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Carmelite Exemplars: Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity

Novitiate Module - Lesson 14


Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity

Fr. Luis Arostegui, OCD
Carmelite Digest, Vol. 22, No. 1, Spring 2007

In this article, after a brief introduction, - Still and as peaceful, like a “fixed” gaze,
I will present the framework of a gaze of adoration and love, producing
Elizabeth’s life, her writings, and some peace, the fruit of her self-giving.
typical thoughts on which I would like to - “As if my soul were already in
comment briefly. The following are the eternity”: In fact, for her eternity began
first and last lines of the famous prayer on earth, thanks to the presence of the
to the Holy Trinity that Elizabeth Trinity in us.
composed in 1904 when she was twenty-
four years old. - “My All, my Beatitude”: Christian faith
is a source of joy.
O my God, Trinity whom I adore, help me
to forget myself entirely that I may be - “Infinite solitude”: a surprising
established in you as still and as peaceful as expression because God is Trinity,
if my soul were already in eternity. communion, and relationship. In fact,
“Solitude” means the same thing as the
O my Three, my All, my Beatitude, infinite
Solitude, Immensity in which I lose myself, I expression “My All.” “Solitude” because
surrender myself to you as your prey “My All,” “Infinite solitude” is the “All” –
(Elizabeth of the Trinity, The Complete the infinity of God is fullness.
Works, Vol. I, pp. 183-184)
This prayer, and others written by
We can take this prayer as a summing Elizabeth, has rightly made the image of
up of her life. We can perceive here in Elizabeth into one of a lofty
these words a reflection of her artistic contemplative and at times a sublime
nature, her psychology, and her one. Yet we should see and understand
spirituality (that is to say: her way of her doctrine and her life of prayer within
living the mystery of her Christian faith). the sphere of her personality and the life
Elizabeth of the Trinity, the name she she lived.
received in Carmel, addresses her
prayer, the aspiration of her soul, to the Biographical Outline
Triune God. It is a prayer of adoration,
which was probably her deepest and Elizabeth Catez was born on July 18,
constant attitude. 1880, in the Avord military camp near
Bourges in the center of France into a
- Help me to “forget myself” are the very Christian family. Her father,
words that Elizabeth used frequently. It Joseph, was a captain in the army,
is a negative expression of that other which meant that the family was
positive reality: in order that “I may be constantly moving, following his
established in you.” The forgetting of different assignments. In 1882, they
self means “that I may be established in moved to Dijon. Elizabeth was only
you.” seven when her father died. This was
shortly before her maternal grandfather,
who used to live with them, died. The
mother, Marie Rolland, was left alone to

Carmelite Exemplars: Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
Novitiate Module - Lesson 14

look after her two daughters, Elizabeth discovered early. She was enrolled in the
and Marguerite (the latter was called Conservatoire de Musique at ten years of
Guite). Elizabeth was a very lively child, age – at first theory and piano;
even quick tempered; she went into afterwards, instrumental ensemble and
rages that were quite terrible. “She was a harmony. At home, she had to practice
real little devil,” said her sister. Her between four and five hours a day. At
mother spoke of her “furious eyes”; and thirteen, she won first prize for the
one of her friends, Marie-Louise Hallo, piano at the Dijon Conservatory. She
remembered her “flashing eyes.” But had an artist’s nature and a musical
there was another side: attracted to vocation. When Elizabeth played music,
whomever was great and beautiful, she it was for her a prayer. She said: “When
was a generous heart, especially towards I can no longer pray, I play; it is for God”
Jesus for whom she wanted to conquer (told by Alice Confevron). Her musical
her “terrible character.” and artistic talents are seen in her
writings as is her literary taste.
At nearly ten years of age, according to
witnesses, she had a kind of At fourteen, Elizabeth felt an interior
“conversion.” In fact, her mother had impulse to consecrate her life to the
prepared her for her first holy Lord and replied spontaneously with a
Communion and told her that it would vow of perpetual virginity. At fifteen, she
only be fitting if she corrected her decided to enter Carmel (located 200
character. Therefore, she bit her lips so meters from her house). Her widowed
as to suppress her angry words and mother, no longer young, wanted to
violent reactions. In April of 1891, she keep her elder daughter at home. She
made her first Communion at St. found it difficult to accept her vocation
Michael’s parish church in Dijon. Seven and, putting it to the test, told Elizabeth
years later, she will write about this to wait until she was older.
Elizabeth suffered in silence and yet
On the anniversary of this day lived a normal life. Her mother liked to
Where Jesus makes in me his home, travel and had many friends. Her
Where God takes possession of my heart, daughters were often invited on trips, to
So much so and so well that since that hour, dances, to tennis games, and to piano
Since that mysterious colloquy,
recitals. Elizabeth was “always at the
That heavenly, delightful conversation,
I want nothing more than to give my life, head of the group” (according to Canon
To give back something of his great love Angles).
To the most loved in the Eucharist (P 47).
In her letters, she wrote of her
And even before this event, we can guess enthusiasm before the beauty of the
what was in her. “I loved prayer very mountains and the sea, her joy at
much and God so much that, even meeting friends, and her interest in
before my first Communion, I did not games of tennis and musical evenings.
understand that one could give one’s She was loved everywhere. But she was
heart to another [besides God]” also passionate for her work in the
(Souvenirs, Ch. 11) parish, her visits to the sick and
housebound, Catechism, looking after
She received an all-around education children and, above all, prayer.
with private lessons but one that was
quite incomplete. Her artistic gifts were

