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Doctor walks in, sits down

Reporter [ smiling, light tone ]

Doctor [ smiling as well ]
How are you?
Good, I’m glad to be here.
Starting off today, just what are vaccines?
There is a lot of confusion the public about
What they really are.
Well, to put it simply vaccines are viruses.
They are killed or weakened pathogens we
Put into our bodies so that we can train our
Immune system or more specifically our
Memory T cells and our Memory B cells.
When they are exposed to the antigen the
Memory B cells produce the antibodies to
Fight the antigen and memorizes them
In the case of re-invasion. [ points to this diagram ]

And what do Memory B and T cells do exactly?
Doctor [ puts diagram away ]
The memory T cell recognizes previously fought
Antigens and will have a faster and stronger
Immune response when encountering them again.
And Memory B cells?
They produce a secondary immune response
Known as antibody-mediated immunity which
Produces antibodies against specific antigens
With the assistance of helper T cells.
And what is the difference between the two?
The Memory B cells make antibodies for
Virus and will remember which work for a
Faster response in case of future re-invasion
While Memory T cells do not attack the first
Exposure to a foreign pathogen they are ready
On re-invasion. Memory B cells can also live
Up to decades while T cells are more short-term.
How are vaccines made?
Vaccines are tested vigorously by governments, [ counting on fingers ]
Private firms, Billion dollar organizations, they
Go through many stages of testing and trials
So that our vaccines are safe for the public.
The vaccines that are available on the market
Are ones that have been approved by the
FDA here in the United States.
What are your thoughts on the claims that
Vaccines bring autism to children?
Doctor [ Scoffs ]
There is no weight behind those claims
Autism rates have been on the rise and
There is still so much we don’t know in
The medical field. To blame it on vaccines
Because we have nothing else to blame
Is not right and wrongly informs others.
As a parent why should I vaccinate my
Child? There can be side effects when
We vaccinate and what if it damages
My child more than it will help them?
Doctor [ switch to more serious tone ]
Being an intensivist I see the worst
Of the worst so seeing the other side
Of kids that don’t get vaccinated.
I saw a kid walk in with meningococcemia
Which I haven’t seen in decades
And he had all four limbs amputated
Cause it was all dead tissue.
You really forget how bad things were
Before we had vaccines and seeing something
Like this is sad but it also preventable.
Are there risks to vaccinating?
There are risks in everything medical
And that’s the same with vaccines they
Are not going to work 100% of the time
But there is a risk factor which contrasts
The difference between being vaccinated
And not being vaccinated. The danger you
Are in when you are not vaccinated outweigh
The possible symptoms of being vaccinated
Do you have a final statement you would
Like to give to the viewers watching?
Doctor [ looks toward the camera ]
In the end, being vaccinated is about
The safety of us from diseases that
Are preventable. If we are able to prevent
A widespread disease because of a
Vaccine that why shouldn’t we get vaccinated?
A lot of people are who are anti-vaccine
Have kids close to them that get a medical issue
And with nothing else to blame they blame their
Last medical test which is usually a vaccination.
Some people are anti-vax because they do not
Know whether to get vaccinated or not and are
Stuck in the middle. They get too much information
From both sides that they decide not to do anything.
We endanger others by not getting vaccinated
Ourselves. Vaccines carry some risks, but
Vaccines save millions of lives.
Well, thank you Doctor for coming today and if [ looks toward camera ]
You want to find out more about vaccines then
Please visit our website at

I decided to do a script for an interview because when talking about vaccines towards
someone that is anti-vax talking about only statistics is not convincing. It seems that those who
are pro-vax do not care about those who are actually hurt by vaccines. Many anti-vax people
are looked at as non-intelligent even though in some cases they do have reasoning and logic
behind their actions. That is why the Doctor in the script does not talk much have statistics but
rather a personal story of a case of meningococcemia. When trying to convince others about
something it is important to find a middle ground and show compassion and the doctor sharing a
personal story like that is important. When discussing the different risks vaccines can have the
Doctor does not talk about the risks they bring but talks about the risks of not being vaccinated
outweigh the risks of symptoms from being vaccinated. This is because people need to know
that there are risks on both sides as many pro-vax people think that vaccines work 100% of the
time. Acknowledging that there are risks on both sides as well can help shift opinions on those
who are anti-vax to realize that yes there are risks to being vaccinated but they out weight the
risks of not being vaccinated and the risk you bring to others. An interview would also be able to
share a lot of information to the public as a news story usually gets lots of attention. The media
these days have a lot of power over what information gets out and the public is heavily
influenced by these kinds of sources.


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