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Ms.Viray (Module 6)

Chapter 4:
Crime Prevention


From time immemorial, Crime has been a part of any civilization, an old
fashion that cannot be forgotten in all centuries. Based on the bible, the first
human being who committed crime was Cain. He murdered his younger brother
Abel because of jealousy. Whatever Abel offered to God was accepted. The
first investigator was God Almighty. This was the first crime that was committed
by a human being.
The second crime was after the death of the Apostles, when some of the
Christians were murdered in the arena when the Roman Emperor ordered his
soldiers to loosen the hungry lion.
Those who did not retract their Christian faith were eaten by the lions.
Some died by the swords, spears and arrows. All of these were crimes
committed against person.
Jose Rizal, our National Hero was executed as ordered by General
Blanco, the Spanish General. The Filipino Katipuneros who laid their arms against
the Spanish government were also murdered.

Then came Adolf Hitler of Germany who ordered the execution of the
jews thru gas chamber because the Jews were increasing in population inside
Germany and he had the fear that they might become powerful someday.

General Yamashita of Japan ordered the brutal murder of Filipino guerillas

and soldiers during the Japanese Occupation.
Nowadays, crime is rampant brought about by so many factors.
What is a Crime?
As cited by Gregorio (1998), a crime is the commission or omission by a
person having capacity, of any act, which is either prohibited or compelled by
law and the commission or omission of which is punishable by a proceeding
brought in the name of the government whose law has been violated.
What is Crime Prevention?

It is an act to be done in order that a crime could not happen. Crime

prevention is everybody’s concern. We have to join hands in order to lessen
crime in our community if not totally eradicate it.
How can we Minimize Crime?
It is through crime prevention where we can lessen crimes in our society.
Don’t be a victim! Take note of the following preventive measures and share
them with the community you are residing in or in the place where your NSTP
Coordinator/Professor will assign you.
Community Involvement
1. A conscientious effort to maintain peace and order in the neighborhood
is far more effective than self or family-oriented approach to crime
2. Good leadership and then active participation of community members
are vital.
3. Regular crime prevention meetings should be held to discuss the most
common modus operandi of criminals and thieves and the
countermeasures against them.
4. Resident volunteers, in groups of two or three, can walk the streets in
designated areas at specific hours.
5. When a crime is in progress, volunteers should call “911.”
6. A witness to an ongoing crime can alert neighbors by making noise or
giving pre-arranged signals. He should call “911.”
7. If the Ronda group is small, only the leader of the volunteers should know
the time and area of the neighborhood walk.

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