty streets

of Whitechapel i n the London of 1888. Three women
have been horribly murdered by Jack the Ripper.
Scotland Yard is helpless - unable to stop the murders
or catch the killer. So the pólice turn for help to the
great detective, Sherlock Holmes . . .

'It is an extraordinary case, Watson,' says Holmes, his

eyes bright w i t h excitement. 'This is the criminal that I
have waited for. To destroy him w i l l be the greatest
success of my life!'

Crime & Mystery

The Last Sherlock Holmes Story

Stage 3 (1000 headwords)

Series E d i t o r : Jennifer Bassett

Founder E d i t o r : T r i c i a Hedge
Activities E d i t o r s : Jennifer Bassett a n d A l i s o n Baxter

The Last
Sherlock Holmes

Retold by
Rosalie Kerr


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The first murders
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Original edition © Michael D i b d i n 1978 Professor Moriarty

First published by Jonathan Cape Ltd 1978
This simplified edition © Oxford University Press 2008 Jack the Ripper kills again
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First published i n Oxford Bookworms 1995 Moriarty is dead
6 8 10 9 7 5
Death at the Reichenbach Falls
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ISBN 978 O 19 479121 2 ABOUT THE AUTHOR

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Mniiy people enjoy Sir A r t h u r Conan Doyle's stories about

Km l . i m o u s d e t e c t i v e , S h e r l o c k H o l m e s , a n d h i s f r i e n d ,
i 'i W . i t s o n . B u t w h o n o w r e m e m b e r s t h a t H o l m e s a n d
Wni-.on w e r e r e a l p e o p l e ? E v e r y o n e h a s f o r g o t t e n t h a t t h e y
H V I H I b e f o r e C o n a n D o y l e g a v e t h e m life i n h i s b o o k s .
Di W a t s o n d i e d i n 1 9 2 6 . H e w a s s e v e n t y - t h r e e . H e left
Imbuid h i m a l o c k e d b o x , a n d o r d e r s t h a t it m u s t n o t b e
oponed f o r f i f t y years.
I o r f i f t y y e a r s t h e b o x l a y h i d d e n in a d a r k r o o m b e l o w a
lituik, Y e a r s c a r n e a n d w e n t , a n d t h e w o r l d c h a n g e d i n a
lliniisand ways.
In 1 9 7 6 t h e b o x w a s o p e n e d . It c o n t a i n e d a p a c k e t o f
p n p e r s . T h e y t e l l a t e r r i b l e s t o r y . S o m e p e o p l e s a y it c a n n o t
bu i r u e . T h e y s a y W a t s o n w a s l y i n g , o r t h a t h e w a s s i c k
w h o n h e w r o t e it. A f t e r s o m a n y y e a r s w e c a n n o t b e s u r e .
Wc! h a v e c h e c k e d a l l t h e f a c t s t h a t w e c a n . A l l w e k n o w is
l l i . i t t h e s t o r y c o u l d b e t r u e . It is p o s s i b l e . W e t h i n k it is
p r o b a b l e . N o w y o u m u s t r e a d it a n d d e c i d e f o r y o u r s e l f .


The Last Sherlock Holmes Story


i 1 . . I I 111 y friend Arthur Conan Doyle would tell this story!

ii i sciling and interesting he would make it. I cannot do
lililí I un no writer. I have been a doctor and a soldier. A l l I can
p l In níakc my report.
I'HI wlio w i l l read my words? What w i l l the w o r l d be like i n
| ' fu' l ' i i liapsbythen nobody w i l l k n o w the ñ a m e s of Sherlock
llnliiics and Jack the Ripper. Perhaps all Conan Doyle's
• ii ii lerfiil stories w i l l be forgotten. There is so much to explain.
i musí ask my reader to be patient!

1111.1 kiH>wn and worked w i t h Sherlock Holmes for almost four

(• IIS when I first met Arthur Conan Doyle - A C D I always
illi il him. Like me, he was a doctor, and we quickly became
l'i M MI Iriends. He told me amusing stories of hospital life, and I
loltl him about my life as an army doctor i n Afghanistan.
I often talked to h i m about Sherlock Holmes. A t that time
un isl people had never heard of him. Only the pólice and some
• i iininals knew what a great detective he was. A C D seemed to
ciijoy my stories very much. He was never too tired to hear
ibout another of Holmes's cases.
We met many times and enjoyed many good dinners
[Ogether before I realized that A C D had a special interest i n
11 olmes. He wanted to be a writer, and had already enjoyed
,i little success. N o w he wanted to write about Holmes, using
t lie faets of a real case, but adding his o w n ideas to the story.
I found this an excellent idea. I was happy to think that my

The Last Sherlock Holmes Story lntroduction

dear friend would become famous.

I explained the plan to Holmes. He listened in silence, his pipe
in his hand. Then he said, 'Can he write, this friend of yours?
Can he tell a true story? Does he understand the difference
between facts and lies?'
' I think so,' I said. 'He has just begun to write, but already he
is becoming fashionable.'
'Fashionable!' Holmes said coldly. ' H o w can it interest me
that he is fashionable? Can a fashionable writer ha ve a serious
interest in the facts of one of my cases?'
I could not reply. Holmes sat silently, looking into the fire. A t
last he said, 'Well, he may try. Let him do what he can. Y o u may
send him your notes on the Hope case, Watson.'
I wrote to A C D the next day, and he began work on the story.
He called it A Study in Scarlet. When it appeared in the shops, I
hurried out to buy it, and then sat for hours in a park reading it.
The story was excellent—fast-moving, exciting and clever. I ran
back to Baker Street. I could not wait to give the book to
He looked up quickly as I entered the room.
'You're late, Watson,' he said. 'Were you ashamed to come
here with that book in your hand?'
'Ashamed, Holmes?' I cried. ' N o ! A C D has done well. I see
you have read it. W h y don't you like it?'
I was soon sorry that I had spoken.
'Like it? It is rubbish, w i l d and fantastic rubbish. He has been
careless with the facts, added all kinds of unnecessary lies, and
made the most stupid mistakes.'

The Last Sherlock Holmes Story

'But Holmes
' I wonder what kind of doctor he is. I am sorry for his
patients. I would not be surprised to hear that he had cut off a
man's leg because the man had a stomach ache. He is clearly not
interested in facts.'
'Holmes,' I said as calmly as I could, 'a writer does not just
report facts. He must make sure that the story is interesting to
read. I am sure you understand that.'
Holmes smiled at me sweetly.
' M y dear fellow,' he said. ' I forget. Y o u know all about fine
writing. H o w stupid of me to worry about a few careless
mistakes! But your friend M r Doyle has shown that he does not
understand how important my work is. He thinks that the
crimináis I fight against are stupid, miserable little beings. They
are not. I fight against evil itself. He has failed to understand
that. The book is worthless. Away with it, and with your friend
the writer!'
I wondered what to say to A C D , but there was no need to

worry. A Study in Scarlet was not a success, and he began to
write about other things. Several years later he decided to write m

about Holmes again, but at that time I had other things to think / had fallen in love with Miss Mary Morstan.
about. I had fallen in love with Miss M a r y Morstan. When she
agreed to become my wife, I hurried to tell Holmes. I was full of I |',o home to my wife.'
happiness. A shadow passed over his face.
I can still hear the cold surprise i n his voice as he said, ' I ' O h no, Watson,' he said. ' I still have my cocaine-bottle.'
cannot pretend to be happy about this.' Was he asking me for help? Was it still possible, then, to save
This hurt me terribly, but I tried to laugh. him? Perhaps. In my heart I k n o w only that my dear friend
'Well, Holmes,' I said, ' I hope you won't be too lonely when nceded me, and that I failed h i m .

