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13/6/2020 Final Exam A2 - Ficha interactiva

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Live worksheets > inglés > English as a Second Language (ESL) > Present perfect > Final Exam A2

Final Exam A2
Final exam

ID: 825457 Añadir a mis cuadernos (0)

Idioma: inglés Descargar archivo pdf
Asignatura: English as a Second Language (ESL) Añadir a Google Classroom
Curso/nivel: A2 linitanow
Compartir por Whatsapp
Edad: 10+
Tema principal: Present perfect
Otros contenidos: Comparatives and superlative, reading
comprehension, how much and how many

Enlaza a esta ficha: Copiar

Jann Carlos Fernandez Salas

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13/6/2020 Final Exam A2 - Ficha interactiva

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13/6/2020 Final Exam A2 - Ficha interactiva

How many

How much

How many

How much

How much

How many 3/7
13/6/2020 Final Exam A2 - Ficha interactiva

How many

How many

How many

How many

How much

How much

How many

How many

How much

am going to meet

are going to drive

is going to go

is going to visit

are going to write

are going to offer

are going to spend

is going to buy

am going to feed

is going to wash


the fastest

more healthy



the heaviest 4/7
13/6/2020 Final Exam A2 - Ficha interactiva

more comfortable

the most untidy


the longest

more difficult

the most interesting

the coldest


the prettiest

have known

have learnt

have seen

have been

has begun

has lived

has written

have eaten

have worked

has spoken 5/7
13/6/2020 Final Exam A2 - Ficha interactiva

has not arrived

have not seen

have not spoken
has not begun

has not stopped

has not bought

have not seen

have not read

have not fixed

have not visited

Hi dear franca

this saturday going to have a party to celebrate the end of semester, the party is going to be in my house, you should bring
drinks and beer.
I hope you can come this saturday to celebrate with music and friends

¡Terminado! 6/7
13/6/2020 Final Exam A2 - Ficha interactiva

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