Carmelite Exemplars: Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
Novitiate Module - Lesson 14

Even in the midst of the world, I can hear and suffered from scruples. Was the
him in the silence of my heart that wants Lord happy with her? Elizabeth, the
only to be with him! (L 38) novice, finds herself disoriented.
When I assist at meetings, at celebrations,
In silence and faith, she remained in
my consolation is to recollect myself and to
enjoy your presence (J 38) touch with him who was the only reason
for her life and vocation. She wrote: “A
When my heart is ready, who can come to Carmelite is a soul that has looked upon
distract it? Noise only touches the surface the Crucified” (L 133). During these dark
(L 49). hours, she grew in faith, humility, trust,
and love, which was “true, strong, and
Her “heart is ready.” Her diary reveals a generous” (L 38). She grew in her love
love that one can call mystical. In 1898, for her crucified Lord without this being
she wrote the following poem: perceived. None of the sisters, except
her two superiors, had any idea of this
Holy Spirit, Goodness, supreme Beauty! O interior purification. And in the
you whom I adore, O you whom I love! testimonies of the sisters, the same traits
Consume with your divine flames this body repeat themselves: joy, simplicity,
and this heart, and this soul! This spouse of availability, affability and recollection.
the Trinity who desires only your will...(P
But the clouds or the anguish did not lift
at the though of her unworthiness,
In 1899, Madam Catez agreed to let her
which lasted until the end of her
daughter enter Carmel but asked her to
novitiate. It was after the decision to
wait another two years. Elizabeth then
grant her religious profession (1903)
asked to be admitted. While she waited
that she re-found her joy and
these years to enter, she read Story of a
confidence. “Each day, my life as a bride
Soul by St. Therese of Lisieux. In 1901,
seems to be more beautiful, more
having arrived at the age of consent,
luminous, more enveloped in peace and
Elizabeth entered the Dijon Carmel. Her
love.” But note, the following tells us the
extraordinary recollected manner struck
reason: “During the night before the
the nuns. She adapted to the new way of
great day, while I was in choir awaiting
life and comments: “All is wonderful in
the bridegroom, I understood that my
Carmel. I find God when I am washing
heaven was beginning on earth, a
as when I am at prayer. I find only him
heaven of faith with suffering and
everywhere” (L 91).
immolation for him whom I love” (L
169). This meant that she had found a
“All is wonderful” because she found the
clear conviction of the sense of her life
Lord everywhere. And it is true; there
as a Carmelite.
was a very pleasant experience of grace
for the first months. Whereas, after she
In spite of the darkness and the
received the habit (the beginning of the
difficulties, it was joy and peace that
novitiate), she entered into a dark and
from now on were to come from a
dry period: a long cold winter. No piano,
deeper vision of life. She acquired a
so gratifying humanly and spiritually for
maturity in her vocation:
the musician. She felt the separation
from her mother, even though she lived
If I gaze on the earth, I see the solitude and
so close to the convent. There were even the emptiness; because I cannot say
many vocal prayers in Carmel. Elizabeth that my heart has not suffered, but if my
was used to silent and simple prayers gaze always rests on him, my shining Star,