The first murders

• I i n v hclp, Watson. Y o u know, of course, that someone is

I' i i i i c women in Whitechapel?'
The first murders 1 'I i muse,' I replied. 'The newspapers are full of it. Three
¿i re dead, and the pólice seem unable to find the killer.
Sherlock Holmes became a detective i n 1877, four years before I \1 v IH K ly knows this. Life is cheap on the streets of Whitechapel
I met him. A t first he enjoyed every case, but soon he began to l i ii \ \ ii i ien of that kind. What can interest you in their miserable
find the work easy. Ten years later he was famous, but he was .1. ||h*r'
unhappy and bored. 'h is an extraordinary case, Watson,' Holmes cried. ' I have
'The modern criminal is so painfully slow and stupid,' he l m 11 ,i uclying it. I knew the pólice would need my help. Shall I
often said. ' I need an interesting case, Watson, one which w i l l !• II vi ni the facts?'

make me think. Are there no clever thieves or murderers i n the Tli-ase do!' I said. Was this going to be one of Sherlock
w o r l d these days?' •Olmcs's great cases? I hoped that at last he had found
It is dangerous for a very intelligent man like Holmes to ething to interest him.

become bored. Some days he grew violent and once he shot 'The women who died were poor, and neither young ñ o r

several bulléis into the walls of his room. He also began to use IK .i 11 ti ful,' he told me. 'So they were not killed for money or for

cocaine. love. Why were they killed? That is one mystery. There is

Does my reader know about cocaine, I wonder? Perhaps it is inoilier. Each woman was killed w i t h a knife. The w o r d

no longer used i n the w o r l d of 1976. It is a useful medicine, and "killed", Watson , cannot describe the violent and terrible ways

doctors rightly give i t to patients who are in pain. But Holmes in which they were murdered. They were cut up like meat. The

had no disease of the body. He used cocaine as a drug, because Itomach of one was opened, the head of another almost cut

he enjoyed it. It made the long days seem more exciting. Soon he Irom her body. But this is not the worst. There are things that

needed it every day, and could not live without it. (•ven the newspapers w i l l not describe.'

I told him to stop, but he only laughed at me. ' M y dear fellow, He showed me a doctor's report on one of the bodies. As I

I wish I could! Only bring me an interesting case, a difficult read it, a sick feeling carne over me.

problem, and I shall forget my cocaine!' 'What man could do this?' I asked. 'What possible reason

One day i n 1888 a note arrived from Scotland Yard. When could he have to do this to a woman? W h y , Holmes, why?'

Holmes opened it, he laughed and jumped to his feet. He smiled coolly at me.

'Inspector Lestrade wishes to see me,' he said. 'The pólice 'Why indeed? That is the real interest of this case. I n

8 9
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story The first murders

themselves, these deaths are not important. Women like that are
murdered every week. But why does this killer cut them up?
Why rip the bodies to pieces w i t h a knife? That is the question
which makes this case so exciting!'
If anyone can stop these terrible murders, Holmes is that
man, I thought. This case could become his greatest success.
A t that moment somebody knocked at the door.
'Ah, come in, Inspector,' Holmes said. ' I understand you
have finally decided to ask me to help you catch this Whitechapel
Inspector Lestrade d i d not look very pleased. ' N o t at all, M r
Holmes,' he said. ' I was just passing Baker Street, and I k n o w
you find these cases interesting.'
'How kind!' Holmes said. 'Please tell us. When did you arrest
the killer? I am a little sad, I must say, to find that you have done 'May I see the letter?' Holmes asked.
it all without me.'
'We haven't arrested anyone yet,' Lestrade said, 'but I am T'.very extra policeman that we have w i l l be in Whitechapel
very hopeful, M r Holmes. Y o u see, I have in my pocket a letter .ii night,' Lestrade said. ' A n d we have a little surprise for Jack
from the killer himself.' the Ripper.' He looked at us importantly. 'Some of our best and
The smile left Holmes's face. He was suddenly serious. bravest policemen w i l l be dressed i n women's clothes,' he said.
'May I see the letter?' he asked. 1 We will stop at nothing to catch this criminal.'
It was written in red, and the ñ a m e at the bottom was 'Jack ' There was a moment's silence. Then Holmes and I looked at
the Ripper'. I still remember something of what it said: one another and we both began to laugh. We could not stop.
I love my work. My knife is nice and ready for the next job. I Lestrade turned very red. ' I see you are amused by murder,'
cant wait to rip again. he said. ' Y o u do not wish to w o r k w i t h us. Well, I am a busy
Holmes turned to Lestrade. 'What are you doing to stop man. I must leave you. Goodbye, M r Holmes. Goodbye,
this murderer?' he asked. ' I t is clear that he w i l l k i l l again doctor.'
very soon.' Holmes stopped laughing immediately.

10 11
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story The first murders

'Inspector,' he said, ' I want very much to w o r k w i t h you. Lct | i h.ipcl. Another woman had met a violent death.
us meet this afternoon to discuss our plans.' A» I iravclled through the dark, empty streets, London
This made Lestrade much happier. I . i Í.I tange and ghostly place — it lay there like the body of
When he had left, I said to Holmes, ' Y o u have laughed at the M fin ii animal, not sleeping but dead.
pólice, but what ideas do you have about these crimes? W h o do 111' 11 river took me east, towards the poorest parts of the city.
you think the murderer is?' 11 hi|i|H'cl in a narrow lañe offLeadenhall Street. I s a w a g r o u p
' I do not k n o w who he is, Watson,' he told me, 'but I believe • >l policemen standing under a light, and went up to them.
I k n o w what kind of man he is. He is far too intelligent, too Bolines was not there, but I was introduced to the pólice doctor.
extraordinary a killer for our good friend Lestrade and his 11. i illercd to show me the body.
policemen in dresses to catch. N o , he shall be mine. He is the 'I know you are a doctor,' he said, 'but I must warn you. Y o u
criminal that I have waited for. T o destroy him w i l l be the li \\ never seen anything like this before.'
greatest success of my life. I dream of it, Watson! I must destroy I le led me to a dark córner, where something lay covered on
him! I cannot fail!' llu L>round. He held up a light for me to see and pulled back the
He was shaking w i t h excitement. I had never seen him like • i ivei.
this before. N < > words can describe the awfulness of what I saw then. For
That afternoon he went to Scotland Yard. When he carne i inoment my head felt light, I began to shake and was afraid I
home, he was very quiet. N e x t day he appeared dressed i n oíd, m >uld fall. The thing on the ground had been a woman, but it
dirty clothes. Was not a woman now. It was no more than blood and meat, cut
' I am going to Whitechapel,' he told me. 'As you know, I have I ipen and ripped up w i t h a terrible, unnatural violence. I knew
rooms i n several parts of London. For the next three days I shall n o w why the killer called himself Jack the Ripper.
live among the poor people of Whitechapel. Nobody will k n o w ' I'he doctor covered the body, and I walked back to the group
who I am. I shall talk to them and listen to everything that they o í policemen.
tell me.' 'Have you seen M r Holmes?' I asked one of them.
' M a y I come w i t h you?' I asked, but he said, ' N o , Watson, ' O h yes, sir,' he said. 'He was here w i t h Inspector Lestrade.
you may not. If there is a murder, I shall send for you. I shall need They carne straight from the other murder.'
your help, oíd fellow, have no fear of that!' 'The other murder!' I cried. 'Has there been more than one
I spent a lonely evening i n Baker Street. I was asleep when, at murder tonight?'
half past t w o in the morning, a cab arrived to take me to 'Why yes, sir. D i d you not know?'

