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I – Give the correct form of words in brackets:

1. Many people are concerned about the pollution of the (environmental)

2. Some ………………………………..groups have declared a boycott of
tourisim on the island (environment)
3. ……………………air can cause illness and even health. (pollute)
4. Jackson canceled the concert, to the great………………………………of his
fans. (disappointed)
5. Customers made a formal……………………………….letter about the way
they were treated. (complain)
6. If ……………………..continues, there will be no forest left ten years from
now. (forest)
7. ………………………….are interested in the protection of the environment.
8. In Singapore, anyone who is caught littering on the streets will be
9. Use public transport or we won’t………………………….pollution.
10.Ba was seriously ill right after eating
those………………………..mushrooms. (poison)

II – Give the correct verb form in brackets:

1. If we pollute the water, we……………………… fresh water to use.
2. I suggest………………………..English in class. (speak)
3. If the rice paddies are polluted, the rice plants………………………….(die)
4. What about………………………used paper, bottles and cans everyday?
5. I fell over while I ………………………basketball. (play)
6. I look forward to………………………from you (hear)
7. How can we prevent……………………….? (litter)
8. The plastic bags are very hard………………………….(dissolve)
9. …………………….trash will pollute the air. (burn)
10.Raw sewage is…………………………directly into the sea. (pump)
III - Multiple choice.
1. I’m …………………that people have spoiled this area. (disappoint /
disappointed / disappointing / disappoinment)
2. I’ll be in troube if I ………………….my passport. (lose / will lose / lost /
would lose)
3. If it…………………..tomorrow, we won’t have a picnic. (will rain / rained /
rains / were raining)
4. Polluted water can directly do harm…………………people’s health. (in /
at / on / to)
5. We should not………………… public places. (read / litter / talk / move)
6. The ground was full of…………………after the hot, dry summer. (crasks /
racks / sacks / rags)
7. What will happen if all the pollution go……………….(on / to / with / off)
8. Tom never throws trash………………….the hedge (of / over / on / in)
9. Last night it rained so………………….(heavy / heaviness / heaving /
10.The air is polluted…………………the factories produce a lot of smoke.
(and / so / since / but)
11.Plastic bags are very hard to (dissolve / solve / save / wrap)
12.We can environment by driving less. (protest / protect /
collect / contest)
13.We should use banana leaves to food. (put / wrap / eat / recycle)
14.We should put around the school yard to prevent lazy
students from throwing trash. (boxes / junk – yard / garbage bins / garbage
15.Use leaves to wrap food. (carrot / banana / tea / coffee)
16.Polluted water can be harmful for human’s health, so we shouldn’t
onto the water. (save / throw / leave / bring)
17.Reuse and recycle bottles and cans to garbage. (burn / collect /
produce / reduce)
18.Raw is pumped into the sea, from where it pollutes our
beaches. (shade / frog / hedge / sewage)
19.We can the pollution by recycling bottles and cans.
(mention / minimize / prohibit / litter)
20.In order to keep our environment , we shouldn’t drop litter in
public places. (pollution / polluted / polluting / unpolluted)
21.When the trucks leave the place, the ground is covered trash.
(in / by / with / of)
22.If Lan next Sunday, please phone me. (come / will come /
somes / coming)
23.They became successful they tried hard. (however / so / it /

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