Carmelite Exemplars: Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
Novitiate Module - Lesson 14

oh, then everything disappears and I am Each minute is given to us to “root” us

lost in him like a drop of water in the ocean deeper in accomplish this
(L 190, 1904) is the secret: forget self, give up
self, ignore self, look at the Master, look
Her job was to make and repair clothes only at him (L 333).
for the sisters. She kept contact between
the external demands and those of the This can appear to be a negative attitude
community and fulfilled her duties. toward other people or to what is
During the years 1904 and 1905, she was happening in the world. But it is an
enlightened by a text from the letter to attitude that is theological not a
the Ephesians: “It is in him that we have psychological one. The center is Christ,
been claimed as God’s own ... chosen to the Trinity, a center that is the “All,”
be, for his greater glory, the people who which embraces “All” in itself.
would put their hopes in Christ before
he came” (Eph 1:11-12, cited for the first Therefore, this concentration on the
time on January 25, 1904, cf. L 191). truth, on the deepest reality, does not
prevent us from loving others and being
Laudem gloriae, for the “praise of glory.” concerned for them. Precisely because
This expression left a deep impression. she lived in this interior recollection, she
We could say that it was another could remain united to the Lord in the
formulation of her life of adoration, midst of the world; we can say that this
which was always her fundamental was true even when she was a lay
attitude. This expression of praise woman surrounded by her occupations
expresses the aspect that was her and in her relationships with others. Her
particular form of adoration: “A praise teachings are the expression of her own
of glory is a soul in silence that is like a experience:
lyre under the mysterious touch of the
Holy Spirit, who beholds God in faith We should be aware that God is in the most
and simplicity” (CF 43). intimate center of our being and we should
go to him for everything; then we are never
bored, even when we do the most ordinary
She wrote to her friend Francoise: “The tasks (GV 8).
life of a Carmelite is a communion with
God from morning till night and from Elizabeth specially cultivated and valued
night till morning. If he does not fill our friendships as much during her life as a
cells and our cloisters, ah! How empty lay person as in Carmel. She was
they would be. But we see him in interested in the life, health, and the
everything, because he is within us” (L different interests of her friends. She
123). The spiritual life of Sister Elizabeth knew how to sympathize affectionately,
(which is the profoundest part of her to suffer with those going through
life) was united early on with what she painful times, and also to rejoice with
calls “gazing on God in faith and them in happier times.
simplicity” (CF 43) – God, Christ, and
the Most Holy Trinity. “Gaze,” “look,” You know well how much I love you, my
“presence,” or again more particularly dear Marie-Louise, which is why I need to
“in adoration,” an expression that says tell you how happy I am to learn of your
“everything” before the “everything of engagement...I pray for you a lot, my dear
God,” “everything” that speaks for itself friend, and I ask God to fill you with his
almost without pronouncing the word blessings and give you all the happiness
“in silence.” that can be enjoyed in this world (L 25,

Carmelite Exemplars: Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
Novitiate Module - Lesson 14