12 13
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Trofessor Moriarty

A t that moment I heard the sounds of a horse coming into 11 u li In the murderer's hand-writing,' Holmes said. 'The same
lañe, and a cab appeared. i in ilu- letter that Lestrade showed us.'
'Get i n , Watson!' a voice shouted, and Holmes helped me Vi hal is happening?' I cried. ' I cannot understand what this
into the cab. i lili i wants.'
'He has escaped,' he told me. 'We followed him, but we have I Ir wants everybody to be afraid of him,' Holmes told me.
lost him.' His face was sad and tired. ' I want to show you II, wants to be the most evil killer in the world. He had to kill
something interesting. Then we can go home.' I « M w< unen tonight, because he did not have time to cut and rip
The cab took us to a dark and dirty yard. • I» «Iy of the first. I think he heard somebody coming, and he
'The first woman died here,' Holmes said. 111111 o I cave the body and run. Then he killed a second time, and
A policeman was standing in the yard. Holmes took a light ni lliat woman's body to pieces in the way we have seen.'
from him and shone it on the wall. We were both silent as the cab took us back to Baker Street,
'Look at this, Watson,' he said. I ii Irom the narrow, dirty streets of east London.
These words were written on the wall: I could not sleep that night. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw
111<- body of a woman lying in a dark córner, covered in blood.

Professor Moriarty

Sherlock Holmes was busy w i t h other cases for the next three
vveeks. There were no new murders in Whitechapel, but people
were frightened and angry w i t h the pólice, who were no nearer
lo finding the killer than before.
M y o w n life was happy enough. I visited my dear M a r y
Morstan, and kept this visit a secret from Holmes — something
which made me feel unusually clever!
One day Holmes and I had just finished breakfast together.

14 15
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Professor Moriarty

He was standing by the window, when suddenly he gave a cry

'What is it, Holmes?' I asked. 'What's the matter?'
He turned towards me. His face was white and the look in his
eyes was terrible.
' M a y I have an hour of your time, Watson?' he asked in a lo w
' O f course, b u t . . .'
'Then get your hat and coat.'
He ran out of the house. I foliowed him quickly and the next
t w o hours passed in a wild chase all over London. We jumpec!
into a cab, out of it again and onto a train, ran d o w n narrow
streets and in and out of a big hotel. Finally we carne to rest in
the peace of a London park.
'You are a true friend, Watson,' Holmes said at last. ' Y o u
carne with me without a question. D i d you realize that someone
was following us?'
' I thought so. But who?'
'Can you not guess?'
'He calis himself Jack the Ripper.'
'Holmes!' For a moment I found it difficult to speak. Then I
asked, ' D i d you see him through the window? Where was he?'
'In the empty house opposite ours. He was watching our
rooms, Watson. He knows that I am looking for him. We must
be very careful. He is one of the most dangerous crimináis in
'But who is he?' I cried.
'Have you ever heard of Professor Moriarty?' Two hours passed in a wild chase all over London.

16 17
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Professor Moriarty

'Never.' " < lime. Now he has chosen murder.'

'That is the strangest and most terrible thing about him. 1 I >< > yon mean that he kills just to amuse himself?' I asked.
Holmes laughed angrily. 'He is everywhere, but nobody knowx ' "1 en. I le enjoys the danger. But there is another reason. He
him. Like his crimes, he is fantastic.' i lies lor a battle w i t h me — the most successful criminal
I listened i n silence as Holmes told me about Moriarty. " inisl (he most successful detective. It w i l l be a fight to the
'He is an extraordinarily intelligent man. A t the age of l. iili.'
twenty-one he was a professor of mathematics. For years he was Ilion these women that he kills . . .'
one of the most important men i n the w o r l d of mathematics. 'They mean nothing to him. He just uses them because they
Then he disappeared from university life. Soon after that I began Iti iieeessary to his plan.'
to realize that crime in London was changing. Someone was I lis plan?'
telling c r i m i n á i s - w h o are usually stupid and uninteresting little ' Vos. I have said that he kills because he is bored and because
men - what to do. They were obeying the orders of a he wishes for a fight to the death w i t h me. There is a third
mastermind. It could only be Moriarty. But I could never catch rcnson. He wishes to destroy the w o r l d we know.'
him. I hate his crimes, but I recognize his intelligence. He is the I lo is mad!'
only criminal who interests me, because he is the only criminal 'No. He is not mad. He is evil itself. He Wants to bring fear
who is as intelligent as I am. mío our lives, to make every one i n London afraid to go out at
'Then, in August, everything changed. Crimináis became Itight, afraid of every sound and shadow. London w i l l become
stupid again. In the middle of all his success, Moriarty had ,i city of strangers, seeing danger in every neighbour. H o w can
disappeared. Why?' people live like that?'
'Holmes!' I cried. 'The reason is clear. The Whitechapel He was silent for a moment. Then he said, ' I alone can stop
murders began in August. It must be . . .' him. A n d stop h i m I shall.'
'No, Watson,' Holmes said. ' I t is not clear. Someone like
Moriarty does not break locks and climb through windows Soveral days later, Inspector Lestrade called to see us again.
himself. He gave orders to others. He was the commander-in- 'Are you ready to arrest the Whitechapel killer ver?' Holmes
chief of the criminal world, not a foot-soldier.' asked him.
'Then why . . . I mean, how . . .?' 'We are continuing to make all possible . . .'
'Success is too easy for him. He needs change and danger as 'Enough, Lestrade! Have you caught him yet?'
others need drugs. He was the best at mathematics, then the best 'In a difficult case like this . . .'

