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When we are vulnerable in our lives, we assume we have it all figured out.

We start to believe that we are

infallible and that no one can harm us anymore. However, thinking in this way is a mistake. We'll never be able
to quit being astounded by life. There will be something new to learn about life every step of the way. For quite
some time, I've been on a path of self-discovery and development. I didn't understand there was so much to life
until I left my comfort zone (my home) and witnessed the real-world—challenges, improvements, knowledge,
accomplishments, and so on.

No one disagrees that we all suffer as a result of other people's conduct. We can be extremely powerful on the
inside, but things aren't always under our control on the outside. We may have been teaching ourselves to be
strong from the inside out, but maintaining self-control when something unexpected occurs is challenging. It's
only natural that we all have a tendency to fall apart. I'm sure I'm not alone in going through comparable phases.

You know guys, I'm an over-thinker, and sometimes my over-thinking leads to problems that didn't exist, to
begin with. It's not anything I'm particularly proud of. Rather, it is one of my greatest flaws, which I am
attempting to overcome. In fact, I've already achieved half of my target. Because I've always been aware of the
implications of my over-thinking, it was tough for me to encourage myself when I was at my most vulnerable.

Fortunately, not very long ago, I had this amazing realization that I am wasting my time and life over petty
things. Rather than creating the things that might bring me closer to my dreams I was busy with my brain
creating extra problems. I knew it wasn't right, but I couldn't stop it. That one epiphany taught me that I don't
know the certainty of my life; I don't know how many years I have left, so why am I not investing my time in
productive things? I wasn't happy either, and I found that happiness comes from inside, so if I'm pleased with
myself, I don't have to seek happiness; it will find me. I reminded myself that overthinking just makes me
unhappy and just be consumed with spotting the flaws in others that I would simply dismiss all the
goods because it was like me against the entire world.

People typically state that they have no expectations. I would say, have expectations because that is what
distinguishes us as humans; that is what hope is all about. But we must be clever enough to distinguish between
keeping expectations and not being affected if things do not go as planned. The entire world exists outside of us,
but it is meaningless if we do not cherish the world that exists within us. So believe me when I tell that you will
feel wounded, unhappy, and discouraged, but when you realize that everything is a part of life and that we
should not always perceive everything in life, you will unlock the key to a beautiful and valuable existence.

And it wasn't until I got out in the real world that I learned the most important lessons—lessons that can only be
taught better often through experience.
The most important lessons I learned in my life so far:

a. In life, you must be patient. If you're patient, things will come around.

"Greatness takes time." Just remember that it takes 13 hours to manufacture a Toyota but 6 months to make a
Rolls Royce." We feel that if we are in a hurry, everything will work out. True, we must be efficient and quick,
yet there are instances when we should not rush into anything. Patience is one of the keys to success, and those
who can't wait should not anticipate better outcomes. So put forth the effort and be patient.

b. Have faith in the process. Whatever happens (for the better or the worst), have trust in your life.
It is difficult to trust life's occurrences and circumstances when nothing is going our way. It's also difficult to
feel hopeful about it. But this is when our toughness and resilience are put to the test. People who cannot trust
the process of their life wouldn't possibly succeed. It is not that we should believe everything that happens and
not try to modify our lives for the better. What I mean is that we should figure out what we can control and, if
we can't figure out what we can't, we should relinquish it. Don't think about it and don't waste time on it. With
your perseverance and hard effort, it will all come together. Crossing the line and suffering the consequences is
preferable than staring at that line for the rest of your life.

c. Be hopeful, but not unduly so.

Optimism is beneficial, but over-optimism is not, since it might jeopardize one's prospects of success. It should
be "I can do it," not "Oh, it's so simple; surely I'll do it."
Optimism can transform any scenario into a win-win situation. However, being optimistic does not mean being

d. Good things do not come easily.

If you want a good life with a great career, emotional contentment, and trustworthy relationships, you must
work hard. Luck can only take you so far; the rest is entirely up to you, your daily efforts, and your ability to
learn from your mistakes. Don't think for a minute that someone else will fight your battles with the same
passion and intensity that you would.

e. Make your own decisions.

Making life decisions on our own is not always easy. Sometimes we think we need to seek assistance. However,
we must know that there is a fine line between making our own decisions and asking for help while doing so.
Life will put us in circumstances where we will be unable to wait for someone to help us. Sometimes things
happen in an instant. So, be brave enough to make your decision since no one knows what you're seeking in life
better than you. Take advice and support if you want, but the final decision should be yours.

Life is a tremendous mystery, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks so. Everyone would agree that life
never ceases to amaze us. We all want something at some point in our lives. There's an endless list.

While we all have fiery impulses, we also have a tendency to succumb to the fear of failure.
It is normal to feel frightened. It is not wrong to think negatively. It is also not wrong to ponder more than once
when it comes to determining what we want to become in our life. But what's wrong is allowing fear to grip us
so tightly that giving up feels easy and comfortable.

In life, we have two options: accomplish what we planned so that we may finish that routine pattern, or get out
of that nutshell, overcome challenges, face what's very uncomfortable, and die with no regrets.

I understand how simple it appears to be to abandon what was easy and familiar. But, let me tell you, it's not
wonderful to look back on your life and then live each day as if it's overwhelming. I went through something
similar exactly one year ago. But today, what makes me proud and happy is when I look back and realize how I
got through it all. Also, how I did not allow myself to become complacent in that comfortable and easy lifestyle.
When we read things like that, it all seems so simple and motivating. But believe me, if you simply give it a go,
you'll know if it's meant for you. Just give it a go because you owe it to yourself and your aspirations. Just try it
once because when you see what's on the other side, it isn't always gruesome. 

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