(cf Souvenirs, ch. XVII, also

During Easter of 1905, she felt very tired Summarium, para. 64 & 437).
– the first symptoms of Addison’s
disease, which was little known and Her experience with weakness and
incurable at that time. After being ill human poverty is great and total.
with tuberculosis, she suffered from Elizabeth is one who suffered in the
chronic kidney infection that meant she midst of so many other ill and suffering
no longer produced the necessary people; she suffered with a trusting and
substances for her metabolism. This loving faith. The sublime images of
resulted in asthenia, gastro-intestinal contemplation of the most Holy Trinity
problems, nausea, being unable to eat, have now passed through the crucible of
exhaustion, total powerlessness, and her total powerlessness. Their
finally death. authenticity, their truth found their
confirmation in this experience of
During Easter of 1906, she was poverty. This Elizabeth is for us even
transferred to the infirmary. “Before my more lovable. She received the blessing
death, I dreamed to be transformed into of the beatitudes of the Lord.
Jesus crucified and this gives me so Proclaimed blessed by the Lord (Mt 5:1-
much strength to suffer” (Souvenirs, ch. 12), she is the place of the Presence, of
XV). The ardent apostolic wind that had the compassion of Christ.
blown throughout her life now blew
even more: “Oh love, exhaust my being And again she, who shortly before
for your glory, that it distills drop by dreamed of losing herself for all eternity
drop for your Church” (Souvenirs, ch. in the midst of the Trinity, was now
XVII). Especially at this time, we see ready to remain for all eternity beside
Elizabeth’s profound expressions on the those in agony. Here is the eternity of
acceptance and value of suffering. We divine love in her gesture of service to
listen to these with great respect. We the poorest. “Oh! How we need to pray
who fear, even theologically, all that can for the dying! I will willingly spend my
appear to be a certain exaltation of eternity beside them in order to help
suffering, will for us remain a mystery. them” (Souvenirs, ch. XVII). Two days
We admire her attitude full of faith and before her death, which took place on
hope. Elizabeth, who by love wanted to November 09, 1906, she pronounced
identify herself with the crucified Christ, her last intelligible words: “I am going to
saw in her physical deterioration the light, to love, to life” (Souvenirs, ch.
accomplishment of this identification XVII).
and therefore, in this sense, it was a
work of love. Her Writings

The last months were intense and richly The editor of the works of Elizabeth of
formative. She continued to write. These the Trinity, Father Conrad De Meester,
are letters to say goodbye; letters of light wrote: “History will be shocked without
and encouragement. To her mother, she doubt when it realizes that it took three
wrote: “There is a Being who is love, quarters of a century since the death of
who wants us to live together with him” this great contemplative, November 09,
(L 327). Her physical sufferings were 1906, for the complete publication of her
terrible. She declared that she could not works.” And it is also surprising that a
cope with them anymore. And she even young contemplative nun has left so
understood that in this state one can be much correspondence. Without a doubt,
tempted to suicide in order to be “free” one of the reasons is Elizabeth’s gifts of

Carmelite Exemplars: Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
Novitiate Module - Lesson 14

communication and writing. Here are message: that of the presence of the
the titles of her different works: Most Holy Trinity in us.

Diary (D) – covering the period from In heaven, I believe that my mission will be
January 1899 to January 1900. to attract souls to interior recollection, to
help them to go beyond themselves to cling
Personal Notes (PN) – scattered papers to God by a simple loving movement, and to
maintain them in this great interior silence
(among these, for example, the prayer to
allowing God to seal himself in them, and to
the Trinity found after her death). transform them into himself (Souvenirs, ch.
Poetry (P) – its value comes from the
richness of her spiritual experience. She shares with her friends, laity for the
most part, the wonderful discovery: all
Letters (L) – 346 letters preserved (also are called, all are loved, all can abandon
taking into account her spiritual themselves to Love. To her friend
treatises II and IV). These are the Antoinette, she wrote: “I leave you my
privileged places where we see her faith in the presence of God, the God
charm, her spiritedness, and her charity. who is all love living in our souls. I
Among her 59 correspondents, we can confide him to you: it is this interior
count 6 priests or seminarians, 13 intimacy with him that has made the
religious, 40 lay people (31 of whom she sun shine in my life, making it like
wrote to from her Carmelite convent). heaven had already come” (L 333)
Major Spiritual Writings – given this We should not idealize Elizabeth’s
general name to designate her more spiritual life because she spoke of
elaborate writings: “heaven on earth.” We should not
believe that, thanks to the fact of her
Heaven in Faith (HF) – for her sister, living faith in the presence of the Trinity,
Guite. her difficulties and the darkness in her
life were suppressed. But even in the
Last Retreat (LR) – a collection of notes midst of her darkness, there was “the
from her last retreat. shining sun” (L 333), thanks to her
constant faith. “The Trinity, here is our
The Greatness of our Vocation (GV) – a resting place, our ‘home’, our paternal
long letter addressed to her friend house from which we must never leave”
Francoise de Sourdon. (CF 2). In the prayer to the Trinity,
mentioned at the beginning, her entire
Let Yourself be Loved (LA) – a letter desire is to be identified with Jesus, to
destined to the prioress, Mother be for him “another humanity in which
Germaine. The latter did not read it after he renews all his mystery” (PN 5).
Elizabeth’s death. These are her
circumstantial writings that are This life of communion is the source of
naturally derive from her lived the apostolate. She explained to a young
experience and which help us to see her missionary candidate, destined for
spiritual experiences more China, from where she gets her spirit:
spontaneously, as well as her human “Oh, how powerful for those in his care
qualities and her relationships with is the apostle who always stays by the
others. The writings contain Elizabeth’s source of living water; then he can
message, which would not be known overflow around him, his soul never
without them. It is a very simple