18 19
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Professor Moriarty

'Yes or no?'
'No,' Lestrade said, 'but we hope . . .'
' O f course we hope. We must always hope. But the people (>l
London will not wait for ever for the pólice to arrest Jack the
Ripper. D o you think you could enjoy life as a policeman in
C a n a d á , Lestrade?'
Lestrade tried to smile. He said, ' I believe we shall only catvh
him if we have the luck to find h i m while he is actual!y
murdering some poor woman.'
He looked surprised when Holmes said, 'That is the first
sensible thing I have heard any policeman say about these
murders. We must catch h i m red-handed. A drink, Inspector?'
'Yes, please, M r Holmes. But who can say when or where he
w i l l kill again?'
' I can,' Holmes said coolly. 'Let us look at the dates of the
murders. He kills, waits a week, kills again and waits three
weeks before the next murder. This changes only when he has,
as he tells us, 'no time to r i p ' , and has to kill twice on the same
night. The following weck there is no murder. I tell you,
Lestrade, this is no crazy killer. This is a man who is following
a plan. He works only in Whitechapel, and in the early hours of
the morning.'
Lestrade looked helplessly at him. 'What shall we do?' he
Holmes jumped to his feet. ' I think he w i l l try to kill again on
Monday night. The first murders were on a Friday, a Saturday
and a Sunday. He moves a day forward each time. We must
cióse up Whitechapel like a box which he cannot escape from.

The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Jack the Ripper kills again

We shall need every policeman you have.' We did not really fail. Moriarty could not k i l l anyone
Lestrade looked worried. T i l do what I can, M r Holmes, bul 11< i ii isc we were there. But I badly wanted to catch him at his
I don't k n o w i f my chief w i l l like i t . ' \ >i k, and there I failed.'
'Your chief,' Holmes said, ' w i l l give you all the men you need. 1 le was there, then?'

I am sure that you w i l l be interested to learn that your chief has ' I le was there. He saw what I had done, and realized that he
asked me to do anything I can to catch this killer. I am free to i niiltl not k i l l a woman that night.'
give you orders, Lestrade, and you are free to obey me.' I lien you did not fail! We have beaten h i m . '
When Lestrade had gone, Holmes said, ' N o w I need a bath, I lolmes shook his head slowly.
my dinner and a good sleep. Moriarty wishes to destroy me. He 'No, Watson. We have not beaten him yet. Think how angry
has already, my dear Watson, tried three times to k i l l me! He is I ii • n i ust be! I have stopped him once, and now he w i l l try harder
a terrible enemy, and I must get ready for the battle.' lo kill me. He w i l l go on w i t h his planned murders, and he w i l l
I stared at him i n horror, and decided that I would never leave i li i everything possible to make sure that he succeeds.'
my friend's side while he was i n this danger. 'But Holmes, how do we . . .?'
'Ilemember, he kills, waits a week, kills again and then waits
ihree weeks. So he w i l l k i l l again next weekend. I must talk to
I .estrade. But tonight, Watson, we shall amuse ourselves at the
He would say no more, but that night, while we were at the
Jack the Ripper kills again
l heatre, he disappeared from my side without a word. I did not
O n Monday night Whitechapel was full of policemen, all ready even see him leave, and for several days I neither saw him ñ o r
to catch Jack the Ripper. Nothing happened. Only Lestrade heard from him. Then, at dinner time on the night when we had
enjoyed this. hoped to catch Jack the Ripper at his work, he suddenly
'You have failed, M r Holmes,' he said. 'Your idea was very appeared again i n Baker Street.
clever, but you made one mistake. Y o u forgot to tell the 'Holmes!' I cried. 'Where have you been?'
murderer about it!' 'Don't worry, oíd fellow.' He sat down by the fire. ' I have
Holmes and I took a cab back to Baker Street. We were both been keeping Moriarty busy and playing games w i t h him. He
too tired to talk then, but later that day I said, 'Holmes, what did has chased me all over the country, but, as you see, I am still
happen? What went wrong?' alive. I shall tell you my adventures some other time. Lestrade

22 23
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Jack the Ripper kills again

w i l l be here in a minute to discuss tonight's plan.' I he letters E, S, C and N are Eddowes, Stride, Chapman and
When Lestrade arrived, he did not seem at all pleased to I M Nu lioll, the last four women he has murdered,' Holmes said.
us. I he cliagram shows the place where each died.'
'So, another of your clever little plans, M r Holmes,' he sai.l 'And X , I suppose, is some unknown woman, the one that he
coldly. ' D o you really think we shall see the killer tonight?' I .l.ii is to kill tonight,' I said. 'But how do you k n o w where to put
'He w i l l be at work tonight,' Holmes replied. 'The only ilu* X on your diagram?'
question is, shall we be ready for him? I suppose you have dom ' I ,ook again, Watson,' Holmes said w i t h a smile.
everything that I ordered you to do?' Suddenly, I understood. ' I t is a letter M ! '
'We are ready for h i m . ' 'Yes, Watson. M for murder, M for . . .'
'Then let us go. We must not keep Jack the Ripper waiting.' 'Moriarty! Holmes, do you mean to say . . .?'
It was a cold, windy night, and we were grateful for our thick 'Yes. He is writing his ñ a m e in blood upon the face of
coats as we sat in the cab. It took us to the big pólice station in Whitechapel. A n d , as you see, I k n o w where he w i l l try to k i l l
Commercial Street. Hundreds of policemen were waiting there 101 light, and where I shall go to meet him.'
to begin the night's work. Holmes and I sat d o w n to wait, too.
'Not without me,' I said. ' I must come w i t h you.'
After some time I said to Holmes, 'This waiting is terrible. I We left the pólice station just before midnight.
wish we could do something.' For the first time, I walked through the narrow streets of east
'We can,' he replied. I .ondon, streets that I had seen before only through the window
'When a crime is reported. Until then we can only wait. The of a cab. People think that murders happen i n dark, empty
murderer could be anywhere out there.' streets. That is not always true. A strange and horrible fact
Holmes picked up a piece of paper and a pencil. 'He could. a bout the streets where Jack the Ripper murdered women is that
But I think I k n o w where he is. Look at this.' they were busier and better lit than most other London streets.
This is what he showed me: They were full of pubs and cheap hotels. A t all hours the streets
were full of people who were too poor to find a bed anywhere,
drunks looking for a bar that never closed, and all kinds of
crimináis. Finalíy, there were the women - those women who
work only at night, when their more honest sisters are asleep.
I studied medicine in London, and while I was a student I saw
something of the low-life of our capital. I was, after all, a healthy

