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Activity 1.

Share a story of a movie that you have watched that portrays a good
leadership and management in an organization.

I’m not a big fan of movies, so if I have to give one it would be the Korean drama
series “Romantic Doctor Kim” that for me portrays a good leadership and
management in an organization. Dr. Kim always value his team, help them improve
as a good doctors and he always strive for doing the right things in any given
situation. Dr. Kim is also the one who organize the people in “Doldam Hospital” and
set directions for them to follow. It was a great series that taught me a lot of valuable
lesson in life.

Activity 1. Identify the statement if it describes a leader or a manager. Write L if it

describes a leader and M for Manager on the space provided for.
___L__ 1. He influences his subordinate to achieve a specified goal.
__M__ 2. He sets directions. A manager plans details.
__L___ 3. He strives for doing the right things.
__M__ 4. He takes decision.
___L___ 5. He uses conflicts as an asset.
___L___ 6. He promotes change.
___M__ 7. He reacts to the change.
___M__ 8. He organizes people.
___L___ 9. He strives for doing the right things.
___M__ 10. He focuses on the Process and Procedure.
___L___ 11. He aims at the growth and development of his teammates.
___L___ 12. He aims at accomplishing the end results.
___M__ 13. He schedules work.
___L___ 14. He provides development He opportunities.
___L___ 15. He monitors feelings and morale.
Activity 2. Differentiate leadership and management in your own words.

The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people
follow them while managers have people who work for them. Leadership entails
persuading others to understand and believe in your vision, as well as collaborating
with you to achieve your objectives, whereas management entails administering and
ensuring that the day-to-day operations run smoothly. Also, management is all about
controlling and directing the resources and the people that you are responsible for.
Leadership on the other hand is about inspiring, motivating and influencing people to
achieve your objectives. In order to be effective as a manager you need to be good
at management and also leadership so you need a strong combination of both to

Activity 1. State why and how job performance matters in a workplace.

Employee performance is important to the company's overall success, thus business

owners need staff who can get the job done. To build consistent and objective
procedures for evaluating personnel, business leaders must first grasp the
fundamental benefits of employee performance. This aids in identifying the
company's strengths, shortcomings, and potential managerial deficiencies.

Activity 1. To summarize the topic, make a diagram to illustrate the relationship of

dimensions to management tasks.

Specific Productive
Social impact
purpose work

Specific Achieving Responsibility

Mission Workers
Activity 1. Discuss which role (a leader or a manager) is best in school management.

Management skills were needed in a head of school to facilitate effective control of

resources and duties amongst staff members. This came with monitoring and
supervision of personnel.
The leadership skills on the other hand created the uniqueness of a school and these
skills were identified in the head’s willingness to go an extra mile in issues of
curriculum perception, customer satisfaction and relationship creation.
A head of school had to go beyond being a manager into being a leader who would
take the school into greater heights through:
(i) Community involvement;
(ii) Teacher motivation; and
(iii) A relevant and dynamic vision and mission to embrace change.

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