Carmelite Exemplars: Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
Novitiate Module - Lesson 14

being empty as he is in communion with c. “She did not put on false piety”
the Infinite” (L 124). (Process for Beatification – PO, 135, her
friend Marie-Louise Ambry).
To another seminarian, she states:
“Not the least exaltation by Elizabeth of
My soul loves to unite with yours in the the Trinity, but the simplicity of a true
same prayer for the Church, for the diocese. child of God” (PO 50, Mother
While our Lord rests in our souls, his Germaine). “I do not know of any
prayer is our prayer, and I would like to be extraordinary favors, but I can confirm
united with this ceaselessly, as if I were like
that she was captured by her life of
a small vase at the spring, at the Fountain
of Life, in order then to communicate that to prayer” (PO 179, Madame Anglais).
the souls, letting the waves of his love
overflow (L 191). Simple Prayer

I advise you to simplify your reading, not to

On November 25, 1984, Pope John Paul
fill your life so much; you will see that is
II proclaimed Elizabeth blessed: very much better. Pick up your crucifix,
look at it, listen. You know that this is where
We are today...presenting to the world this we meet, and then do not trouble yourself
religious...because she is a shining witness when you are taken up with work as you
of that joy rooted and founded in love...That are now and you cannot complete all your
she may help many men and women, in exercises: we can pray to God while
their lives as laity or as consecrated people, working, it is enough to think of him. Then
to receive and share in “the waves of infinite everything becomes simple and easy, since
love” that she received “at the Fountain of we do not work alone, Jesus is there (L 93).
Life” (Homily, November 25, 1984, Vatican
City, Acta Apostolicae Sedis, 77, 1985,
Elizabeth is not against books or
education. She appreciates them and
With Blessed Elizabeth, a new light shines uses them herself. But at the time of
for us, a new and certain guide is presented prayer, she prefers the simple direct
(Discourse to Pilgrims, November 26,1984, gaze. It is a method that is simple and
Vatican City, Acta OCD 29/1984, 18-20). based on the direct presence to the Lord.
We can see her flexibility, the absence of
Some Thoughts rigidity: “do not be disturbed.” For her,
prayer is a question of something
In listening to Elizabeth’s spiritual “simple and easy,” because “Jesus is
thoughts, which are always of a lofty there.”
kind, we should remember her actual
life and her spiritual experience: Small Sanctuary

a. She is simple, natural, peaceful, and I keep you in my soul, close to God, in this
happy. She is not hard in any sense, small intimate sanctuary where I find him
every hour of the day and night. I am never
violent or rigid.
alone: my Christ is always there praying in
me and I pray with him ... You should, like
b. Her spiritual life does not contain any me, build a little cell within your soul;
extraordinary phenomena. What is imagine that God is there, and enter there
extraordinary is the depth and the from time to time, when you feel distressed,
intensity of her loving gaze, always when you are not feeling well; quickly save
resting in faith. yourself there and confide all this to the
Master. Ah, if you knew him but a little, you
would no longer be bored by prayer; for me