Jack the Ripper kills again

11 uing man, and young men must amuse themselves. But I had
M I ver seen women like these. Holmes stopped several to
QUCSl ion and to warn them, and I looked at their faces carefully.
11 ley were oíd at the age of twenty, dirty, diseased and hopeless.
< >ne thing was clear to me - they were not like other women.
I >i íes it matter, I began to think, i f Jack the Ripper kills women
like these? Death by his knife is quick. It cannot be worse than
i he slow and painful death from disease which most often ends
their short lives.
We returned to the pólice station after one o'clock. I was tired
and sick at heart. Lestrade did not stop talking, telling us that we
should catch no murderers that night.
Suddenly, Holmes jumped up and walked out into the street.
I lollowed him.
'Stay inside, Watson,' he said. 'You are tired, dear fellow, and
you cannot help me.'
' I am coming w i t h you,' I said. 'Nothing will stop me.'
'Come, then. But we must hurry. Moriarty is near. I can feel
It began to rain. He walked fast and I almost had to run to
keep up w i t h him. His eyes moved restlessly from side to side.
Suddenly he stopped, and stared into the darkness.
'Twice, Watson,' he said softly. 'He w i l l kill twice tonight.
We stopped him killing a woman last time, so he must kill t w o
Before I could answer, he was moving again. Then he
stopped, and pulled me into a dark córner. Someone was
coming towards us. Holmes spoke in a low voice, but I shook

Jack the Ripper kills again
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story

but younger and prettier than most I had seen that night. She
w i t h fear at his words.
seemed a little drunk, and could not walk straight.
'It is M o r i a r t y . '
As she carne near to Holmes, he stopped and spoke to her.
A man passed our córner and disappeared into another
They both laughed. Further along the street I saw the short fat
street. I could not see his face.
man, now standing outside a pub, watching them. Then
'Run to the pólice station and fetch Lestrade. He knows what
Holmes and the girl walked off together and a few seconds later
to do,' Holmes said. ' I shall follow Moriarty. H u r r y , man,
the man followed them. H o w I feared for Holmes's safety! I was
sure that the man and the girl were working for Moriarty. They
Then he was gone. I cannot explain why I did not do what I
had some plan, I knew, to hurt my friend. Perhaps only I could
was told. The fact is, instead of going to the pólice station, I
save h i m .
followed Holmes. Perhaps I was afraid that my friend could not
Holmes and the girl walked on, the man followed them, and
fight Moriarty on his o w n .
I followed all three. A t last Holmes and the girl stopped at the
I ran to the córner of the street. I could just see Moriarty,
entrance to a yard. I heard the woman's voice. I could not hear
walking straight on. Then, to my great surprise, Holmes turned
Holmes's words, but to my surprise I clearly saw h i m kiss her
left, and disappeared into a house, while M o r i a r t y reached the
face. Then they entered the yard, and the fat man crossed the
end of the street and turned the córner. I could not understand
street and went into a house further along. H a d he gone to fetch
what was happening, or what I should do next. What if Holmes,
Moriarty, who would now appear and kill my friend?
realizing that someone was following him, thought I was one of
Slowly and carefully, I made my way into the yard. It was
Moriarty's men? Some minutes later, I was still wondering what
dark, but I could see a light at a window. Then I heard Holmes's
to do when I heard a door cióse. A man carne out into the street.
voice. He was i n that room.
It was Holmes. He was now richly dressed, i n a hat and a long,
As quietly as I could, I went to the window. The curtains were
dark coat. He had changed his appearance i n several small and
a little too short, and I could just see into the room. The woman
clever ways, but I knew him.
was lying on the bed, drinking from a bottle. Holmes sat with
I wanted to cali to h i m , but was afraid he would not be
his back to the window, taking snuff f r o m a little silver box. He
pleased. Instead, I decided to follow secretly, ready to help h i m
seemed to be i n no danger, but who could say when M o r i a r t y
if he needed me.
would arrive?
We walked and walked. The rain became heavier and the
It was cold and wet i n the yard, but I felt calm again. If
streets emptied of people. Then a short fat man passed me, and
Moriarty carne, I was ready to save my friend. I sat down with
soon afterwards a girl. She looked like a woman of the streets,
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Moriarty is dead

my back to the wall to wait.

I am ashamed to say what happened next, but I must say it.
I fell asleep. I was asleep for t w o hours. As I woke up, cold and
uncomfortable, Holmes's words carne back to me, 'He w i l l kill
twice tonight.'
I ran to the w i n d o w , afraid of what I should see. A t first I
could not understand what terrible thing had happened there.
Was it possible, I wondered, for a person to explode? There was
blood everywhere. Then I recognized the body as the woman
who I had seen drinking and talking w i t h Sherlock Holmes. He
was still w i t h her, but he was not dead. N o , much worse than
dead. He was alive. He had a knife in his hand, and he was
cutting up her face and her body. Even as I watched, he was
carefully cutting the leg d o w n to the bone, taking off a long piece
of meat in his other hand.
And as he cut the woman to pieces, he was singing.

Moriarty is dead

As a soldier and a doctor, I know that a man who is very badly

hurt in battle often feels no pain. I f he lives, he remembers
nothing about what has happened to him. After that terrible
night in Whitechapel, I was like that man. The next day, I woke
up and found myself lying in a park. M y watch and my money
had gone, and I was cold and dirty. I knew that I had spent many

The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Moriarty is dead

was empty, so I went i n .

There was a telegram from Holmes. ' M has escaped us,' it
said. 'He is trying to leave the country, but I am following h i m . '
I did not know what to think. Was I mad, or was my best
friend, the man who I had worked w i t h for so many years, a
That evening, the murder i n Whitechapel of a young woman
called M a r y Kelly was reported i n the newspapers. This murder
was more bloody, more horrible than any that had happened
before. It was clear that it was the w o r k of Jack the Ripper.
I was still reading the newspaper reports of the murder when
Lestrade arrived.
'Good evening, doctor,' he said. T d like a w o r d with M r
I did not k n o w what to say. D i d the pólice already k n o w
what Holmes had done?
Then Lestrade saw the telegram, picked it up and read it.
'Running off for a little holiday, is he?' he said. 'Some of us have
to work for a living. We've had enough of M r Holmes and the
kind of help he gives the pólice.'
'Come now,' I said. 'Holmes was right. There was a murder
He had a knife in his hand. on the night he told us that there would be.'
Lestrade laughed. ' O h yes. There was a murder all right. We
hours drinking, but I did not k n o w where I had been, or what had hundreds of policemen on the streets, but we couldn't stop
had happened to me. the murder or catch the killer. The pólice were everywhere —
I did not want to go to Baker Street, because I was afraid that except the little córner of Whitechapel where the girl died.'
Holmes would be there, but I needed a bath and dry clothes. In He spoke i n a l o w voice as he continued, T v e never seen
the end, I paid a cab-driver to knock on the door. The house anything like it. It w i l l be days before I can eat meat again.

