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Lesson Plan – Basic Intensive

Date :
Meeting : 2nd
Topic : Where do you come from?
Objective : Students are able to introduce themselves and by mentioning some particular elements
Cycle 1 (30 Minutes)
Presentation (10 Minutes)
- T and Ss plays (mention word with certain letter)
- T review last meeting in introduction-self
Practice (10 Minutes)
- T asks Ss to find the right sentences between “ I book vs My book”
Production (10 Minutes)
- T encourages Ss to make sentences using sentences using pronoun

Cycle 2 (30 Minutes)

Presentation (10 Minutes)
- T shows Ss the video of using pronoun
Practice (10 Minutes)
- T asks the Ss to find the difference in the video between pronoun
Production (10 Minutes)
- T asks the Ss to make sentences using proper prounoun

Cycle 3 (30 Minutes)

Presentation (10 Minutes)
- T explains Ss using pronoun
Practice (10 Minutes)
- T asks Ss asking and answering using pronoun
Production (10 Minutes)
- T asks the Ss to do written test
- T and Ss discuss the written test

Mengetahui Tutor of Homie English

Director of Homie English

Robi Kurniawan, S.Pd, MA, TESOL Afiyah Rizka Harahap, S.Pd

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