Carmelite Exemplars: Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
Novitiate Module - Lesson 14

it is restful, relaxing: quite simply we come splendor. A soul that allows the divine
to him whom we love within (L 123). Being to satisfy in the soul its need to
communicate “all it is and all it has” is in
Intimate sanctuary, silence, solitude – reality a praise of all God’s attributes (HF
all these terms that Elizabeth uses 43).
suggest the same thing: a personal
encounter. And therefore it is “a rest, a Focused on God in faith and simplicity,
relaxation” with “him whom we love.” a person unifies with him: this expresses
Elizabeth’s own experience. God needs
Live interiorly with them in the heaven of to communicate himself (being
your soul; the Father will cover you with communion); a “praise of his glory”
his shadow, putting something like a cloud justly permits God to communicate “all
between you and the things of the earth in that he is and all that he has.”
order to keep you to himself. He will
communicate to you his power so that you Happy Intimacy
will love him with a love strong as death;
the Word will impress in your crystal like happy we are when we live
soul his own beautiful image, and then you intimately with God, when we make our
will be pure as he is pure; light as he is lives a heart to heart, an exchange of love,
light: The Holy Spirit will transform you to when we know how to find the Master in
a mysterious lyre which, silently, under his the depths of our soul. Then we are no
divine touch, will produce a magnificent longer alone, and we need solitude in order
canticle to Love; then you will be a “praise to enjoy the presence of this adorable Guest
to his glory...” (L 269) (L 161).

The “interiority” is made of the “capacity Prayer is a “heart-to-heart” relationship

of faith,” which allows us to be in the with God. We are “never alone, and we
presence of the Trinity. To live with need solitude.”
them is this “interiority” – this intense
life protects itself from “things” – it is a Life, a Sacrament
strong love, full of beauty; it is a life of
praise, a canticle of joy (in itself in spite ...every incident, every event, every pain
of the inevitable difficulties in life). like every joy is a sacrament given to us by
God (CF 10).
Rest in God
This is a very positive vision of life in all
A “praise of glory” is a soul that dwells in its events. We find God. In relation to
God, who loves God with a pure and selfless this, and we quote further:
love, without looking for itself in the
gentleness of this love, who loves God above ... in activity, while we fulfill the office of
all his gifts. Even when the soul receives Martha, the soul can always remain in
nothing from him, it desires only things to adoration, hidden like Mary Magdalene in
please the object of its love (HF 43). contemplation (L 58). What does it matter
when I do the work he wants me to do since
A Soul that Gazes Upon God he is always with me, heart-to-heart prayer
should never end (L 169).
A “praise of glory” is a soul that gazes upon
God in faith and simplicity; it is a mirror of Conclusion
everything he is; it is like a bottomless
abyss in which God can flow in, open his
Humane, natural, likeable, Elizabeth is a
heart to share in trust; it is also like a
crystal through which he can shine and model of inspiration to others; as much
contemplate all his perfections and his own for those who have chosen a consecrated

Carmelite Exemplars: Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
Novitiate Module - Lesson 14

life as for lay people. Personally, she

wanted to be a Carmelite. But she began
her profound contemplative life as a
young lay woman. She would have been
able, if she had seen God’s will through
circumstances, to have lived her life of
contemplation and holiness as a lay

There is in her a clear, personal, interior

line that guided her life. And there is a
spiritual center where she makes
decisions and commitments that do not
depend so much on events, but she
assimilates these events positively and
discerns what choice to make through
them. It is for this reason that she comes
across as being easy-going, natural, and
transparently joyful.

Elizabeth speaks of her experience in

order to communicate it to others. She
presents it as something “natural” that
in the end became easy enough, even
though she does not ignore the effort
needed or the patience. It seemed to her
that this experience as such can be
shared with others. Perhaps this
supposition is not exact. There is
something natural in Elizabeth, which
comes from a particular grace of her
personality in convergence with her
faith, which is full of love. In any case,
she is certainly for all of us a model to
inspire us deeply by the purity of her
commitment to love. In her, we find the
mysticism of St. Paul. The inscription
carved on the back of her profession
crucifix testifies to this: “I live now not
my own life but with the life of Christ
who lives in me” (Gal 2:20).


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