32 33
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Moriarty is dead

You're lucky you didn't see her, doctor. We had to keep the 3 He can change his appearance easily.
worst thing of all out of the newspapers, but I can tell you. The 4 He studied medicine. He could easily cut up a body in the
girl was pregnant. He cut her up, and he cut up the baby, too.' dark.
I felt a cold hand touch me. 'He w i l l k i l l twice tonight.' 5 He knows the lañes and yards of Whitechapel well.
'What did you say?' 6 He can escape f r o m the pólice because he knows their
'Oh, nothing. What are you doing to catch him?' plans - indeed, he makes their plans.
'What can we do? Nobody heard a scream or saw anything.' The arguments against:
He looked again at the telegram. 'Who is this " M " ? ' he asked. 1 He spends his life fighting crime.
'Oh, he just means the murderer,' I said. 2 I know my friend. I know he could not do these things.
After Lestrade left, I tried hard to think of some other way of When I read what I had written, I began to wonder how well
explaining what I had seen that night. I had seen Holmes cutting I knew Holmes. D i d he really fight against crime? He took cases
up the body, but I had not seen h i m kill the girl. H o w could my because they interested him, not because he hated crime. It was
dear friend possibly be this terrible killer? Perhaps it was all part all just a game to h i m . He fought crime to amuse himself.
of some clever plan that I did not understand. It was now late at night. I was terribly tired, but I knew that
For some days I thought I had found an answer to the I had to decide what to do before Holmes carne back. Suddenly,
problem, but then a telegram arrived f r o m Holmes, who was as I lay back i n my chair, half-asleep, the terrible picture of
now in Switzerland. It said, ' M is no more. Returning Saturday. Holmes cutting up that girl's body appeared again before my
Holmes.' eyes. Then, finally, I knew. It was not what I had seen him do,
Suddenly I realized that I was afraid of seeing h i m again, and but how he had done it. That look of cool amusement on his
my worry returned, stronger than ever. Was he the killer or not? face. The way he sang as he worked. The man who could do
I had to know the truth - and quickly. T o help me think clearly, that could do anything.
I wrote d o w n what I knew. Next day I packed my bags and moved into a hotel. That
Is Sherlock Holmes the Whitechapel murderer? evening I asked M a r y to have dinner with me. I told her that I
The arguments for: could not sleep while she lived alone i n London and the
1 He was in Whitechapel on the nights of the murders, and Whitechapel murderer was free to k i l l again. I asked her to
alone at the right times. marry me sooner than we had planned. She laughed and said she
2 When he was out of London or I was w i t h h i m , there were was not afraid of the murderer. He never killed women like her.
no murders. But she would marry me as soon as possible, she said, because I

34 35
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Moriarty is dead

looked so worried and unhappy.

Then I wrote a letter to Holmes.

' I am sorry that 1 cannot welcome you home,' I wrote, 'but

1 havc a reason for that, the best rea son in the w o r l d . M a r y
and I are married. She was badly frightened by those awful
murders in Whitechapel and w i l l feel safer now that I am by
her sido.
'It is wonderful to hear f r o m you that Professor Moriarty
is dead. O f course I look forward to hearing the full story of
his death f r o m you.
'Mary and I are spending a little time travelling. Picase
write to me at my London club.'

Several days later, M a r y and I were married, and we left

London. In a quiet little t o w n by the sea, with M a r y by my side,
I felt strong enough to face the awful truth about Holmes, and
to think about what 1 had to do. I could not go to the pólice with
my story. They would think that 1 was mad. I decided that I
would have to watch Holmes carefully. Only I could stop him
killing again.
When I returned to London, I found a letter f r o m Holmes
waiting for me at my club. He told me that he was going to
Russia, to w o r k on a strange and exciting murder case.

i am bored w i t h London, now that Jack the Ripper is

dead,' he wrote. 'Perhaps the foreign criminal has more to
offer me. I shall not return to London for some time. Picase
inform me of your new address.'

After reading this, I was happier than I had been for many

The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Moriarty is dead

weeks. M a r y and I finished our holiday and moved to a house in

London, not far from Baker Street. I was busy w i t h my w o r k as
a doctor, and we lived quietly and happily together.
During this time I was sent t w o wonderful letters by Holmes.
He had brought his w o r k on the Russian mystery to a successful
end, and had gone from Russia to Ceylon, where the sudden
death of a rich tea-planter offered h i m the interest and
excitement he needed. The Holmes who wrote these letters to
me sounded like the oíd Holmes that I knew.
'He is dangerous when he is bored and uses cocaine,' I
thought. 'When he is enjoying his work, London is safe.'
One day in March, as I walked along Baker Street, I saw a
light in Holmes's window, and knew that he had returned. I
went i n , and he welcomed me like the dear oíd friend he had
been. A l l evening we sat by the fire, and he told me everything
that had happened in Russia and Ceylon. But what I really
wanted to hear about was Moriarty's death, and about that he
said not one w o r d .
A t last I could wait no longer.
' M y dear Holmes,' I said. 'It is almost midnight, and you still
have not told me how M o r i a r t y died!'
A t once his face went white, and his eyes became fixed in a
stare. He sat silent and unmoving, as the seconds passed.
Then he said, T m sorry, Watson. I was thinking about
something to do w i t h my last case. What did you say?'
'Moriarty,' I repeated. ' Y o u have not told me how he died.'
'He has gone,' he said. 'That is all that anyone needs to k n o w
about h i m . '

The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Death at the Reichenbach Falls

I asked h i m to tell me more, and found out that his final 1891 began, and life for me was calm and happy. I was

meeting w i t h M o r i a r t y had been in Switzerland, on a narrow w< irking hard, and I had little time to spend w i t h Holmes. Jack

path above a famous waterfall. Holmes had w o n the argument, lile Ripper was a thing of the past, as forgotten as yesterday's

he told me coldly. A n d that was all that he would tell me. iicwspapers, as dead as the women he had murdered. But Jack

Holmes and I were friends again, and soon I began helping was not dead. He was only resting, and his rest would soon

him w i t h new cases. It was just like oíd times. I am afraid that 1 be over.

often left my wife alone, and í did not give enough time to my
patients, but I was happy to see Holmes interested and busy.
One day he gave me his cocaine-bottle. 'Take i t , doctor,' he
said. ' I do not need it any more.'
1 was very pleased indeed at this news, and only one thing that Death at the Reichenbach Falls
happened at this time worried me. A woman was killed in
Whitechapel, and people began to talk again about Jack the In February 1891 a woman calied Flora White was killed w i t h a

Ripper. I carefully checked where Holmes had been on the night knife in Whitechapel. Everyone thought that the murderer was

of the murder, and found that he had spent the evening w i t h t w o Jack the Ripper. I alone knew that this was not true. I was sure

famous foreign detectives. I even spoke to them both secretly, that 'Jack' had not killed the last t w o women to die on the streets
and so I was sure that Holmes had not been in Whitechapel that of Whitechapel.
night. Soon after this, Holmes left for France. He sent me a strange
In 1890 I decided that I must begin to spend less time w i t h letter from there which worried me very much. I could not
Holmes. I wanted to be a success as a doctor, and I knew that I understand a w o r d of it and began to wonder if he was taking
was not working hard enough for that. M a r y and I moved to a cocaine again. This was his letter:
new house, further from Baker Street. If you remember the Berlin case of 'one in three', Watson,
There was another change, too. ACD's story, A Study in everything wiíl be clear to you because . . . the famous
Scarlet, which had failed in this country, was a big success in Germán professor in Varis is no longer alive. 1 heard he was
America, and he began to write about more of Holmes's cases. recently killed while studyingflora in the White Mountains of
T o my surprise, Holmes quickly agreed to let h i m do this. He my favourite island. Letters and books are appearing soon.
had been angry when he first read A Study in Scarlet, but now he Read them quickly but carefully, as I cannot always follow or
seemed amused by what A C D was doing.

40 41
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story

understand him myself. Last night I dreamt and the next dav
suddenly understood this problem. The time comes when m
and others will be free - not an easy escape.

About three weeks after that, I was sitting alone at home one
evening. M y wife was away on a visit. Suddenly, the door
opened, and Holmes carne i n . He then ran to the window,
closed it and locked it.
'Holmes,' I cried. 'What has happened? Y o u look terrible!'
He looked oíd and i l l , and he was shaking w i t h tiredness.
'What is it?' I asked. 'Are you afraid of something?'
'Of someone,' he said. ' D i d you not get my letter?'
'Yes, but I didn't understand i t . What is wrong?'
Holmes looked at me sadly. ' Y o u didn't understand i t . Is
your wife here?'
'No, she is away. D o you want to sleep here? I shall make sure
that you are i n no danger.'
He shook his head. ' I cannot rest anywhere. I f I sleep, he w i l l
win! I cannot stay here. I would bring evil into your house. But
you can help me, Watson. I must leave the country tomorrow.
W i l l you come w i t h me?'
'Where are you going, Holmes?'
'Going? I am not going anywhere. I am trying to escape from
him. But he w i l l find me again. Everywhere I go, he w i l l follow
'Who is he, Holmes?' I asked.
'Professor Moriarty, of course!'
'But M o r i a r t y is dead,' I said.

The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Death at the Reichenbach Falls

'Dead!' he screamed. 'He is trying to kill me! H o w can he be I look a cab to Baker Street, and went into Holmes's rooms:
dead?' I did not k n o w what I was looking for, but I began to search.
'But you told me that he was dead.' I lie rooms were untidy, full of oíd newspapers. I searched for
' I was mistaken,' Holmes said. 'He is not dead. I told yon loiir hours but found nothing. A t four o'clock i n the morning I
that.' •.[»>pped. I went to the window and looked out at the dark sky.
'You told me? But when? Where?' Suddenly, I knew what to do. The house opposite, where
'In my letter, man! The Berlin case — every third w o r d ! A very 11( ilmes had once seen M o r i a r t y . I ran across the street and
easy hidden message, Watson. I thought even you . . . O h , it broke the lock on the back door of the house. Every room was
doesn't matter. The fact is, Moriarty is alive and free in London. empty, all except one bedroom. This contained a bed, a
He killed a woman only three weeks ago. He w i l l kill again if I iiipboard and a box full of papers. A l l the papers were about the
do not stop him. It is a fight to the death between us. Come w i t h Whitechapel murders. Some were cut from newspapers, others
me and help me, Watson. Say that you w i l l come!' were written by the killer himself. He described each murder
' O f course I w i l l come, oíd fellow,' I said. with a sick enjoyment of what he had done.
He smiled and lay back in the chair. In a second, he was Under the papers I found some glass jars of the kind that are
asleep. Quickly, I gave him an injection to keep him asleep. used in hospitals. In them were pieces of women's bodies. In the
Then, with the help of my cook, I put him to bed and locked the last jar was the worst thing of all - pieces of the body of a little
bedroom door. After that I had a drink and sat down to think unborn child.
about what I must do. When I saw that, all the friendly feelings I had ever had for
Perhaps I did not understand Holmes's hidden messages, but Sherlock Holmes died inside me. N o w I could go straight to
I did understand what was happening to the man. He was mad Lestrade and ask h i m to arrest Holmes, but I chose not to do
— I knew that now. A l l that was evil in h i m he called M o r i a r t y . that. I did not want all England to k n o w what Holmes, once a
The fight w i t h M o r i a r t y was a battle that was taking place good and wise man, had become. Some evil things are best
inside his o w n head. hidden from the world. I , and I alone, would face h i m and his
I had hoped that Jack the Ripper was dead. He was not, and crimes.
now another woman had been murdered. I felt that her blood I went out into the cold morning air. I felt strangely calm, but
was on my hands. The time had come when I must tell Holmes also excited.
what I knew about him. First, I had to be sure that I understood Holmes was still asleep. I searched his clothes for drugs and
every thing.
guns, but found only a little money and his silver snuffbox. Then

44 45
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story
Death at the Reichenbach Falls

I wrote a letter to Lestrade. I told my cook to take it to my bañk

manager. I f I failed to return, I asked him to send it to Lestrade.
In the letter I told Lestrade everything that I knew about
Sherlock Holmes and the Whitechapel murders.
I was very tired, but I knew that I had to stay awake. I had to
w.itch Holmes all the time. I decided to use the cocaine he had
C.iven me. I added water to the drug and put i t into a medicine
bottle. Then I injected some into my arm.
It was time to look i n on Holmes. As I opened the door, I saw
that his bed was empty. He was behind the door. He tried to hit
me, but the drug made me quick, and I jumped out of the way.
'Watson!' he cried. 'Dear fellow! I thought you were
Moriarty. One of his men is i n your garden. We must go now!
It is too dangerous to stay here!'
The man who he had seen was William, my gardener.
' I w i l l go and pack,' I said.
'No luggage! He must not k n o w what we are doing!'
'Let me take my doctor's bag,' I said. 'He w i l l think that I am
going to visit a patient.'
'Excellent!' Holmes said. ' I had the same idea myself.'
He did not k n o w that I had packed the cocaine, money and
a gun i n my doctor's bag.
Holmes sent me out before h i m to find a cab. We drove
through the streets, jumped out of the cab, ran some way, and
found another cab. But at the station, Holmes said, 'Moriarty is
here. He has followed us. We must change trains as soon as we
All the papers were about the Whitechapel murders.
We jumped from the moving train, ran across fields, caught

Death at the Reichenbach Falls
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story

another train, and at last took the night boat from Newhavcn. Wrtter crash d o w n onto the rocks. There was nowhere he could

For five days we travelled through France and Germany in the i un lo. It could not be easier for me.

same w i l d and crazy way. Holmes would not say where we were 1 moved towards him. Suddenly he turned and our eyes met.

going. I never took my eyes off him during those days, but the I lis look was cool, untroubled. H o w could I hope to frighten

right moment to talk to h i m never carne. Holmes seemcil lilis man? M y heart failed me and I almost fell. He stepped

stronger than ever, while I was getting weaker every day. Only lorward to help me, but I pulled out my gun.

the cocaine made i t possible for me to stay awake. 'Back!' I shouted. 'Another step and I shall shoot!'

Finally, sitting one night in a hotel in Switzerland, I knew that He smiled. 'Very well, doctor. I understand.'

I could not go on much longer. I had told Holmes that next day M y hands shook and I almost dropped the gun. Tt's over,

I wanted to walk over the mountains to the famous Reichenbach I lolmes,' I said. Tve been to the empty house. I k n o w

Falls. I decided that I would tell him what I knew about him everything.'

when we were alone in the mountains. The cocaine was almost He laughed. 'Dear fellow! Nobody knows everything!'

finished. Whether I lived or died, the end must come that day. I seemed to hear voices coming to me f r o m the water, and I

We did not begin our walk to the Reichenbach Falls until the could now see t w o Holmeses - one on the path and one standing

afternoon. Holmes refused to go out before lunch. I was on air.

frightened. I had no more cocaine, and soon I would be too tired T v e found the jars, Holmes, and the papers. I k n o w you
to go on. A t last we left the hotel, and started to walk along the killed them.'
mountain paths. Holmes talked happily as we went. He found ' I killed them? Which? The jars or the papers?'
the mountains very beautiful. Nothing seemed real. It was getting harder and harder for me
When we had gone a little way, I found that I had left my to speak. Holmes watched me, smiling.
watch at the hotel. It had belonged to my father, and I wanted ' I know you did it, Holmes,' I shouted. ' I watched you cut
to k n o w that it was safe. I told Holmes that I would return to the M a r y Kelly to pieces. Y o u killed them! Let me hear you say that
hotel, find the watch, and see h i m later at the Falls. I hoped that you did!'
I was doing the right thing, and that he would not disappear. 'What is it you want me to say?'
When at last I reached the Falls, I could not see h i m , and 'Say you killed them!'
thought for a moment that he had escaped me. Then I saw a 'You killed them.'
narrow path which was cut into the rock right above the Falls
' I am going to shoot you, Holmes!' I screamed. 'Before you
themselves. Holmes was standing on that path, watching the
die, tell me that you understand what you have done!'
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story

7 am going to shoot you, Holmes!' I screamed.

'You're mad, doctor,' he said. ' A n d you're talking rubbish. ' I took the bullets from your gun and put in blanks,' he said
Go on, shoot me!' conversationally. 'Tell me, M o r i a r t y , when did you kill
I shot h i m . I shot again and again, but still he stood there. Watson? Y o u are very clever. Y o u look almost like h i m , but I
Finally, I fell to the ground. I could not move. I t seemed a long know who you are. When I saw you injecting cocaine three
time before I could say, 'Why aren't you dead?' times a day, I knew then for sure that you were not my dear
I stared up at h i m as he stood above me, calmly inhaling snuff friend. D r Watson would never, never take drugs. Your cocaine
from his snuffbox. is finished, isn't it? Poor Moriarty! D i d you not realize that my

50 51
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Death at the Reichenbach Falls

snuffbox contains cocaine, not snuff?'

I felt sick and weak. Before my eyes Holmes was changin^
colour - red, then green, then blue. I shook my head to clear it,
but he was still talking.
'And your letter, telling Lestrade that I was the Whitechapel
murderer. What rubbish! H o w Scotland Yard would laugh! But
I have the letter here - 1 saw it in your cook's hand and took ir
from her while you were calling the cab. Y o u have failed,
Moriarty. I have enjoyed making you run around Europe with
me, but now you must die.'
He took out a long knife.
'Holmes!' I cried. ' I am Watson, your friend, Watson! I have
tried to save you — save you from yourself and f r o m the pólice!'
H e held up the knife and stepped towards me.
'If you kill me,' I screamed, 'Moriarty w i l l win! That is what
he wants! K i l l your only friend, and M o r i a r t y has w o n ! '
I closed my eyes and waited for the pain and the darkness.
It did not come. I opened my eyes and saw that Holmes was
looking at me. He had put the knife down. The look in his eyes
was sadder than anything that I had ever seen. He seemed to see
far into both the past and the future, and to find them sad
beyond words.
'Never fear, oíd fellow,' he said. ' I shall not let him hurt you.'
Then he stepped backwards off the path. I saw his body hit
the rocks far below.



T w o days later I woke up. I was in bed at the hotel. Someone

had found me on the edge of the path, high above the
Reichenbach Falls.
After a week I returned to London. I went immediately to the
empty house, where I burned the papers and destroyed the jars.
I wanted to be sure that nobody would ever know the evil things
that Holmes had done. I wanted only the good that was i n my
friend to live on after his death.
I was lucky. A C D had been busy writing more stories about
Holmes. These stories were an immediate success. A C D became
a famous writer, and people w h o had never met Holmes the
man, knew Holmes the story-book detective. As the years
passed, people began to forget that Sherlock Holmes had ever
been a real person.
After Holmes's death my life was difficult for a long time. It
was t w o years before I could live without cocaine. I could not
w o r k , and my wife and I had little money.
M y story is at an end. Since Holmes's death I have lived
quietly. But sometimes, as I sit by the fire i n the evening, I think
of that day at the Reichenbach Falls. I hear again the gentleness
of Holmes's last words, and see the light of understanding i n his
eyes during those last moments, when he seemed once again the
best and wisest man I have ever k n o w n .

Sometimes 1 think of that day at the Reichenbach Falls.


GLOSSARY jar a container or pot, usually made of glass

kiss to touch someone, usually someone you like or love, with
your lips
blank blanks in a gun make a loud noise when the gun is fired,
lañe a narrow street
but no bullets come out
niad crazy, with a sick mind
cab an oíd kind of taxi, which was pulled by horses mastermind someone very intelligent, who plans other people's
case a crime or a problem that the pólice or detectives are
work (or crimes)
working on
mathematics the science of numbers
city a large and important town
path a narrow way for people to walk on
club a building used by the club members where they can stay,
patient (n) a sick person who goes to a doctor for medical help
have meáis, read the newspapers, etc.
pregnant expecting a baby
cocaine a dangerous drug which is usually taken through the
professor the highest level of teacher in a university
nose, as a white powder
red-handed (catch someone) catch someone in the middle of
commander-in-chief the head of an army
doing something wrong
curtains pieces of cloth hung up in front of windows
ñp (v) to cut violently with a knife
diagram a drawing or plan that explains something
Ripper (n) a ñame given to a murderer who cuts people up
drug a dangerous medicine (e.g. cocaine) which some people
safety being safe, out of danger
take to get excitement and to make them feel different
scarlet bright red
drunk (n and adj) a person who has drunk too much alcohol
Scotland Yard the headquarters of the London pólice
evil (adj and n) very bad
snuff tobáceo, as a powder which is taken in through the nose
falls (n) a waterfall; a place where a river falls from a high
telegram a quick way of sending a message by electric wires or
place to a lower place
fellow (informal) aman
truth the faets; what is true, what really happened
flora all the plants of a particular área
waterfall a place where a river falls from a high place to a
horrible frightening, terrible
lower place
horror great fear or dislike
weak not strong
inject to put medicine or a drug into the body with a special
wise knowing many things; knowing what is right and good
yard a piece of hard ground with buildings all round it
injection putting medicine or a drug into the body with a
inhale to breathe in through the nose

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